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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 6. 2013Tuesday morning links
The 1 percent ruined love: Marriage is for the rich How Bad Is the Ammo Shortage? This Bad The IRS Attack on Political Speech The Indebted States of America - States and localities owe far, far more than their citizens know. Global Warming as Faith Note to Congress: Lock Down The NSA’s Data Federal 'nudge squad' led by 20-something wunderkind gears up to change Americans' behaviors – for our own good Where Americans want to live these days Why are homicide laws different for women & men? Just Spread Detroit's Failure, Why Don't Ya? Here's Why I Think Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post Not from The Onion: The UK does biofuel - with American trees! Monday, August 5. 2013Diversity: A Matter of CharacterSome time ago, I was working at a job that required 'diversity' in hiring practices. It was about 15 or so years, before this became a standard in most corporate hiring practices. I'm still trying to figure out what it means, particularly because I was always taught to hire the best person for the job. I'm not saying diversity is bad. In fact, I'm all for it. But there is no standard gauge for diversity and as a goal it's a moving target. Would 50% female and 20% black be sufficiently diverse? Do we need to have the same percentages of each group as exist in the US population? Or would some close approximation suffice? At what number of employees does diversity become an imperative? I'm not sure we can realistically set numbers for these kinds of things. At my company, VP level and above employees actually had bonuses based on 'improving the diversity of their departments.' There was no specific guideline provided, the VPs were left to figure it out for themselves. Many got significantly reduced bonuses, which led to the suspicion that it was a corporate method of reducing payouts. I happen to think that was the case. But the corporation took this all very seriously and each year we were given a 'diversity update,' during which we were showed charts and graphs of women and minorities as a percentage of the company's staff and the executive suite. I didn't care much for it. I am not opposed to diversity, but as I said, I always hired the best person for the job. I never think in terms of women, Asian, Black, Indian, etc. Suddenly I was being told what the company required in this regard when I was doing my interviews. I will never forget the laugh of one VP, when I recommended a young man for a position, as he said "Unless he's a black woman, the interview will not be worth his time." Fair enough, but I sent him in for the interview anyway and he was not hired, despite having stellar credentials and strengths in all the key areas the company was seeking to improve. Continue reading "Diversity: A Matter of Character"
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A world of sex at Bowdoin CollegeFrom an orientation (sexual orientation?) presentation for Freshmen at Bowdoin:
Well, OK. What seems odd to me is the college administration selling this. Is selling sexual experimentation part of their job? Regarding consent, I'd suggest recording it on video on your iPhone, ladies. Make sure the fellow gives you sober consent for you to enjoy his body.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Welcome to the Glory of Grievance
Like you, I was shocked into silence. I opened my mouth to respond to the horror I'd just witnessed, yet no words sprang forth. Likewise, I'm sure you sat there, jaw agape, thinking, Huh? WTF? I don' get it!!" But that's perfectly understandable. After all, your maiden name isn't Chinese. CNBC Reporter's Use Of "Chink In The Armor" Condemned By Asian American Journalists
You'll notice they used the clumsy word 'inappropriate' instead of the time-honored 'insensitive', but they're new to this. They'll learn quickly enough. As we noted a few days ago in Team Asia Drops The Ball, these are exciting times for Asians worldwide as they soar to new heights breaking new ground in uncharted waters. As both the Asiatic Anti-Defamation League and the National Association for the Advancement of Yellow-Colored People swing into full gear, there'll be nothing but lucrative lawsuit settlements and the admiration of their peers — that is, the other victim groups — in the future for these groundbreaking pioneers using this previously untapped resource. And, as 200 years of suppressed, rabid anti-Asianism comes boiling to the surface, you'd certainly expect to see the occasional "racist song!" headline, like we do now when some songwriter inadvertently uses the term "niggardly" or "Jew's harp". But the most racist song in history? That's how far these up-and-comers have already advanced. Quite Possibly The Most Racist Song Ever Written
Yep, that's what folks say. He, in turn, leads us to the source of this unfolding horror: Offensive "Asian Girlz" Video Sparks Talk Of Protest
This is, of course, what's so wrong with today's Political Correctness. Even mentioning the attributes of a people puts the stamp of Racist across one's forehead. Having learned this valuable lesson, I dashed back to the first site and wrote:
And, of course, we have the long-expected update: Band Removing 'Asian Girlz' Song, Video After Racist Backlash Victory! So we welcome our Asian brothers and sisters to the exciting, lucrative world of grievance and victimization, and wish them eminent success as they brave the waters of this new and bountiful course as they seize control of their shared destiny with other worldwide victims in bringing to light the New World Order where no one will ever feel offended again. Monday morning links
Not to mention cognitive powers.
