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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 5. 2013Tuesday morning links
When did white trash become normal? Global warming 'pause' may last for 20 more years and Arctic sea ice has already started to recover Does Hillary Clinton’s Enthusiasm for Profit Extend Beyond Her Own Earnings? Democratic strategy: Blame insurance companies, 'They are a fantastic enemy' Just like blaming banks for your loans. The problem now is not the delivery system of the program, it’s the program itself. Not the computer screen but what’s inside the program. This is something you can’t get the IT guy in to fix.
80+% of Americans were comfortable with what they had, before all of this. That's a high % for anything. Media Trash Cruz's Father, Spare Obama's Sultan: In terms of personal satisfaction, the $4,955 family is happier than the $110,729 family:
NOW WE KNOW… Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: “Individual Insurance Market Is Going Away” Yup, that's the strategery. Break it, then come in to fix it. Congrats America, you are subsidizing health insurance for Ivy League Ph.D’s who choose to paint Monday, November 4. 2013Forced collectivization of the health care kulaks via single payer is inevitable under ObamacareJust imagine federally-managed and controlled legal insurance. After all, legal access and justice is a real right. At Jacobson:
Socialism requires government force. A key tactic is to break and disrupt things, and then to jump in with a forced plan to fix it. It's interesting that, in most of the discussion of medical care, the source of the heavy costs are neglected: expensive procedures and hospital care at the end of life. An office visit to an internist or family practitioner is still inexpensive.
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Monday morning links Photo at the Maggie's HQ this weekend. Sugar Maple. How the Burgess Shale Changed Our View of Evolution Will the New Trumbo Movie Rehash Old Myths? Hollywood produces another film about those freedom-loving Communists. Hunting for Corpses: Vultures Lured Back to Germany Where Not To Die In 2014: The Changing Wealth Tax Landscape When Fraud Is Legal - Under socialism, there's no such thing as consumer protection. Health Care Shoppers Aren’t as Dumb as Obama Thinks ...all 750 employees have now been required to take diversity training. US Tornado Count So Low That It’s Invaded The Legend… The less you know, the more certain you are Obama takes control of climate change policies with executive order that will bypass Congress I hope Obama brings us a warm winter NY Times Editorial Board Hacked by The Onion McArdle: Health Consumers Finding Out They Were Sold a Lemon Creepy Obamacare Experience of the Day – Jim Angle Edition New York Times: Your Insurance Policy Was Cancelled for Your Own Good ‘Healthy The War on Pot is Over! (If We Want It) New York Times Columnist Tried to Block Publication of Book in Israel Between the hammer and the anvil: Claude Lanzmann revisits the Holocaust OCare is not about health care, or even health insurance - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=51795#sthash.L2U40FPJ.dpuf We keep saying it but it bears repeating: OCare is not about health care, or even health insurance - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=51795#sthash.L2U40FPJ.dpuf We
keep saying it but it bears repeating: OCare is not about health care, or even health insurance - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=51795#sthash.L2U40FPJ.dpuf Sunday, November 3. 2013Prof. Mead has his mojo workin' No "Tea Party" exists. It's just a lot of people with similar views. Include me in. That was an American flag, remember. The Prof. says:
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It's De Blasio Time!
If he's right, I'd advise our readers to explore some of the wonderful neighborhoods of the city asap. Right now, it's a lovely, vibrant, youthful, colorful and safe place to visit, thanks (mostly) to Mayor Giuliani. It is drawing all of the ambitious young people of America and the world, and it's packed with tourists too. That's why it's expensive.
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Daylight Saving Time Is Terrible: Here's a Simple Plan to Fix It
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Another free ad for Nora Gardner Apparel
Conservative but feminine Day-to-Night attire for professional women: Nora Gardner's Fall/Winter collection Just add some jewelry and you're ready for a night out on the town.
Saturday, November 2. 2013Saturday morning links
A reader recommends this movie: Possession (2002) Splitting stone in Maine 'The Daily Show' Sent A 'Gay' Couple To Alabama And Mississippi, And The Results Might Surprise You Northeastern elites love to feel superior to Southerners Surprise: People like free stuff Scientists decipher dog-tail wags Defining Deviancy Out of Existence Pentagon: White males have unfair advantages Politico: GOP Runs Segregationist Playbook to Sabotage ObamaCare Obamacare is for black people? This is harsh So is this: Dial 911! EBT benefits cut! Call 911! EBT benefits get cut Call 911! EBT benefits get cutThis May Be The Most Impressive Business School Class EverThe case against Daylight Savings Time The blissfully unaware hecklers at Brown Survey: Only 23% NY Doctors Say They'll Accept ObamaCare Patients New book examines Poles who killed Jews during WWII Japan’s A “Painful and Toilsome Tour”: Revisiting Dorothea Dix’s Advocacy for the Mad The case against Daylight Savings Time Navy SEALs ordered to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms Kudlow: Liberal entitlement-state dream is crumbling Some people are just too hung-up on this quaint "American freedom" thing. Not Enough Taxes in the World to Save Providence “Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages” - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=51790#sthash.rotoKTa0.dpuf “Pentagon
training manual: white males have unfair advantages” - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=51790#sthash.rotoKTa0.dpuf Friday, November 1. 2013Fracking Gets a Clean Bill of Health
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JournoList Journalist Admits Lying to Get Obama Elected, Obamacare Passed
Story here.
