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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, August 21. 2013David Miranda Could Be YouIt's not enough to accept any government's explanations for censorship or unlawful detention. We have to consider what compels government to do what it does, in general. That is, the pursuit of power. The promise to "fight terrorism" may provide a fig leaf, but barely that. "Terrorism" is whatever a government chooses it to be, and this definition will be used by those in power to pursue more power.
If a government knows it will draw attention by detaining a somewhat high-profile individual, what prevents that detention or harassment of you or me? Weds. morning links Probably best to avoid fatty fish, though Elmore Leonard, RIP The Washington Post’s Next Macaca Marathon is Well Under Way Swedes work harder than Americans? The Clinton dramas: Here we go again Who are the evil 1%? Mark Harmon and Jon Stewart Can We Ever Lighten The Crushing Weight Of Federal Regulations? How is government medical care working out in Vermont? Obama Admin Concerned About Repairing Sound Barrier Mother Jones’s Kevin Drum Notices the Obamacult Does Liberalism Make It Easier to be Bad? These aren't your parents' Democrats Tuesday, August 20. 2013The Chi-coms and The Seven Evils
"... a memo sent to China's universities told them to avoid “seven evil subjects" -- listed as "universal values; western ideas of the freedom of the press; civil society; civic rights; historical mistakes of the Communist party; crony networks; and judicial independence.""
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Tuesday morning links Help Thy Neighbor and Go Straight to Prison Arctic sea ice-free by 2013 America's Libertarian Moment - A longtime libertarian policy wonk talks about whether the Obamacare: Lawmaker, Regulate Thyself Your new health care system, schematized Obama’s vague Buffett Rule a political ploy Scientists Unlock Self-Fertilizing Crops NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn The Worst Argument Against Catastrophic Health Coverage The ‘Forced Home Inspections’ in Obamacare Law Adult kids at home: New Jersey’s Boomerang Generation Are big-time journalists out of touch with America? Monday, August 19. 2013When welfare pays better than workWhen welfare pays better than work:
Avoiding poverty is easy. Get a job. Work hard. Save money. Make friends. Get married before you have kids.
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Monday morning links Russell Moore: From Moral Majority to 'Prophetic Minority' - The new leader of the Southern Baptist political arm says Christians have lost the culture and need to act accordingly. The hardest working man in demagogy It turns out that Democrats destroyed the entire health care system to insure, like, 3 extra people New York Bans in Schools Words Like: Gun, Dinosaur, War, Disease Steyn: Idiot Big Brother Got a Great Health Plan? Get Ready to Kiss It Goodbye Can the GOP Fix Its Woman Problem in Time to Fight Clinton? Deputies Bust Gays with Unconstitutional Sodomy Law: Don’t Cops Have Better Things to Do?! Overburdened - New York’s tax regime costs the city jobs in a hypercompetitive age. Egypt’s One Chance for Democracy -Only capable armed forces can check the violent proclivities of Islamic supremacism. Are Democrats About to Fracture Over Fracking? China’s Xi “Lurches” to the Left, Promotes Maoist Revival Rochester man installs solar panels on his home to help educate taxpayers about the wastefulness of subsidies In Defense of Football - It's a rough, sometimes dangerous sport, but critics exaggerate football's risks The truth Johnny Depp wants to hide about the real-life Tontos: How Sunday, August 18. 2013Your Daily Chomsky
What the "people" want is free stuff. Duh. Unless they are honorable and self-respecting people, but that is old-fashioned. Saturday, August 17. 2013What's the Matter with Connecticut?