Don’t Be Alarmed By The Drone Blimps Hovering Over D.C. They’re Here To Stop Cruise Missiles Finally! After all the money we've thrown into the Defense Department, it's nice to see them actually doing a little defense for once, rather than all that 'offensive defense' they're always doing overseas. As this 'comfort blanket' eventually covers and protects the entire nation against attacks from British, French and North Korean missile attacks, we can all sleep more soundly knowing that our 'big brother' is watching over us. In international news, those clever Israelis pulled another fast one as they snuck a spy (or 'bird' in Mideast lingo) into Turkey and then got him back out on a legal technicality when he obviously should have been put up against a wall and shot for the spy he is. Turkey Clears Bird Of Spying For Israel You'd think Turkish officials would have at least worked out a prisoner exchange.
For any Leno fans, I have a rare piece here.
Top 10 Worst Military Leaders In History There's one particular fave that's a surprise, but the author makes his points well.
Happy 70th Birthday, Mick Jagger! While there have certainly been the occasional big band orchestras that played together into their dotage, none of them ever pranced madly about the stage to the adulation of millions of screaming fans around the world while actually in said dotage.
Proposed New State In Northern Colorado Gains Traction
More than four dozen! When you see this kind of groundswell support, you know you're getting in touch with the people's true wants and needs. And those kooky kids in Hollywood are at it again. First Hitler, then Chavéz, then...
Well, at least this means we won't be hearing any more of those tired "Jews are running Hollywood" stories. In Dire Global Warming (DGW) news, I'm sure you've seen this terrible truth spread across the news sites recently: Rise In Violence 'Linked To Climate Change' I tracked down a handful of sites that had the article and left this in the comments:
So I'm living proof the article is spot on in its analysis. ![]() Given what a splendid job California-bashing sites like Maggie's Farm have done in indoctrinating its readers into believing everyone in CA is a drooling, frothing-at-the-mouth liberal and that you pray nightly for the Big One to come along and drop the whole thing into the ocean, it will come as a severe shock to learn that California might actually have some value after all: If We Didn’t Have California, What Would We Eat?
As cruel and horrific as this news is, I figured you'd rather hear it from me than see it splashed across some left-wing site as further proof of the right wing propaganda machine failing once again in its daunting task. Last week they lost the Bible, food stamps and Planned Parenthood — and now this. But Bird Dog will be back tomorrow and I'm sure these horror stories will end. Political News First Dog Bo Is Baffled By Giant Effigy Of Himself What a cute li'l tyke! Those little paws are just adorable! Let it never be said that all of my morning links are bad news. Saturday, August 3. 2013The Sound of Many Faucets Running, Act III And it appears he's got his thumb on the pulse of the nation: Sen. John McCain Hopes $1 Coin Motivates Strippers To Work For Better Tips If this all sounds vaguely familiar, this the third time in recent years that some Congresscritter has gotten this particular hair up his ass. It'll hopefully end in the same resounding defeat the first two measures did. As far as I know, they actually did start printing the first time, but the Below is my original article during the first go-'round. I might also note that I solved the problem. The Valued Maggie's Readership™ would expect no less.
