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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, April 19. 2020New England Real Estate
I would not take the ask price seriously, given CT and New England real estate right now. What the heck. I do not need anything but peace of mind wherever I am. Unfortunate FalloutI'm not sure if it's unfortunate fallout or collateral damage, but I had a conversation with a friend who, like me, battled Covid. Their battle was much worse than mine as they were in an at-risk group. But they survived, as did other family members who eventually got milder cases. The net result is this person is now virulently anti-Trump, blaming him for a host of things that simply have no basis in reality. Previously, we'd shared a belief that Trump isn't our favorite president, he's badly flawed, and while I'd been more ambivalent, we basically weren't too far apart. Yesterday, I realized his experience caused him to jump the shark and become a full-on Trump hater. I don't understand how you can blame Trump for a virus, or even the response to it. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. H1N1 was, so far, more damaging than Covid worlwide, and it also cut a broad swathe across demographics. Covid has not finished its tour yet - but is clearly very specific in its opportunism. The primary difference that I have noticed in the nature and spread of H1N1 and Covid is that Covid erupted mightily in New York City (media capital) while H1N1 was more damaging to other regions of the US. There could be much to discuss here. What's clear is H1N1 will be seen as less damaging to the US because fewer people died (lower population in affected areas, more diffuse, etc.), while the media attention of Covid was heightened because our media elites felt threatened and made it the #1 story to scare people. Few people will remember Obama's slow (and ultimately meaningless) response to H1N1, nor will they remember that nobody blamed him for over 13,000 deaths. It was a virus. A newly released study shows how widespread Covid likely is. I shared this with my friend, but was rebuffed entirely. No interest in viewing useful information.
Continue reading "Unfortunate Fallout" Another brand new Bob tune!It's about himself: I Contain Multitudes, from Whitman's Song of Myself. Lyrics here Tune/rhythm is similar to It's Not Dark Yet. He seems to be at the point at which he reviews his life, and shares it. Far from from Mr. Tambourine Man. God bless him for sharing his life with as much truth and inspiration as he could. He will not give up on life, and on his reporting. "I drive fast cars, and I eat fast foods..."
Not from today's Lectionary: Be wise as serpents and innocent as dovesMatthew 9:35-10:33 35Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. 10Then Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. 2These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him. 5These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: "Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7As you go, proclaim the good news, The kingdom of heaven has come near. 8Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment. 9Take no gold, or silver, or copper in your belts, 10no bag for your journey, or two tunics, or sandals, or a staff; for laborers deserve their food. 11Whatever town or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you leave. 12As you enter the house, greet it. 13If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 14If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. 15Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. 16 See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17Beware of them, for they will hand you over to councils and flog you in their synagogues; 18and you will be dragged before governors and kings because of me, as a testimony to them and the Gentiles. 19When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you at that time; 20for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. 21Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; 22and you will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 23When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes. Saturday, April 18. 2020Saturday fun: An oldieJoin the Hate Trump ClubIt is not an exclusive club. Funny how people enjoy having things to hate. As they say, haters gotta hate. Hatred is recreational for people, or at least for some people. Feel free to explain the psychology of that. Speaking of clubs, Trump was one of the first guys to make an exclusive club in Florida open to Jews and blacks.
