Wednesday, December 4. 2019
Image borrowed from...I forget where.
Britain's First Transgender Couple to Allow Their 5-Year-Old Child To Begin Transition
Nice family
What Happened To Drudge?
‘1917’ is a haunting, technical marvel and one of Hollywood’s best war films
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas all around the White House
And the "unattractive, misshapen trolls" don't like Melania's coat. I think she is dynamite.
Is Cebu the most typical city in the world?
Fewer, bigger businesses is just what the central planners want
They can be controlled
102 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List
Codevilla: A Deplorable Strategy Beyond 2020 - In 2016 and since, we have learned that our ruling class has amassed the power and developed the taste to revel in making us miserable. We have also learned that to avoid this, we must undo or separate ourselves from them, their structures, and priorities.
Democrats Now ‘Say Out Loud’ Intent to Turn America Blue by Immigration
Importing votes. It's a step above buying votes.
9th Circuit grapples with nationwide injunctions in 2 cases. Both involve Trump administration immigration policies.
Good Riddance to Kamala Harris
Warren Says Her Wealth Tax Will ‘Cancel Student Loan Debt for 43 Million Americans. Shorter Comrade Warren: More free stuff!
Another way of forcing the parents and grandparents to pay for it
Bloomberg Ripped Over Recent Interview on China, Saying ‘Xi Jinping Is Not a Dictator’
Schiff Gets Phone Records Of John Solomon, Devin Nunes And His Aide, Rudy Giuliani And Lev Parnas. Talk about truly troubling action.
That is war
AG Bill Barr Refutes IG Horowitz’s Conclusion that FBI had Rationale to Spy on Trump Campaign
Not the Deep State, the Deep Industry - Why Beltway government workers are at the center of the impeachment crisis.
Without the Soviet Union, NATO Seems Increasingly Irrelevant. No number of NATO summits will re-energize an alliance against an enemy that went out of business nearly 30 years ago.
Yep. That's why Euroland doesn't pay up. We should be pals with Russia, these days.
Trump’s Foreign Policy: The Popping Point of Maximum Pressure
UK Labour Party omits Jews from campaign video promoting minority rights
New York Times Tries Explaining Away British Labour’s Antisemitism
Turkey's Open Secret: Fake Secularism
Teens from China's wealthiest regions rank top of the class in global education survey
Genetic IQ advantage. Not fair.
Tuesday, December 3. 2019
Sunday, December 1. 2019
Not a bad spy novel, but a national nightmare - Taking a careful look at the spooks’ campaign to topple Donald Trump
Saturday, November 30. 2019
The Left Hates Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Coexistence
Reminiscing about CAR TALK
Millennials In Panic As Outraged Boomers Threaten To Withhold Participation Trophies
When did routine bad weather become such big news?
Businesses (And Workers) Are Thankful For Texas As Charles Schwab Calls It Quits On California
Moral grandstanding is making an argument just to boost your status. It’s everywhere.
Big fat lies - The Fat Activism movement is risking lives by suppressing obesity research
Despite Screaming Headlines from Fake News Media – Black Friday Shopping Frenzy BREAKS ALL RECORDS – Tops $4 Billion for First Time!
St. Greta: Everyone Will Be Required To Participate In Climate Scam
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value
Study Finds Nearly All Minnesota Patients With Vaping-Related Lung Injuries Used Illegal THC Products Containing Suspect Additive
Surber: Save us from those saving the world
Walter Williams: Who are the racists?
Bloomberg: Darned Right We Need To Tax The Poor
The Media Sanitizes Spygate Again. Spying isn’t spying if liberals do it, we’re told.
How Democrats Lost The Impeachment Debate. In a left versus right brain world, bureaucrats and careerists have no chance against the Trumpist opposition.
Trump Mocks Newsweek Over Story On His Thanksgiving Plans…
Why Hong Kong loves the USA
French Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Muslim Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Who Beat Elderly Jewish Woman and Tossed Her from 3rd Floor Balcony – Cuz He Was High on Pot
China, Fentanyl, And The New Opium War
Sending Military Aid To Ukraine In The First Place Was A Mistake, And Congress Should Discontinue It
Friday, November 29. 2019
Wednesday, November 27. 2019
Photo: My dead bird was cooked on the grill over wood and charcoal.
Why Do Progressives Hate Gentrification?
Brilliant research says women want to look good cuz of terrible economy
Virginia Students Protest Over ‘Fiesta’ Themed Party Held By Classmates, University Says It’s ‘Investigating’ the Party
Prof asks teachers to combat ‘whiteness’ in art education as form of ‘reparation’
MA Town Launches Experiment To Give 16 Year Olds The Vote
Having Solved All Other Problems, NYC Bans Foie Gras
Washington Post: Americans Believing the Media is a "Patriotic" Duty
Our moral and intellectual superiors
Goodwin: Remembering when The New York Times had higher standards
CNN Frets Media Not Anti-Trump Enough…
Nation's Progressives Give Thanks That They Have So Much To Be Angry About This Year
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Entire Solar Co. Workforce Fired After Telling Them to Unionize
Dark Money Network Funneled $600 Million to Liberal Initiatives in 2018 - Democrats adopt once-derided strategy, building a massive money network that shields donors from scrutiny
VDH: Quo Vadis, Democrati?
"Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree" - FISA Alterations Could Pose Significant Trouble For FBI
Salon: Final, final Republican defense strategy for Trump: Don the tinfoil, join the conspiracy. How can we expect Republicans to judge Donald Trump fairly? At this point, nearly all of them are in on the crime
Sounds like projection to me
Can Europe Be Saved From Demographic Doom?
Tuesday, November 26. 2019
Photo from The Vitality of Six-Man Football - Six-man football rose nearly 100 years ago in small-town America. In the 21st century, “basketball on grass” is a way of life for towns like McCool Junction, Neb.
Giving thanks
Do the youth really lack gratitude?
There’s Growing Evidence That the Universe Is Connected by Giant Structures
Three Times Tectonics Changed the Climate - Fifty years after the birth of modern plate tectonics theory, a group of researchers highlights three key examples of how our planet’s shape-shifting outer layer has altered our climate.
Yep. Dinosaurs in Alaska
The Maximum Practical Range of Slugs & Buckshot
Killing Animals to Save Them? Hunting as Conservation
America 2.0: Where You're Now a Racist if You Love (or Hate!) Indian Food
The Silly Notion of “Speed Limits for Ships”
I hope so
Villanova and the Compulsory Pieties of Higher Education
Elizabeth Warren Repeats Lie About Being Fired For Being Visibly Pregnant…
She lies a lot
Bloomberg is the most qualified 2020 Democrat but missed his moment
CNN Guest: Trump Is ‘Destructive Cult’ Leader, uses‘Mind Control’ on Supporters
So is he dumb, or diabolically smart?
A National Nightmare: Andrew McCarthy Exposes the Plot Against the President
FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Docs and His Lover Worked for Current ICIG Who Edited IC WhistleBlower Form to Legitimize Schiff Sham
Exposed: China’s Operating Manuals For Mass Internment And Arrest By Algorithm
Monday, November 25. 2019
No, Thermodynamics Does Not Explain Our Perceived Arrow Of Time
Science isn't facts, it's process
The Biochemistry Challenge to Darwin
A book: Lakota America: A New History of Indigenous Power
The move to cancel Gauguin could kill off Western culture
Pope Cites French Epic Poem to Prove Christianity Is as Violent as Islam
Heads Should Roll at CDC after Botched Vaping Investigation
Who Is Winning The Climate Wars?
Statue of Bum Erected in Santa Monica
Whatever happened to "Trow da bums out?"
Good-Bye Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
As It Turns Out, Socialist Politicians Can Be Crooks Too
Socialists are all about the benjamins
Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Enters Dem 2020 Race with a Thud
Elizabeth Warren Lies To Activist About Her Son Going To Public School
Though Warren once favored school choice and was an advocate for charter schools, she changed her views while seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.
NYT: Draft IG Report Claims Russiagate FISA Application Was “Sloppy And Unprofessional” In Parts But Won’t Claim Anti-Trump Bias Among Top Officials
DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa Behind Trump-Russia Hoax – Is Linked to Obama DOJ Hacking Attacks on State’s Voting Systems in Nov. 2016
Two (!) polls find black approval of Trump at 34%
Not surprised
20 Impeachment What-Ifs
‘ARREST BY ALGORITHM’: China Uses Artificial Intelligence To Flag Entire Groups Of People For Arrest, Report Says
As Africa Drowns In Debt To China, IMF Sounds The Alarm
China is clever. All the US did was send them free money and stuff. China is buying Africa.
Saturday, November 23. 2019
The Dems had no choice but to pursue an impeachment tactic, for any excuse, because they know they have no winning candidate for 2020. It's a Hail Mary.
Thus saith the Lefty but brainy Scott Adams.
The planning began the day after Orange Man's election
Hatred is damaging lives. It's a shame, sad.
400-year-old shark found in the Arctic could be the oldest living vertebrate
After a tough workout, I feel like that
Who's Afraid Of Roundup?
Not me. Kills evil vine roots.
You Can’t Afford My Radical Life
Mr. Sammler’s City - Saul Bellow’s prophetic 1970 novel captured New York’s unraveling and remains a cautionary tale.
Bonnie Prince Charles Warns We Only Have 10 Years Left To Solve ‘Climate Change’
Also: Al Gore Is Here To Bore Us All Again With Climate Change Hysteria
Coulter: We'll tell you who's privileged
The political and emotional need for oppression
But, That's How I Feel!
That's why we always recommend Dr. Bennet's book F*ck Feelings
Students demand ability to select roommate based on race during days-long sit-in
L.A.’s New Project Housing Homeless In Shipping Containers Costs $600,000 Per Home
Elizabeth Warren Rally Derailed By Pro-Charter School Protesters
Listen to the people, Pocahontas
Free People Don't Ask the Government for Permission. "Liberty," Thomas Jefferson wrote, "is unobstructed action according to our will; but rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others."
