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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, June 1. 2017Thursday morning links
For me, always two cups before exercise. Sometimes a Coke. Related, White House Reporters Ask Sean Spicer About the Meaning of ‘Covfefe” – His Response Is Priceless! Actually, it's a secret signal to Putin The Weird Obsession With Russia: People Are Starting To Catch On HERE’S WHY YOUR ORGANIC WINE IS ACTUALLY REALLY BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Freedom of religion is being used as a defense in a female genital mutilation case Why isn't male circumcision genital mutilation too? The natural history of Ashkenazi Jewish IQ The Campus Intersectional Shakedown: Eric Weinstein: “Protection racket where underrepresented groups sell protection from bigotry charges for apologies/concessions.” Evergreen State College Caves to Mob Demand of Homework Exemption "Dear Virgie, I am an elementary school teacher. Recently, there has been some teasing around weight that happened in my classroom." Recently? Kids have always teased fat kids, and all other kids too. Teasing is something kids do. Globalists Are Building An Army Of Millennials To Destroy Sovereignty Globalism is good business, but... Re Dilbert, Rather than debunking the cartoon, the scientists acted it out in slow motion. If it weren’t for anonymous sources, it seems that the media wouldn’t have any sources at all Hillary Clinton: I was victim of ‘1,000 Russian agents’ & ‘broad assumption’ I would win Sean Spicer DESTROYS Liberal Media at WH Briefing – “That’s Just Fake!” – Then Walks Off Stage! The Military Must Break from the Past. Bad history begets bad politics. Reflections on Daniel Gordis’s Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn by Roger A. Gerber It’s Long Past Time for Our NATO Allies to Meet Their Defense-Spending Commitments Time for them to grow up Wednesday, May 31. 2017They are educated, and they vote. But the girls are cute.
Fact: 50% of Americans have below average IQs, so it's not too hard for Watters to find these people. Both political parties compete hard for their votes.
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Wednesday morning links
Before you laugh at Tiger Woods . . . Clothing: What was lost in the casual revolution Going Out for Lunch Is a Dying Tradition - Restaurants suffer as people eat at their desks; no more three-martini sit-down meals Illinois Mandates Social Workers, Families Be 'LGBTQ-Affirming' for At-Risk Kids Meet The Beautiful Sudanese Model Nicknamed The “Queen Of The Dark” Very black and beautiful. Difficult to photograph? Credit Suisse: 25 Percent of Shopping Malls Will Close Within Next Five Years I still am convinced that the penis and climate article was a hoax The blasphemy case against Bret Weinstein, and its four lessons for professors Illegal Aliens At Columbia U Release List Of Demands Somebody teach them manners CNN’s Zakaria: Liberals Aren’t Tolerant and Suffer from “Anti-Intellectualism” "Suffer" is not the right word Mark Zuckerberg's crusade against nationalism Will This Be The Week That Was for the Fox News Channel? WATCH: Rex Tillerson Rides with Rolling Thunder to Honor U.S. Military on Memorial Day The Marines Can Treat Women Honorably Without Putting Them in the Infantry We Can Totally Solve Hotcoldwetdry With A Skyhigh Carbon Tax REPORT: Despite Hysteria ‘Global Warming’ Isn’t Causing ANY Polar Ice Retreat Hillary is retired, but courtiers help her maintain the appearance of importance. THE Obama SCANDAL HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT James Rosen: Comey's FBI Broke Its Own Rules & Procedures On Spying On Americans Separating Fact From Innuendo in the Flynn Fiasco - The former national security adviser may not have broken any laws. But those who leaked against him committed a chilling abuse of power. FAKE NEWS: WaPo Made-Up Kushner’s Request for ‘Permanent Back Channel’ Communication with Russia In the Course of Explaining Why Democrats Lose, Matt Tabbi Demonstrates Why Democrats Lose The stupid party did not get its nickname because of its smashing successes. And right now, it’s stupider than ever. More cowardice than stupid Also, re stupid: The most painful 18-second news conference response you'll see all week There was an easy answer, but it eluded him The press' war aqainst Trump What Was Merkel Thinking? An historical turning point or mere campaign bluster? Palestinians paid terrorists $1b in past 4 years, Knesset panel hears Tuesday, May 30. 2017What the UK has come to
The guy actually said "These were all approved songs."
