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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, September 3. 2013The Asiana crash, revisited The reason that was given was, due to some confusion in the cockpit, the autopilot was assumed to be taking care of the aircraft's speed, which it wasn't. So, they lost altitude quickly at the end and clipped the edge of the runway. But that doesn't really answer why the pilot was trying to land so near the edge of the runway in the first place, what with a long, expansive landing strip in front of them. And this is especially true in S.F., where there's no pre-runway to safeguard against such things, because the runways jut out into this big watery thing called a "bay". But upon watching the following video, pointed out to me by my buddy Feebs, I was suddenly reminded of a nasty experience I once had, which might just answer that elusive why. For airplane buffs, this is a very interesting video showing the last number of minutes of an airliner landing at SFO from inside the cockpit. A few things to watch for: — I like they way they label it "Silicon Valley, CA". Silicon Valley is a euphemism for an area loosely composed of parts of San Jose, Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. — Since we presume they didn't do any editing-out in this thing, both the 'Landing' and 'Shutdown' check lists are stunningly short. — There's an interesting moment when the computer calls out "200" feet, and it appears the pilot actually has to give it the verbal command to "continue" for things to progress as normal. I presume he's actually talking to the co-pilot, following routine, but you'll see what I mean about it appearing like he's talking to the computer. — It's also interesting how bouncy the cockpit is once they touch down. You don't get that feeling at all from the rest of the plane, but these guys are seriously a'shakin'. — And how in the world do the pilots see those baton-waving directional guys way down on the ground? For the final 'stop' command, do they raise some guy way up on a crane in front of the cockpit? Well, not exactly. What they're going to do is fly in high over S.F. heading southward, go down to the South Bay (Silicon Valley), turn around and head back up to the airport over the bay.
It was at San Carlos airport, mid-way down the Peninsula, and I was being given a demo ride by an instructor. I was about 30 or so, had just come into a small inheritance, and wanted to fulfill a lifelong dream of getting a pilot's license. We took a Cessna 172 up, up and away, flew over the coastal range that runs down the spine of the Peninsula, cruised out over the Pacific, did a few basic acrobatics, and headed back home. And there was the edge in front of us, and the pilot came in low, over water, aiming for the very rim of the runway. At the last moment, I was 99.99% positive we were going to hit it with the wheels, cartwheel over and die. Whoomp! We landed safely and I immediately (1) signed up for lessons with (2) the condition that it not be that guy. It honestly scared me like I've seldom been in my life. And just why was he trying to get so close to the edge, when there was figuratively miles of runway in front of him? Because getting close to the edge was the only challenge in sight. In my Culture in the Cockpit post, I noted how sometimes airline disasters can almost be directly attributable to countries with militaristic backgrounds whose Air Force pilots then turn to commercial aviation, and how that "don't question authority" mindset can often be their undoing. But this is different. Place yourself in the Asiana plane, as a junior pilot wanting to impress his superiors by just nailing that edge. Except that this time the autopilot doesn't have your back. This wasn't a cultural crash. This might have been nothing more than pride.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Tuesday morning links
A short-but-sweet dissertation on those bad ol' chemicals: Chemophobia Shouldn't Be On The Menu As most people would agree, the main problem with Northern Colorado becoming the 51st state is having to redo all of those flags and coffee mugs and stamps and all the rest. Who needs the aggravation? It seems a simpler solution would be to ask: Could Colorado County Become Part of Wyoming?
And, from a very long article covering drones from A to Z, we have:
And from this article:
So now we have UAS, RPA and UVS — and that's just from three articles! Here's that bad boy now: Speaking of guns and bad boys, Obama's trying to pull an end-around on Congress: Inside Obama’s war on guns: Rick Perry decries effort to disarm Americans
I'm so bad at art that I can't even doodle well. Of the caffeine front, we have: 5 Weird Ways to Get Your Caffeine One odd thing is that they didn't mention the brilliant idea I had years ago. As I mention in my mocha post, I've never liked coffee in the slightest — but I love its effects. So, my nimble mind thinks, why not buy caffeinated water and make the ice cubes for my ever-present Ginger Ale out of it! Alas, my brilliant plan was shattered like ice because it's too expensive. It was something like $3 just for one regular little bottle.