A quote:
I love this state, or parts of it anyway. However, it is one of those states, like California, which once were independent-minded and traditionalist Yankee Red, but gradually turned Blue and then finally Dark Blue. They took their prosperity for granted. Farms, inventors, entrepreneurs, booming factories, great private schools, and great universities and colleges; the summer homes of the prosperous of NYC and even Hollywood; a charming coastline great for swimming, sailing, and fishing; old-time Yankee towns and virtues. Jobs for all. Minimal taxation. A huge middle-class, with more upper-middle than most states had, to spread their money around. Huge Hartford insurance industry. Horses, cattle, fine Connecticut shade tobacco. Old town greens with their Congregational churches. Town Meeting governments where every wise old guy and every crank had his say. The southern half is close to NYC, and the northern half goes to Boston for baseball and football and hockey. Good choices. Government policies did their damage. State taxes and local property taxes. Unions corrupted urban governments, along with some of the immigrant Mafioso components. Semi-skilled blacks from the rural South moved north in a vast migration for the industrial jobs, jobs which fled this high-tax, heavily-unionized post-War state leaving them with nothing while immigrant Mexicans happily do most of the hard labor and even skilled labor like masonry and construction, and are happy to work in our Dunkin Donuts shops. For many businesses and many individuals, economics now trump sentimental home-town and home-state attachments. Probably, like many Californians, government is doing their best to drive me away but it's still home to me. Roots, family, friends, traditions, church, clubs, colleagues. Some of my wealthy friends retire to elite enclaves in Florida for six months plus one day, and spend the rest of their time up here. Not that they really retire, but you know what I mean: they keep working via the internet and phone. Attorneys and accountants are needed to minimize the damage of the government greed which, unlike private desire for profit, comes to us at gunpoint. Nothing about Florida holds any charm for me (sorry, Florida readers). It's just how I feel. I have enjoyed visits to the Everglades, and other places in Florida. But not to live. It's just not my subculture. Now I must be off to a neighborhood cocktail party. Some of the old traditions persist amongst the traditionalist old minority here, where a blazer and tie are still never the wrong attire for a Connecticut Yankee. Nobody has informed Bridgeport about that yet, but I still hold some hope for that old town if they can starve out the mob, the unions, and etc. "Park City."
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Saturday morning linksWhen to act like a kindly Brontosaurus The Entire History of the World—Really, All of The Six People You Meet in Manhattan Before 8 A.M. Does your child have a Paleontology Disorder? How Many Gentrification Critics Are Actually Gentrifiers Themselves? SWAT team invades Texas farm Send in the Obama Clowns Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz: Obama Suspends the Law. What Would Lincoln Say? The “Cadillac” health plan is a myth - A doctor explains that limiting the scope of Coyote predicted the end of full-time work Obamacare Provision: “Forced” Home Inspections The Decline and Fall of Big Law Elementary School Children Have Only Experienced Global Cooling It’s time to call Warmists “deniers” Taking Back the GOP Debates - The party has a right to protect its own interests: no more fact-challenged Candy Crowleys. The Five Pillars of Islam — in Kansas New Mexico: Courts Must Seat Jurors Who Do Not Speak English Friday, August 16. 2013Howard Zinn – Hero of Hollywood and the academic leftZinn hated the country which made him millions with his 1930s-style propaganda, and which bought his nice summer place on Cape Cod. He even bought the theater there. There is something twisted about people who welcome opportunity for themselves, but hate it for others. Howard Zinn – Hero of Hollywood and the academic left Sarah Hoyt gets it: Occupied!
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Friday morning links If Obamacare is the Law of the Land, then Why Does the Obama Administration Keep Ignoring It? Study: Journalism grads don't read newspapers, mags, books Stocks as overvalued now as at 2007 high Fetuses Made Into Soup in China Roger Simon: End the Civil Rights Movement Bryan Fischer: Obama Was Photoshopped Into Bin Laden Situation Room Photo How American Rich Kids Bought Their Way Into the British Elite Rachel Carson and chemophobia Total US Household Debt at Lowest Level in Seven Years The Coming Hillarycult? - The Left may succeed in turning Clinton into a cultural icon in the Obama mold. Study: More Americans on Disability than Live in NYC PA Chief Promises to Bypass Congress in Responding to Global Warming - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/#sthash.hz3lWavt.dpuf EPA Chief Promises to Bypass Congress in Responding to Global Warming - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/#sthash.zKxT9pCC.dpuf EPA
Chief Promises to Bypass Congress in Responding to Global Warming - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/#sthash.zKxT9pCC.dpuf Thursday, August 15. 2013Americans Remain Wary of Washington One quote:
Photo is of the Obamacare law. Nobody in America knows all of what's in it, to this day. No doctor or lawyer ever will and, God knows, no politician will ever bother to know: they exempted all national politicians from it. Teams of hundreds of junior staffers wrote that stuff, and put in whatever they felt like. The detailed regulations to that pile of crap will fill a library, and every hospital, drug company, medical device company, insurance company, doctor, and nursing home in America will be in violation of something. Work for attorneys, for sure, so I guess that's a good thing. Our government is insane. My personal definition of insanity is not knowing that you are nuts. If you worry about being nuts, you probably aren't. When, why, and where, did around 50% of Americans get the notion that government was a good thing rather than the necessary but strictly-limited evil which our founders envisioned? What made tough, independent American pioneers into willing children of the State? Is European-style serfdom contagious? My ancestors escaped serfdom, at great personal risk. I will be loyal to that. I have no gratitude for government "services." I want to be left alone and never "helped." That's American to me.
