Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, October 14. 2011Finally, a Manifesto
"Demands"? Are you kidding me? Well, it's about time: Occupy Wall Street: A Manifesto for [Insert Date]
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Friday morning linksFive best books about writing for newspapers Steve Jobs Was A Lousy Role Model Yom Kippur: Worthy of the Covenant The Global Overselling of Higher Ed ...where do they all come from?
Somin: Incentivizing Terrorism We are the 53% Colleen Carroll Campbell: Obama is alienating Catholic voters Are Democrats Eyeing 401(k)s, IRAs for Tax Hit? Pelosi: Pay for abortion, or women 'die on the floor' Good grief. Didn't people ever hear of paying the doctor? Another one: Solar Project That Received $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Sponsored by Financially Troubled Firm Solar Energy Lobby Calls For Extending Obama's Stimulus Grants for Solar Power That is termed "chutzpah" “Professors are asking their classes [emphasis added] to take the day to actually go to this rally," So either the profs feel they have little of value to offer, or the profs have contempt for those paying the tuition Will: Can Occupy Wall Street give progressives a lift? A quote:
Stoners and career protesters in the grass, alas Rules for WI Radicals (and public unions, really) This is an exciting time for the taboo science of solar physics Bill Clinton Rebukes Obama: “Should You Raise Taxes Today?… No!” Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney Is Not a Conservative Rush is right, as always. Mitt is a successful businessman and talented executive turned pol, and not deeply ideological. I think lots of people are comfortable with that. Romneycare? Big error, but the people who have not fled MA yet seem to sort-of like it thus far. I would hate it, on principle, just like Medicare. Socialism never adds up because job-creators won't take risks for nothing. Thursday, October 13. 2011CreepyI don't take this as threatening because I think he's not too bright, but I still can't believe he says this: Jackson, Jr: Obama should ‘declare a national emergency,’ add jobs with ‘extra-constitutional’ action. So much for his oath of office, and for his respect for the law of the land. And yes, he will be re-elected for as long as he wants to run.
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Eat the Rich!
The numbers are, of course, the effective rates (ie after deductions), not the marginal rates. Related, at Human Events: Tax the Rich? It's Been Done, With Depressing Results. A quote:
In other words, it's not our money.
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Thursday morning linksE O Wilson at 82 Glen Campbell update Cheating is the New Normal Totally awesome hot air balloons (h/t Linkiest) When Fighting Cancer Is Folly - Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something. Why women have sex Australia commits suicide BRITAIN is set to suffer a mini ice age that could last for decades and bring with it a series of bitterly cold winters. NASA’s Hansen made up to $750,000 on the side in 2010 "Green is good" Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Files for Bankruptcy, Lawyer Says Today, for the first time, Americans enjoy less economic freedom than Canadians–and Englishmen, too. Environmentalism has been the bane of the Obama administration from the beginning Guess Who REALLY Planned The Occupy Wall Street Millionaires March "Insane" Even by Chicago and Illinois Standards: Pension Triple Dipping on Steroids at $500k/Year News Unions Support ‘Revolution’ of Occupy Wall Street Wednesday, October 12. 2011Pay my tuition!Sheesh. Ask your parents before asking me to pay it. I have my own to pay for, shmuck. Next, they will want us to buy their cars and to pay for their car insurance. Amusingly, such people are blind to their own greed which they project onto others. Gimme, gimme. If you gave him a free tuition, he'd want something free after that. An entitlement/freebie mindset never stops, and creates permanent infants instead of self-reliant adults. Or sociopaths, which this guy sounds like with his lack of shame and humility for asking for charity.
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Romney's Healthcare Reform A Band Aid On A HemorrhageDuring last night’s Republican debate, all agreed on repealing ObamaCare. But only Romney mentioned that we need something to replace it and mentioned he has that plan.
So, I looked at Romney’s campaign website about healthcare. To be quick out of the blocks, Romney promises to exempt all states from ObamaCare on his first day in the Oval Office, then ask Congress to repeal it.