Not to mention those poor bastards over at the hurricane center: No Atlantic Hurricane by August in First Time in 11 Years Personally, I blame The Gore Effect. "More and more violent weather" was one of the core themes of his outburst a few weeks ago, and, well, here we are. Political News That Michelle Obama is a real hoot, isn't she? Compare her to, say, Hillary's days in the White House, and how she spent them trying to harm the nation by pushing HillaryCare through. In my book, the proper role of the First Lady is to take some 'harmless' subject like "do more exercise" or "kids eating better" and push that, as well as just getting out there and mingling with the common folk, giving them the feeling that our government really is comprised of actual human beings, not just some remote voice on a news clip. It's the same reason townhall meetings are so appreciated. Actually seeing and interacting with your 'voice in Washington' makes a difference. From this viewpoint, then, this is kinda cool: Michelle Obama releasing rap album (but she doesn't sing)
Naturally, the right-wing bloggers — ever eager to defile her because she's a hated Democrat — are outraged because, as one Townhall blogger put it, rap is "a genre known for its demeaning lyrics towards women and inappropriate language", even though it's obvious this is nothing of the sort. We have spoken in the past of what a meaningless word 'racism' has become in recent years, but condemning an entire genre of a certain race's style of music actually is being racist, Townhall. Last Friday, 90% of the Maggie's male readership was forced to admit that Michelle Goddam Obama can do more push-ups than they can. As I noted, you can't fake push-ups; this lady practices what she preaches. There's a fun slideshow here of her in various athletic situations, including busting ass on the track and boogalooing with the best of them.
Men can fix anythingSaturday, August 31. 2013Millenials in the Workplace
I smiled, and replied very simply, "No." He took offense and commented that younger people knew more, were more adaptable, etc. I again smiled and said, "I know what you're thinking. I was there once, too. We do tend to think, when we're new to the workforce, that business is messed up and we know a better way. Frankly, we probably do when we're younger. But there are a few things lacking when we think this way. For example, experience and perspective. While I can understand you point of view, and to some degree you're correct, the reality is altogether different and it may take time to understand, let alone accept, this." He was not happy with my response, and his interruptions eventually disrupted the class and we never finished. I had to speak with his director about his behavior. Eventually, he left the company to go with a smaller start-up firm. I hope he found what he was looking for. Continue reading "Millenials in the Workplace"
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The Syria quagmire I thought so. From Theo's, I suppose this just about sums it up: Welcome to the Middle East, indeed. (by the way, I hope you don't mind my interrupting, but it just now occurred to me to ask: What countries are in the Middle West? Kansas?) With Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, although still sectarian, at least the battle lines were fairly well drawn. If even half of the above pic is true, we are a long, long ways from those former days of innocence. And I have no reason to think the entire thing isn't right on the money. What a friggin' mess. As she has a hundred times before, our own Klondike Queen nailed it: As for our supposed allies, this says a lot: John Kerry praises French, snubs British on Syria
When you're forced to praise the weak-ass French as being staunch allies, you know the End Times are near. Which isn't to say all Brits are particularly happy with their Parliament's decision: After Syria vote, soul-searching stirs Britain Remember how France refused to support us in the Iraq War and patriots were calling for French fries to be renamed "freedom fries"? Turnabout's fair play:
As for just who lobbed the gas, it appears the jury is still out. Back to our president, remember how the MSM labeled President Bush a 'warmonger', 'baby-killer', with his 'immoral war' and all the rest? From CNN's web site this morning: This time, with a Democrat in the White House, it appears the rules have changed. Poor President Obama is already war-weary — and he hasn't even done anything yet. But he's tough and gritty and 'determined' to see Truth and Justice prevail. Must be nice having the MSM cover your ass. My personal fantasy: (ring-ring!) "Good morning, this is Susan, Sarah Palin's assistant." "Hi, this is President Obama. Can I speak to Sarah for a sec?" "Sure, she's right here. Hey, Sarah, President Deadbeat's on the phone!" "Good morning, Mr. President, this is Sarah. How may I help you?" "Could you pop by the White House later today? I'd like to have you standing beside me when I repeat your message to the world." It is to dream. Saturday morning links
On a right-wing site, the first two to mention would probably be Drudge and Instapundit. Both are somewhat eclectic, in that right under the article demanding we immediately nuke Syria is a link to how hot Madonna looks in her new grillz. Next up might be Real Clear Politics, and what's to note is that when it comes to sections like their 'Tech' and 'History', they're actually a fairly 'deep' site, with a specific search usually pulling up lots of goodies. Leaving news and history behind, the next step might be one of the 'why' sites, like Life's Little Mysteries. The next step down the ladder would be a site like Linkiest, which runs the range from the inane to the brilliant. Although he's shut down for the time being due to family problems, I think the best political cartoonist out there these days is the Hope and Change guy. Going through the archives is a blast. Another great As for my own links pages, I have a collection of my video posts here, one of computer tips here, and a 'best of' here. Well, that should keep you busy for a few minutes. Friday, August 30. 