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Wednesday, August 19. 2015Wednesday morning links Mayor de Blasio’s war on the best public schools in New York Many State Dept Emails Used To Register On ‘Adulterer’ Site Ashley Madison Uh oh. I guess their server wasn't secure. Ashley Madison hack: Live updates as 'UK Government email addresses' in data of 32 million dumped online Uh oh. Lots of naughty gummint employees. Two Women Make History by Passing Army's Elite Ranger School Corporate Inversions: Obama Fiddles While the Corporate Tax Burns U.S. Competitiveness No one showed up for California's green jobs rush The recurrent problem of green scares that don’t live up to the hype (fixed) Why Aren’t We at War Yet over Climate Change? CO2-induced Greening of the Earth: Benefiting the Biosphere While Lifting the Poor out of Poverty Obama Seeks $1 Billion for Library, Post Presidency What is the point of these stupid presidential libraries? White unarmed teenager shot to death by police, nobody gives a shit. The Head Start CARES Demonstration: Another Failed Federal Early Childhood Education Program Every Year 400,000 Children Born to Illegal Immigrants – 1 in 10 Births in US Wapo: Donald Trump’s immigration plan would wreak havoc on U.S. society Are they kidding? Black Woman Rips Council over Illegal Aliens Mark Levin: ‘Nobody Talks About OUR Kids as Dreamers’ Populism Is Back, on Both Left and Right Now That Carly Fiorina Is Rising In The Polls, NY Times Takes Sexist Shots At Her Maybe Hillary Clinton just isn’t a very good candidate A raw deal for Iran’s dissidents
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The recurrent problem of green scares that don’t live up to the hype
directs you to the 20 Greatest English Language Novels. Re: Corporate Inversions: Obama Fiddles While the Corporate Tax Burns U.S. Competitiveness
I'm not taking up for Obummer, but he's not the only one who's been fiddling. Has there been a bill voted on in the House or the Senate to fix the corporate tax code? I haven't heard about it if there was. Thank God we have a Republican majority in the House and the Senate! [/snark] Re: No one showed up for California's green jobs rush
Nobody's showing up Start Up New York jobs either. The latest Empire Manufacturing Survey (survey of NY manufacturers) fell to the lowest level since 2009. Can we chart the economic activity of a state against the amount of political control by demoncrats in that state? It would be interesting. Re: Maybe Hillary Clinton just isn’t a very good candidate
Maybe? She horrible. The one election she has won in her life - the NY Senate seat - was handed to her on a silver platter.
It was sad to see Patrick Moynihan endorse her when you knew he didn't respect either of the Clintons and did it only to support the party.
Obama drives down coal ...Soros buys cheap.
Really? Kind of like the movie "1941" (I may be the only person that thought that movie was hilarious), the scene where Slim Pickins stares at Mifune and Lee and blurts out "I knew it, you're both in cahoots!". Glaringly obvious. Thoughts on drought in California, the lack of particular matter in the air have anything to do with the lack of rain? Burn more coal? Yesterday when I watched a video on the new robot running through the woods near Boston, the thought occurred to me that I wouldn't like to see that thing in a police uniform or on the battlefield but it might be useful to have a coal miner that never needs to come back to the surface or worry about black lung. Does this mean that Obama's NOT gonna keep his "promise" to raise electricity prices and kill Soros with pollution laws?
Re: Funding ISIS
In an otherwise interesting article, there is this: QUOTE: Bailey notes that while Iran was forced to the negotiating table because the sanctions regime effectively deprived it “of necessary funds (along with a falling oil price), ... That's not quite how I remember it. I remember Obummer, desperate to make a deal with the Iranians, made it pretty clear that it would be worth the Iranian's while to join him at a negotiating (capitulation) table. QUOTE: White unarmed teenager shot to death by police, nobody gives a shit. Except #BlackLivesMatter. "in the absence of much mainstream media coverage, black Twitter has taken the most active role in making sure Hammond's name and story are heard." http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/a-different-world/article30214401.html DID BLACK LIVES MATTER ORGANIZER SHAUN KING MISLEAD OPRAH WINFREY BY PRETENDING TO BE BIRACIAL?
QUOTE: An investigative blogger has accused Shaun King, a key figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, of misleading media icon Oprah Winfrey by pretending to be biracial in order to qualify for an “Oprah scholarship” to historically black Morehouse College. The blogger says King is white and has been lying about his ethnicity for years. they take a liberal definition who is black. this is a clear example of racial appropriation of Hammond's race by blacktivists. I thought that it was so hard being black that nobody would ever choose to be black. I guess Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal didn't get the memo.
they want to feel persecuted, because this makes them special. it gives them an identity that they can't generate on their own merit.
that's "feel" persecuted, but in a safe way. not actual persecution, those two aren't fleeing slaves or Jews in the Warsaw ghetto. Also, now a days, victims have power without accomplishment.