Because of the media, we tend to focus on Congress as the people spending all of our hard-earned tax doubloons, and we tend to forget that there are scads of government agencies out there wasting money by the crateful. Literally, in this case. This is the new U.S. dollar coin: If you would be so kind, our government would like you to use these new dollar coins instead of dollar bills. Yes, you read that right. And would you like to know just why you're going to do this? To save the planet. To continue sinking into the deep abyss of eternal madness, please... Continue reading "The Sound of Many Faucets Running, Act III" Saturday morning links Bizarre Headlines
Thunderstorms Pose A Threat In Battling Calif. Blaze Because, if there's one thing you don't want a lot of while fighting a blazing forest fire, it's rain. Now here's a marvelously — if inadvertently — incredibly true headline: Military Works To Change Culture To Combat Rape If you're trying to reduce the incidence of rape of military women, importing a bunch of gays sounds like just the ticket! And that, friends, is culture change. In the 'Scratching Head' department, we have this: Private Company To Put A Telescope On The Moon And you think, gosh, if only we had some kind of "space station" or "orbiting telescope" or something where we could already do this! And here's one of those confusing philosophical issues: Stop Force-Feeding Guantanamo Prisoners on Hunger Strikes So, just to get this straight, the winner gets death?
MERS Virus May Be Deadlier Than SARS, Study Finds MERS Is Not The New SARS, Study Finds So at least we can put that little worry to rest. And Glenn Reynolds of PJ Media has shed a little light on the subject of armed domestic drones and how we should view them.
I think we can safely infer that "Hmm" to mean he doesn't really trust their word. But on the same page:
So, if I'm reading this right, armed drones are cool as long as the grown-ups aren't allowed to use them? All of which brings us to the question on everyone's lips: Do Scientists Mind Being Called Boffins? Uh, buddy, if those scientists had the slightest idea of the names we usually call them, they'd fall to their knees in gratitude for only being called boffins. Finally, turning to the horrific side of life, a drawbridge wouldn't open the other day, stranding drivers for, as the article states, "almost 45 minutes." When this kind of horror strikes an innocent populace, you can just bet that heads will roll. Mother Nature Blamed For Failures With Woodrow Wilson Bridge Gates And look how they zero right in on the exact problem:
And you think, gosh, if only there was some kind of modern science, like maybe the kind of advanced technology we'll have when we finally put a man on the moon some day, that could be used to prevent such tragedies in the future. I hear that new-fangled "insulated wire" looks promising. And that new "silicone sealant" isn't being called "the wonder glue of the 70's" for no reason. Normal Headlines Students Sign Petition To Legalize Abortion After Childbirth Kids today, huh? Why can't they be like we were, perfect in every way? Friday, August 2. 2013Team Asia drops the ballFirst off, in case you missed it a few weeks ago, here's the seriously hilarious screw-up by an Oakland TV station after the Asiana crash. The info actually came from an intern at the NTSB, so the station never questioned it and, simply because it went right on the air, no one ever actually pronounced the names out loud beforehand.