2013Let's Try Capitalism, Part IIA little over a month ago, I posted a piece on Seth Klarman's call for a change in economic policy. The bizarre action in stock and bond markets indicate something is amiss. Is 'tapering' going to tank the market (undoubtedly, if done properly)? Will our increasingly likely involvement with Syria have implications in the economy (of course)? What all these questions imply is that we're spending too much money, somewhere, on 'stuff', rather than productive capacity. Production is what creates consumption and demand, not vice-versa as Keynesians suggest. The very first consumer had to produce (via hunting/gathering) what he/she consumed before it could be consumed. This is not a chicken-egg question, it's self-evident. Your desire to consume a hard-boiled egg may create the demand needed to have someone, somewhere to boil an egg and sell it to you. This desire, however, cannot be stimulated by providing you with cash or the means to purchase or make the egg. Before you can create that demand, you have to know it can be produced either by yourself or by someone else who you can purchase it from. If the recipe for a hard-boiled egg doesn't exist, but you desire it, your entrepreneurial spirits may be stirred to become a cook and make this for all to enjoy. That process leads to the development of consumer desire for the product. Today, however, our government believes desires of this sort are generated by moving money, with the benefit of a 'central brain' in Washington, D.C. to guide the money into places where it can be used to increase consumption, which will drive production. This guided shifting of cash will lift all boats. Not all the money will be shifted from the rich to the poor, but some will be shifted from the future into the present, making the present more productive, and the future that much more productive because we'll borrow from tax revenues generated by increased taxes on the future rich. Aaron Clarey prepared a useful chart showing how well this works, how much GDP we get per government dollar spent. The problem with Keynesianism is its core belief that you can properly shift money to productive areas through a reasonably well guided government process. There are some who claim borrowing from the future limits future productive capacity, due to payments on interest. This is true to a point. One has to remember entrepreneurs borrow from the future to increase productive capacity. That concept is not flawed in business. The reason it is flawed in government is at least two-fold: 1. Dead-weight loss. A government has to pay for bureaucrats to shuffle the money from the taxpayer to the areas of productive value, and is not incentivized to do it in a timely or useful manner. An entrepreneur will do this more efficiently, realizing any wasted money is lost potential.
The government's failure shouldn't be a surprise. If he was an entrepreneur, the massive failure of Obama's economic policies should almost be expected. It is the source of the money he is using to pursue his goals that are at issue. All investors may be taxpayers, but not all taxpayers are investors. It is wrong to force them to invest when the odds of failure are high and they have no say about who gets the money.
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Meet Eric Jennings!
Yep, that's your only choice, folks. Either your opinion is godlike — or you're afraid to reveal yourself completely. No other choice will do.
Consequence? So, you read an article that really makes your blood boil, you let the blogger have it with both barrels, then it turns out a devoted acolyte takes severe umbrage at your comment, looks up your real name and hunts your ragged ass down with his 12-gauge shotgun, literally giving you both barrels for daring to call the great god blogger "a lowly scumdog". Ho-hum, just another consequence in the life of the average blog commenter. Or former commenter, in this case. All of which brings us to the Puffington Host: Trolls Uglier Than Ever, So We’re Cutting Off Anonymous Comments
It's quite the noble mission, all in all, meeting the highest of standards and setting an exemplary example for blog sites throughout the world. There's only one tiny little piece missing from this otherwise brilliant plan: How. Continue reading "Meet Eric Jennings!" Forewarned is forarmed Our mighty leader has taken off for the faraway land of Italia for ten days, leaving you in the Which is exactly what staffs should have. While it won't be the circus we had when the big guy went out to the Cape a while back (20 posts in 5 days was a bit much even for prolific ol' me), we'll still have fun. As far as Bulldog goes, ol' Droolie is pawin' at the ground and slobberin' at the bit in anticipation of the mountains of adulation and heaps of scorn that go along with being a modern-day blogger. And who could resist such a temptation? And the rest of the gang should be pitching in unless they're also out of town. Barrie in particular has been on fire lately. Oh, and it wouldn't be an official "while the cat's away" vacation without opening up the Maggie's Farm Smut Guide for the duration. Well, good luck, everyone. Friday morning links This is both scary and an outrage: This Just Doesn't Fly: Some Airline Pilots Barely Make Living Wage Some of these beginner pilots are making $19/hr. Window washers make more than that in some areas of the country. This whole thing with
+1 for Dylan Thomas reference. The post is on The Washington Times site, and although they didn't mention themselves in the article, the above illustrates they're not jumping on board either. Say, speaking of gender-based issues, it appears one of those "black" guys you read about named something like Marty Louie King has been in the news lately. He apparently made some famous speech about "I'll have an ice cream", which I'm sure was appreciated by dairy manufacturers throughout the country. If I'm reading this right, he was actually the founder of the Democratic Party. At least, it seems that way: King Followers Now Back a Multitude of Rights from Gays to Women to Animals People have been writing articles recently on "What Dr. King would think if he were alive today". I think my answer would be, he'd throw up.