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Tuesday morning links
GREEN WEENIE OF THE WEEK: ORGANIC DIETS Market Disrupted: How Piggly Wiggly Revolutionized Grocery Shopping When Buying Life Insurance Was Deemed Immoral Gender wars and the bizarre new puritanism Yale Gave Special Award for “Exemplary Leadership in Enhancing Race and/or Ethnic Relations” to Two of the Leaders of Crowd that Abused Nicholas Christakis Charles Blow Has Utter Meltdown For Memorial Day Fake news: Portland killer was actually a Lefty From The Price of Delegitimization (h/t Am. Digest):
The Democrats are following the lead of the progressive media — together, they now form the anti-Trump brigade.
Ace: The Magnificient Butthurt of #NeverTrump D*bag Bret Stephens President Trump Has A Great Opportunity To Cut The "Poverty" Rate Inside Trump's war on regulations - The push to block, rewrite and delay scores of Obama-era rules may be the administration's biggest untold success. Byron York: While other controversies rage, work on border wall moves forward Sweden: 48 of 50 ‘Child’ Migrants from Morocco Found to be Adults About 23,000 jihadis — potential terrorists — are living in Great Britain today, British intelligence recently revealed. Monday, May 29. 2017Monday morning links
For Decoration Day, a pic of my Dad - Veteran of WW 2 and Korea - with dog, reading Pravda (aka The NY Times). Italy Is Giving Away Over 100 Castles for Free - The application period is open until June 26, and special preference is given to people under 40 St. John Neumann: American saint who arrived with $1 in his pocket and one suit of clothes 10 Types Of Ancient Crosses In Different Cultures Explained Graecopithecus – Possible Early Human Ancestor from Europe Gregg Allman, Southern Rock Pioneer, Dies at 69 Saw them live a couple of years ago. They kept going. Is the Urban Renaissance Over? The suburbs might be growing faster right now, but don’t be glum about the prospects for urban growth and revitalization. ""Bright premed, but like many others," another admissions officer wrote of an Asian-American applicant." Adding Calorie Counts to Menus No Simple Feat: New at Reason - Some supporters don’t really grasp the complications. Calorie-counting is a dumb and obsolete idea Taubes' new book: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It Swamp-draining: More on Waters of the United States rule Tough Time Sleeping? Blame ‘Climate Change’ Student op-ed on criticism of disruptive student protesters: ‘Stop focusing on free speech’ CONFIRMED: Racist note that prompted St. Olaf College shut down is hate-crime hoax 'Abolition of Whiteness' course offered at Hunter College WATCH Ami Horowitz DESTROY The Myth Of White Privilege I’m Not a Terrible Person, I Just Believe in Liberty Dalrymple: Is the West becoming Sovietized? Clinton, Trump, Nixon and Those Liberal Blind Spots Hillary and the no-class party Amid Russia Crisis, Trump Prepares "War Room", "Big White House Changes", Loss Of Twitter Trump vs the ruling class The courts: What's at stake with the travel ban Trump Got Trolled Life in Saudi Arabia Sunday, May 28. 2017Good newsMerkel Furious With Trump After "Unprecedented" G-7 Failure To Reach Consensus On Climate Change It's about time somebody, like the US, calls "bullshit" on the climate scam. Scientists Predict 0.3C of Dangerous Warming in 100 years if President Trump Pulls Out of Paris
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Organic Farming is Bad for the Environment
Critical thinking is good: Organic Farming is Bad for the Environment
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Saturday, May 27. 2017Saturday morning links
I prefer plastic Flamingos An American hitchhiker meets a Swiss miss in her hometown. They spend three lovely days together, then part forever — or so they thought. Warren: Vietnam Revisited Jerusalem Day - 50th Anniversary (video) Google now mingles everything you've bought with everywhere you've been - (And everything you've seen) Welcome to 'Closing the Loop' Men Aren't Allowed to Criticize 'Safe Spaces' Sen. Grassley releases report on Wounded Warrior Project spending Evergreen State College biology professor Bret Weinstein is swarmed and cursed and hounded by students who are scarily deluded about their own righteousness. Bullies Interesting: The Only Way To Solve Hotcoldwetdry Is To Solve Inequality “next, let’s sue because the weather was bad for my picnic today” ‘Deja Vu All Over Again’ As Connecticut Unveils Governor Malloy’s Marvel Blue State Blues McCaleb: Public pensions in some ways mirror Madoff’s Ponzi scheme Political Violence From the Left Continues Garnering Zero Condemnation in Leftist Media How Team Obama tried to hack the election
CBO Is Wrong And Its Numbers Shouldn't Deter Needed Reform Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin Why? Manchester Suicide Bomber Used Student Loan And Benefits To Fund Terror Plot I had a friend who used his student loan to buy a Bass Boat Friday, May 26. 2017Don't take a walk on the wild sideBanning Lou Reed: The Cultural Revolution Eats Its Fathers - The whole comic incident lays bare certain truths about our own cultural moment, compared to the 1960s. (h/t Instapundit)