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Friday morning links Down and Out in Vermont - Heroin in the hills I thought Meth was the rural thing Genetic Root of maths genius sought There's a global wine shortage Coast to Coast in under 29 hours: Mercedes CL driver sets new record by averaging 98mph Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children "Mom, please, no!" A Real-Time Map of Births and Deaths - This simulation gives an eerily omniscient vantage on the world as it fills. Enforced Diversity in New York Fire Department Leads to Disastrous Results Modeling: Whatever happened to science? Keystone: Greens Incapable of Picking Their Battles Author at The Nation: Ray Kelly being shouted down “was glorious” Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare Fraud in the Inducement, and the President Taranto: Another ObamaCare Victim - One man's insurance cancellation is a cause for Schadenfreude. A new blog friend: Common Cents Fraud in the Inducement — and President Obama
Thursday, October 31. 2013The Dems and Wall St.
Those on the inside know that, when Dems talk class warfare, they are always winking at the bankers and at the ultra-wealthy, and hoodwinking naive populist voters. (I have nothing against the bankers. They are necessary for almost everything, but it would be fine with me if their politics were more balanced.)
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Thursday morning links 15 outrageously NSFW Halloween pumpkin carvings Unfortunately, being beautiful imposes real, ugly burdens... David Warren on his Mom's death NYC politics: When Class Trumps Identity Is Mike Lee The Better Liar I've Been Waiting For? The Ten US Cities With Less Than Ten Days Of Cash On Hand David Coleman: Architect of the Common Core and, soon, the SAT Keynesian Economics, Government Shutdowns, and Economic Growth Sultan: Liberal Greed is Good Obama's 'Transformed' America Is Worse In Every Respect Scarborough: Obama a ‘deliberate,’ ‘flagrant’ liar The Passionate Chris Matthews Rant on Benghazi That Will Probably Leave You Speechless
HHS Predicted Much Employer-Backed Health Coverage Wouldn't Survive Obamacare, Either Steele, What's Wrong with Obamacare:
Obama tells insurance companies to shut up, if they know what’s good for them Obamacare will cause people to freeze in geographic location. Insurance companies cannot compete across state lines, so your policy is only portable within your state. Wednesday, October 30. 2013Blame, blame, blame
Excuse me, but they are trying to follow your law, Mr. President. This is like blaming the banks for giving the high-risk mortgages that the government forced them to offer. And yet, from another member of the administration, A canceled health plan is a good thing I think I would term this the "baffle them with bullshit" defense as here: Obamacare team offers multiple self-contradictory explanations for coverage cancellations In my case, I do not want the government standard insurance. I want my cheap, old-fashioned major medical with a high deductible. It makes sense to me, and I like to pay my doctors. Barack Obama is a handsome, glib, stylish, and seductive guyBut so are many or most of the 500,000 gay guys in New York City, of every skin color. A lot of it is about stylin' and profilin'. There is some mileage in that.
