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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, November 14. 2013Not even a messianic President can unscramble an egg
That cannot be done. As this guy says, New Jersey Assn. of Health Underwriters, on the ‘Fix’: ‘This Is a New Insanity’. Insurers have spent two years revising their plans to meet Obamacare legal requirements, erasing their old plans and creating new ones with new pricing and new, expanded coverages (in many cases) and new deductibles. Not to mention 20,000 pages of government regulations to try to understand. Thus we had, today, yet another phony false promise which, as I understand it, is not even consistent with the law even if it could be done. You break it, you own it. Our government moral and intellectual superiors have done it once again. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but hubris exists as does Nemesis, even today. Good Lord, save us from others with good intentions towards us. We at Maggie's HQ are lucky. Our very cheap $10,000 deductible family policy didn't change at all, so "we can keep it." "Allowed" to keep it? Well, thanks, geniuses. I bought that, my choice. Our IQ is over 100 (if you add Mrs. BD's IQ in there), so we aren't stupid. Am I allowed to keep my car too? Or is it "substandard"? It gets me to Dunkin' Donuts every morning at 4:45 so it's good enough for me.
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A buyer's market in colleges
Would "the college experience" cost any more or less without the "education"? She has high grades but mediocre SAT scores. Clearly the slick college marketing has captured her attention. She wants to try out for cheerleader. I've been reading Edmund Wilson's A Prelude: Landscapes, Characters & Conversations from the Earlier Years of My Life. Wilson had the real, old-time "college experience," investing himself in a rigorous and vigorous life of the mind at prep school and at Princeton (advanced math, Greek, Latin, French, and his own literary and intellectual pursuits and interests on the side) while inhabiting spartan quarters and making many lifelong relationships. He writes with such relaxed clarity and innocence that even his musings about aunts and uncles are a delight.
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Broken enough yet? Here Comes The Real Government Takeover Of Health Care
Just watch Congress. Update: Obama Announces Obamacare ‘Fix’ That Doesn’t Fix Anything, Blames Insurance Companies That is so lame. Congress will ignore him now because their livelihoods are at stake.
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Thursday morning linksThat's 1 WTC on left, to open next year. 4 WTC center-right 50,000 attend rally with speech against climate agenda in Poland Peak Insanity: Retail Investors Are Making Direct Subprime Loans In A Reach For Yield "Bulls make money, Bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered." Veterans Affairs Forbids Chaplains from Quoting Bible or Praying in Name of Jesus So what is a Chaplain's job, then? Prairies vanish in the US push for green energy Ethanol is not "green." It is vote-buying, though. The Myth of Organic Agriculture "Organic" is a marketing scam The Taurus Judge Public Defender: Carjackers Worst Nightmare The F.D.A.’s Misplaced War On Trans Fats Ray Dalio, Hedge Fund Genius, Says Meditation Is Secret to His Success New heart guidelines could put more Americans on statins A National Review fundraiser at Harpoon in Boston I'd like to attend EPA Stealthily Propels Toward ‘Massive Power Grab of Private Property Across the U.S.’ Guardian: Sorry, Venezuela haters: this economy is not the Greece of Latin America White House rejects asbestos bill A big favor for the lawyers Breaking: Harry Reid Calls Emergency O-Care Meeting Goldberg: Obamacare Schadenfreudarama - It feels pretty good to watch the whole thing fail:
Wednesday, November 13. 2013Gotta break a few eggs to make a good mess
Who is surprised? That was the whole point. CNN's Tapper: No Dems Will Talk to Us After Obamacare Numbers The Oleaginous Interaction of Sex and Obamacare Here's the "It's good for you" argument: It’s Good That You Can’t Keep Your Insurance Plan Mead thinks American medical care requires a federal fix of some sort The "problems" with Obamacare - not including the tech failures - are not bugs, they are features. The strategic brilliance of it all is unfolding. 85% were satisfied with their medical care before, but watch that number drop fast with outcries for a government fix of the supposed government fix. Image of purported Obamacare ad via Doug Ross