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Thursday morning links
Rodeo clowns asked to take ‘sensitivity training’ What America needs are more sensitive clowns. As if government did not provide enough of them. A Reasoned and Balanced Call for the Ritual Stoning of the All the Gold in the Universe Could Come From the Collisions of Neutron Stars 40 amazing maps that will help you make sense of the world Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions The New York Times takes down the Clinton Foundation. This could be devastating for Bill and Hillary WALL STREET JOURNAL REMAINS #1 NEWSPAPER IN U.S. New peer reviewed paper shows only 36% of geoscientists and engineers believe in AGW To campaign against the bullying of LGBT people as if disagreement with the gay lifestyle were an evil is itself a form of Just Being Hillary Isn't Enough If Elected, Hillary Clinton Could Save The World Yet another messiah? Wednesday, August 14. 2013Weds. morning links Who rents who? Not understanding the poetry your girlfriend loves OFA Gets Zero Attendance for Climate Change Rally MacDonald: Ignoring the realities of NYC crime NBC: Obamacare Is Forcing Companies to Cut Employee Hours Salon Warns Public Workers: Your Pensions Are Not Safe Northern Arizona U. offers new competency-based degrees and transcripts Brain Activity Shows Basis of Near-Death Experiences Daniel Henninger: Obama's Creeping Authoritarianism - Imposed law replaces checks and balances Barone: Not everyone wants to be CEO That's for women and men. CEOs are hired to worry and to be available 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week. It's not for everybody. Sultan on nice wars:
Tuesday, August 13. 2013Leviticus in the State of WashingtonThis came in over the transom:
I would ask Al Sharpton to pay her fineTawana loses job and bed - Can’t pay suit $$ Seriously, she was an idiot kid at the time, in a family dispute. Her mess began when the grievance crews showed up and exploited a foolish kid. I feel sorry for her. I think she was just trying to avoid a whuppin' from her father or stepfather or whoever, and quickly got in over her head with her teenage fibs. In a way, I see both her and Pagones as victims of the race industry.
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Tuesday morning links Breaking Bad Returns: Is This Show Even About Walter White Anymore? LEEDS certification: When Sustainability is not Sustainable Can Beirut Be Paris Again? Freed from Syrian domination, Lebanon’s capital could shine. Feds Buy Up Hotel Rooms for Influx of Illegal Immigrants Is large-scale illegal immigration over? Holder to Announce Plans to Reduce Prison Population 13 Reasons You're Not As Successful As You Should Be by Jim Kukral Yet another one: Stimulus-Backed Green Energy Company ECOtality May Declare Bankruptcy Steyn: Know Thine Enemy - Major Hasan is honest about himself; why aren’t we? Very Good News: The Tea Party Has Altered the Spending Trajectory in Washington School District To Launch ‘Trayvon Martin Dialogues’ Intelligent Design vs. Howard Zinn: A Case Study in Academic Double Standards and Hypocrisy Flashback: “Full audio of 1998 ‘redistribution’ speech: Obama saw welfare recipients as ‘majority coalition’” - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=50494#sthash.2xiuODlQ.dpuf Flashback:
“Full audio of 1998 ‘redistribution’ speech: Obama saw welfare recipients as ‘majority coalition’” - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=50494#sthash.2xiuODlQ.dpuf Monday, August 12. 2013Site note Showboat comin' up the river Monday morning links Our Biggest Regrets About College Sex Losers on the Romantic Demand Side Dowd: Madam President "Integration without blacks in NYC neighborhoods" Sports: The last outpost of meritocracy Breaking Bad returns ObamaCare To Target Charitable Hospitals Reid: We Must ‘Work our Way Past’ Insurance-Based Health Care Reid says Obamacare just a step toward eventual single-payer system San Diego Mayor Finishes Two-Week Training on Treating Women Like People 'Free at Last' PAC Launched by Black Conservatives NOAA Data confirms downtrend and 2012 as one of the coldest years this century Minnesota has joined four other states in requiring its insurance Saturday, August 10. 2013Saturday morning links