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Update on Status and Other Things Going On
To begin with, there's 'reinfection' taking place, although at very low levels. I'm skeptical of these stories. My guess is these are relapses. I almost experienced a relapse, as did other people I know, when I thought I was healthy enough to rake leaves for one hour. ONE HOUR. That was 4 days after the last symptoms. Nope. Wound up in bed the whole next day. Another person (who had scolded me telling me to be more careful) thought it wise to try and cut his lawn the day after I tried to rake. 6 days out, he wound up in bed for a day after only pushing the mower for 10 minutes. Still another, crazier, friend went for a 3 mile run a week after. He finished a mile and had to struggle to walk home, spending 2 days in bed. My feeling is people recover, feel good, try to do too much, and relapse. Since my raking adventure, I've only gone on walks. None longer than an hour, once a day. I'm still winded, but feeling stronger. As the linked article points out, "For now, the most likely explanation of why people are retesting positive seems to be that the test is picking up remnants of the virus." I'm sure if I was tested again, I'd likely be positive. So I'm taking it easy, not pushing it. I'll try to push a little a week from now, when I'll (hopefully) feel much better. I've regained 3 of the 8 pounds I lost, so my appetite is back, and that was likely water weight, due to how dehydrated I was. At this point, I have learned quite a bit more about the nature of what I had. I'm still not overwhelmed by its dangers. I know 10 people who tested positive. I know 10 more who definitely had it, but their doctors told them not to get tested because 'tests are for those in real need'. I have a friend at FEMA, instrumental in doing work in NYC, who told me the scare stories are just scare stories. They saw what was really going on, handling resource procurement and (now) distribution to other states. I know people who lost relatives, and we do believe (as we found out today) a relative who was in a home may have contracted it and died. So I have not said (nor would I say) this is not a dangerous virus. Certainly it requires an abundance of caution and respect. I don't believe in 'solutions' only trade offs, when politics is involved. You have to hurt someone to help someone with a political solution. It is inevitable. As a result, I believe this 'solution' was overkill of the worst kind. The trade offs are starting to be apparent...and will become more stark as they extend this.
Continue reading "Update on Status and Other Things Going On" Saturday morning links: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
An appreciation of Weird Al Yankovic BBC Sports Broadcaster Gives Colorful Commentary Of His Dogs Fighting Over A Chew Toy This university is offering credit for learning to play Dungeons and Dragons More Than 400 News Outlets Partner With A Project Seeking Media To Beef Up Climate Coverage Amid Pandemic The Limits of Clean Energy - If the world isn’t careful, renewable energy could become as destructive as fossil fuels. Joe Scarborough's Bowing, Scraping Question to Biden: Can You Talk About People's Pain? Joe Biden’s Double Standard - Confronting a sexual-harassment allegation, will the former vice president demand the due-process protections that he previously denied to others? For three years, the left has been peddling the story that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election in collaboration with the Trump campaign, with the ridiculous Steele Dossier cited as the proof.Now, the Party Line has shifted. The Russians still did it, says the new line, possibly working with the Clinton campaign, only they fed disinformation to the gullible... Was Trump the Only One in Washington Innocent of Russian Collusion? At Long Last John Solomon Says Indictments May Be Coming This Week in Obama’s Spygate Scandal Waiting for the truth CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK MAY HAVE STARTED AS EARLY AS SEPTEMBER, SCIENTISTS SAY David Warren: The world cannot be fixed What Is The Proof That This Covid-19 Thing Really Is A "Crisis," Or That Economic Suppression Is The Solution? Beef processors are closing U.S. plants, warn of beef shortages and hoarding Are You Wearing Sweatpants While Working At Home During Bat Soup Virus? The LA Times Is Not Happy With You Why coronavirus jobs crisis isn’t as bad as it may seem Dr. Ronny Jackson to Newsmax TV: Time to Open Texas SICHEL: Either We Wait For A Vaccine, Or We Turn The Lights On Now