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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, August 12. 2020Systemic racismThe Invention of ‘Systemic Racism’ I have seen almost no overt racism in my life, other than a bit of paranoia about Muslims on airplanes. I am not sure whether that counts as racism. Having been a victim of two crimes in NYC by black guys, and another in Cambridge MA, I am instinctively wary of guys in hoodies behind me on empty streets at night but I don't call that racism either. I think the idea of systemic racism was invented when ordinary, disgusting racism disappeared with the passing of generations. Related, The Myth that Is Systemic Racism Your thoughts?
The real COVID record
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What epidemiologists wantWinter is coming: Why America’s window of opportunity to beat back Covid-19 is closing "Beat back" a virus?
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Wednesday morning links
Eurovision Finally Lands in the U.S. With a State-versus-state Singing Competition. One of the world’s most wildly popular singing contests is coming to the U.S. in 2021 Judge Won't Stop DeVos Title IX Rule From Taking Effect Federal Appeals Court: Title IX Protects Transgender Students Portland District Attorney Mike Schmidt to Limit Criminal Charges Against Protesters COVID-19 Has Made It Undeniable: We Need School Choice LA Times: Camping Is Totally Racist, You Know Prof: 'The Constitution is racist':
Seattle Police Chief To Resign And The Mayor Has “A Heavy Heart” MSNBC: Trump Is ‘Defunding’ Police By Not Bailing Out States And Cities College-Educated Professionals Are Capitalism’s Useful Idiots. How I got co-opted into helping the rich prevail at the expense of everybody else The Case for Trump - There's little wrong with President Trump that more Trump couldn't solve. Bringing the Manufacturing Back Home Why Obama Is Wrong About the Filibuster Harris Wasn't Biden's First Choice Anti-Trumper Repubs: The Lincoln Project—or the McClellan Project? Tuesday, August 11. 2020More about DOMSWe have plenty of thoughtful readers who use weight-lifting as a part of, or as the entirety, of their fitness programs. That is one of the cool things about an eclectic website. I take all of your comments on fitness topics seriously. Clearly, upping my routine after a few months of just running and calisthenics was part of my DOMS. What my genius trainer did for me this morning was to run me through ten minutes of leg stretches and light Tiger Tail rolling before we went to bench press. The pain disappeared. Go figure. He suggested a heat pad for 10 minutes, then some light Tiger Tail. And yes, he blames it on getting back to more intense work. My pre-April routine was disrupted by gym closure, road running instead of treadmill and stair machine, a week's vacation, and do-it-yourself calisthenics (sadly, not as intense as gym classes). I had been doing 3 days of weights, 1-2 days of calis, and 1-2 days of HIIT cardio. No problems. Academic freedomQuillette: How to Fight the Enemies of Academic Freedom
Five Points
Sat through a webinar (usually a walking tour) of 5 Points - quite enjoyable.
Learned of a relatively new resource - replications of Manhattan using computer tech. $12 for an hour and a half by a 'licensed' (not sure why you need one) tour guide. Not that I'm a great tour guide, but I think I've done a passable job as an unlicensed one during our Urban Hikes. Tuesday morning links
Love you to death: how we hurt the animals we cherish Polar Bears Defy SCIENCE! by Refusing to Die. Marijuana use during pregnancy linked to autism in babies, study says Job Openings Soar Amid Record Surge In Americans Quitting Their Job Forty percent of people with coronavirus infections have no symptoms. Might they be the key to ending the pandemic? New research suggests that some of us may be partially protected due to past encounters with common cold coronaviruses. University Of Georgia Says Students Should ‘Consider Wearing A Mask During Sex’ CNN’s Cuomo To Trump: ‘You Don’t Give a Damn’ About Pandemic. Settle down, Fredo. Chaos In Chicago: Bridges Raised To Prevent Gun-Toting Looters Getting Downtown Black Lives Matter Pulls Gun on Truck Driver, Then Mob Hurls Bottles at Vehicles who Want to Get Through Their Roadblock — Update: Gunman Identified – Jonathan Howe NY City Police Pelted by Mob with Ice Bottles and Projectiles After They Come to Rescue Little 11-Year-Old Girl from Assault in Harlem Seattle City Council Defunds Police to Get More of That 'Summer of Love' Crime and Chaos
BARR UNBOUND You thought Dems wanted to tax the rich? Washington Post columnist Rogin calls out NBC News over ‘several errors’ in report on Wuhan lab - 'US news organizations must do better than presenting a walk around a lab and an interview with falsehoods' Jumaane Williams Bids to Democratize NYC Into the Dark "Hillary Clinton will deliver a prime-time speech next Wednesday for the Democratic National Convention..." Monday, August 10. 2020When will cancel culture end?Do you ever get DOMS with heavy weights?
So painful that I could hardly do my morning HIIT run this morning. I resorted to fast hill-walks because it seems to be recommended that you keep moving as best you can. Yes, I try to eat enough and to use creatine on weights days. Seems to me that barbell squats are my culprit. I never get it from Deads or anything else. It lasts 3-4 days, and makes me feel like an elderly gent hobbling around like a crip. Have any of our readers had this issue?