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Friday morning links Non headline du Jour: Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans - The NSA intentionally and routinely intercepted communications of American citizens in violation of the Constitution. The "deep State" is an enemy of us Americans The times they are a-litigious: Kyoto University gets billed for using Bob Dylan lyrics in speech Acquittal for Man Who Argued His Impressive Penis Was To Blame For Girlfriend’s Choking Death Woman Sues Candymaker for Its Sugar-Filled Jelly Beans Is preventive medical care worth the cost? The cost to society? No. To me, yes. "Society" doesn't care about you or me. We have to take care of ourselves. Some Black Lives Don’t Matter - Black-on-black homicide is rampant, but professional agitators couldn’t care less. Racism: The Last Refuge of Us All? Student Mob Shrieks at Professor Who Objected to Event That Kicks White People Off Campus for a Day ‘I Might . . . Pull Off a Leg or Two’ - A shocking new undercover video exposes the grisly reality of ripping apart fetuses. Climate Scientist Michael Mann Borrows the Words of a Holocaust Survivor to Express His Personal Angst Thought Leaders: Disgruntled Chelsea Clinton Suggests Republicans are Racist, Islamophobic NY Post: We’ve grown too comfortable with terror, ending teacher tenure & other comments Farmer on trial for plowing his own land Teacher of the Year Commits the Unpardonable Sin: Working at a Charter State Dept. Redacts Big Chunks of $22.8 Mil Contract to Resettle Muslim Refugees Since when do I have to pay to settle immigrants? It is meant to be challenging. Legislative Malpractice: the CBO Scores the American Health Care Act What the CBO’s “Uninsured” Score Really Means THE DEMOCRATS’ SECOND SECESSION & AMERICA’S NEW CIVIL WAR - How to look at the bizarre turn our political life has taken. Simon: Leakers and Journalists Are Destroying Our Republic Trump's Budget to Preserve the Swamp? New at Reason - Republicans dodge another opportunity to rein in spending. Berlin: Obama, Merkel Stage Side-Event, As Trump Meets European Leaders The media are totally trolling Trump on Russia Trump talks terrorism while Europe shouts ‘Climate!’ Desperate Liberals Try To Blame The Manchester Terror Attack On Anyone Other Than Islamic Terrorists What is Terrorism? What do Terrorists Even Want? Terrorism is not an ideology like communism or capitalism When the FBI discovered a network of Bosnian-Americans giving support to terrorists, they also discovered Abdullah Ramo Pazara, a U.S. citizen and a battalion commander in Syria. Losers, as Trump said Goodbye ISIS, Hello Losers Terror potential in Germany's immigrant population quadruples, German feds say Iran says it has built third underground ballistic missile factory Thursday, May 25. 2017Thursday morning links
She looks great in anything - or nothing. She's a good sport to go along with Trump's crazy Presidential reality TV adventure Trump sells Vatican to Pope Francis for 2.5 million Trump debuts in Europe as Obama returns to stir nostalgia for the old days How do you like Michelle's outfit? She is 53. The real reasons for Marvel Comics' woes Men need frequent ejaculations (h/t Insty of course) Government’s “Dietary fat guidelines have no evidence base” Never did. Fat is good for you. The docs got it wrong too - without evidence. Invention of the Curveball How whales became the largest animals The Suburbs Are Still Where It’s At for raising families Job Security Is Disappearing -- What Does It Mean For You? School-Choice Movement Expects Gains under Trump Administration NYC PR parade sponsors refuse to honor unrepentant terrorist I am for PR independence too, but this guy is a murderer Trump wants to deport MS-13 gang members. El Salvador is dreading their return. Security services find more bomb-making materials in hunt for UK terror network Manchester Bomber’s Father Arrested in Tripoli Europe chose to sacrifice its children to the Islamic Moloch Progressive Fantasy Of The Day: Healthcare As A "Human Right" Let's make health a right HHS REPORT: Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Since 2013 Of course. It covers many more things CBO: House-approved health care bill to lower premiums, stabilize marketplace Sanctuary cities lose access to federal grants that require complying with federal immigration law – cue the histrionics Bob Woodward digs at 'smug' media, weighs in on President Trump's odds of finishing first term Joe Concha Trashes the Media in 2017: It ‘Sticks to Your Boots,’ Cites MRC How Foreign Aid Hurts Famine Relief in Somalia The United Nations’ 'Lords of Poverty' - The foreign aid industry is a racket. Leakers who revealed Israel as intelligence source did far more damage than Trump The Islamic State and the End of Lone-Wolf Terrorism Non-Western Immigrants Consume 59% Of Denmark’s Tax Revenue Trump has done what Obama didn’t: Scare NATO into closer tracking of defense spending Wednesday, May 24. 