Sadly, though, like we have our anti-America rebels down here, they, too, have the same type of degenerates allowed to speak out due to that silly 'freedom of speech' business, like this treasonous subversive: The Real Legacy of 1812? It Never Happened Again Well, better luck next time, Kanaday. Say, speaking of loons and Loonies: The Environmental Movement Has Been Taken Over By Eco-Loons With A CO2 Fetish I say, just outlaw CO2 altogether! Baseball fans will appreciate this: Vin Scully Will Return for 65th Year Calling Dodgers Games in 2014 I mention him briefly in my baseball post. Finally, on a fun, upbeat note, were you aware a million Muslims are going to march on Washington to celebrate 9/11 and complain about how bitterly and angrily they're treated (oh, and don't forget "constantly spat upon") here in America? Well, as a means of showing their support for this noble cause, my buddies Jimbo and Shorty and the rest of the boys have offered to pitch in. Bikers Organize Massive Counter Protest to Million Muslim March Fun for the whole family! Political News Say, I have a rather delicate question for you guys: How many push-ups can you do? And I don't mean those tough chin-has-to-touch-the-ground military type; more like 'camp style' push-ups, where you go down most ways then back up. How about 25? And you're not even breathing hard? The point, of course, is that it's one thing to sit there in your elite ivory tower, claiming how America should get off its collective butt and start exercising and eating better... ...but you can't fake push-ups. Not my new boatThursday, August 29. 2013Thursday morning links When was hard work a human value, other than in Northern Europe? A human necessity at times for most (other than the warriors and the princesses), but a "value"? In Genesis, wasn't labor a punishment? Those of us who love hard work and 14-hour work days may be the crazy ones. Top 5 Reasons Why Vegan Diets Are a Terrible Idea Also, bear in mind the statistical fact that most people preoccupied with diet and food and health are a bit neurotic. "Health nuts," as they are termed. Annals of Intolerance, Tulane Edition America's Race Grievance Industry A Devastating Affirmative-Action Failure Plenty of black kids aren't too smart. Plenty of white and hispanic kids too. What's the big deal? Most people are not exactly scholars, are they? Prager: A Speech Every American High School Principal Should Give Sex hurts I have seen more lives damaged or destroyed by sex than by drugs or alcohol. The WaPo oversimplifies the value of college education Are You Ready for the Post-College SAT? Employers Say They Don't Trust Grade-Point Averages (WSJ paywall) DOJ Declares Atheism A “Religious Movement”, Eligible For Religious Tax Exemptions Let's make Maggie's Farmism a religion. Photo: The Anti-war protest rally over Syria Syria: "So let’s get this straight: 100,000 people are killed by bullets and Kentucky students tell Michelle Obama: Your food “tastes like vomit” Newark plans a toy gun exchange on Friday. Israel wants fertility, but... Colorado Boy Asks Nation Not To Find His Missing Little Brother DOJ Declares Atheism A “Religious Movement”, Eligible For Religious Tax Exemptions - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/insane-doj-declares-atheism-a-religious-movement-eligible-for-religious-tax-exemptions/#sthash.hU5WRAPA.dpuf DOJ Declares Atheism A “Religious Movement”, Eligible For Religious Tax Exemptions - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/insane-doj-declares-atheism-a-religious-movement-eligible-for-religious-tax-exemptions/#sthash.hU5WRAPA.dpuf The Washington Post Oversimplifies The Value of College - See more at: http://www.mindingthecampus.com/forum/2013/08/the_washington_post_oversimpli.html#sthash.5tVG3Ced.dpuf The Washington Post Oversimplifies The Value of College - See more at: http://www.mindingthecampus.com/forum/2013/08/the_washington_post_oversimpli.html#sthash.5tVG3Ced.dpuf The
Washington Post Oversimplifies The Value of College - See more at: http://www.mindingthecampus.com/forum/2013/08/the_washington_post_oversimpli.html#sthash.5tVG3Ced.dpuf Wednesday, August 28. 2013Weds. morning links
Barone:Obama Administration: Its Incompetence Is Historic Some school districts quit healthier lunch program Golden rice: Anti-GMO extremists refuse to let you decide Life is far too ridiculous... The Implications of Corporate Psychopaths for Business And Society I am an embarassment to higher education Father of Suspect in Brutal Delbert Belton Murder: ‘He’s a Good Kid’ and Not Violent At All A Poignant Anniversary - Fifty years after King’s famous speech, too many are still judged by the color of their skin.