To control federal costs, he would provide block grants to states to devise their own, closer to their publics, programs. Individuals would be able to deduct premiums from taxes, as businesses can. Preexisting conditions would not affect insurability if the individual had prior continuous coverage, a spur to taking more self-responsibility. HRAs, pretax savings accounts for healthcare, would be expanded to pay for premiums, making the cost of premiums less for taxpaying consumers, and cross-state purchases would be allowed to avoid costly state mandates. Non-medical malpractice tort awards would be capped.
These are all well and good………if one just wants band aids for a hemorrhage.
It is probably politic to avoid rousing the ire of independents via Democrat MediScare charges. But as I argued yesterday the core problem is not addressed: extensive government direction of medical care driving up costs to today’s unaffordable levels for the budget and for consumers, distorting markets, reducing individual choice and overriding individual circumstances. Thus far, only the Ryan plan addresses it.
Regardless of whom is elected president in 2012, it will be up to Congress to choose whether we continue on a government-lighter or ObamaCare model, or face up to the real drivers of healthcare costs in excessive government direction of healthcare.
Even if one forgives Romney for RomneyCare being a mistake of the past, he does not adequately learn from nor atone for it. For that matter, the other Republican presidential potentials have not even been as specific as he in what they’d do after being elected. Inadequate from all. Romney may have strengthened his case for “inevitability” in last night’s debate by his smoothness and command of details. And something is better than nothing. However, that something is still nothing compared to the unresolved challenges we must face to retain healthcare quality and access at affordable costs, enhanced freedoms, and the resources needed to face the US other needs.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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How the US government created the economic messThe real story is not complicated. "Wall Street's Gullible Occupiers. The protesters have been sold a bill of goods. Reckless government policies, not private greed, brought about the housing bubble and resulting financial crisis." One quote:
Read the whole thing. The government essentially forced lenders into the subprime markets and to violate their own lending standards. Naturally, they didn't want these crappy loans on their books, so they packaged them as derivatives and sold them to eager buyers worldwide (unaccountably rated triple A when any fool could see that they were below investment-grade). With that, combined with low interest rates and people using their suddenly-valuable homes as ATMs, the housing and construction debt-bubble was created and inevitably burst. Why the world's financial geniuses didn't see it coming is beyond me. Everybody on the internet saw it coming. All bubbles burst, but this was a biggie-sized one just like the internet bubble. Based on my reading, I had shorted housing-related equities, did not buy my living quarters which I could not have afforded anyway, and made out like a bandit. It was just too easy, even for an amateur. Call me greedy. Of course, the rest of my quite modest portfolio did horribly. Equity baskets have been a bad bet for many years now. Munis stink too. Sorry I didn't buy gold, but I always thought gold was for end-of-the-world nutjobs. I am no economist nor do I play one on the internet, but my take on things today is that fear of government is part of what is holding back investment in the US. That, plus people freaking out about their debt - and their lower-to-zero incomes. It is not particularly mature to blame banks who were willing to lend you money, though, even when they perhaps doubted your ability to repay it. An adult who takes on debt is supposed to be an honorable citizen who will repay that debt, or have their credit and reputation ruined for ten years or more. Employers check your credit rating. My only debts are my student loans which were such a good deal that I am in no hurry to pay them all off, as long as my career proceeds on course. However, periodically I borrow money from my local bank or my credit cards. Small amounts - $5000-10,000 - then pay it back after a couple of months. I use that trick to keep my credit rating up to date and in good shape (I rent). One of these days, I will really use my credit card to take a good girlfriend or future spouse on a bike tour around Sicily. I can't wait.