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Sticks and stonesAthletes, especially football, basketball, boxers, wrestlers, etc. beat the heck out of eachother every day for fun and/or profit, so why are people upset about words? Dolphins Bullying Scandal Worsened by Labor Regulation If they didn't bully eachother, I'd wonder what was wrong with them. They are gladiators, not hypersensitive metrosexuals. We must all learn to be tolerant of differences, and that includes differences we might not like. Tolerance, not necessarily approval although I am all in favor of locker-room-style insults and degradation. It's normal and fun verbal sparring and generally a form of male bonding. "Your mother wears Army boots." If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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Weds. morning links The "100 best novels," from 1896 Taki: The Right to Be Called a Gentleman Profs target student athletes Cars for sale: Jeff's Bronco Graveyard Professors Target Colgate's Student-Athletes AP: Obama admin’s corn-ethanol policies are pretty terrible for the environment Just say "No" to college - Thiel Fellowship winner Paul Gu skipped higher education to develop a new means of financing higher education. Wall Street Feasts on Blue Model Failures New China Cities: Shoddy Homes, Broken Hope A view from the Left: We need a war on poverty, not teachers What war on teachers? If a war is needed, it's a war on a sick culture, because a few more large-screen TVs won't do much for kids' education. There is nothing about relative poverty that interferes with self-improvement. In fact, it encourages and motivates it. Report on climate change depicts a planet in peril - Climate change will disrupt not only the Scared yet? I am not. Tuesday, November 12. 2013Fun with government-controlled medical insurance
Duke University Healthcare Expert: 68 Percent May Lose Private Health Insurance WH Responds to Clinton’s Advice to Obama to “Honor His Commitment” on O-Care Obamacare navigators advise lying on applications Obama's Hometown Chicago Tribune Wonders If He Lied About Obamacare -- So Why'd They Endorse Him Twice? Progressive Apologist: We Forced Obama to Lie to Us Because We're Immature or Something From One Cosmos:
Hitler's medical insurance is cancelled:
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Scalia on Scalia
If you missed this, it's an enjoyable interview: In Conversation: Antonin Scalia - On the eve of a new Supreme Court session, the firebrand justice discusses gay rights and media echo chambers, Seinfeld and the Devil, and how much he cares about his intellectual legacy (“I don’t”).
Your medical infoI cannot confirm whether this is accurate, but a commenter at Ann Althouse noted this:
My doctor is now a spy for the State? Give me a break. No patient go along with that, nor will any good doctor. Do we have to get paranoid about our doctors now?
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Tuesday morning links, with a biennial Maggie's Farm polite request to our readers Quibbles aside, we'd like to rise above #120. Our readers can do that for us, by letting their friends, neighbors, relatives, enemies, colleagues, and websites know that we exist. I think we're an interesting and sometimes provocative site that almost anybody can enjoy and, sometimes, learn from. We do enjoy producing it for our readers, and for our own fun as a hobby. With that said, onward to this morning's diverting link dump:
The 11 Cultural Nations which make up the USA The guy got a stent, and it causes him to recall tropical fishing Democrats Want Doctors To Be Owned By The State Why not lawyers? Scared of the dentist? This is why, say neuroscientists Because people have a brain UC Berkeley Student Government Bans Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Voting a reality into existence. Must be a fun fantasy for schoolkids. Another Climate Conference? Let’s Not, And Say We Did First 3D-Printed Metal Gun! That Addresses Politicians' Detectability Worries, Right? Postal Service to Make Sunday Deliveries for Amazon Like government in general, being dragged kicking and screaming into the De Blasio plan will keep 16,000 students out of charters Keep the voters poor and stupid A Lefty mugged by Obamacare reality It's terrible being a black guy at UCLA Life After Blue: America Needs To Stop Eating Its Young Venezuela arrests looters, store bosses in 'economic war' Exposing Rich-versus-Poor Demagoguery - Dems in 2016 will replay de Blasio’s “inequality” theme — the GOP should stress income mobility. Are Millennials Turning Their Backs on the American Dream? Carpe: Politicians should either set all wages and prices, or none NYT Projects Severe South Florida Ocean Flooding Based on No Data Monday, November 11. 2013A government too big to fail?
"The existence of banks that are too big to fail is in significant ways the result of the actions of a government that is too big to flourish."
How much do NFL cheerleaders make?
