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Tuesday, September 17. 2013Tuesday morning links Two new polls tell us Americans are very, very confused about Obamacare Buffett: Scrap Obamacare and Start All Over New IPCC Report Eases Global Warming Prediction The poor: Reagan vs. Obama The Most Interesting School District in America? A suburban Colorado county tests the limits of education reform. Overpopulation is Sooo Over, Explains Biologist in New York Times Trackbacks
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On overpopulation, Ted Baxter was right:
http://youtu.be/AoOUZlmvfns Too bad the year we would reach the "disastrous" population of 7 billion is cut out of the clip for some reason. Bravo to Douglas County!!! I hope this spreads far and wide!
It has always amazed me that parents will sit still while some elected bureaucrats decide where their kids will go to school! Of course, that's only a small - but visible - sample of how so many have given the lives of their children over to somebody else without complaint. Douglas is changing that so that parents actually have a choice (nice sounding word) rather than being dictated by the government. And when they're given a choice, they have essentially bought in to the Charter system. Being invested means they have more incentive to see that the school and its students succeed. I predict that the longer this system lasts, the harder it will be to get rid of it. Therefore you can expect the national unions to invest heavily in this next election to defeat these new dealers. We may need some outside help for the pro-reform side. Even though Rep's out number Dem's in this county, Indie's out number everyone.
I don't see this as a partisan issue (of course the Demoncrats and unions do), as an education issue. The other thing that astounds me is that all those people waiting to be picked in charter school lotteries don't rise up and throw out the educrats who are blocking more charter schools. I wonder if the pro-charter school pols don't try to garner their support (but then we are likely talking about people who belong to the stupid party).
BTW - I am all for out of state support. Maybe (hopefully) we'll find out how to help. Re: Overpopulation
This is a poorly supported claim. The 'science' in this piece is as half/assed as the 'man made' climate warming claims! Re: Douglas County They had better take a lesson from ACCORN ! Bring in "the voters" by the bus loads! Overpopulation: Paul Ehrlich must be soooooooooo bummmmmmed!
The poor: What they and we need is/are those who will encourage jobs to be created and employee administration to be much simpler (first, cut the regulations, and then fire 90% of the regulators.) yep, poor Paul - even lost a bet over it, and nearly reniged over it.... but paid it with his usual smug arrogance and non-committal.
Its just like everything else progressives wonk - it sounds flowery, logical, and 'the right thing to do', until you look under the hood or turn on the lights to see the whole... Good luck with cutting regulations - as Ron said, 'a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth! " I guess that covers its works also... Ehrlich is constantly wrong in his predictions. Yet another thing that amazes me is that people still listen to him (and people aren't afraid to admit it). It's either that he is considered a broken clock that has to be right eventually or it is the same phenomenon that causes people to rubber-neck at an accident on the highway.
I'm with Sam on the regulations and regulators. Ehrlich is constantly wrong in his predictions.
When I was an undergrad in the 1970s. I was very aware of Erlich's predictions. I believed them. Given Erlich's bad track record, and the similarly poor prediction of the Limits to Growth study regarding resource depletion, I was dubious from the beginning about the doom and gloom coming from the AGW crowd. A computer simulation does not a future make. [A swallow does not a summer make.] Breaking news on the type of weapon the gunman at the Navy Yard used yesterday. With this kind of destructive force, I guess Biden was right when he said a shotgun was all any homeowner needed for protection.
This should be really bad for the gun grabbers since the shooter was using a weapon sanctioned by the VP hisself!
But...but, it's an AR-15 shotgun.
I've even read it was a double-barreled shotgun, so not even a "repeater" Correct me if wrong, but wasn't Buffett a supporter of O-care before he was against it?
Its quite amazing how ALL those who got a 'get of of jail free' card from the Oval office, plus our esteemed 535 Lords, yet the lowly serfs whom will have to toil under this albatross. The Forgotten Man, indeed.... yet our esteemed Lords can't find the votes, nor bring it up for a vote, to remove, or even de-fund this pending train-wreck... Time for our own personal nullification, one thinks... Well, Obama is so last year. Buffet is now trying to ingratiate himself with Kerry and Hillary, as well as other Dems in Congress, who, you remember, were for it before they were against it.
Re: Buffett and Obamacare, take a gander at this 2010 politico piece, what he''s saying now is what he was saying then (or like the AFL-CIO now), "Protect my bottom line, make someboyd else pay for it!"
For S&G lets ee what his new investments are. Interesting article you linked to because a number of the quotes attributed to Buffett in the (undated) Money Morning article appear word for word in the 3.5 year old Politico article from back in March 2010. I'm therefore a bit suspicious about the provenance of the Money Morning article.
Amazing the synchronicity, almost like some decided to rehash old news to get a flood of pageviews, ad impressions, etc.