That is too rational Tammy Duckworth Falsely Accuses President Trump of Killing Americans in Coronavirus Crisis by Withholding Ventilators Such trash talk. There are too many ventilators, plus they don't work well for covid oneumonia anyway Influential COVID-19 Model Uses Flawed Methods And Shouldn’t Guide U.S. Policies, Critics Say 2.9 Million Americans Already Delinquent on Home Loans Thanks to Fauci Lockdown – Open The Economy! “THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING” IS NOW “THE BUCK PASSER IN CHIEF” Whatever he does is wrong cuz he is retarded orangeman Why Epidemiologists Still Don’t Know The Death Rate From COVID-19 Lower than anyone thinks COVID-19 Is A Man-Made Virus: HIV-Discoverer Says "Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab" Internal memos reveal Chinese leaders delayed warning public of coronavirus pandemic Duh. Lying is an Asian thing. Multicultural understanding, you know? China Is Bargain Hunting—and Western Security Is at Risk. Beijing could use the coronavirus-induced economic crisis to go on a buying spree. The U.S. and European governments must restrict the purchasing of distressed companies in sensitive sectors. WaPo: WHO Has A China Problem — But It’s Waaaay Worse Than That Washington Post: Anti-Israel Activist Spews More Gaza Coronavirus Agitprop Lying is a middle-eastern thing too. Ever been to a middle-eastern market? New England architectureFriday, April 17. 2020Andrew Sullivan is wrong, and balancing riskRe Sullivan's: How to Live With COVID-19 The opening up of work and life is not a black and white choice between health and wealth. If it were, that would be an easy choice. We're not talking about wealth here. We're talking about a functional life, working, being useful and social, paying bills, not losing shelter, staying solvent. This Chinese virus is not ever going away. It's here to stay like all viruses, and many if not most people will be exposed to it before 2021. However, viruses tend to run rapidly through a population over about two months and then just stick around more quietly forever, waiting for opportunity. Some people will get sick and die, regardless. The trick now is how to balance illness and death risks with destroyed lives, careers, futures, families, and businesses. I still feel that the lockdowns and stay at home programs were extreme responses, but I understand that they were issued in the absence of data and in an atmosphere of panic (eg, 2 million Americans dead!). Lockdowns do not really save lives, and that is not what they are for anyway. The Trump administration's plan makes good sense to me, with calm guidelines but leaving local decisions local without a one-size-fits-all for this giant country. After all, the federal officials and world experts weren't omniscient, were they? They never are. Nobody is. I do appreciate that Dr. Fauci now says I can go back onto Tinder, but where will I go to meet that special girl in person? Maybe for a 6-foot distanced walk up and down 5th Ave...with masks? That would be a memorable way to meet your true love, masked and anonymous. It might work. One question for readers: Do those with secure cash flows have different ideas from those who do not?
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Friday morning links Hinderaker: WE ARE NEEDLESSLY DEVASTATING OUR COUNTRY THE END OF NEW YORK: Mayor deBlasio Says New York City Will Not Reopen Until July or August AT THE EARLIEST! Subways were the culprit Masks, hand-washing, and gloves might have prevented a lot of that Vanderleun: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are The entire country has cabin fever Fauci Says Tinder Hookups Okay During Coronavirus Lockdowns: “Your Choice Regarding a Risk” Trump Says Guidelines Would Allow Some States To Reopen "Tomorrow" Leaves it up to states and cities. Good Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Says State Will Reopen May 1 Why politicians can't just restart the economy Only people can do that. Media sensationalism has scared the heck out of otherwise rational people, and scared the crap out of those who are fearful people anyway Now Is Exactly the Time to Investigate the WHO’s Catastrophic Public Failures and Internal Rot. China’s incredible coronavirus counts Hillary Bought Russian Disinformation - The latest revelations about the Steele dossier reveal who the real colluders were. Big surprise Steele Source Voiced ‘Strong Support’ For Hillary Clinton, Had Ties To Kremlin Duh. Follow the money. Thursday, April 16. 2020Johnny Cash's last performance2003, aged 71. He looks like 99 years old.