2017UK bomber updateA Libyan "refugee family" in the UK - but the father still works in Libya. Europe refuses to see that they are being hijacked. In a predatory Islam, they are just dhimmis to be taken advantage of. Euroland gave up seeing evil the same time they gave up on God. A BD addendum, Islam and the West: We Can’t Coexist? Wars of religion are different from wars over territory and resources. I am sure not every Muslim in the US or UK wants Sharia law to replace existing law, but I suspect many wouldn't mind. Some, as we can see, view it as a holy, sacred mission to destroy non-Muslims until they submit. In the UK, the government seems to want to semi-submit, but it will never be enough. Like student rioters, if you give them an inch they'll take a mile. Euroland is already getting used to having a nasty case of cultural cancer. Even in the most soft-hearted practices of Christianity, we are taught that discernment (aka discriminating good from terrible, helpful from unhelpful, destructive from constructive, etc) must be a component of Christian wisdom and practice. "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Did a post-Christian world retain the dove part and forget the snake part? Why? Decadence, comfort, and cowardice?
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Wednesday morning links
Subprime 2.0: Lending a $1 Trillion to People With No Proof of Job or Income White-Owned Restaurants Shamed for Serving Ethnic Food: It's Cultural Appropriation Byron York: At this rate, it won't matter if Trump colluded with Russia Twitter Co-Founder: I Thought Free Speech Could Make the World a ‘Better Place’, ‘I Was Wrong’ The European Union Wants to Censor Hate Speech on Social Media Steyn: As I asked around Europe all last year: What's the happy ending here? ABC News Frets Over Potential “Anti-Islamic Backlash” After Manchester Terror Attack… Vanderleun: Learning to hate Islam Syria Has Effectively Ceased to Exist The Palis: There Won’t Be Peace While the Power Is Out Photo below: The suicide bomber's mosque in Manchester
Tuesday, May 23. 2017Tuesday morning links
Birth Rates are at Historic Lows and Here's a Major Reason Not to mention birth control Whole Foods Would Look a Lot Different If It Were Science-Based Dumb article, slightly correct The median grade at Harvard College is an A-, and the most frequently awarded mark is an A. PRINCETON CHOSE MINORITY STUDENTS BASED ON AMOUNT OF "CULTURAL FLAVOR" GOOD NEWS: Arctic Doom Pushed Off Till 2040 I can wait, but then it will be pushed off to the year 2100 and I do not have that much patience Coyote: Your labor regulation of the day Farm Handouts Are Out of Control. Here Are 5 Reasons to Target Them in the Budget. Corporate welfare California’s single-payer plan costs $400 billion — twice the state’s entire budget A reader asked Arnold Kling: In light of everything that has happened in the last few years, have you changed your mind on anything? Elizabeth Warren Challenged By Real Indians To Prove She Has Indian Ancestry Challenged by both Dot and Feather Indians Appeals Ct to Consider Fate of Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Codevilla's The Cold Civil War: It's called "freedom" The Media Spreads Fake News About Ivanka Trump MSM Began To Mention Trump’s Impeachment During His First Week In Office Schlicter: His not being Hillary Clinton was and remains my sole expectation of Donald Trump’s presidency Ditto. Monday, May 22. 2017Monday morning links
Toon above via Powerline SHEER LUNACY ON CAMPUS - When kindergarten meets totalitarianism. THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Via Dinocrat:
Against Free Speech: Merkel, May (and Macron) WaPo: Across America, whites are biased and they don’t even know it Interracial marriages: Study Finds Massive Shift in US Marriages Crushing on Crushers - Why do intellectuals fall in love with dictators and totalitarians? Unemployment Claims At Lowest Level In 28 Years CA Dem Chair: ‘All Together Now: F*ck Donald Trump!’ as Crowd Holds Up Two Middle Fingers The Underreported Success of the Trump Presidency President Trump gives masterful speech Leaking of Trump’s slip made it worse Trump aides had ‘intervention’ to curb his tweeting: report Harvard agrees: Trump press coverage sets ‘new standard for negativity’ A Coup Attempt, Not a Constitutional Crisis Continetti: 'Paranoia, Hysteria' Enveloping Trump's Washington Ruddy to ABC's Stephanopoulos: Trump Suffers from Media 'Barrage' Dems are gunning for Trump — here’s how he can survive Saturday, May 20. 2017Global Warming and the Conceptual PenisHoax Science Paper Says Penis Is A Social Construct That Worsens Climate Change. It was accepted by a science journal. Here's the paper: The conceptual penis as a social construct Whether news or science, nobody can tell real from fake anymore. Everything seems to be from The Onion. Is there anything we can take at face value, or is everything fake? Related, not from The Onion: Store Selling 'Boys Will Be Boys' Shirt Under Attack, Accused of Breeding 'Rape Culture'
