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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, January 2. 2014Thursday morning links Government injunction against The Little Sisters of the Poor Justice Sotomayor Blocks Contraception Mandate for Catholic Order of Nuns Four things you might not know about dark matter People who pursue unhappiness Some people are only happy when they are unhappy, angry, or in a mess Families: The two-parent factor E.R. Costs for Mentally Ill Soar, and Hospitals Seek Better Way Via Vanderleun:
2013: The Year of Shamelessness - America reached new depths of depravity this year — but just wait for 2014 to outdo it. De Blasio Draws All Liberal Eyes to New York City Obama’s pollster suggests reporters avoid citing polling data in 2014 Obama’s 2014 War on the Poor - More unemployment benefits and a higher minimum wage? Couldn’t be worse for struggling Americans. The Economic Hokum of 'Secular Stagnation' (WSJ paywall)- Blaming the market for the failure of bad government policies is no more persuasive now than it was in the 1930s. Hospice firms draining billions from Medicare (h/t Dr. X) Democrats Gear Up to Portray Chris Christie as Sexist Ahead of 2016 10,988,269: 2013 Closes With Record Number on Disability Getting Highest-Ever Monthly Benefits ...the next time you see/read/hear about "dark money" and ALEC or the Kochs McArdle: Change Is Obamacare's Only Certainty Taking Office, de Blasio Vows to Fix Inequity Easily done. Tax the businesses, the prosperous, and the middle class until they move out. Camden, NJ, has excellent economic equality, while NYC is the place half the planet would like to move to for risk and opportunity. And for the generous Welfare, too. From an important essay by George Friedman: The Crisis of the Middle Class.
10,988,269: 2013 Closes With Record Number on Disability Getting Highest-Ever Monthly Benefits - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/10988269-2013-closes-record-number-disability-getting-highest-ever#sthash.sYxSrXaK.dpuf Trackbacks
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RE: Tides - Beck laboured on them, for their work behind the scenes, and all the reach their tentacles (heh - spell check brought up testicles....) have hold on, but, was decried as a pessimist and alarmist.
Funny thing this - if its leftist, its allowed to remain in the shadows, but God forbid anything Right effects anything, and its Henny-Penny time... So Del Blasio, the new mayor of NYC, has reportedly liberated those poor horses from the task of pulling romantic couples and other animal abusers around central park in buggies. Bully for him. Animal liberation might well be Blasio's signature legacy. Why wait? Let's just say Blasio is the Simon Bolivar of critters and get it over with. However, there is always a however, what will he do about all those poor horses abused by the police on a daily basis? I sure hope he liberates all of those enslaved police horses while he is about his business. Not only are they worked as slave labor, they are also humiliated. Unlike the buggy pulling 'house horses', the police horses are forbidden to use diapers. You can imagine the humiliation if you were forced to defecate in public. Animals have rights for gosh sake. Nice start Mr. Mayor. But, we cannot rest on steaming piles of manure while the police horses are still oppressed. Nor can we stop at horses. Not while millions of rats are evicted, roaches are stomped and pigeons are forced to eat highly processed sugar and salt loaded white bread. There is no telling what horrors the many imprisoned cats and dogs are enduring. They must be freed, whatever the cost.
The quicker the better for Del Blasio. A sharp contrast will be a good thing for the idiots of NYC.
Downside here is that many of those from NYC will flood out and infest the rest of the country. I can't tell you how many "I'm from NYC and it is wonderful" I've had to listen to over my life. One common trait they all have. They never move back there. Not even when they retire. In fact, people from NYC seem to rush to leave once they retire. Hmmm? re The Crisis of the Middle Class.
I have long wondered if the second wage earner in two wage earner families was essentially working to pay the taxes. The tax load strikes me as the biggest difference between now and 50-60 years ago. And with the implementation of 0bamacare, the squeeze on disposable income will get much worse. But wait! Didn't Mark Perry in this link http://www.aei-ideas.org/2013/12/christmas-shopping-1958-vs-2012-illustrates-the-miracle-of-the-marketplace-which-delivers-better-and-cheaper-goods/ at Maggie's Farm yesterday, tell us we have never had it so good? Stuff has never been better and cheaper? How can the Middle Class be in crisis and never have it so good at the same time? Too many in the middle class cared only how large the payments were rather than how much debt they were in. Some people racked up tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt (I have a hard time wrapping my head around that).
Certainly at least some taxes are higher - SS and Medicare for example - and I think there are numerically more taxes. On the other side of the coin, while most appliances are less expensive than they were, we often have more of them (and everything else - see my garage). Education is much more expensive as is labor. The other thing I can think of is our money is worth much less than it used to be. I have an idea of what my dad's income was when I was a teenager. I probably make three or four times what he did and we lived A LOT better back then. No cell phones, computers, flat screen TVs, but we had a much nicer house, my mom never worked, we had a maid, two late model cars, I went to private boarding school... There is no way I could provide the things my dad provided (even without spending on the things we have not that we didn't have then). Interesting.....
Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/hawaii-official-now-swears-no-obama-birth-certificate/#fJJ02fDZ67MZVQku.99 A while back one of the investigators said that the reason the Hawaii officials were stone walling was because years ago it was common for foriegners to use corrupt Hawaii officials to buy birth certificates to sneak into the country as citizens. So for this reason they didn't want to open that can of worms and have any of these old forgeries investigated. Some estimate there were thousands of these forged birth certificates created.