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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 26. 2013Fun news items
1. How to sell Obamacare to your family at Thanksgiving:
The 5 Most Insane Obamacare Talking Points You Can Expect To Hear From Your Crazy Uncle This Week2. And see how seriously the MSM takes this crazy story of hate: Family Says They Did Tip Gay Server, Didn't Leave Note 3. And we received a comment from a site called Mondoweiss asking that we never link their stories again. We linked the report on Chucky Shumer. I checked their website, where they say "To publish a diversity of voices to promote dialogue on these important issues." Hmmm.
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Tuesday morning links
A book: Arthur Herman's The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization Obviously racist: Katy Perry Flagged as Racist After AMAs Performance The FDA Wants to Ban Berger Cookies, the World's Most Delicious Dessert Derbyshire on Stupid Wars Fewer people want gun control After 85 years, Why The Fed Can't See A Bubble In Equity Valuations From The New Republic's Obamacare's Threat to Liberalism:
Senator Chuck Schumer promises more Iran sanctions, vows to ‘defeat’ Arab world and Palestinians The 10 Corporations That Control Almost Everything You Buy Daniel Henninger: Worse Than ObamaCare - Obama's biggest failure is that he hobbled the U.S. economy. i Monday, November 25. 2013Economist Says Higher Ed Bubble Starting To BurstIt is true. Student loans simply enable higher ed to raise costs. Economist Says Higher Ed Bubble Starting To Burst Does higher ed produce a better product than it did 50 years ago? I very much doubt it.
Disability as the new Welfare
There was a time when anybody would be ashamed to take charity, and would knock themselves out to avoid it or to get out from it. The way some people talk nowadays, you're a chump if you don't take what you can. There is never gratitude towards the taxpaying neighbor. No Thank You notes for the charity. People should never give up on engagement with life. Can you find dignity?
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Monday morning links
What 3,700-Year-Old Wine Tasted Like - Archaeologists reveal the "sweet, strong" flavor of ancient But they watered it before drinking If The Cops Pull You Over, These Are Your Rights Connecticut couple set to celebrate 81st anniversary Exercise: Roger Simon's Secret to Good Mental and Physical Health ‘Call Me Bill’ - A winter spent skiing with Buckley in Switzerland, and being his assistant and protégé Oppressed by grammar: Oppression in Higher Education: Hilarious and Sad Mostly sad Krauthammer On Filibuster Change: "Democrats Will Absolutely Rue The Day" The New York Times Equates Opposing Obamacare With Slavery Six 'Knockout' Attacks in New Haven, Connecticut Iowans worry about ethanol's lost political clout It's about time McCarthy: The Scheme behind the Obamacare Fraud - Lies smooth the transition to a fundamental transformation of our health-care system. Duke Lacrosse Liar Now Has a New Title: Convicted Murderer Sunday, November 24. 2013The 2013 Index of Dependence on Government
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A reader's guide to the coming Affordable Care Act traumas.Manias, Panics and ObamaCare Crashes - A reader's guide to the coming Affordable Care Act traumas. A synopsis of what patients, hospitals and doctors have to look forward to, thanks to our moral and intellectual superiors who take pride and pleasure in forcing "our own good" down our throats.
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Saturday, November 23. 2013Government family fun for Thanksgiving
Let's give thanks to government this year for all of its benevolence: Barack suggests we give thanks for obamacare at Thanksgiving Bloomberg suggests we address gun control around the table. Thanks for the handy social tips, geniuses. These are recommendations for intra-family mass murder.
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Saturday morning links Why It Takes So Long to Build a Bridge in America - There's plenty of money. The problem is interminable environmental review Why does media solicit opinions from celebs? Russell Simmons: ObamaCare Already Saved Thousands, Possibly Millions, of Lives What other important people died on Nov 22, 1963. Aldous Huxley - and CS Lewis. C.S. Lewis: Rescuing Desire More: That Hideous State - C. S. Lewis’s social critiques are more relevant than ever in the Age of Obama. Dalrymple: None Dare Call it Prostitution More about Sipp's house saga Climate Change Alarm Is A U.N. Extortion Racket Bill Ayers Reveals He Is Author Of “Dreams From My Father” in Latest Book Then they came for the doorknobs McQuain: Why today’s liberalism is a bankrupt fantasy Big Ethanol suddenly pretty upset about the EPA’s legal vagaries How poker became a crime - The capricious federal crackdown on the Internet version of an all-American game:
Friday, November 22. 2013Making It Up as They Go Along?