Chart above via Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations By Time Period How adults became able to drink milk Study disputes link between combat and suicide Don't believe what you read about happiness. It's all lies. Maybe You Should Have Gone to Trade School The Childless City - It's hip, it's entertaining—but where are the families? Barred versus Spotted Owls: Humans in No Position to Contradict Nature Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2013/08/06/3010705/study-disputes-link-between-combat.html#storylink=cpy Friday, August 9. 2013Friday morning links SAT Scores No Longer Important to Some Colleges Any customer is better than no customer Monstrous - Polyamorist Michael Philpott killed his children in pursuit of welfare benefits. NYT Spotlights Obama’s Middle East Mess Al-Qaeda Is on the Run? Obama’s Foreign Policy Projects Confusion and Weakness Chris Matthews: The Fact That I Speak Openly of Barack Obama's Why Seniors Are Turning Against The GOP Where are all the children? NYC: If Giuliani, like Alexander, had run out of problems to conquer, Bloomberg never had any to begin with.:
The Peace Process’s Turkey The Vietnam War, via chopper The UN’s Millennium Development Flop Washington fixes Obamacare --- for Washington only! Thursday, August 8. 2013Thursday morning links The most beautiful woman of the middle ages
The Shame of Federal Student Loans U.S. Congress wins relief on Obamacare health plan subsidies Walmart Mocks 'The Nation' Over Low-Wages Paid to Interns Time Magazine Propagandizes Against Reproduction Obama Says Private Capital Should Have Bigger Role In Mortgage Market, Isn’t Struck By Lightning Seattle city gov’t bans the words “citizen” and “brown bag,” for obvious reasons When Markets Turn Ted Koppel: America's Chronic Overreaction to Terrorism Is Obama Wrong About Infrastructure Creating Growth? Larry Schweikart and Burton Folsom: Obama's False History of Public Investment - Entrepreneurs built our roads, rails and canals far better than government did. A strange story: A Psychology Professor's Dark Past Raises Questions about the Insanity Defense Economic Forecasts Are Bad, Budget Forecasts Delusional DUmmy Wonders If “This Is The Final Question That America Is Asking Itself” Steve King: Belief In Climate Change Is A ‘Religion,’ ‘Not Science’ Art Horn Letter to Connecticut State Department of Agriculture Wednesday, August 7. 2013A Detailed List of Curious Coincidences in President Obama’s Life
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Weds. morning links Born this way? Transsexuals Bad Weather Reducing Chevy Volt Reduced By $5,000 Light-Rail to Nowhere: Honolulu, Hawaii's Train Boondoggle Obamacare: Aetna Pulls Out of Maryland, Connecticut Busybody Politics John King: Why Benghazi matters Benghazi: Is the Alleged CIA Scandal Real? Yep, This Sounds Like Classic Workplace Violence to Me… National Review Misses Most Obvious Point in Taking on "Prison/Industrial Complex" Organizing for Action pitches help for Democrats The need for more direct action against the GOP establishment Daily Kos not too pleased with Obamacare Replica of Paris in China becomes ghost town Tuesday, August 6. 2013Available at selected Dunkin Donuts storesA new t-shirt easily found up in Yankeeland. I told my wife this is what I want for my birthday, so we got me one. It's all I want for my birthday. I'll wear it in Italy, with my straw Stetson, red shorts, and white sneakers, and nobody will dare bother me. Not even the Somali scum. $12.95. She got off easy, except for the cost of the Italy trip.
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