Yet another racism hoax revealed Miley Cyrus Doesn’t Have a ‘Race Problem’ - But her critics most definitely do. Taranto:Why the Left Needs Racism--III
Harvard Study Proves That Gun Control Laws Can't Work, Won't Work and Have Never Worked Interview: Former VJ Kennedy Looks Back at the Golden Age of MTV Through Rose-Colored Glasses The Onion's movie critic Peter K. Rosenthal reviews 'Lee Daniels' The Butler' Billy Ray Screwed Up Letting Miley Get Into Showbiz Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/08/miley-syphilis-billy-ray-screwed-up-letting-miley-get-into-showbiz/#PxY8mUVbmEkmv4qr.99 Billy Ray Screwed Up Letting Miley Get Into Showbiz
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/08/miley-syphilis-billy-ray-screwed-up-letting-miley-get-into-showbiz/#PxY8mUVbmEkmv4qr.99 Tuesday, August 27. 2013History and the idea of progressSultan: Egypt is Where History Goes to Die A quote:
Here at Maggie's Farm, where we use tractors and fossil fuel and the internet, we nonetheless tend to view the notion of "progress" as a false idol. Tuesday morning linksFeeding an army of firefighters on the American What Can Be Done About Pedophilia? 4 Reasons why you didn’t just buy that online Ban E-Cigarettes? The Anti-Smoking Lobby's Clueless Crusade The Indebted States of America - States and localities owe far, far more than their citizens know. Obama’s big voting rights gamble What Went Wrong in the Middle East? Walter Russell Mead Explains. Detroit: The American Dream Fundamentally Transformed Into a Nightmare Not a joke: NYT, AP to refer to Manning as 'Chelsea' Clothing Store Fined $3.9 Million by Feds Over Drawstrings For Obama, world looks far different than expected In Case You Missed It, @MileyCyrus Got Super-Skanky on the VMAs Last Night Cause for Grief? The Jewish people would suffer no great loss if all the Jews of Europe were Monday, August 26. 2013Monday morning links How to Encourage More College Sexual Assault Victims to Speak Up Sheesh. Just call the cops. Crime is crime. Violence is violence. Most Expensive U.S. Cities to Live In ... Most work in the psychological and social sciences suffers from a lack of conceptual rigor. My life with black people: My Race Who fears the Man from Nazareth? ,,,if your idea of your marriage contract requires you to stay exciting and In Another Country - How do we make people want to be successful? A private bisexual conference at the White House Rangel: ‘No reason why a young person should have to pay for college education’ The Thug Culture That Killed Chris Lane Tuition will keep increasing as long as Washington bases loans on college costs Washington Post Baffled to Find that Most Egyptians Support Overthrow of Morsi Why Steve Ballmer Failed - The resignation of Microsoft's CEO is also an acknowledgement: The computer world changed, and Microsoft hasn't. NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies Dead souls of a cultural revolution SEIU: The 21st Century's Jack Cade This is supposed to be bad: New Jersey Senate Candidate To Single Mothers: Stop Relying On Food Stamps And Go To Work! White kids spreading the n-word and Nazi flags around campus for kicks, How Oberlin Manufactured the Hate-Crime Hoax of the Year Defenders of stop-and-frisk and racial profiling have made me break my public silence about the night I almost died Tutor reveals Ivy-admissions madness of rich penthouse parents Pat Buchanan: 'Whites Are the Only Group That You Can Discriminate Against Legally in America Now' Martin Luther King Is Weeping in His Grave - Commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the March on Washington with fearmongering and demagoguery. Saving Homeowners By Letting Them Go Bankrupt Facial Scanning Is Making Gains in Surveillance Going, Going, Gone - The arguments that justified Obamacare are already being discredited. Here’s how to replace it. MSNBC's Touré: Slavery 'Obviously' to Blame for Black Unemployment DOJ Sues to Keep Louisiana Kids in Failing Schools Richard Vedder: The Real Reason College Costs So Much - The expert on the economics of higher education PRUDEN: Up to our ears in Al Gore’s ‘climate change’ snake oil Obama Holding Private Bi-Sexual Conference At White House- Seemore at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/obama-holding-private-bi-sexual-conference-at-white-house/?ModPagespeed=noscript#sthash.mwt3jeMo.dpuf Sunday, August 25. 2013911 where there is none