2015-08-19 20:30
look at it this way. these are losers today, they'll be losers tomorrow. all they have is the appearance of power.
Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz
2015-08-20 01:01
QUOTE: CO2-induced Greening of the Earth: Benefiting the Biosphere While Lifting the Poor out of Poverty Limited increased in CO2 can have a positive benefit, especially in warm, arid regions. However, continued increases in CO2 will lead to dangerous levels of warming. There's also a significant lag in effects, and it will take decades for the climate to reach the new, higher-energy equilibrium. QUOTE: Why Aren’t We at War Yet over Climate Change? The purpose of addressing climate change is to ensure a better world for future generations. War will be very unlikely to do that. India and China both accept the reality of climate change, but like all countries, have to balance immediate concerns with concerns about the future. China and India are already moving towards revamping their energy sectors. According to climatistas, we don't have much time to fix the climate. If that opportunity slips by us, according to them, we are doomed. If the Chinese and Indians are moving too slowly, they are participating in the destruction of the planet and a war that forces them to save the planet would surely ensure a better world for future generations, wouldn't it?
Or maybe the situation is not as dire as we've been told. mudbug: According to climatistas, we don't have much time to fix the climate.
The problem is cumulative, so addressing the problem sooner rather than later will be easier, less expensive, and with lower levels of damage to the climate and ecosystems. The world is already addressing the problem. Science allows humans to foresee various futures, and to avert the worst. we've been assured the world has ended already by many warmal coldists. this is Settled Science. I swear this is true.
only trillions of US taxpayer dollars can make it Unsettled. Also, those claiming to be against AGW have kept their huge estates, SUVs, flying hither and yon (across the country, across oceans), houses on the beach, and all in all, not acting as if they are truly worried about the effects they want us to fear.
Re Trump
Powerline has an interesting analysis of the Trump phenomenon: Does Trump trump? By Angelo M. Codevilla “In the land of the blind,” so goes the saying, “the one-eyed man is king.” Donald Trump leapt atop other contenders for the Republican presidential nomination when he acted on the primordial fact in American public life today, from which most of the others hide their eyes, namely: most Americans distrust, fear, are sick and tired of, the elected, appointed, and bureaucratic officials who rule over us, as well as their cronies in the corporate, media, and academic world. Trump’s attraction lies less in his words’ grace or even precision than in the extent to which Americans are searching for someone, anyone, to lead against this ruling class, that is making America less prosperous, less free, and more dangerous. Trump’s rise reminds this class’s members that they sit atop a rumbling volcano of rejection. Republicans and Democrats hope to exorcise its explosion by telling the public that Trump’s remarks on immigration and on the character of fellow member John McCain (without bothering to try showing that he errs on substance), place him outside the boundaries of their polite society. Thus do they throw Br’er Rabbit into the proverbial briar patch. Now what? The continued rise in Trump’s poll numbers reminds all that Ross Perot – in an era that was far more tolerant of the Establishment than is ours – outdistanced both Bush 41 and Bill Clinton before self-destructing, just by speaking ill of both parties before he self destructed. Republicans brahmins have the greater reason to fear. Whereas some three fifths of Democratic voters approve the conduct of their officials, only about one fifth of Republican voters approve what theirs do. If Americans in general are primed for revolt, Republican (and independent) voters fairly thirst for it." http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/07/does-trump-trump-angelo-codevilla-on-our-present-moment.php Erik Ericson says:
Donald Trump Makes John Boehner Expendable He goes on to say: Nonetheless, the members I have spoken with suddenly see Trump as useful. Much of Trump’s support comes from voter anger at repeated Republican betrayals in Washington. The grievances of Trump voters participating in the Republican primary process echo the grievances of most conservatives, but are louder. As Jeb Bush falters in the polling, ousting Boehner is another way to help mitigate the rise of Trump’s campaign. While McConnell cannot be touched because of a lack of “motion to vacate the chair” in the Senate, tossing Boehner, some speculate, would be a strong signal that Republicans are getting their act together to fight as conservatives. Said one mid-western Congressman to me, “Donald Trump is giving us another avenue to sell members on tossing Boehner. Suddenly, knowing what might come otherwise, the Speaker is expendable.” http://www.erickontheradio.com/2015/08/donald-trump-makes-john-boehner-expendable/ State Department Emails Used to Register on Cheater Website
I clicked on the link in the Weasel Zipper story (takes you to pastebin.com) to see the list of names, and entry number 4061 was "barack@whitehouse.gov" #538 is president@whitehouse.gov
I wonder if this is faked. I don't think any woman would be hard up enough to hop in bed with Obummer or if there was, she would be afraid of Michelle. But then, maybe he was looking for a guy... Not that there's anything wrong with that. Actually, there are 13 listings of president@whitehouse.gov and one president@us.gov. Maybe he forgot his password.