Other than that, as the saying goes, the story was accurate. The Asians broke a sacred trust last week. We notice that there's a million and one special interest groups constantly lobbying for gays, blacks, Jews, women, American Indians, and any other 'victim group' worth its weight in grievance. But not Asians. There's no 'Asian Caucus' in Congress. There's no 'Asian Pride Month' or 'Asian Anti-Defamation League' or 'Asian Feminist Lobby'. Asians simply aren't into that whole 'offended', 'insensitive', routine the other groups are. Until now. Asiana Airlines To Sue Oakland TV Station Over Use Of Racist ‘Names’
As I noted in Meaningless Words, the word 'racist' is about the most misused and meaningless word in the language today. In this case, Koreans aren't any more of a 'race' — at least according to the definition we've been using for the past 10,000 years — than Scots and Irishmen are. But the real joke here is that the fake names are Chinese in derivation, not Korean. So shouldn't it be the Chinese suing the TV station? As it turned out, they axed the suit a day later. But what we note is just how the race-grievance leftie sites phrased it: Asiana Airlines Abandons Plan To Sue KTVU Over Racist Name Gaffe - Huffington Post Asiana Airlines Won’t Sue TV Station Over Racially Charged Snafu - Variety Asiana Airlines (not) Suing Network Over Those Fake, Racist Pilot Names - Slate Asiana Airlines Nixes TV Lawsuit Over Pilot Names - Politico Hey, at least Politico didn't use the word 'racist' in the headline, right? Maybe they understand. Or, maybe not:
They were fake Chinese names. Seriously, that's pretty funny. The real icing on the cake would be to find out the NTSB intern was Japanese. From the first article, it did get one thing partially right:
It took about nine video clips and a thousand words of text but I managed to confirm that in Culture in the Cockpit. The part they got right is that this isn't a Korean problem. It's an Asian problem. As I noted in the piece, there have been a number of Japanese and Chinese flights where "not willing to speak up" was a BIG DEAL by the time the dust settled. Literally, in some cases. On a grander scale, this is also a humanistic problem, and one magnified in countries that have a tradition of Air Force jocks going into the airline industry such as Columbia, Egypt and Russia, but Asia is where the "don't question authority" mindset is particularly ingrained. The kamikazes of World War II might be Exhibit A. New England Real Estate: Mishaum Point, MA It's a pleasant day sail out to Cuttyhunk and the Elizabeth Islands for a picnic or an overnighter at anchor. Most of the houses there were built in the '40s, it seems, but some more since then. I liked the one in the picture. It's for sale. Asking $1.3 million, which seems like a very good deal to me. I could happily live there year-round - but there is no work nearby. How's that view from the house?
Posted by Bird Dog
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Best post I've readBest piece I've read about Obama's, or the Obama administration's, apparent complete and utter ignorance about how economies work. It is appalling. Appalling, dangerous, and destructive to the lives and futures of Americans both young and old. Or do they really know better, and is this tripe just boob bait for the press and the low-information voter? I can't really tell.
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A quick stop by Jim's Campers
<ring-ring!> "Good morning, Jim's Campers." "Hi. My camper's getting kind of old and I've been thinking of replacing it. The one criteria I have is that the hitch have a real good turning radius. That's always been the biggest problem, maneuvering in tight spaces." "I see. What turning radius does your present rig have?" "Only about seventy-five degrees. I'm always afraid of the hitch binding up and actually breaking something." "Yes, that's always been the problem with those old-fashioned types of hitches." "What do you mean? What's the turning radius of your model?" "Oh, about three hundred and sixty degrees."
Limited items in stock! Order now! History lessonFriday morning links
Feds Tell Web Firms To Turn Over User Account Passwords House Narrowly Kills Move To Rein In NSA As we see more and more of the first type of headline over the coming years, bear in mind that the House is Republican-controlled, so be careful when pointing the finger of blame as to why these run-amok agencies aren't being slapped down. Pic: If I'm not mistaken, that's the same poster I saw back in the 70's when Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' and George Orwell's '1984' became required reading for concerned citizens everywhere. But we laughed and laughed. The government, watching your every single move? How absurd! Ha-ha-ha! XKeyscore: NSA Tool Collects 'Nearly Everything A User Does On The Internet' Nobody's laughing now. And, in complete fairness, it's not just the government. Retail Stores Plan Elaborate Ways To Track You Is Your Cable Box Spying On You? GOP Bill Would Block Funding To Schools That Ban Imaginary Guns
It probably won't get anywhere, but that's the nicest thing I've seen Congress attempt in about a decade. The entire situation has literally entered the realm of the insane. But when it happens in the Fed's own back yard, it makes the whole system look like something out of a comic book. D.C. Records Its First Legal Pot Deal In At Least 75 Years Women In The News! As our female readership knows, the wise and kindly Dr. Mercury is always praising their virtues and striving to help them better their lives in the midst of a cruel, wretched, male-dominated world. Recent examples are here and here.