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Veteran's Day Links Photo of one vet (discovered while cleaning out my parents' house this fall) is my recently-deceased Dad (died in July), with me as a young lad. 2nd Lieut. He was a US Army Vet of WW2 and of Korea, drafted out of Harvard College after 1 1/2 years and never went back but, after the wars, had a distinguished career as a Prof at Yale. Dad learned to hate war and military aggression with a passion after seeing so many fine youth ripped apart for no good reason (in his view). As far as I could tell, he built exactly the life he wanted. Veterans have lived in a world I cannot imagine Wind Turbines Blamed in Death of Estimated 600,000 Bats in 2012 Alcohol Is Really Pissed Off at Marijuana Right Now Even-tempered Wife, Happy Marriage The Hidden Marriage Penalty in Obamacare Will Women Sacrifice Our Republic for Sex? - Sex is the sexist target of the Democrats. Gail Collins on government: Missing the Bad Old Days Lies of Obamacare: What he knew and when he knew it Sarah Palin Blasts Obama and Tells Iowa Conservatives: It’s Time “To Stiffen Our Backs” New York Times’ Obama cheerleading harms the nation WE MUST NOT FORGET OUR SOUTH VIETNAMESE ALLIES Top American Jewish Leaders Slam Kerry, Obama Admin. Over Iran, Hillary's Nightmare? A Democratic Party That Realizes Its Soul Lies With Elizabeth Warren A commenter at Althouse:
ENDA: A Government Identity Crisis - If you are an advocate of unlimited government expansion, ENDA is your man, so to speak. Ray Dalio's Bridgewater On The Fed's Dilemma: "We're Worried That There's No Gas Left In The QE Tank" Doesn't worry me. It's a scam, IMO. The Fed is not God. Saturday, November 9. 2013IPOs
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Saturday morning links
Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week America, here’s your Drug War, and it’s far worse and far more unjust than the problem it purports to solve Why You Should Never Donate to the United Way Australia snubs climate talks Trajectory of South Africa’s Descent Steepens Wash U Muslim Students Outraged Over “Disgusting” Osama Bin Laden Halloween Costume Electronic Medical Record Expansion Raises Privacy Concerns CBS News: ObamaCare About to Hit Employer-Provided Insurance Iowa Muslim Imam Claims Prosecuting Him for Molesting Women Violates his Religious Freedom The Insiders: Six reasons Obamacare will only get worse for Democrats Poll: European Jews report rise in anti-Semitism Australia snubs global climate talks, as Greg Hunt stays home to repeal carbon tax - See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/policy/australia-snubs-global-climate-talks-as-greg-hunt-stays-home-to-repeal-carbon-tax/story-e6frg6xf-1226754823154#sthash.sPLMCFKF.dpuf Australia
snubs global climate talks, as Greg Hunt stays home to repeal carbon tax - See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/policy/australia-snubs-global-climate-talks-as-greg-hunt-stays-home-to-repeal-carbon-tax/story-e6frg6xf-1226754823154#sthash.sPLMCFKF.dpuf Friday, November 8. 2013Old newsOld news, but new testimony (h/t, reader): Obama classmate speaks. She has some paranoid ideas but I'm sure her memories are accurate. I suspect that Barry's being gay and doing drugs only adds to his David Bowie-style rock star image. Who cares? It's just interesting that there is nothing real there, on the surface, but, again, who cares? People did not elect a friend.
