We are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for.
It’s not just good for the individual young person to live life to the fullest. It’s good for society overall. We need you out there buying clothes and going to shows and eating in our restaurants. Nothing stimulates the economy like a twenty something trying to get laid.
What no one wants to say, but everyone knows is that the cops are now in their cop houses filling out paperwork and doing as little as possible. They see no reason to risk prison for a city government that would rather arrest cops than criminals.
March against Monsanto: World rallies in protest - Campaigners are urging those who can’t attend one of the marches around the globe, to make their own protest by buying local organic food
Good grief. Morons. I grow "organic" GMO watermelons.
Z-Man goes to the wrong doctor. Our doctor (guy with a solo practice, his wife works in the office and they care about their people) knows the whole family, we see him around town, he has known me for 15 years, knows my medical history,makes me get echo stress tests,goes through a lengthy interview touching on health, fitness, diet, emotional issues, work, family, etc.He will see anybody in the family at any time, and he will give phone advice. In fact, he was the one who advised my wife to fly my father-in-law from Cabo to UCSD Med Center this Spring.
College professors. Manufacturing workers. Recent college graduates. What do they all have in common?
They are all, as a group, seeing the terms of their employment reset downward. The average package available to those people is worse than what similarly situated people got a generation ago...
Carly Fiorina got fired once (for her decision to buy Compac?). But hey, MSM - do you remember this?
Lifelong democrat Jerry Zeifman, in charge of the Watergate investigation, gave this reason for firing Hillary: "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of this Committee, and the rules of confidentiality."
Due to global cooling, there will be a frost tonight in New England. Please, people, drive more. I am boating this weekend, planned for shorts and t-shirt weather but I will consume plenty of fossil fuels to get to my boat, and on the boat. Loading with 50 gallons. Just doing my part to warm this frigid planet.
Unrelated, this: Ted Cruz made a campaign stop in Beaumont, TX on Tuesday, May 19. He was asked repeatedly by Kevin Steele from KMBT-TV about the issue of gay marriage, to which Cruz responds by turning the tables. The man is too smart to be president and conveys too much aggression, too little seduction.
To dominate, Conservatives need good cheer and optimism, a strong Libertarian/freedom streak, and less hawkishness about places that Americans do not give a damn about. To my Repub friends: Americans do not give a darn about Ukraine, Syria, Somalia, Guatemala, Mexico, etc. as long as you keep those people out of the USA. Americans do not want to run the world and are sick of the Middle East insanity. End of rant. Gone Fishin with my good gal. Newport this summer, as it happens.
Happy Decoration Day to all, with thanks to all American armed forces over the years.
Democrats Can’t Name Hillary’s Accomplishments - See more at:
Oysters have to be farmed to meet market demand. I am part of that market. They are easy to farm, but slow-growing compared to chickens. I find the West Coast oysters to be insipid, and oysters grown south of Chesapeake Bay flavorless, too large, and disgusting. Oyster gourmet.
I am becoming indifferent too. The world is full of evil people, always has been. Why is that my problem? Why should I get upset by these ignorant raghead lunatics? They have been there for a long time, killing eachother. It's what they do - their culture.
I think daily pot-smoking is a poor choice of lifestyle especially if you want a clear head. However, poor choice of lifestyle is not a crime. I enjoy a taste of weed once in a while, usually on a boat on a calm, clear day with a couple of Pacificos. Sometimes on a hiking climb in the glorious White Mountains of New Hampshire, or on a trout stream anywhere. It's difficult to relax anywhere, but one must put in that extra effort to relax sometimes if only to get along with others cheerfully.
Water balloons are bombs, and water hoses are flame-throwers. Dangerous out there if you have a psychotic imagination. Life is more fun without psychosis.
The point is that the left doesn’t kowtow to Islam because they actually love Islam, but rather because they hate our own culture. They have been steeped in a narrative about how American and Western culture is racist and “imperialist,” and they’ve been trained to see anyone with a dark complexion and a non-Western origin as the victim of our crimes. When they see criticism of Islam, or deliberate attempts to defy Islam, they filter it through that narrative. They see it as: there go those bigoted right-wing Christians, demeaning dark-skinned foreigners again. So they reflexively oppose it.
It's an exaggeration. They do well in state and local elections. For national elections, I feel they need to inject a larger dose of good old American Libertarian ideas and rhetoric.
Sometimes I imagine that they are afraid to win the WH, Senate, and Congress at once. That never bothered their opposition with their messianic aspirations. I do not aspire to utopia, just personal freedom from government, as much as is reasonable. Trans-fats? Are you kidding me?
— You’re a bad person to do the best for your kids. Me? You’re kidding,
right? - See more at:
Honoring Virgin Mary Considered “Provocation,” Attacked by Moslems in
Italy - See more at:
I like mass transit, and I love railroads. Most mass transit seems to require government subsidies. I don't know why, but it's the case. NYC subways are subsidized by taxes, so New Jersey Transit, Boston transit, DC transit, and so is Amtrak. Most rail and buses. Even the Staten Island Ferry system. So are airports to varying degrees, and of course roads, bridges, and tunnels are all government costs.
These things keep people and goods moving, and keep the economy going. (Freight railroads make money.)
I like Amtrak. You can ride from Boston to New Orleans, from NYC to Chicago and to California, or from NY to Montreal. Good stuff. And their high-speed Acela is very busy on the Boston-NYC-Philly-Baltimore-Wilmington-DC route. Very pleasant too, and easier than air. Their labor contracts are, of course, insane.
An occasional accident is not statistically meaningful, in contrast to automobile fatalities and injuries. Ten thousand car accidents are not big news. A train wreck or a plane crash is news because they are so rare.
A few years earlier, he recalled, an M.C. in an elegant Chicago club had introduced him thus: 'O.K., folks, time to pull out your chitlins and your collard greens, your pigs’ feet and your watermelons, because here is B. B. King.'... When he saw 'long-haired white people' lining up outside the Fillmore, he said, he told his road manager, 'I think they booked us in the wrong place.'
Dean: Jesus Probably to Left of Democratic Party - See more at:
The “Bias Incident Reporting” effort aims to “address the impact of demeaning and hurtful statements as well as acts of intolerance directed towards protected classes,” CU Boulder’s website states.