I'm just that kinda guy. Today's first Woman In The News is Kirstie Alley advocating something I'm pretty sure everyone in the universe can get behind: Kirstie Alley Advocates Violence Against Paparazzi For maximum efficiency, I recommend the Louisville Slugger 'Billy Martin' edition: Keep it well oiled between uses so it doesn't develop small cracks due to humidity changes. Next up, did you hear about the horrible incident singer Beyonce had with an unruly fan? A couple of big body guards showed up and, while a tremendous struggle ensued, that fan never had a chance. But, through it all, Beyonce kept her cool, the sign of a true professional: And she never missed a note, even when confronted by an unruly fan. And that, friends, is professionalism. Bad News For Conservatives Dept Yes, very bad news, so if you happen to know any, it might be best if they left the room for a few minutes. We wouldn't want any hurt feelings. First off, true Conservatives like Bird Dog, Barrie, NJ, the gang over at Hot Air and PJ Media, Power Line, Ace of Spades and all the rest would like to see that evil food stamps program shut down immediately. Because, as all good Conservatives believe, the best way to deal with poor people is to starve them to death. Sadly, their efforts haven't gotten very far. Not only that, but now they're even losing that whole 'moral high ground' religious mantle they used to wear so proudly. Democrat Corrine Brown: Bible Tells Us To Provide Food Stamps
Also, horrible news on the Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill Front: New Survey: 55 Percent Say They Were Unaware Planned Parenthood Performed Abortions Sure, Planned Parenthood spends less than 3% of its budget on abortions. Sure, none of it comes from taxpayers. Sure, the right wing has been lying their ass off to you when abortion mill are the first words to drip off their venomous fingers. So what! Despite their best efforts to close it down, it appears they have failed miserably in their plan to convince America that women should not be given free medical breast exams. Well, after all that bad news, I suppose it's only right to finish up this section with a story about a cute little kitten and the crazy antics of its owners. Kitten Nearly Dies From Vegan Diet The good news is, it lived! And if the cute little kitten lived! isn't a happy ending, then I don't know what is. Political News Maria Mitchell. You know, Maria Mitchell! Hell, everybody's heard of her. First female American professional astronomer? That's her. Oh, and an ardent feminist, I might add. For a left-leaning site like Google, she's the cat's meow. And here's Ms. Mitchell being celebrated by them yesterday:
It was her 195th birthday, you see. Not her 192nd, not her 200th, but her 195th. It seems a tad apparent that some libber over at Google suddenly discovered this dame and just couldn't wait to get her name in highlights. And here's how Google has celebrated the proud American holiday Memorial Day every year since they opened: Maybe they're just forgetful. Thursday, August 1. 2013History's Mysteries: The Obama '57 States' Meme All right-wingers know the story of Obama and his infamous "57 states" comment. Here's a quick sampling: Obama Thinks The United States Has 57 States
Obama Thinks There Are 57 States
Obama's Little Lies A Big Problem
Now, for hopefully the last time, let me be as persuasive as I can be: President Obama does NOT BELIEVE THERE ARE 57 STATES!! He believes there are 60. Traveled to every corner of the United States = 57 Didn't visit Alaska and Hawaii = 2 One left to go = 1 60. He simply couldn't have been any clearer. Welcome to beautiful Lake North Pole!
The water skiing is supposed to be fantastic, and the scuba clubs are going crazy because of the crystal-clear conditions. I don't think it would be an understatement to call it a 'tourist's paradise', and we all have global warming to thank. ![]() Oops. Sorry about that. Turns out they weren't talking about the North Pole at all.
Welcome to the beautiful Arctic Circle Sunbather's Resort! Pic and text from the article:
Sun-lovers around the world are already making plans, but you'd better hurry if you want to join in the fun as the Marriott Norilsk and Hilton Norilsk are already reporting they're booked for the next few months. I don't think it would be an understatement to call Norilsk a 'tourist's paradise', and we all have global warming to thank. Furthermore, I- Wait, hold on a sec. The second page of the article just loaded. Oops. Sorry about that. Turns out they weren't talking about sunbathing at all.