I'm not sure I'm a Tesla guy. Nothing against the technology, but they are expensive to buy and maintain. They take too long to 'refuel'. Regardless, these are cars that more or less sell themselves. So why in the world do they need to engage in false advertising and hyperbole? My father, a surgeon, never advertised even after the law was changed and he was allowed to. Why, I asked? His response was that good product and good service sells itself. His business was always strong. Sometimes, however, it pays to advertise if your product is very good. But it doesn't pay to create your own standards when you do it.
Games played with voters'How nakedly political can you get?': Obamacare year-two signups delayed until after 2014 election. Fool me once...
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Friday morning links
What about Fluffernutter? Being a gentleman No High School Diploma? No Problem: Here Are The Best Paying Jobs For You The federal government's war on school choice Sharpton Won't Apologize for Barneys Shakedown Is the NY Times editorial board for the filibuster, or against it? CEO: ‘When we go to the White House, we talk to people we wouldn’t hire.” "Our check’s gonna come in the mail every month, and it’s gonna be on Living the reality of Santa Claus PM Cameron: We need to get rid of all this green crap ObamaCare Forced Mom Into Medicaid Top Cancer Hospital Not Included on Obamacare Plans Sold in NY Healthcare.gov can't tell consumers whether they can keep their doctors Only a limited number of doctors and hospitals will be covered by insurance bought through the exchange. It doesn't mean you can't use them, but it's on your nickel. The Obamacare "system" seeks the cheapest "vendors." Mead discusses The NY Times' turning against Obamacare:
The UN and Israel: A History of Discrimination Thursday, November 21. 2013Lying government
No doubt these lies are "for my own good," just like the Obamacare lies. I am sick of an overly-powerful federal government, and sick of the fawning respect it gets from the media. It disgusts me, this culture of branding and pop-culture, high-school, leg-tingling nonsense which has invaded government. From a good post on Washington DC and it's over-importance and self-importance, Fifty Years after Dallas - In a TV cult like Kennedy’s, there is more than a whiff of Roman decadence.
JFK was not much as a president, but he was a pre-Beatles pop-idol for the gals, and he enchanted the media. The only good thing about him was his basic conservatism. Rich and handsome, with good, expensive speech-writers. So what?
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Thursday morning links Many children 'slower runners than their parents were' Doolittle raiders regroup to sip brandy Americans Are Living Better Then They Have At Any Point In Human History Scientology is going to make Tom Cruise and John Travolta even MORE awesome Op-Eds as Social Positioning: or, I’m Better than Those Hicks! Political views as social signaling. I get it. I am better than those hick bitter clingers. No - wait. I am one of them, but not very bitter. I'm a sweet person. Colleges Host Academic Fraud, Fake Native American, Ward Churchill Rep. Welch calls ethanol a 'well-intentioned flop' "Well-intentioned" only if you don't understand American politics Using the low-class word Nigger TICKING TIME BOMB: 50 to 100 Million Health Care Cancellations Expected Before 2014 Elections They are all substandard plans anyway... Healthcare.gov website crashes during Sebelius PR event … again Obama's Slow Learning Curve Didn't know much about real life, did he? It begins: White House edging away from “keep your doctor” promise More on Lying for Fun and Electoral Profit Steve Forbes: The Bankruptcy Of Modern Economics No, Arne Duncan, ‘White Suburban Moms’ Aren’t The Problem. (But you might be) - Common Core, choice, and who knows what's best for kids. Wednesday, November 20. 2013If NYC were a nation......it would be the 13th largest economy in the world. Quite remarkable, really. It could be like Singapore or Hong Kong, or something, but much bigger, I guess. It is odd that such a thriving metropolis would elect a Commie mayor. Something in the water, maybe. Sure, it's expensive, but that's supply and demand. There is high demand to be here. Sometimes it feels like the whole world wants to move here, despite the living challenges and the fierce, if invigorating, competition. I will ask one more time: "Why don't all the ardent Lefties who love living in this terrible, capitalistic, and thriving NYC move to Portland, Oregon? Better yet, Mexico City, Havana or Managua."