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Weds. morning linksToon above via Tiger Unleash Your Inner Victim for Wealth and Power! Night owls read news on tablets, as mobile overtakes computer for at-home browsing On Monday, as the WSJ reports, the Archives of Internal Medicine published a study showing a small increased risk of death among older women who took vitamins and other supplements. Guy Benson on the Dartmouth debate:
Henderson on Sargent and Sims Nobel
Hmmmmm. In the US, shrinking unions have retreated to the bastions of monopoly - schools and givernment (sp), where they wield great power to plunder the people: November ballot is a death match for Ohio public unions Jacobson: The problem with public sector employee unions In California:
Union blocks cheaper college degrees From FDR's warning: Public employee unions a no-no:
White House lawyers who drafted secret Awlaki kill memo were critics of Bush’s war powers:
Steyn: Is there anyone out there other than David Brooks who still thinks Barack Obama is a compelling public speaker? He’s Back - Vladimir Putin, the once and future president of Russia. An illustrated guide: The homes Kamp Alinsky Kids won’t protest Radler: From "Spreading The Wealth" To "Spreading The Misery" That's a very clear essay Meyers: Why unhappy people become Liberals EU Forbids Balloons, Party Favors It's about time. Fun is dangerous! Communist Party Announces Solidarity with 'Occupy Wall Street' The Left's Nervous Breakdown: Obama has failed, and his supporters are turning to nihilism. I can't imagine what has become of their tourism industry Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park Einstein letter on auction block Christie contradicts self with Romney endorsement The Basic Law and Economics of The Durbin Amendment From Reason: Tuesday, October 11. 2011Revolution!Bruce found this: The 1960s radicalism of Occupy Wall Street will help elect a Republican in 2012. True, if they keep it up I can't tell what these stoners think because it is difficult to decipher their logic. However, their demeanor is what probably turns people off. These are not good poster children for the Democratic party (below from Gateway):
I forget where I found this one:
US Healthcare Reform: Wrong Premise, Wrong SolutionsThere is no perfect solution to what varying interest groups or segments of public opinion desire as reforms to US healthcare. Now that we’ve gone down the path of ObamaCare and RomneyCare, that is more evident. The question, then, is what course is more promising? The answer is less government intervention in healthcare than preceded ObamaCare or RomneyCare. There are three core problems with either ObamaCare or RomneyCare. Each by itself raise conflicts with facts, law, and public desires. Together, they are a witches brew. Both ObamaCare and RomneyCare are based on wrong premises of government intervention and result in worsening the future of healthcare in the US. ObamaCare and RomneyCare are premised on extending more medical care to the uninsured even beyond need or personal responsibility or affordability. They are premised on reducing or moderating our national costs of healthcare even though they fail to do so and in many ways increase costs. They are premised on the imposition of added government regulation and intervention into individual choice and circumstances even though neither science, management, competence, politics nor majority public support is up to the task nor expected to be. But one has to go deeper than that to find the roots of the false premises of ObamaCare and RomneyCare. The roots are in government healthcare programs themselves like Medicare and Medicaid. Regardless of any good intentions or needs, they set the course of government being the solution. Regardless of promises or embedment they have expanded beyond initial promises or need. Regardless of the good they do they have done more harm to healthcare by distorting its economics and its public perception. Regardless of cost they have increased costs to those outside these programs. Regardless of their public acceptance they have become unaffordable. It is painful to abandon ObamaCare or RomneyCare. It is less painful to change course entirely. From decades and certifications in health insurance I am highly critical of health insurers, and moreso as they have become more self-servingly enmeshed in government healthcare programs. That said, private insurers are more responsive to change, improvements, competition, and tailoring coverages to individual needs than any government program is capable. Further, individuals – including the poor or uneducated – are more able to discern their own needs than any government bureaucrat. Further, groups advocating types of health insurance coverage beyond the core would have to compete with more transparent facts and costs instead of canoodling with and paying off politicians. Congressman Paul Ryan has proposed the reform of Medicare that would reverberate throughout US healthcare. It is estimated by the CBO to “totally reverse the course of recent fiscal history by lowering federal health care spending from 8% of GDP today to just 5% by 2050. If we remain on the current course, the spending would jump to 14% in that time frame.” For a good summary, see here. As Fortune says,