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Saturday morning links: We got "content" today! A new shade of blue More on that dinosaur fossil What Changed The Green Sahara Into A Desert? Fossil fuels? Graphic Novels Are Trending in English Departments "Graphic novels" is an academic term for comic books. Next, coloring books. Re "graphic novels," I did read Maus. I recommend it, but not as literature. Same with Ros Chast's Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?: A Memoir Swallow a single balloon, lose 34 pounds Cool Tampons in Men’s Rooms? It’s Just a Small Part of ‘Menstrual Equity’ Not cool. I mean like totally uncool. Sheesh. Condoms might make sense. Hava Nagila’s Long, Strange Trip - The unlikely history of a Hasidic melody. UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet Extremely creepy. 1984. Survey: 60% of Millennials Don't Believe in Right and Wrong Chabad: The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin Connecticut, the wealthiest U.S. state, may be tapped out on taxing the rich Canada: Some guy in trouble for advocating cultural appropriation Chanel's $1,325 boomerang condemned as 'cultural appropriation' I am completely in favor of cultural appropriation - including boomerangs. Also, hot peppers (stolen from Mexico)
A stubborn oil glut despite OPEC cuts The NYT: LOOMING FLOODS, THREATENED CITIES Scared yet? If so, stop driving and stop heating your house. California Governor Brown imposing massive regulations for meaningless climate goals Authoritarian Moonbattery in Action: Cuomo’s Closing of Indian Point "Evil Eyes" Cuomo destroying his state one step at a time Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent of Anti-Trump Media Bias Trump Officials: ‘He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron’ McArdle: Trump unfit for office As Leaks Pile Up, It’s Evident Trump Is Under Attack From His Own Staff From Legal Insurrection:
Friday, May 19. 2017Venezuela, Socialist Peoples' ParadiseI noticed Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela Then I noticed Francis Menton, who begins:
Friday morning links
Large volcanic eruption may have caused the first mass extinction Are men with beards more desirable? Crossing the Congo Is Truly a Journey Across Hell on Earth Single women are out-earning men Moms Need to Take Water Gun Control Seriously Lone Star Lilliput - Complacent Texas taxpayers have become captives of their rent-seeking civil servants. Student 'teach-in' claims food industry is 'built on racism' Is it time for us all to admit what a steaming pile of hypocrisy our entire conversation on race has become? Even Math Is Made to Serve Moonbattery Social-Justice Math Class: ‘Math Has Been Used as a Dehumanizing Tool’ - ‘Teaching Social Justice Through Secondary Mathematics’ was developed by Teach for America. Protesters shut down classroom presentation by ICE after administrators invite them in Yale Dean’s Nasty Yelp Reviews Expose Underbelly of Ivy League Elitism - The racial overtones of June Chu’s posts have garnered the most attention. Less attention has been paid to the sneering elitism. She was just having snotty fun. I don't see what the big deal is. Campus is becoming a field of landmines and profs are right to be scared. National Student Group Seeks To Bolster Campus Free Speech Free speech is oppression Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real - Which means science is broken. OK, but worse probably in the social sciences. Generally, it is very easy to cheat in science. Biggest problem might be that negative results are almost never published. Warmists Using Fossil Fuels Is Totally Not Hypocrisy Or Something From von Mises: Why Businessmen Fail at Government Dallas County Whistleblower Tapes Democrat Campaign Worker Describing Voter Fraud Schemes Normal urban politics
David Plouffe: “Trump Must Be Destroyed”… Commenter at Althouse:
Podhoretz: Trump’s presidency facing monumental failure unless he wises up pronto Intel Officials Scoff At Hype Over Trump’s Reported Sharing Of Information With Russians All This Impeachment Talk Is Pure Trump Derangement Syndrome - That man in the White House is vulgar, disrespectful, self-involved, maybe even dangerous. So? All US 50 governors sign anti-BDS statement Venezuelan dictator: ‘We are the new Jews of the 21st century’ Intel Trump gave Russians came from Jordan, not Israel Who cares? Trump was right to share the threat info The President Goes to Israel Thursday, May 18. 2017"Net Neutrality""Net neutrality", a confusing concept, appears to have been a stalking horse for a government take-over of the internet. FCC Votes to Begin Net Neutrality Repeal This is just one more good thing to come out of the new administration. Many good things are happening, but we aren't hearing about them.