CoronapoliticsFrom I&!, Media Hope In COVID-19 They Finally Have The Event That Will Destroy Trump
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Thursday morning links Social Action' as a Bogus Alternative to True Education Wanna Teach? Submit a Killer ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Statement Here’s Why Grocery Store Shelves Are Empty Binge Nation: Average American Streams 8 Hours Of Content Per Day During Coronavirus Outbreak! The New York Times Knows Nobody Believes It about Biden, Kavanaugh, and Sexual Assault Dean Baquet Makes No Sense Time To Get Serious -- Or Time To Go Completely Crazy? MSNBC Host: Do You Know How Many Americans Die During Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings? When It Comes to the Chinese Virus, the PRC Has Something to Hide Ventilators for COVID might do more harm than good Coronavirus lockdown overdrive and other commentary Who Will Get Blamed If Coronavirus Shutdown Turns Out To Be A Massive Overreaction? NYC Adds Nearly 4,000 People Who Never Tested Positive To Coronavirus Death Tolls A Comic Strip Tour Of The Wild World Of Pandemic Modeling Dr. Fauci: Nation Seeing 'Light at the End of the Tunnel' Liberate America by Turning the Political Pain up to 11 WHO Blocked Doctors From Urging Border Controls To Stop Spread Of COVID-19 Six Days In Hubei: How China’s Lies And Intimidation Cost The World Its Last Chance To Stop A Pandemic Wednesday, April 15. 2020No-winFrom The Coronavirus Forces Countries into a No-Win Situation:
Running for shut-down exercise
As we have oft repeated, endurance exercise is worth doing once weekly if you do two other days of calisthenics (which also have endurance components). Although many refer to running as "cardio," it does little or nothing for heart functioning unless it includes HIIT, such as sprints. Some good advice: How to take up running Related, 10,000 steps: Not quite magical when it comes to weight. Walking is great to maintain mobility especially in the elderly, but it does nothing for the heart and certainly nothing for losing fat. Quite enjoyable, though. Walks are great, with friends, spouse, whatever.
Identify this hunting dinosaurSeen on a hike by a pal in CT this morning, iphone pic. (I no longer ask "name this bird," because people say "Bill" or "Arthur.")
Wednesday morning links
"Pour encourager les autres" Harvard to Hold Anti-Homeschooling Summit Sheesh “How Am I Violating Social Distancing When I Go Fishing, by Myself, on My Boat" Chaos by the Bay - San Francisco responds to the coronavirus with an experiment in lawlessness. Hedge Fund Managers Quietly Apply For Bailouts As Small Businesses That's called hutzpah BB: Trump Installs Ejection Seats Throughout Press Briefing Room Zero New Coronavirus Cases In New York, NBC News Says Wow Reports: These Places Will Be Re-opened First Under Trump's Post-Wuhan Coronavirus Roadmap Coronavirus, and the Media's Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics In another 4 weeks of closure, the US economy will be destroyed for years, meaning lives and careers destroyed, despair, desperation Fauci v. Fauci: How America’s infectious disease chief evolved his pandemic advice - Before he embraced social distancing, Fauci recommended cruises, and dismissed a ban on restaurants as ‘overkill,’ review of comments shows. The experts were wrong, especially the British study that predicted that 2 million Americans could die :
Coronavirus case and death counts in U.S. ridiculously low
Re the former, I believe the purpose is to reduce pressure on medical care, because there is no way to indefinitely avoid exposure, illness, death. This germ is out there forever and a vaccine is a year away. Re the latter question, we'll never know. The US is not Sweden. Hinderaker: WE NEVER NEEDED TO FLATTEN THE CURVE Time Approaches For Trump To Act To Open Economy, Even If Democrats Hope for Lengthy Recession Graham: ‘This Effort to Destroy Trump No Matter the Cost of the Country Is Getting a Bit Old’ — ‘It’s Pissing a Lot of People Off’ ‘Action Will Be Taken’: Georgia Democrats Vow Revenge On Lawmaker Who Endorsed Trump WHO Official Says She Suspected Human-To-Human COVID-19 Transmission ‘Right From The Start’ — But The WHO Echoed Misleading Chinese Claims To The Contrary For Weeks Nunes: More Criminal Referrals Against Dems Involved in the Russia Scam May Be Coming AG Barr just signaled that things are about to get ugly for the Russia collusion team Tuesday, April 14. 2020Trusting ChinaGeraghty's Powerful Americans Were Catastrophically Wrong about China: Nobody had the data, so nobody was alarmed. Even in February, 6 or 7 weeks ago, Dr. Fauci was reassuringly saying "just a flu, go to restaurants, etc." Our experts were consistently wrong in their guesses, jumping from sanguine to reckless panic, not just because of China but because they were all flying blind - VFR into IMC. Michael Crichton on crises and speculationIn 2002, Crichton wrote (actually, a lecture) about humanity's inability to predict the future. A bit of a long read, but worth it. One quote:
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Online tours: The LouvreReparationsI was speaking with a friend, prior to the lockdown, about Covid and the political repercussions. His view was the politicians would overreact/overreach for one reason - demographics. He believed, and this is now proving to be correct, that the black population would be disproportionately hit. There are higher incidences of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, alcoholism - all at-risk traits. As a result, there'd be a need to try to 'protect' these people and manage the data. They did a good job with the data, but as usual, you can't hide the truth all the time. These at-risk traits are the natural result of bondage to the state. As the US moved heavily to institutionalize all kinds of state aid to 'lift up' a downtrodden people, the government created a permanent underclass that is in thrall to the state, and engaging more irresponsible behaviors as a result (please note, I'm not saying black people are irresponsible - this is true of people of many ethnicities who have become multi-generational recipients of state aid). Taking responsibility for one's life is hard, and it's hard work. The state can step in and solve all that for you, though. Free health care, free food, free homes. It's good stuff, if you can get it. You can even become a 'Covid Patriot' full time by just going along with state aid. So it's no surprise to see calls for 'reparations' for Covid hitting the black population so hard. Yes, they have suffered more. I'm not sure the survivors deserve 'reparations' though. After all, it's hit men disproportionately, too. Perhaps we can have calls for Covid reparations for men?
