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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, May 24. 2017Wednesday morning links
Subprime 2.0: Lending a $1 Trillion to People With No Proof of Job or Income White-Owned Restaurants Shamed for Serving Ethnic Food: It's Cultural Appropriation Byron York: At this rate, it won't matter if Trump colluded with Russia Twitter Co-Founder: I Thought Free Speech Could Make the World a ‘Better Place’, ‘I Was Wrong’ The European Union Wants to Censor Hate Speech on Social Media Steyn: As I asked around Europe all last year: What's the happy ending here? ABC News Frets Over Potential “Anti-Islamic Backlash” After Manchester Terror Attack… Vanderleun: Learning to hate Islam Syria Has Effectively Ceased to Exist The Palis: There Won’t Be Peace While the Power Is Out Photo below: The suicide bomber's mosque in Manchester
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Sub prime in auto loans is NOT comparable to the houing market. To many repossessed homes can destroy a neighborhood. Repossessed cars are easily moved to another market.
The First Rule of Conquest is to subsume the religion in order to consolidate power and authority over the conquered nation. For example, the Cathedral in Mexico City (Cathedral of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven), which was started in the late 1500's, was built upon the ruins of the Aztec temple before it (Templo Mayor of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.
Will the people in the U.K. rise up? Can us Whities start yelling "cultural appropriation" every time somebody of a different race drives a car, listens to a radio, talks on a phone, flies in an aircraft...?
Absolutely. But don't expect the libtards to understand, theres is a culture of hypocrisy.
The mosque. One of the most heartbreaking illustrations for me, as a Catholic and a lover of old churches. My heart hurts when I see lovely, old churches converted to condos here in Massachusetts. But this one hurts more. Faith of our fathers....
Heartbreaking is a good word for it. We are losing the war. We are losing the culture. And we are failing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
White owned restaurants and cultural appropriation.
The article is so much more racist than any other stories I have read on cultural appropriation. The author makes the KKK jealous and look like a Sunday school picnic. Not quite as racist and dangerous as Black Lives Matter... yet. But a very disturbing trend. I found myself agreeing with the comments such as "why are these people wearing clothes and shoes? Or as one comment said; if whites are not allowed to prepare ethnic foods than we shouldn't eat them or go to their restaurants either. Vote this nasty racist trend down with your dollar. There won't be peace when the power is out...because there's no peace with the power on. Peace is not what the Palis want; dead Israelis is what the Palis want. I believe it would serve the Palis right if the Israelis did to them what they've been accused of doing to them, but the Israelis won't.
We've been told and warned against the Muslim Backlash since 9/11. Why hasn't there been one? The Twitter comment is just sad. Twitter did this to themselves...they squelched true free speech in favor of allowing terrorists and other bad actors to use their service. They kicked off supposed 'white supremacists' last year during the election - mostly all Trump supporters who were labeled as 'white supremacists' for having an opinion about illegal immigration - but don't get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists organizations and people connected to them.
The minute you decide conservative speech or Pro-Trump speech is 'white supremacist,' you have lost the idea of 'free speech' on your site, Twitter. “Williams also spoke at a commencement speech at the University of Nebraska, commenting on Silicon Valley’s arrogance at times, stating that the industry can think of themselves as, ‘a Prometheus, stealing fire from selfish gatekeeper gods and bestowing it on mere mortals.’
He continued to say “What we tend to forget is that Zeus was so pissed at Prometheus that he chained him to a rock so eagles could peck out his guts for eternity.” Williams said, “some would say that’s what we deserve for giving the power of tweets to Donald Trump.” I suspect these people see themselves as Zeus moreso than Prometheus. They didn't steal the gatekeeper function to turn it over to the mortals, they stole the gatekeeper function to keep it for themselves. The idea that they somehow are suffering stoically for their hubris in challenging the gods on behalf of us mortals is some sick, twisted, narcissistic version of Clinton's empathy - in this take we are asked to feel his pain. The cultural appropriation in the Portland ethnic-food world seems to be more deeply related to a complete misunderstanding of how the economy works. If POC own fewer businesses, then that can only be because white people are preventing them somehow. There seems to be no ability to even ask the question if there are other causes.
What is the Holy Spirit?
----------------------------------------------------------------- Ouch. The question is "Who is the Holy Spirit?" The author is correct, however, that the Spirit is only present where we love God and seek to follow His commandments. That is why it is paramount that believers seek to follow a holy life of integrity. Ephesians 5. If we say we are Christians and yet make fun of and fail to follow His commands we are deceiving ourselves. And that's why the Spirit is no longer in the mainline churches and they are in the dead and dying state they are in. The Spirit has left. Ichabod, as the Old Testament puts it. That's not an orthodox view. Perhaps in mainline protestant churches there's some new interpretation (when isn't there?).
That's a reversal of cause and effect. Ephesians 5 is directed at those who have already received the Spirit.
From Eph. 4: 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Chapter 5 is about what we should be able to do once we live totally within the Spirit, which as inherently sinful beings, imperfect and by our own power imperfectable, we cannot fully do.It is by no means a list of the things we must do to have God love us and give us the Spirit, and act of pure divine grace. |