After Failing to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches. The former president is reportedly raking in $400,000 per speech to massive financial firms
How much money do you need?
Peggy Noonan Reminds Us Why Trump Won. The NeverTrumpers' fundamental error.
Trump: 'Historic' Durham Investigation Will Implicate Obama in Spygate
Quick. Find an absolutely clear, 1-paragraph, just-the-facts summary of exactly what Trump did that warrants impeachment.
Cuz orange man bad
Trump’s Common Sense on Foreign Policy
Thinks outside the box. That's good. The Swamp is stultified.
Friday, November 22. 2019
Thursday, November 21. 2019
Wednesday, November 20. 2019
Cheap, older gout drug could be lifesaver after heart attack
Your Computer Is Really Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something
ACLU Advises Us: Men Can Have Periods And Get Pregnant
INDOCTRINATING CHILDREN TO HATE: Leftist Activism Is Now Required in Elementary Schools in Eight States
Mob of Moonbats Crushes Free Speech at Binghamton
Hilarious NYT Video Mocks 'Cancel Culture.' If Only the NYT Would Listen
It is clever, but it is reality too
L.A. Voters Think Money Spent On Homelessness Is Going Down A Rat Hole
AP Publishes Story Noting That 100,000 Migrant Children are In Detention, Pinning This on Trump; Then They "Retract" The Story When They Learn This Figure is from 2015, and Therefore Not "News" Because It's Not Helpful to Democrat
Fake news, daily
The ‘Welfare Magnet’ for Immigrants
Breaking news: People like free money and free stuff
Clinton Foundation bleeding money with no Clintons in high office
Duh. But they had a good run
In Genius Move, Trump Supports Impeachment, Forcing Democrats To Oppose
Goodwin: Why Dems are so worried after latest round of impeachment hearings
The Takeaway from Impeachment Theater Is That The Unelected Permanent Government Has Lost Confidence In the Voters
Our moral and intellectual superiors
Prof. Jacobson: You know I don’t curse here, but I can barely contain myself over the impeachment ********
The Democrats’ Impeachment Fiasco Implodes. The Dan Bongino Show
Vindman Admits To Violating Chain Of Command, Says Trump Within Rights To Request Foreign Investigation
Alexander Vindman Admits Making up Parts of Trump Call Summary
Impeachment Witnesses Confirm: No Quid Pro Quo, No Bribery, No Extortion
Left-Wing Journalist On Sweden's Migrant Suburbs: "Everyone Knew It Would End In Disaster"
Authorities in Malmo responded by inviting local gang leaders for pizza, while the Swedish government recently announced it would commit $175,000 to funding Drag Queen Story Time events where men dressed as women read and perform to children.
Muslim Women “Forced To Share Beds” With Male Chinese Officials After Husbands Interned
Like we say, China has different "values"
Tuesday, November 19. 2019
People aged 110 and older have ‘unique’ immune cells that may help them live longer, says study
That's bad luck if you are senile too
Whole Foods Sells Both 'Nitrate-Free Meat' And Nitrate Supplements. Yup.
Starbucks’ Open Bathroom Policy Comes With Heavy Cost, Study Finds
Report: 93-Year-Old Nazi Camp Guard on Trial as Accessory to 5,230 Deaths
Climate science has died. The effects will be big.
Moviegoers flock to free speech doc ‘No Safe Spaces’ despite panning from mainstream critics
Evergreen State College Enrollment Is Down Sharply Once Again
University invites students to 'Decolonize your Thanksgiving'
Does the Left Hate America?
Sure seems like it. But why?
What Are Luxury Beliefs?
Globalist-Endorsed War-On-Cash May Be China's Next Terrifying Weapon
New York Times Admits NO ONE Believes the Liberal News Media Anymore – Too Much Hysteria and Fake News
41% Who Support Impeaching And Removing Trump Made Up Their Mind Before The Ukraine Story First Broke
Sore losers, not a good look. I see John Dean said Trump should have been impeached the day he was inaugurated. That's hate speech.
US failing to stop China from stealing research, report says
Democrats to Israel: Go to Hell
Chile boots 50 illegals involved in rioting — mostly from Cuba and Venezuela
Abandoning Malmö to Its Criminals
France: An "Inverted Colonization"
Monday, November 18. 2019
From Goldman/Spengler
Not good. True, that China is nobody's friend. It's a cultural thing.
Look, in every real sense, the Democrats have nothing, never had anything and will never get anything even remotely resembling a legitimate high crime of misdemeanor on this President that warrants impeachment. But, they will persist because a) they're completely out of their minds (with the possible exception of that Democrat Congressman Jeff Van Drew who sees this as a looming disaster) with hatred, b) they're candidates and platform for 2020 is terrifying and repulsive even to those marginally interested in politics and c) the Deep State globalists in and outside government will not abide by having their grand strategy to control the destiny of this nation and its people taken from them.
How annoying is that expression?
Saturday, November 16. 2019