The Obama re-election administration has lambasted Ryan with Democrat MediScare (even though Ryan's program would reduce government subsidies for the wealthy!) Mitt Romney tries to explain that ObamaCare exceeds RomneyCare’s ailments instead of admitting original sin. The other major Republican candidates, in this as in other areas, have not put forth anything but slogans. Perhaps that’s about all we can expect from an election season. To avoid facing the battle during the elections, I suppose that Ryan will not be the V-P nominee. (Even though "70% Favor Individual Choice Over Government Standards for Health Insurance," there doesn't appear sufficient courage or faith in the voters for leading candidates to take the risk.) However, after 2012, we must either turn to Paul Ryan or continue our present muddle that resolves little and increases faults. I don’t know whether Ryan would be most effective in Congressional leadership or as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Whichever will depend on the size of the Republican majority and the intelligence and guts of the next president and Congress.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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Tuesday morning linksImage stolen from SISU's Occupy Wall Street: What rough beast? In the US as in the UK, the only opponents to school choice are the unions ...dark energy is the biggest mystery in science. NYT: For men living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer, the news that the P.S.A. test does more harm than good has been unsettling and confusing. College sticker shock: Is $55,000 the new $50,000? NPR prepares for a new reality Eyewitness to History! - Hanging out with Spooky the anarchist, Amy the gender-bender, Sid the Nazi, and other occupiers of Wall Street. No adults among the Occupy Wall Street protesters Obama: “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” FIGHT TO HOLD WALL STREET ACCOUNTABLE NOW! MAKE A DIFFERENCE! GET PAID! Obama attacks banks while raking in Wall Street dough Sex, drugs and hiding from the law at Wall Street protests 'Occupy Wallstreet' Protesters Steal from Local Businesses Surber: Why not Occupy Harvard? Photo of the Day from Occupy Charlotte: “I’m $100k in debt. I’m 22. Yay College” Shocker. Obama’s Top Political Advisor Directly Linked to Occupy Wall Street Protests George Soros, Agent Of Chaos Williams: It's Hard To Be a Racist Calif. Governor Veto Allows Warrantless Cellphone Searches What a loss to humanity it would have been if Jobs had dedicated the last 25 years of his life to figuring out how to give his billions away, instead of doing what he does best. SunPower: Twice As Bad As Solyndra, Twice As Bad For Obama Rubin: Romney’s white paper: A guide to a post-Obama foreign policy Vietnam 1965: The Day It Became the Longest War Judicial Watch Releases Comprehensive Special Report on President Obama’s 45 Czars House Panel Seeks Details on IRS Investigations of Nonprofits The Liberal Misappropriation of a Conservative President ACORN: Puppet Master of Occupy Wall Street Via Vanderleun: "At the least, we can say that [the OWS kids] are putting their college educations to good use." Monday, October 10. 2011How Bad Luck & Bad Networking Cost Douglas Prasher a Nobel PrizeThen, the guy was a Toyota salesman. It is quite a story about how relationships matter in accomplishment. Lots of very smart people suck at those social things, however. That's why they should start their own operations. I am glad that Prasher got a few bucks from his work, and, finally, a job. Monday morning linksImage via Theo Surely we must have some work for her on the Farm McCartney to Serenade Heiress Bride A physicist discusses scientific knowledge:
Slovenly Anarchist Idiots for Big Government (h/t Theo, along with photo) These people make for great humor OccupyWallSt’s Neo-Communist System of “Collaboratism” Revealed Where do they think money comes from? They have no idea, other than from Mom and Dad Due to warming, the UK headed for a very cold winter America Needs Skilled Workers, Not Women's Studies Degrees It's not lending, it's looting Like Roger de H says, a plunder government Apparently, lying is now OK if it serves “a higher truth” Wall Street and Its Occupiers: Both State Welfare Junkies Herman Cain Schools Yet Another White Journalist Trying to Tell Him What Black People Think It is difficult not to enjoy this fellow Via Driscoll:
Who is Mitt Romney? He's imperfect. But I am fed up with Perry. His attacks on his fellow candidates are rotten. Read His Lips: New Taxes - How will he soak thee? Let us count the ways. Al Gore kicked out of the Global Warming Club Steyn: American Autumn - The zombie youth “occupying” Wall Street are contemptuous of the world that sustains their comforts. Gail Collins loves those protesters:
Rep. McClintock: A Second Term for Obama Would Make the United States Go as California Has Gone That's the goal Acton: Class Warriors for Big Government Act Now! Make Money From Global Warming! Good grief. Climate Movement comes out of the closet - again! Sunday, October 9. 2011Occupy Maggie's FarmWhen I joined Maggie's recently, I was told it was a voluntary collective. "To each according to their needs, from each according to their abilities. Just be eclectic with your topics." I decided this would be interesting and fun. After watching the Occupy Wall Street movement, however, I've come to realize that Maggie's is just another corporate entity keeping me down, and I am being shortchanged by The System. I've decided to visit some of the Wall Street protesters and get them to join me here. We can complain about how Maggie is keeping us from enjoying the well-deserved fruits of our labor. After all, Maggie's Farm takes advantage of a public good (the internet), so just as people like Elizabeth Warren point out Maggie should, in all fairness, be giving back. The Wall Street protesters agree and feel that if Maggie won't share, then perhaps the government should step in and make things fair. After all, I went to college. I have debts. I'm putting into The System. Where are my goodies? I want my Dunkin' Donuts! It's time to redistribute! I call on other writers to join me in creating a list of demands that can be endless. Not having one demand makes us stronger. If we have more, and make the demands go on and on forever, we show strength. Now I'm going to go take a nap, play some hacky sack, blog on my Mac about how I'm looking out for the best interests of other Maggie's Farmers, have compassion for others, feel good about myself, and engage in many other unproductive activities until I get something for nothing. (I really hope Maggie has a sense of humor.)