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Tuesday morning linksPhoto from a reader: Robin's nest in front door Easter wreath
UF students: It's 'morally wrong' for landlords to charge full rent in these 'trying times' Pope Francis Calls for 'Structural' Change Activists to Take Advantage of Coronavirus Crisis How Italy’s family unity is its biggest weakness against coronavirus - An asymptomatic child could very easily pass the disease to a vulnerable grandparent What went wrong with the media’s coronavirus coverage? And can we do better? Dr. Fauci: The US Got “Misinformation” From China On Coronavirus… Dems scramble to defend China in 3… 2… 1… Anthony Fauci Wrong About A Whole Lot Fauci Told NBC in February That Social Distancing Not Necessary Wuhan Coronavirus Shutdowns Hitting America’s Farms 'Elbow to elbow:' North America meat plant workers fall ill, walk off jobs Mnuchin flexes muscles on airline coronavirus aid — a taste of what other companies may face No free $ Enough is enough! This is not 'the big one' New Study Finds 28 Million Americans Likely Infected by Coronavirus — Puts US Mortality Rate at 0.1% Just Like the Seasonal Flu Eight Reasons To End The Lockdowns Now Here's What The Reopening Of The US Economy Could Look Like Here’s Biden’s Plan To ‘Safely Reopen America’ Hmm. It's Trump's plan Nancy Pelosi Snaps On Trump, Says His Handling Of Coronavirus Is ‘Almost Sinful’ Never says what she would do Trump Shreds CBS Reporter Paula Reid Reporters have become trolls, not information-gatherers Brutal Trump-de-Force at the Coronavirus Hearing Leaves Media Screaming 'Pull the Plug!' Whatever decisions the Trump admin makes are too soon or too late, excessive or not enough, too fast or too slow. The Democratic Party’s Socialist Makeover Is Only Delayed CNN: ‘People Are Dying’ Because Trump ‘Acting a Fool’ Italy gave China PPE to help with coronavirus — then China made them buy it back. Reports of Beijing’s diplomacy go from bad to worse NY TIMES CHANGED BIDEN SEXUAL ASSAULT STORY AT REQUEST OF CAMPAIGN It looks like Putin conned the FBI into the ‘Russiagate’ probe The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with Monday, April 13. 2020Sicily, sexual malfeasance, and an Easter HymnFrom Cavalleria Rusticana (trans, Rustic Chivalry), 1890. The opera is set on Easter Day.
Tradesmen and other hard workers
Right now, they are desperate for work and offering bids which are almost 50% of what they would have done 6 months ago. So my feeling is this is the time to get a lot of jobs off your checklist in affordable and prompt ways, but don't be a schnorrer. They are all under-bidding eachother just to stay busy and to keep their helpers working. A minor profit is better than nothing. These people have families to feed, and times are tough. If you can, put these people to work and don't give them a hard time about it. Do it for America.
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