Beacon: 9-1-1 where there is none Here's their recent press release. It's a good cause. Roll them a coin if you can, and tell friends who might be interested. It's not an app, it's a phone feature. God bless those who put their time, brains, and energy into such positive and inventive pursuits. Few of us in the First World have any idea what it's like out there. And still people in America complain about medical care. They always will. Prosperity and the world's best medical care have turned us into babies.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Good News: Retailers figure out way to please customers So, while we'd all appreciate just a few more days in the shopping season to help us out, the hands of the retailers are tied since there's an unwritten rule that they can't swamp the land with Christmas stuff until the official 'Thanksgiving timeline' is over. However, with the help of the Department of Interior collaborating with the National American Turkey Council, they came up with a very clever solution: Oh, For Gobble’s Sake, Thanksgiving Decorations Are Out Already
They moved up their Thanksgiving timeline by two months, thereby allowing the Christmas retailers to do the same! 125 Shopping Days Left: Retailers Start Xmas Deals
As I said six years ago in Another Successful Disappointing Holiday Season:
In the writing biz, this is known as when fantasy meets reality. They just beat out Labor Day. And that's just after the 4th of July. I hear Easter's the next goal.
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Saturday, August 24. 2013Apocalypse Now
Al Gore: The Apocalypse is upon us
Posted by The News Junkie
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No morning links today For starters, I need to find a new 6-V starter battery for the old Ford tractor. Then mowing, hedge-trimming, and tree-cutting. Half of America is on holiday right now, and nobody else is in the mood for the bad news anyway. I will throw in one link, about coffee: How to Make Perfect Coffee - The science of what makes coffee great. The article feels so effete that it could be satire, but it isn't. And one more important sociological study to peruse while enjoying your Dunkin Donuts: Hey, Ladies, New Study Proves Men Aren’t Pigs
Friday, August 23. 2013This and that Pardon me.
"Rowrwrrr! Hsssst!" Okay, all better. I'll tend to the wounds later. As BD mentioned a while back, he and the missus are doing their usual summer fling in Italy in a few weeks, so I'll be saving up goodies and not posting much in the interim. I'll have some pretty interesting pieces, though, including an AGW post with a very unique viewpoint, a tutorial on how to make one of those 'slideshow songs' where the pics line up with the lyrics, how to type "I ♥ Maggie's Farm" with a few quick keystrokes, and it only took two hours and 20 years of online expertise but I finally tracked down a copy of the 1974 National Lampoon Stereo Test And Demonstration Record on a backwater P2P site for your listening and stereo testing enjoyment. On the health front, I just took my blood pressure and it was 135 (high figure), and that's without taking any blood pressure medicine for four days. That's still slightly above average, but compared to its peak of 195 a few months ago, it'll do. The one main difference has been an almost salt-free diet. I got so curious about the whole salt issue that I purposefully didn't change anything else (exercise, smoking, coffee, etc) just to see what would happen. Despite claims that "salt does not cause these things", I must beg to differ. The blood pressure medicine initially knocked it down to non-life-threatening levels, then I halved the dosage a few weeks ago, then decided to see what would happen if I stopped it altogether four days ago. The results speak for themselves. I'll go back to halving it and get a fresh prescription when I visit the GP in a few weeks. I also still owe the hospital over a thousand bucks and am desperately low on cash (as I've been since this nightmare started), so if anyone would care to throw a few doubloons into my relief fund, it would certainly be appreciated. In other news, I heard via email the other day another by-now-typical domain name heartbreak story: (the names have been changed to protect the innocent, if any)