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Weds. morning links Man buys $27 of bitcoin, forgets about them, finds they're now worth $886k People recommend Charles Martin's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses Why colleges get an F for cost control The charter school that turned my life around Gallup: Self Defense Number One Reason for Gun Ownership MSNBC's Ronan Farrow: 'The Clintons Represent a Style of Honesty That the Public Craves Right Now' BBC declares Obama a "right wing" social democrat Who the HELL is Jay Carney to Tell Me My Health Insurance Policy is "Sub-Standard"? Obama's Favorite 'Conservative' Columnist: 'People Don't Know What's Best For Them' An earthy expletive comes to mind... BBC – Real risk of a Maunder minimum ‘Little Ice Age’ "Sounds like we’re going to have catastrophic global warming and catastrophic global cooling at the same time." EU Unveils Crackdown on Free Speech Tuesday, October 29. 2013Tuesday morning links Amazon never makes money: Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Is Like King Midas in Reverse Arthur C. Danto, Philosopher of Art, Is Dead at 89 The Kids Aren't All Right - Younger Americans are being suffocated by spending, subsidies, and debt Sultan: Government is Magic Obamacare Website Company Had Ties to Obama Fundraising, Michelle Obama The Unbearable Lightness of Obama - The president didn't know the NSA was spying on world leaders, but he's found time for at least 146 rounds of golf. Valerie Jarrett: Obamacare doesn’t force you off your plan; your insurance company does, by complying with Obamacare! Big government project, big failure: The Obamacare website fiasco shows that big government can't deliver on extensive endeavors. Monday, October 28. 2013Democrats' New Argument: It's A Good Thing That Obamacare Doubles Individual Health Insurance PremiumsArticle here. Too many lies. What's the point of lying when you know everybody will find out? Oh, OK, because it will be too late. Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance
Monday morning links People are recommending Allan Bloom's translation of The Republic The bag Cate Blanchett carries in Blue Jasmine is a Birkin Bag US Courts Deliver Verdict on Law Reviews: They’re Useless Oregon School Board: Teachers with Concealed Licenses Can Carry in Classrooms Utopia is a cruel place Why new drugs are so expensive Legislation Curtailing NSA Domestic Spying to Be Introduced Tuesday Ted Cruz’s grassroots: The new Reagan Revolution? 500,000 Californians Lose Health Policies 10 things Obamacare won’t tell you - The health exchanges, central to the law, are also its biggest mystery Give us Your Young, Uninsured (and Dying to be Rooked) Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged Obamacare: We have become seduced by computer glamour. Iran Announces 34 New Nuke Sites - Working with Russia to boost nuclear program Is it time for the military to recruit for resiliency? UK update: Riding the Lesbian Gravy Train
Sunday, October 27. 2013Do you want your medical records in the cloud?
For the same reason, I keep minimal notes anyway and just enough to refresh my memory. From The
Many docs today are spending more time on computer screens than they are with patients.
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The "Manosphere"?“Men who act like belligerent assholes probably do get laid a lot more What do women want? All sorts of things. Women are all different. I think we only tend to hear about the angry women. Guys shy away from them. Most guys are drawn to females with sweet, affectionate temperaments. NB: I am not a belligerent asshole, but I am no metrosexual asshole either. Like all guys, I can be a stupid, annoying and selfish jerk at times.
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Terry McAuliffe: Clintonesque lowlife, probably a lying, manipulative sociopath
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Saturday, October 26. 2013Saturday morning links Olmstead would love that job What’s Worse: Banning Food Trucks or Subsidizing Them? The Trouble with Public Sector Unions Students Unskeptical of Sustainability Wells Fargo Study: 37 Percent of Middle-Class Americans Say They Never Will Retire Nothing wrong with that. What else are you gonna do? Drink? Play golf? Surf the net? Do errands all day? Be a useless member of the tribe? The Braves leave the useless ones behind... Al Gore Throws Another Climate Lie On The Barbie The Blue Government Model Needs Wall Street to Survive Quotation of the day on ethanol – one of the great political boondoggles of our time, and it’s dangerous and delusional Arrival of Obamacare forcing insurers to drop customers with low coverage Number of Americans Who Receive Government Benefits Outnumber Those With Full-Time Jobs "Lack of credit history should not be considered a factor." Oh, boy. Here we go again. Dodd-Frank wants a rerun. Arctic Melts? Global Warming. Antarctic Freezes? Global Warming Jewelry Store Owner in Wheelchair Shoots Burglar Friday, October 25. 2013The good idea behind ObamacareThe good idea behind Obamacare was the idea of a national marketplace for medical insurance. Of course, an insurance consortium could have done it too, but the complication in that is that insurance is controlled and regulated state by state. A deregulated, nationwide marketplace for every kind and flavor of medical insurance with wide competition for coverage format, would have been a good thing for everybody - and put a lot of brokers out of business. Probably most people would opt for cheap high-deductible insurance (Major Medical, aka Catastrophic) as protection against bankruptcy. Brokers have easy access to all available deals within a given state, but it's not national and not available to consumers, and now the ACA has strictly limited peoples' choices. Instead, we have an illusory marketplace selling government-designed product at government-determined prices, and they'll fine you if you don't buy it. Doesn't sound like America to me. Requiring marketplace insurance companies to cover the highest-risk patients is a challenge with many possible solutions. Coverage for kids to age 26 is insane and infantilizing. Adulthood is 21, at the latest. However, "adulthood" keeps creeping upwards, doesn't it? The other useful reform would have entailed tort reform. I have read varying estimates about how many medical costs are lawsuit-avoidance, but it is substantial.
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We Are Raising a Generation of Wimps
Wimpy boys and wimpy girls. If safety is your biggest concern in life, you will never live. I thought it was all about fear of lawsuits, but I am beginning to think it reflects some form of psycho-ideology. We are raising a generation of wimps.
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