Monday morning links
The Danger of Scientists on a Pedestal On Face the Nation, CT Gov. Lamont doubles down on importance of in-person return to school A third of House Democrats think destroying an innocent student’s life is like a short-term suspension WASHINGTON POST CELEBRATES DESTRUCTION OF BOOKS Sen. Cotton: NY Times Exposed as 'Laughing Stock' Bill DiBlasio and Communist New York Voters Have Turned Their City Into a Bloody Shithouse and Plague Farm Far-Left Extremists Burn Police Building In Portland, Violently Attack Police Officers Greenfield: The Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else. Time to end the charade. Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives Sara Carter: MSM Never Covered The Russia Hoax, They Still Won’t Biden Campaign Cancels Trip Upstairs Durham Investigation Into Origins of Russia Probe Reportedly Nearing Conclusion ' We Have the Product in Hand:’ Israel to Begin Human Trials with COVID-19 Vaccine in Fall Dr. Fauci: Chances of Developing a Highly Effective Coronavirus Vaccine 'Not Great' Sunday, August 9. 2020Cesarea EvoraShe sang in Kriolu (creole) - a creole, in this case, a mix of West African and Portuguese. She was from the Cape Verde Islands, so it has some of the Fado feeling of loss and pain. (Cape Verde Islands were the source of many New England whaling crews. There are many of Cape Verde ancestry in New Bedford, Provincetown, etc., today.) New Trump campaign adHaven't seen any for Joe Biden yet. This is Reaganesque
What's for dessert tonight? Strawberries with Balsamic![]() From today's Lectionary: Come out of the boatMatthew 14:22-33 14:22 Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. 14:23 And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 14:24 but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. 14:25 And early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea. 14:26 But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out in fear. 14:27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, "Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid." 14:28 Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." 14:29 He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. 14:30 But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" 14:31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" 14:32 When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 14:33 And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God." Saturday, August 8. 2020Summer is Porgy season in the Northeast
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COVID reality check
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Saturday morning links Obesity not defined by weight, says new Canada guideline Don’t Cancel School. Prolonged closures are their own crisis. World's Top Epidemiologists - Masks Don't Work! MC: A Visit To The Local Bookstore American Cities Committing Urban Suicide THE DECLINE AND FALL OF SAN FRANCISCO David McIntosh’s Big Idea: Fund school choice options for parents amid coronavirus Chuck Schumer Changes Mind, Now Says Schools Must Reopen – It Must Be that Poll that Shows 80% of Voters Want Schools Open Portland Mayor Pleads With Vandals: Don’t You See That You’ve Become A Prop For Trump’s Campaign? New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit BB: 10 Signs You Might Be A Secret Racist The Wedge Issue That’s Dividing Trumpworld - A group of social conservatives wants the president to embrace anti-transgender issues to reverse his sagging poll numbers. Some Trump advisers think it’s political suicide. Top Democrats contemplate civil war if Biden loses. Yet the media still only talks about Trump not accepting the result Trump Signs Order Seeking to Return Drug Production to U.S. Joe Biden: Latino Community Has Diverse Attitudes “Unlike the African-American Community” Democrats planted false stories in effort to derail Biden investigations, Grassley says What did the China hawks get right and wrong about China? A few power and technical problems hereFriday, August 7. 2020Simple household tips that you already knowFor northern North Americans: 1. Get your a/c checked out etc in the winter
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Thursday, August 6. 2020HealthyNot just for COVID times. My advice for a functional life, for as long as one is given by God or nature, is to workout 5-6 days/week, stay fit and trim (the latter being mainly nutritional). Don't abuse substances. Have a good sex life and social life. Do things, and take on new challenges whether mental or physical. I will never advise anyone about what to eat. Westerners are over-nutritioned. If overweight, eat less (especially carbs) and, if underweight, eat a bit more of everything. Simple. If you lift heavy, get some extra protein because it won't hurt. Get a physical exam, mammogram, PSA, and cardio stress test, however often your doctor suggests. The Maggie's Fitness for Life exercise regime requires more structure and discipline than very many are willing to do, but we recommend it anyway - 2 days of HIIT cardio, 2 days of calisthenics, and 2 days of heavy weights. It will not extend your life, but could make it more functional and lively. If you hit 80-90 years old, do whatever you want. You made it to the finish line.
Woke Math in Seattleh/t, American Digest's In China they’re doing advanced calculus. Here our mentally deficient are arguing about 2+2. Well, my thought is that, since 50% of Americans shockingly have below-average IQs, numbers are not for everybody. Most people can at least learn trig, though, if not the abstractions of calc. I was always a math "learner" until the light went on. Thursday morning links
NYC newsman, author Pete Hamill dead at 85 US Cruise Operators Halt Voyages Until Oct. 31 After 2 Ships Hit By Outbreaks Amid Restart Bezos is now on the cusp of another record: a fortune exceeding $200 billion. Walter Williams: The Leftist Effort to Revise American History "The faculty letter gives the impression that many Princeton professors believe their institution is rife with anti-Black racism and that the university must risk abandoning long-standing core values..." MSNBC Producer Leaves Network, Writes Letter Explaining How Broadcast News is a Cancer Without a Cure 'We will probably take this to trial': Bar owner says last call will have catastrophic consequences Mayor Bill DeBlasio Launches Updated New York City Quarantine Rules and Checkpoints with Fines Up to $10,000 — Tucker Carlson Reponds Wall Street Journal editorial accuses teachers unions of using pandemic to commit 'political extortion' Another Riot Was Declared In Portland Last Night Rape Shouldn’t Be Reported to Police: Keith Ellison Americans Reject Joe Biden's Radical Suburbs-Crushing Housing Rule in a New Poll Democrats’ Worst Nightmare: Black Trump Supporters March in Los Angeles, Champion #BlackLivesMAGA Wednesday, August 5. 2020A strange tree: Weeping Elm This photo from a reader in Denver, on the campus of St. Regis Univ. All regular Elms are vulnerable to Dutch Elm disease. There are new variants which are immune. Political QQQ"We can tell when it’s politics being talked about for the solution to a current problem is always whatever it was that the person wanted to do anyway."
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