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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, August 26. 2013Monday morning links How to Encourage More College Sexual Assault Victims to Speak Up Sheesh. Just call the cops. Crime is crime. Violence is violence. Most Expensive U.S. Cities to Live In ... Most work in the psychological and social sciences suffers from a lack of conceptual rigor. My life with black people: My Race Who fears the Man from Nazareth? ,,,if your idea of your marriage contract requires you to stay exciting and In Another Country - How do we make people want to be successful? A private bisexual conference at the White House Rangel: ‘No reason why a young person should have to pay for college education’ The Thug Culture That Killed Chris Lane Tuition will keep increasing as long as Washington bases loans on college costs Washington Post Baffled to Find that Most Egyptians Support Overthrow of Morsi Why Steve Ballmer Failed - The resignation of Microsoft's CEO is also an acknowledgement: The computer world changed, and Microsoft hasn't. NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies Dead souls of a cultural revolution SEIU: The 21st Century's Jack Cade This is supposed to be bad: New Jersey Senate Candidate To Single Mothers: Stop Relying On Food Stamps And Go To Work! White kids spreading the n-word and Nazi flags around campus for kicks, How Oberlin Manufactured the Hate-Crime Hoax of the Year Defenders of stop-and-frisk and racial profiling have made me break my public silence about the night I almost died Tutor reveals Ivy-admissions madness of rich penthouse parents Pat Buchanan: 'Whites Are the Only Group That You Can Discriminate Against Legally in America Now' Martin Luther King Is Weeping in His Grave - Commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the March on Washington with fearmongering and demagoguery. Saving Homeowners By Letting Them Go Bankrupt Facial Scanning Is Making Gains in Surveillance Going, Going, Gone - The arguments that justified Obamacare are already being discredited. Here’s how to replace it. MSNBC's Touré: Slavery 'Obviously' to Blame for Black Unemployment DOJ Sues to Keep Louisiana Kids in Failing Schools Richard Vedder: The Real Reason College Costs So Much - The expert on the economics of higher education PRUDEN: Up to our ears in Al Gore’s ‘climate change’ snake oil Obama Holding Private Bi-Sexual Conference At White House- Seemore at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/obama-holding-private-bi-sexual-conference-at-white-house/?ModPagespeed=noscript#sthash.mwt3jeMo.dpuf Trackbacks
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Ivy-admissions madness of rich penthouse parents: What was said in that article about the children could be applied to liberals treatment of the country.
re Tutor reveals Ivy-admissions madness of rich penthouse parents
She attended Yale to become a full time gardener? Wow. Just wow. That boggles my feeble mind. My husband has been trying to get me to give "Duck Dynasty" a try for a long time now, but I resisted, assuming it was some kind of horrible Honey-Boo-Boo make-fun-of-the-rednecks thing. He finally slipped under my radar, and now I'm hooked. What a sweet, cheerful show. Patriarch Phil pokes fun at his sons when they reveal yuppie weakness ("This is what happens when you marry a yuppie woman and move to the suburbs--you get skeert of a possum"), but everyone from grandfather to grandkids is a solid human being who knows how to act right towards his family.
As is typical our family was late to the Duck Dynasty party. My wife thought the first show she watched stupid but the our girls and I warmed to it quickly and now the wife is a fan as well.
It is one of the few, perhaps only, show we can watch as a family that doesn't try to sneak in gay, anti marriage, anti family, Dad's are dolts, casual sex or conservatives are idiots propaganda. The number of people tuning in is an indication of a huge unserved market demand. If Hollywood were actually run by businessman instead of propaganda producers they'd produce more G rated family movies given the demand and profitability of those. "If Hollywood were actually run by businessman instead of propaganda producers they..."
My computer keyboard is still drying out. "How do we make people want to be successful?"
This is probably the wrong question. Our public policies allow and encourage people to not be successful. Once someone is "hooked" on free stuff it is too late to try to make them want to be successful. This mistaken belief that we can give all the "players" a trophy win or lose is the basis of our welfare policy. Why then would anyone try to "win". Why would you get up early and go to work? Why would you go to school nights or try to improve yourself? Why would you stay sober (drugs or alcohol) when life is just a party with no rules? How could you possibly make someone want to be "successful" who has already succeeded at making YOU support them for life? One of the greatest failures of Marxist Liberalism thought: if someone doesn't have to work to survive, then eventually no one will work.
RE: Warrior Cops - Been saying that for years. I've even asked our local chief that, sure, the dog handler really doesn't need to mess up a police uniform, but, the line cops that dress in the combat boots, all black uniforms, and the military style soft-caps. I asked her if the double Lightning bolts for the collar tabs were on back-order - she didn't get the ref...
There is a need for a SWAT teams, but not every locale needs one - its militarization of the police and circumventing Posse Comentatus by having a private military with policing powers. Its also pretty scary looking into the police cars and seeing an M4 shorty (with an inserted mag) where a Remington used to sit.... Its no wonder the article I read from the police chiefs recent gathering said the streets and cities are becoming Afghanistan and Iraq... You cover all the points. The cops are afraid and they are armed to the teeth. That is a dangerous combination. It's not that the situation is so much worse out there, it is just now, the first response it to shoot their way out.
And the ironic thing is, the tactics didn't work all that well in Iraq or Afghanistan. Perhaps we'll have an American Surge that will rebuild trust in the American security forces now deployed on our streets? QUOTE: The ultimate end of education is not a perfection in the accomplishments of the school, but fitness for life; not the acquirement of habits of blind obedience, and of prescribed diligence, but a preparation for independent action. --Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi If ever there was evidence that our so-called education system is not geared toward education, the tutor story is it. It is a story of kids raised from kindergarten to be everything Pstalozzi said education is not. QUOTE: Usage: Education, properly a drawing forth, implies not so much the communication of knowledge as the discipline of the intellect, the establishment of the principles, and the regulation of the heart. Instruction is that part of education which furnishes the mind with knowledge. Teaching is the same, being simply more familiar. It is also applied to practice; as, teaching to speak a language; teaching a dog to do tricks. Training is a department of education in which the chief element is exercise or practice for the purpose of imparting facility in any physical or mental operation. Breeding commonly relates to the manners and outward conduct. [1913 Webster] The "education" system has devolved into instruction, teaching and training with little or no education. Perhaps this is the result of the ending of attempts to include manners and outward conduct in the curriculum? Sexual Assault--Says nothing about the rights of the accused, which I keep reading are essentially nil at colleges.
The Positivity stuff didn't make sense to me. I'm so down. Well, the WaPo KNOWS what it knows is RIGHT, and can't understand why things don't work that way--the perversity of inanimate objects, and animate things too. Ah, the SEIU! They either want McD's to go broke or low-wage employees to lose their jobs. Toure: His love of ignorance is great. Facial recognition improving surveillance?
Is this a good time to open a haberdashery? Perhaps a millinery with an emphasis on those lace veils women used to wear? They'll have us all looking like Texans before their done. Wearing broad-brimmed hats and reading gun magazines. QUOTE: With print media declining, and newspaper companies being sold for scrap value, gun magazine sales are soaring. It's a new world.... "Wearing broad-brimmed hats and reading gun magazines." Makes us look manly, and think manly!