Continue reading "Occupy Maggie's Farm" Sunday morning linksVia BI, Here's A Rarely Seen Video Apple Employees Made For Steve Jobs On His 30th Birthday:
Preschool isn't much good:
Preschool antics at Occupy Atlanta What a joke Real scientific humility, on neutrinos:
Trump, Kiyosaki: Real Unemployment Near Depression Era Levels VDH: The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance. Quote:
A quarter century of civil rights progress: Spread of the right to carry Alarmists push back — on Al Gore! Via Junk Science:
What? Solyndra loan deal: Warning about legality came from within Obama administration Corrupt and incompetent is a bad combination From Rich State to Poor State - California’s decline will only get worse unless lawmakers loosen regulations. The War Over the Vietnam War - A new biography puts an end to the idea that we could not win Trump's new book: Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich-And Why Most Don't Who Is Occupying Wall Street? With a video of Francis Piven speaking in NY Our readers have all been educated on the Cloward-Piven strategy. We have an admin in DC which is steeped in Alinsky, Gramsci, and Cloward-Piven. Just add Lenin and you have their Founding Fathers. Obama Ethics: Safer to Be a Golden-Winged Warbler than a Baby Human
How often does the MSM call the O out on his habitual lying?
Saturday, October 8. 2011More EBT in CaliforniaJust swipe your EBT card:
Where can I get me one of those cards? They work in liquor stores and McDonalds, it seems and, of course, in all minimarts and gas stations.
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Saturday morning linksEmitters kindly requested to stop breathing. Image via Moonbattery. Brooklyn's Super Convenient but Mostly Illegal Private Bus Service Jane Jacobs: A Symposium I always listen to Kudlow when I can Obama's Behavior Is Getting Worse Government: No more prostate tests Cancer screening in the elderly leads to trouble and wasted expense Mark Steyn: Why the lack of MSM outrage at “dead Mexicans”?