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Weds. morning links If you like Wild Turkey, go out in your back yard and shoot one as I did in my photo 80 is the new 60 when it comes to retirement Sipp's account of his house saga continues Complete Streets Occupiers - Eco-bikers are in no mood to share the road. Is Obamacare The Final Nail In The Coffin Of The Middle Class? Four Reasons You Might Want to Choose Community College Alarmist climate scientists have abused the public trust in science, inflicted serious damage ... now a majority say it is not the federal government’s role to secure universal health care. Poll: Mitt Romney beats President Obama today America, here’s your Drug War: Thousands of Americans locked up for life in cages for nonviolent drug offenses The way we deal with drug use in America is insane FT: Keystone is Green Movement’s Stalingrad Raise the minimum wage to $50/hour Law School as Liberal Education Israeli Doctors Treat Hamas PM Haniyeh’s Granddaughter Yale Can Look at All Student Email Yale Can Look at All Student Email
Tuesday, November 19. 2013Tuesday morning links If You’ve Lost Country Music and College Football Fans… Failed Left-Wing Policies Sinking Obama's Presidency If the true history of The Cult of Outrage Employment data was falsified prior to election Capital gains: Spending on contracts and lobbying propels a wave of new wealth in D .C. Obamacare vs. the Dutiful - Hard-working Americans might wonder, “Why bother?” Marxist Sandinista Movement Could Maintain Permanent Control of Nicaragua - New constitutional amendments could put dictator in place A tribute to Prince Charles, champion of anti-science, on his 65th birthday Ireland Will Bulldoze 40 Vacant Housing Developments — Only 1,260 to Go Monday, November 18. 2013Monday morning links Whistler ski resort to open 13 days early I blame climate change. If you ski, try Whistler-Blackcomb. It's the best, and the drive up from Vancouver is spectacular. The Internet Is Now Weaponized, And You Are The Target Brown Daily Herald Editors: Don’t Limit Free Speech Based on “Uncomfortable Feelings” Feeeeelings, oh oh oh feeeeelings... Sebelius apparently needed five years to build the website. Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks — And Oh What A Speech! Geithner Heads to Private Equity - Former Treasury Secretary Is Joining Warburg Pincus Get yours while the getting's good Anti-Semitism, academic freedom and Brooklyn College The Middle East, After the Pax Americana Boeing says it may build new 777X outside U.S. Will downtown Detroit be a white enclave? Bill de Blasio: “I Believe in the Heavy Hand of Government” Except on crime. The guy is an arrogant putz. Greenfield: The Left Side of History NY Senator Admits “We All Knew” Prez Was Misleading About ObamaCare The government defense is that they lied to you for your own good Boris Johnson: Be grateful for the rich Sunday, November 17. 2013Head Start
The wisdom of Reagan: "...a government program is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!" Off to Mexico
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Saturday, November 16. 2013Obamacare is consumer fraudGovernment is, for some reason, exempt from fraud claims. Works nicely for our moral and intellectual superiors in Washington to be insulated from their consequences. A good gig for glib low-lifes.
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Saturday morning links Genital mutilation. The Christian view of God does not demand that slicing and dicing but the Jewish view of God does, and the Muslim god requires it of both men and women. What's that all about? Sacrifice? New Yorkers Paying Through The Nose for Electricity Can't blame Con Ed. It's the taxes. Only the poor and the rich can afford NYC - and the struggling ambitious youth and new immigrants who will put up with anything to be part of the Big Time. The youth and the immigrants should not care about comfort. Pope Francis corruption fury: Tie them to a rock and throw them in the sea Big Ethanol’s bad week just got worse: EPA announces reduction to 2014 biofuels requirements It's about time Armed Robbery Spikes in California Gun Control Paradise Duh. Everybody law-abiding becomes a helpless victim. It's open season on the law-abiding. Lawmakers Urge Administration to Stop EPA Takeover of Ponds, Ditches, Streams My ditches? We have plenty of them at the farm. Molon labe. Dalrymple: I Have Seen the Future, and it Is Idiocy Nothing new about government idiocy. Everybody knows that governments are idiots. Niall Ferguson: Paul Krugman Has Gotten Nearly Everything Wrong, Ugh!… Obama Bashes America Again – Says ‘The System’ Doesn’t Give People ‘A Fair Shot’ Like who? And what "system"? There is no "system." That's the beauty part. Syrian Rebels: Hey, Sorry For Beheading The Wrong Person, Our Bad! Driscoll: Befuddled Central Planner in Chief Discovers Complexity Of Real Life The city of Bel Aire, Kansas must not have liked its plan… Krauthammer: Why liberals are panicked about Obamacare Oprah: Obama’s Opposition Is Racist, Just Needs to Die Already Sheesh, Oprah. That is not nice. Also, it is pure baloney. IRS mistakenly sent 'sensitive taxpayer data' to California small business Palestinian Authority's Double Standards on Prisoners Friday, November 15. 2013Thanksgiving Kills Mother Earth
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Friday morning links Stocks: Facts Do Not Support Euphoria/Everyone Is In Case Some Faculty Demand Skin Color-Based Hiring Steven Cohen: The Gilded Age revisited “Mindin’ Other People’s Business Seems to be High-Tone….” Contrary to the popular hysteria, research shows that 80-90% of crack cocaine and meth users don’t get addicted Sipp's Chapter 4: Buying a hovel The Unbearable Lightness of the Climate Change Industrial Complex Here's Who’s Getting Rich off Obamacare Praise for Obamacare The beggars of Paris
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