Colonial Williamsburg to Open Public Musket Range
Why Indie Bookstores Are on the Rise Again - Borders and B&N tried to compete with Amazon, and failed. Independent stores can’t even try—nor do they have to.
Are we too selfish to live like hippies?
The man behind Campbell Soup
The Mind of Camille Paglia
British Nobel Winner Under Fire For Comments on 'Girls' in Labs
Haha. He'll say what he wants to say.
World’s Biggest “Green” Power Station Apparently Not So Green
Putting the ridiculously large $18 trillion US economy into perspective by comparing state GDPs to entire countries
Would the Poor Prefer Cash Instead of Medicaid?
Too Much Praise Promotes Narcissism - The first longitudinal study in children supports the theory that parents with unrealistically positive views of their kids foster
narcissistic qualities
BALTIMORE: Liberal City of the Future
Alveda King: Liberal Race Baiting Is Tired, Sagging and Outdated
Deep secrets of racial profiling
Affirmative Action Applied to Air Traffic Controllers
Affordable Care Isn't
UC Faculty Training: Saying ‘America Is the Land of Opportunity’ Is a Microaggression
Affirmative Action Applied to Air Traffic Controllers - See more at:
The get-Rubio movement.
Commenter there: What the Times hopes is that the smarter people amongst the Left base realize that people like Rubio and Walker appeal to the public partly because they aren't elitist douche-bags. Being "born in a log cabin" has a long history of being an effective back story in America and Rubio and Walker both have plenty of that in its modern incarnation.
Marco Rubio Is The Presumptive Republican Nominee For President In 2016
Highlights From the New York Times’ 2008 Hillary Clinton Endorsement
The Average Joe’s Proviso - Surprising numbers of white working-class voters will support the Democratic agenda—if Democrats promise to reform the government that would carry it out.
The Gimmes vs. the Freedoms
Greece: U.N. Warns That Migrants May Overwhelm Tourist Island of Lesbos
Media warn Marco Rubio is dangerously middle-class and not wealthy
Democrats might want to re-think a counter-productive strategy of highlighting Rubio for being so middle-class, still residing in his childhood neighborhood near his mother in a 2,700-square foot home with four children and buying himself a boat for family outings.
Many American voters might just identify more with that lifestyle over a woman who admits not having driven a car in almost 20 years, you know, because of all the chauffeurs.