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People ask me, as a physician, what I think about medical insurance
It's become clear to me that people are divided into two basic camps on medical insurance: those who want to insure cheaply against major expense and those who want what amounts to pre-paid medical care. In any event, it is stunning to me that 85% of Americans were content with their medical care situation pre-Obamacare so I'm not sure that represented any crisis requiring massive Federal intervention and control. As someone whose bias is against government getting involved further in our lives, if I were King here's what I would do about medical insurance - free it up: 1. I'd permit medical insurors to create national markets for insurance, like MLS does with real estate. They would be happy to do so were they free to do that. 2. I'd make medical insurance portable across state lines, and detach it from employment. If any employer wants to chip in, or if a union contract requires a business to chip in, fine. They could offer vouchers as a benefit, if they want to. 3. I'd demand that insurors insure everybody who wants to buy some, creating high-risk pools just as they do for auto insurance if needed. 4. I would permit the freedom to sell any kind or style of medical insurance people might want with whatever sort of coverage they want to buy. Or not to buy, if they want. It's a free country, and people are free to be foolish or to trust in the benevolence of others. 5. Regarding Medicare and Medicaid, I would fold them together somehow as means-tested charities for the poor, run by states or municipalities. (As an off-topic aside, let me tell you the problems with many government-paid Medicaid patients and charity patients: they miss appointments, they are not appreciative and treat you like a servant, they will not make morning appointments, they resist advice, their fees do not pay the rent so docs have to limit their numbers - and they are prone to lawsuits against you. I know about this, because I do around 10-15% charity work in my office as my form of tithing, volunteer one day/week in a charity clinic, and teach for free 1/2 day/week. Just another greedy doc. ) Addendum: A reader asks about tort reform. Good question. God knows how much of medical expenses are CYA by docs and hospitals. The reality is that medical care is an art, and that any medical decision can be challenged or questioned if somebody wants to sue their doc. What would you do if you ran the world?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday morning links
Daisy Buchanan's house for sale Blockbuster dead after long illness; who's next? Bill de Blasio & ‘Death Wish’ NY New York Is Just Fine — De Blasio Is Broken: " If you want to provide public services to a lot of poor people, you need a lot of rich people to pay taxes. And if you provide such services, immigrants will pour in, and the most diligent and cleverest of them will fight for the available spots in the best schools. We’re seeing the fruits of New York’s success every day. There’s nothing wrong with New York that a million Asian immigrants wouldn’t fix really fast." ObamaCare, Other Scandals, Virtually Ignored By Big Media What it must be like to be a non- “extreme social justice” student at Brown Another Shock: Obama Will Rewrite Obamacare Rules to Spare His Union Allies a $63 Per Year Per Policy Tax, Dr. Zeke Emanuel celebrates the demise of free market medical insurance ...while Obama apologizes for Obamacare Heart-felt, I'm sure System Derailed - The BART strikes show why more of America’s transit should be contracted out. Counter Tourism: Responding to Pro-Palestinian Protest and Solidarity Tours Thursday, November 7. 2013Coulter, and moreFrom this post:
One comment: It's not "health care," it's "medical care," and it's not even "medical care" - it's medical insurance. People want valuable stuff for free. That will never happen. I am still waiting for my free legal care. One more link. Somebody put this together for laughs: My Cancellation
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Thursday morning links 'Unions May Get Health Law Tax Relief' Remember when Heritage wanted something like Obamacare? Stossell: Privatize everything Atheists Launch ‘Secular Safe Zones’ On Campuses Nationwide Kennedy’s murder was a national tragedy, to be sure, but an FCC Laying Grounds for New Fairness Doctrine? Marriage Isn’t For You Joel Kotkin Vs. California’s Green Gentry Scandal! Tory cabinet minister met distinguished scientist Obama Bundler Funded VA Libertarian Gov. Candidate Federal investigations cast shadow over McAuliffe on Election Day Wednesday, November 6. 2013A bizarro equity market indeedI have missed meaningful paper gains in the past year by being out of equities. I must be a lousy gambler. I steer clear of casinos. Zero Hedge explains what I have been seeing this year: The worse the economic numbers are, the higher the markets go. That's because lousy real numbers make the Fed afraid of quitting QE (which they should have done more than a year ago) and want to print money like crazy. Good economic numbers could cause a crash. It's a virtual market, a fantasy market, a bubble, a hot air balloon. Will it end someday? Will somebody be there to buy your stuff when you decide to dump it? Chart Of The Day: Bernanke Has Officially Created The Bizarro Market. Buy low, sell high is my gambling rule of thumb.
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Are pedophiles "born that way"?
The American Psychiatric Association is confused about the PC answer to that question. It must be difficult to be both multiculturally-sensitive and yet PC in the American way, given that pedophilia seems quite accepted in Muslim areas along with recreational homosexuality, rape, etc.
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Weds. morning links Be afraid, Amazon competitors: Retail giant’s critics misunderstand the brilliant business model For at least two generations, countless conservative parents have seen their adult children reject their core values. Maybe Pain Will Teach You Millenials Not To Vote For Your Own Serfdom “Free” Policies Aren’t Free NY Times’s Sudden Aversion to Calling the President a Liar Thiessen: A dishonest presidency Samuelson: We Must Stop Coddling the Elderly BEDFORD: This is the worst Boston Globe op-ed we’ve ever read Geography of the VA election: Tuesday, November 5. 2013High-Frequency TradingTrading is not investing, but people make money doing it. This is a fascinating view of a growing part of Wall St. and world markets, and interesting people too. (H/T Exposing Wall Street's Hidden "Code")
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