In Iowa and Florida, 'Wal-Mart moms' take a dim view of Washington. Steve Jobs Never Got a Government Loan Expert: Solar panels don’t work well Climate Change Scare Machine Cycle: see how your tax dollars are converted into alarming messages Organizer admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters Boston Occupy Wall Street Offshoot Organized by ACORN Cooke is amusing: What I Saw at the Revolution A Nobel Prize For Settled Science What the climate change scaremongers don't want you to know Driscoll: I’d Compare England in 2011 to Orwell’s 1984, But Airstrip One Was More Culturally Unified Black individuals who don't see themselves primarily as victims are a threat to the political left. Herman Cain to Wall Street protesters: “If you don’t have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself” Occupy Wall Street and Student Loans. One quote:
Michael Bloomberg tells Occupy Wall Street protesters to lay off banks If you hate banks, then don't borrow and don't invest. Simple. If you hate big corporations, boycott Apple and Starbucks. Land for peace: French style SPIEGEL Interview with Former Nuclear Watchdog - The Iranians 'Tricked and Misled Us' Duh. Babalu: The real shackles on our economy Friday, October 7. 2011Occupy Corporate SpaceSent by a friend from downtown:
Starbucks? I prefer Dunkin' Donuts. Too fat, too skinny, and the freedom to screw upIf there is one political theme here at Maggie's, it is distrust of the power and of the wisdom of the state. Especially, the remote governmental powers. We have faith in the ability of the individual citizen to make his own choices and decisions according to his own lights. We do believe in collectivism, of the voluntary sort. Regarding close-up government, in my town, you can walk into our First Selectman's office (if you bring a Starbucks for her with you) or Second Selectman's office, and chat about anything for a bit. They only work 9-3, so you have to bear that in mind. If somebody else is there too, you all chat together. That works for me. We're a small town. That is sort-of by way of raising this subject of whether the government should have the power to take your fat kid away from you, and charge you with a crime. I don't think so. That's a topic for you, the kid, and the pediatrician. What if your kid is too skinny? What if she's an early anorectically-minded girl who nibbles on lettuce and is driving you to exasperation? Should that 14 year-old be taken from you while you are charged with felony child-neglect? I hear all of these stories. Life is full of all sorts of stories. I tend to fall on the freedom side of things. It's messy and things go wrong, but that's the way life is. Freedom to screw up is the closest to utopia we're gonna get. And, if we are to see government control of medical care, what if I am too fat for their cost statistics? Can they take me away from me? Friday morning linksMaurice Sendak update USA: The Geography of Same-Sex Couples Steve Jobs quotes Power Bills to Skyrocket as Promised Racism grows among Democrats Washington Times Editor: I Want A Gun! (h/t Insty) Data: Gun crimes down in DC Flight 447: Pilot error Obama: Half of Green stimulus loans may fail That's my money As Scott Brown fights for re-election, tea party groups vow to sit this one out I am not going to sit it out - Brown has been nudging his constituency as far to the center as they can tolerate in MA. Maybe further. I give him credit for that. Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit The goal is to get it to 100% dependency and serfdom Feds to design health insurance for the masses That's us - the masses You Say You Want a Revolution - What do the Wall Street protesters want? You know, stuff They want publicity and, by golly, they are getting it Democrats To Obama: Blame The Jews In 2012 Democrats: $250K isn't rich Even Chuck Shumer understands that it is not rich in NYC The business of Apple wasn't politics Diaries Reveal How Much Wartime Germans Knew Reid's power play A dangerous precedent 'Furious' mess has Justice in full panic THE MIDDLE EAST CIRCA 2016
Boortz via Gateway:
Remember the styrofoam Greek pillars? Thursday, October 6. 2011Wall Street Protests vs. Tea PartiersIf you look at methods alone, there isn't a huge difference between the Wall Street protests and the Tea Party protests. They have very different values, different demands, and different bases of support. But both utilize the First Amendment as a means of making their point. The Wall Streeters are more rowdy, and as a result have seen quite a bit of police involvement. There have been far fewer arrests at individual Tea Party events. Some of the Wall Street arrests and the overly physical nature of the police are unnecessary. But there is little doubt the Wall Streeters are far more provocative and looking to antagonize the police, given the nature of the agitators involved. We've seen them before. They know the best way to get on TV is to create a scene, and they are good at doing it. Is it a surprise so much of the 'police violence' is being caught on video? They are planning to get this on video by initiating events which will lead to the use of violence, even at moments when the police probably should show more restraint. So why does Obama view one set of protestors an "expression of frustration", while the other is "misidentifying sort of who the culprits are"? Both are viable protests, seeking to make points and be heard. From that standpoint, both are worthy of having Obama's full attention. But no, one has been formally rejected by the "vast majority" of Americans. To be clear, there is no reason to prevent either group from gathering, protesting, or speaking. It's unfair to say one is more legitimate than the other. But for our country's leader to recognize one as more valid than the other is absurd. Particularly when the group which he considers more valid has not made its agenda clear, is only advocating a never ending list of grievances without valid solutions, and is provoking violent activity (some of it, but not all, unwarranted) on the part of the police. Tea Partiers, whether you support or oppose them, have tended to gather peacefully and have made their agenda clear. They support smaller government, lower taxes and they oppose crony capitalism. What's interesting is the two groups share that final point. Where they differ is on solutions. The Tea Party solves crony capitalism by shrinking government and getting it out of the way. The Wall Street protestors don't have a clear solution, but it's clear increasing the role of government is part of their solution. Increasing that role with politicians 'who care'. In other words, people like them. The Wall Streeters' world is like Orwell's "Animal Farm", where some people are more equal than others. Their solution, unfortunately, is to keep it that way, but change the people who are more equal.