And the mice doth play Sadly, this means I'll be doing the morning links through Monday. Unlike my own posts, where only urbane sophisticates with an intellectual bent are allowed to comment, the morning links are open to all walks of life, from the lowliest unwanted dregs of society (liberals, hedonists, Mac users) to wretched unwashed misfits (slobs, drunken reprobates, Chrome browser users) all the way to nutjob religious zealots (Two-Seed-In-The-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, global warming alarmists), so it doesn't promise to be pretty. I was going to fill in this spot with some interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits on a certain unruly commenter (I wouldn't want to mention any names, but I don't suppose it's giving too much away to say his name starts with the letter 'Z'), but he seems to have taken off for the nonce, so I won't waste our time. If he returns, I'll immediately issue a major bulletin warning everybody. Also, as regular readers know, I can be Switching gears about as radically as one can without suffering whiplash, let's talk about sex. Raw, naked sex. Flesh! That's what the hungry mob wants, and that's what the hungry mob shall have. As a long-standing tradition when I take over the morning links for a few days, I'm opening up the infamous Maggie's Farm Smut Guide for the duration. Fair warning, though. It's not for the squeamish. Thursday morning links
Feds Move Ahead With Plans To Kill Barred Owls — To Save Spotted Owls Finally! After years of bureaucratic red tape as the barred owls' lawyers fought in federal court to have them un-barred from polite society everywhere, a verdict has been reached and the appropriate death sentences will now be meted out. These barred animals simply have to learn their place! So, along with curing athlete's foot, gout, lumbago, cancer, dandruff, diabetes, brain damage and other assorted ills, we can now add to the list... Study: Marijuana Smokers Are Thinner And Healthier Than Non-Users
Studies are like statistics; always there when you need 'em! And catch the misleading 'potent' part. Weed is the beer of the drug world.
Probably another one of those "Gosh, it looked so good on paper!" stories. UK's Anti-Pornography Plan Is Scary, Pointless Grandstanding I'm not big on linking to left-leaning (delicate cough) "science" sites, but he nailed that one. If there was ever — and I mean ever — a case of 'learning from history', a blanket ban on porn would have to be near the top of the list.
From his Wikipedia page:
So it's good to know he's keeping an eye on the important things. He also begs... BEGS us not to buy or upgrade to Windows 8.1:
And I heartily agree. I did a review on Win8 back when it was in beta and what few additions have come with 8.1 are more confusing than helpful. If you've heard they brought the Start Menu back, far from it. You can still use additional programs to iron most things out, but hunting down, installing and setting up 3rd-party programs is beyond the average user's grasp. Stick with Vista or Win7, that's my best and only advice. When Microsoft discovers that there are still people out here using real, live desktop and laptop computers and brings back all of the standard stuff in Windows 9, we'll be more than happy to consider it. And, hey, you have to admire ingenuity. You say you live way up north and your quaint little town is shrouded in darkness for almost half a year?
You got a problem, you solve it. That's just the way life works. And I guess the question that arises now is, so what's your town done for its residents lately?
Appeals Court Strikes Down NYC's Big-Soda Ban It was apparently struck down on a technicality:
In other news, bulimia is still legal, but I suppose it's next. Finally, on an upbeat, comedic note, we have this laff riot: Future Global Temperature Forecasts Trending Downward? As you'd expect, these AGC people are firmly in the bag:
These guys are just hysterical, aren't they? Still stuck in the old CO2 = Deadly Toxic Gas mindset with the only two variables being that the temp either goes up or down because of it. Like I said, a laff riot. Luckily, the sophisticated, urbane readers of Maggie's Farm (assuming that's not an oxymoron) are aware that good hard science now supports four vastly different climate models, giving each and every one of us the opportunity to choose for ourselves on this most critical of issues. Options. That's what science is all about. Political News What a cutie! Michelle Obama Debuts New Hair For Prince Harry’s U.S. Visit
As if her hairdo wasn't hot enough in the 'Before' pic, the new 'do' is positively gorgeous! Look at that sheen! So there is some good news coming out of Washington these days. Wednesday, July 31. 2013Wednesday evening mini-link dump
Therefore, I will dump what links I have right now to clean up my screen. 4 reasons capitalism is morally bankrupt, dying American Federation of Teachers: It's unconstitutional to demand that professional teachers dress slightly better than unskilled day labor you might pick up milling around in front of Home Depot in the morning I saw people walking into an Italian wake the other day in shorts and t-shirts. E-mails Suggest Collusion Between FEC, IRS to Target Conservative Groups Duh. Zuckerberg: My net worth only went up $3.8 billion today, so America needs cheaper programmers I have the same problem hiring Maggie's contributors Secret Sex Tape: Monica Lewinsky Caught On Explicit Recording Telling Bill Clinton, ‘I Could Take My Clothes Off…’ She's a fun chick ... or was. Everybody does stupid things when they are young. The wise youth stay off the front pages. Perhaps not off the police blotter, but off the front pages. XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' If they notice that I check Powerline regularly, am I in trouble?