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The witch huntAt Ace: Read it all. Of course the press wants to take Trump down. It is just a partisan thing, the sport called scalp-hunting, because Trump isn't even a conservative.
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Thursday morning links
Stop Fiddling With Your Goddamn Phone Legalized marijuana turns Colorado resort town into homeless magnet Behold the voluntarily homeless, aka drifters The UK: Police seek man dressed as 'giant penis' who witnessed serious assault GLOBAL GREENING: Scientists Find ‘Lost’ Forests The Size Of Seven Texases A Tiny Increase In Global Temperatures Is Making People Crazy! Lots of good reading at Woodpile The Outsiders Who Were Behind the Booing of Betsy DeVos at Bethune-Cookman Jerry Brown Calls California Taxpayers ‘Freeloaders’ John Lewis pines for the 1960s VDH: Far too many government officials never pay the price for their crimes and misdeeds: Clinton, Rice, Napolitano, Lerner … Comey is the exception. Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’ Sanders: 'Trump doesn't fully understand what being president is about' GOP fears Trump will take the Republican Party down with him Examiner: Trump's dangerous blundering Greenfield: THE ANONYMOUS SOURCES OF WASHINGTON POST AND CNN FAKE NEWS - How fake news gets made. FBI Director James Comey Testified Under Oath May 3rd That The Trump Administration Doesn’t Obstruct Investigations Scott Adams: The Slow-Motion Assassination of President Trump Wednesday, May 17. 2017Wednesday morning links
You can work full time but not have the money to fix your teeth Just ask me about it. Sheesh. Women: 5 Ways to tell if you’re dressing your age BEND OVER TO SATISFY A FEW DOZEN LOUDMOUTH STUDENTS, AND WRECK YOUR UNIVERSITY AS THOUSANDS OF OTHERS REFUSE TO COME Microsoft Blames NSA for ‘WannaCry’ Cyber Extortion Union Bosses Make More Money Than Private Sector CEOs Minimum-Wage Hikes: A Feel-Good Lie That Destroys Jobs And Minority Kids' Futures UN Bonn Climate Conference Demands $300 Billion per Year to Alleviate the Tedium Scott Adams: How to Convince Skeptics that Climate Change is a Problem At Stanford, a proposal for "brave spaces" Minority students feel ‘marginalized’ by historic building’s ‘imposing, masculine’ paneling The President Is Not the Commander in Chief of the United States, Nor Its CEO The Media-Democratic Party Suicide Pact Fox News: Murdered DNC Staffer Sent 44,053 Internal Emails to WikiLeaks That is paranoia bait There is no form of legal authority that the left accepts as a permanent institution. One thing you can say for Trump: he sure knows how to keep things at a full boil. James Comey? Who? That story is so last week. . . McConnell: 'A Little Less Drama' from White House, Please
The Dangers of President Trump's Incompetence - His recklessness doesn't necessarily weaken the executive branch. In fact the opposite may be true. IMPEACHMENT FEVER - The firing of FBI Director Comey opens door to mass leftist hysteria. Applause in the newsroom as the Russia-leak scoop breaks the Hollywood Access record for most readers per minute Puerto Rico: Parade for a Terrorist - The Puerto Rican Day Parade has named killer Oscar Lopez Rivera a "freedom hero." China: The breathtaking sweep of the New Silk Road initiatives Why Benjamin Netanyahu is so tough: He’s from Philadelphia Tuesday, May 16. 2017Trump media feeding frenzyMedia frenzy re Trump obscures frightening national security implications. Trump seems to have dangerous enemies, and they are in the US. Somewhat related, This Russia Thing Can't Really Get Any Weirder -- Can It?:
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