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The Politics of Economic IgnoranceI think that most sane people have spent the past three years of the Obama administration exerting their tolerance because, after all, he is the President. That tolerance has been extended as it would to a toddler trying to figure out how to use a screwdriver, or a teenager who thinks Liquid Wrench is a joke. But President Obama is an adult. He just can't be such a screw-up as he appears. He just can't be such a leftist extremist. By now, believing their eyes, most (as polls attest) are through with shredded tolerance. He's an ossified 60s radical who never grew up or learned anything. The Politics of Economic Ignorance is the header on Jennifer Rubin's column in the Washington Post about President Obama's economics.
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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Thursday morning linksDepressed brains may hate differently ADHD in Adults: How to Recognize—and Treat Re Steve Jobs:
That's the way it was with Jobs' creations. Increased Science Literacy Correlated To Less Worry About Climate Change That's us! Good comments on that post. The French have some sauce to ban tomato ketchup How Organic Activists Spread Misinformation Sowell: The ‘Hunger’ Hoax -It’s part of the larger poverty hoax. Poor people are fatter Spengler on Euroland: A Beautiful Mess Five Truths About Climate Change - During the decade that Al Gore dominated the environmental debate, global carbon-dioxide emissions rose by 28.5% Energy Fact of the Week: Why Wind Power Blows An interview with Rep. Allen West Obamacare will put patients' records at risk
Andy Rooney admitted it - and got in trouble Related: Is CBS News Covering Up Fast and Furious for White House? Occupy Wall Street, Powered by Big Labor Stossel: How government makes us poor Dems rally behind ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest movement Ever more obvious: Opposition to Obama grows and solidifies Push for President Obama’s jobs bill illustrates the art of beating a dead horse Palestinians Say American Aid is Their Entitlement Book Review: A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism Carpe: What comes first - growth or jobs? Canadian oil: Who burns it? It's either us or the Chinese Wednesday, October 5. 2011Crybabies: This would be a non-story on a busy news weekApparently, most of the protesters are white, middle class kids who somehow got the idea that the world owes them something because they had the remarkable privilege of attending college. Quite the opposite: they owe us something in return for all they have been indulged. Surber says Occupy Wall Street? Grow up. He lived in a trailer when a young adult. What's wrong with that? Everybody should have to. I lived in one room over a grocery shop, on beans, macaroni and cheese, cheap beer, and no-brand cigarettes when I got out of college, and I felt independent and happy despite having a go-fer job at a slowly-dying country newspaper, for minimum wage. Boo hoo. It took me 6 years of farting around while broke to make a good plan for my life. Here's a letter to the crybabies. And here's a good idea, children: Go march on Washington - It’s the real author of our woes. Protest Obama! Oh, almost forgot - MoveOn is providing financial support to these losers so they can't protest the government. So why not Evil Big Corporations instead? Yeah, they're the bad guys this time. As best I can tell, these kids want fun jobs with no heavy lifting - and they also want money - my money. I guess they didn't get the memo that their Obama's economy is not generating jobs and investment. If they had any sense, they'd be out there trying to figure out how to start a business or to make themselves useful to somebody. I am half-disgusted with myself for giving these spoiled brats any of our precious bandwidth since it's really a media-ginned-up story, but I had to get it off my chest. As a New Yorker, I can report that these people are having essentially zero impact on our vibrant life in Manhattan except when they walk on a bridge and mess up the traffic from Brooklyn. It might get a little more amusing and colorful when the union thugs join the stoners and losers. Perfect together! Almost forgot one item: the cops are getting good OT for the babysitting. It's good for their incomes, so there is some benefit for the good guys.
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