Weds. morning links
If you want to avoid a headache, it's cheaper just to skip the Champagne altogether. That friend thinks that Veuve Clicquot is a close second. Why Are Google Employees So Disloyal? Letter to the Editor re home schooling America The Nice? A 280,000% Mark Up For... Water? A Look Inside The Bottled Water Industry A woman who is not fit to carry a firearm Why Obama doesn't dare speak about Detroit World Trade Center Memorial Didn't Want A Ground Zero Picture PPP poll: Palin leads Alaska Republican Senate primary by 10 points 1,122 Record Cold Temps in the U.S. in one week Georgia Insurance Rates Spike Under Obamacare Sultan: The end of shame Mead: We Really Don’t Understand Our Climate Barack Obama’s clueless message to America’s middle class shows a presidency out of touch with reality Tuesday, July 30. 2013Tuesday morning links Do Bears Pole Dance In the Woods? Poler Bears? Scientists Seek to Rein In Diagnoses of Cancer Pope Francis: “Who am I to judge” gay priests? - The pontiff stressed that homosexuals should Obama Vineyard vacation at $7.6m private resort; more than 75 rooms booked for staff Is Obama trying to be a WASP? Somebody needs to tell him that WASPs don't do ostentation Alwaleed warns of US shale danger to Saudi Government economy wonks: The Foolishness Of The Wise Ron Binz's Rules for Radicals - An Obama appointee with an agenda to bypass Congress. Get Ready for the All-Hail-Hillary Movies - In the run-up to 2016, Hollywood plans to turn out “evenhanded” biopics. A Bet on Clinton: If They Network, She Will Run Is America Argentina? Half of Affordable Care Act call center jobs will be part-time Unintended consequence of Obamacare: the 30-hour work week Cuccinelli leads in one poll as McAuliffe scandal mounts Birds of a feather: McAuliffe and Hillary's brother and assorted scumbags Krugman on sprawl and urban economies How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America The Progressive and the Pencil - Retold, in pictures Did Obama learn his American history from Howard Zinn? Zinn had contempt for America, but he would never leave. He was one of our Wellfleet neighbors. He made many millions on his anti-American, anti- free-market screeds. Washington Eco-Terrorists Advocate Violence: “Sometimes You have to Shed Blood” Monday, July 29. 2013My personal path to Catastrophic AGW skepticism
From Jonathan Abbott
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Oldie but Goodie
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Monday morning links The Democrats just can’t seem to take America’s side James Taranto: A Strange Sort of Justice at West Point Regulating Detroit The sad case of Mike Licensed to Carry - Gun ownership is regulated more than critics ever admit. What scandals? The media ignores or covers up bad news about Obama Warmist Damage Control: ‘Slowdown in global warming was expected’ HHS whines: we don't have enough of your money to secure your health care records from prying eyes! Saturday, July 27. 2013All you can do is laugh
There are deep subtleties in the sexual peccadillo qualifications for public service. It's difficult to keep track of the changing rules. I think gay peccadillos are OK now, but it's difficult to be certain anymore. I think it all depends on R or D, or where you fall on the D spectrum.
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