Indeed. As I've noted before, once a domain is gone, it's pretty much gone forever because the domain harvesters will snatch it up automatically within milliseconds of it coming back on the market. They figure if somebody wanted it once, then somebody else will want it again one day, at which point they'll be happy to lease it to you for the rest of eternity — unless you want to buy it outright for a mere $4,995, of course. The bottom line is, if you ever might want your own domain, even if just to post pics of the grandkids on in twenty years, now's the time to get it. At $5.95/mo, it's the cheapest bill in the In Box, and you don't have to actually build a site or anything to hold it. As for grabbing it, I highly recommend BlueHost. It's run by a nice conservative company based in Provo, Utah. The CEO does a twice-yearly email round-up and the guy's hysterical, always throwing zingers and barbs at Washington and our meddling Congress. I have some tips on domain names here. For your visual delight, a blast from the past; the incredible footage of that airliner landing on that highway out in L.A. a few years ago. The fact that a TV news crew happened to be right there when it happened was a remarkable stroke of luck, not to mention catching on film the horror of the harrowing landing, itself. It's a miracle anyone survived.
The details of this breathtaking event are here. Friday morning links Climate Change Battle Space Prep Are atheists mentally ill? Donald Rumsfeld: Obama Has Created a 'Leadership Vacuum' High Deductible Plans Creating Health Care Slowdown California Prison Academy: Better Than a Harvard Degree - Prison guards can retire at the age of 55 and Is Obama Already a Lame Duck? 33 Shocking Facts Which Show How Badly The Economy Has Tanked Under Obama Feds running out of wildfire money Freaking out about fracking sand The dirty secret is that there is no difference between labor and management. What Israeli drips did for the world - Netafim, the pioneer in drip A Few Quick Thoughts on PBS Includes Vicious Anti-Semites in Show About Mohammad Kimball: Obama’s Dependency Agenda Obamacare Officials Hire Detective Force to Go With Their Armed Tax Agents - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/feds-hire-obamacare-detective-force-to-go-with-their-armed-tax-agents/#sthash.URtmUZhH.dpuf Thursday, August 22. 2013Thursday morning links If a guy has had some drinks, is it OK for a gal to have sex with him just to satisfy her immediate lust? Horny women take advantage of guys every day, and nobody says a word about it. Seducing guys is the easiest thing in the world and every female knows it. Vice-versa, not so easy. A funeral home owner confesses If A $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Is Good, Why Not Make It $200? A cheerful item: Homeowner shoots, kills escaped prisoner in Iowa WSJ: Even The EPA Admits Biofuels Are A Disaster Heartless evil in Oklahoma If these kids had picked a black dude to kill for thrills, it wouldn't make the news. Routine. The Obamacare Chronicles: Like your family’s insurance? Suckers! Daniel Henninger: The Soft-on-Security Issue Returns - Can liberals be trusted to fight the real world's threats from urban crime and overseas terrorism? Obamacare, tepid U.S. growth fuel part-time hiring HHS to Host Brown-Bag Lunches to Explain Obamacare to Employees Obama Regime Pushes for Warrantless Smart Phone Searches Some fun Hillary quotes Wednesday, August 21. 2013The crisis of bored youthPerhaps the "bored youth" need more access to government midnight basketball? And with this sort of cash lying around, if you got really bored you could take a vacation trip to California or Europe. Or maybe spend it on some summer computer programming courses. When I was a bored youth with only the money I had from my paper route, I'd go fishing or read a book or throw together a little baseball in the neighborhood. However, I never desired any jail cred. I think jail cred, for these youths, is what Eagle Scout was in my neighborhood. It's a multicultural issue to which we are supposed to be sensitive.
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David Miranda Could Be YouIt's not enough to accept any government's explanations for censorship or unlawful detention. We have to consider what compels government to do what it does, in general. That is, the pursuit of power. The promise to "fight terrorism" may provide a fig leaf, but barely that. "Terrorism" is whatever a government chooses it to be, and this definition will be used by those in power to pursue more power.
If a government knows it will draw attention by detaining a somewhat high-profile individual, what prevents that detention or harassment of you or me?
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