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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, January 26. 2018If you Dislike Your Excess body fat
You know the popular approaches: - Low-carb Atkins-like plan. This means fats, protein, and non-root vegetables and greens, with nuts and berries to complete the nutrition. This makes physiologic sense because it trains your body to burn your fat for energy instead of the carbs you shovel into it normally. - Small but ordinary meals. Eg, a hard-boiled egg and coffee for breakfast, half a sandwich for lunch, a couple of slices of cheese for a snack, and a half-portion of supper. This is a sustainable approach for most people, but it still might not work for you. It works great as a maintenance program for me, but I do not need to lose any fat and I do not have a voracious appetite. By the way, eating "until full" is disgusting and has nothing to do with nutrition. It's just a measure of how much you have stretched your stomach or ignore satiety signals. Normal people eat until satisfied, not until full. "Stuffed" is for the Thanksgiving turkey, or on Thanksgiving. - Keep a nutrition calendar. Write down everything you put in your mouth. It's even more effective if you include Why you ate that donut. Bored? Tempted by flavor? Anxious? etc. Best idea: When those things happen, do something else as a diversion. If you are overweight, your subjective appetite is a liar because your body is lazy and doesn't want the hassle of burning your fat. - Exercise is basically useless for fat-burning in any ordinary time frame unless combined with a nutrition program of caloric or carb restriction. However, this is not an argument for a sedentary life. Furthermore, intense exercisers should have a small dose of carbs/sugar before a session to be most effective at pushing the effort. I have written about the "False Hunger" of the overweight in the past. Paradoxically, the people who least need food experience hunger more than fit people, and consume food more avidly. I think it's usually an effect of being overweight, not a cause, but everybody is different. Often forgotten: Fruit and fruit juices do not really belong on any fat-burning program. A glass of OJ or apple juice is the same as a Coke. The Big Fruit industry somehow convinced people that there was something "healthy" about fruit. There is not. Fruit is dessert, a treat. Neither do cereals or grains, except minimally, belong on a fat-burning plan.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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In favor of Trap Bar deadlifts
One can certainly move heavier weight with the Trap and, for lower body strength, that's the most important thing. He also says that the Trap deadlift combines aspects of squat too. It does, but is not a substitute for squats. For what it's worth, I switch from Trap to bar every once in a while, if only to keep it varied and interesting. (Unlike Mrs. BD, I hate deads - which means I need to do them.) The only wisdom I can impart about the essential Deadlift is to use correct technique, and keep the weight high enough that your max reps are 6-10. With those large muscles, it's not a high-rep game.
Friday morning links
The Top-Earning Hedge Fund Firms of All Time “Breaking Bad” and the Five-Act Structure Why Toys R Us Can’t Win Anymore The sex lives of conductors - Norman Lebrecht examines the sordid underbelly of conducting where sex is considered a perk of the job Get Ready for a Meat Tax Push Is the humble sandwich a climate change culprit? Half the Grads at Highly Lauded D.C. School Had Three Months of Unexcused Absences The White House asked to borrow a van Gogh. The Guggenheim offered a gold toilet instead. Kimball: Populism and its critics Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s America First: European CEOs Go One By One To Tell Trump They Are Investing Billions Back In The US Why Democrats Won't Get Their Way on Immigration In Immigration Debate, Senators Must Put Americans and Their Dreams First NY Dem Gov. Cuomo Proposes Giving Free tuition to illegals Mexico Enrages Moonbats by Sending Needy Refugees Home Don’t Answer His Questions, Mr. President As walls close in on FBI, the bureau lashes out at its antagonists White House gave Robert Mueller nearly 8,000 pages of documents related to James Comey Germany: Return Of The Stasi Police State? Trump to Palestinian Authority: No More Aid, No More Talking, No More Anything Until You Commit to Peace Kerry coaches Abbas: ‘Stay strong, Trump will soon be out of office’ Palestinians buy $50 million private jet for Abbas Lester Holt Missed Something in His North Korea Report The Islamization of Oslo - In Groruddalen, a large neighborhood of the Norwegian capital, heavy Muslim immigration is testing multiculturalism’s limits. Disputing China's Spurious Territorial Claims in the South China Sea Thursday, January 25. 2018Letting parents choose schools: How would parents know what to do?How do you turn over a new leaf when your past is archived?“The past is never dead. It's not even past.” William Faulkner That is a deep psychological truth. The deep psyche has no sense of time. Memories, for example, can affect us as if they were happening today. ("effect" and "affect" always challenge my grammatical memory.) My topic however, is the internet. This thing has become a gigantic repository of everything, and it is all basically accessible to anybody. Even the FBI can't really "lose" old emails. There is no need to get paranoid about it because nobody gives a damn about most of us, but it is a strange development that much of our lives have become searchable. It's like living in a small town, where everybody knows everything that goes on and especially the secrets. How easy was it to find out about Trump's goumada? A friend and I were discussing this over drinks the other night, and we agreed that we were glad that the shameful things and misdemeanors we had done in reckless youth were pre-internet. We both grew into straight-arrow adults after our careless phases, so that worked. If anybody can find it, there was a Calvin and Hobbes toon in which Calvin as a 6 year-old (?) was documenting a false childhood for himself in case he ever decided to run for president or something. Genius. Hobbes took a photo of Calvin pretending to read a book. A fake past is a cool idea, but how does anybody turn over a new leaf when the past is always dragged behind them? It makes it difficult to do or say stupid things, which means it makes it difficult to be normal.
Posted by The Barrister
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A toast to the haggis
It's Burns Day
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Thursday morning links WATCH: Israelis Crack the Dead Sea Scrolls’ Ancient Code The salacious Middle Ages - Medieval people feared death by celibacy as much as venereal disease, and practiced complex sexual health regimens W C Fields' ping pong match San Francisco changes Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day China Breaks a Cloning Barrier: Primates - The development heralds the possibility of genetically engineered primates for drug testing, gene editing and brain research This tiny Robot Can Walk and Swim — Inside You Evergreen State DOUBLES DOWN ON CRAZY Climatistas predict another warming hiatus Because You Ate A Steak From A Moo Cow, ‘Climate Change’ Moved A 620 Ton Rock In Ireland New research from Denmark finds that motherhood and a ‘child penalty’ are responsible for the gender earnings gap Gee, maybe there is more to life than money Great Again: Disabled Rejoin Workforce In Droves As Economy Gains Steam Suddenly, not so disabled... Tax-Reform Disasters Continue: Starbucks, Disney Announce Catastrophic … Wage And Benefit Hikes? George Soros Spent Record Amount Lobbying During Trump’s First Year ‘DACA No Longer Enough:’ Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens Demand Amnesty by Protesting Schumer, Democrats ‘Dreamers’ Storm Schumer’s New York City Home, Demand Amnesty ‘Now’ These are not innocent little children Sultan: The Imaginary Hispanic The FBI Is Looking Guilty As Hell In Russia Probe The Stench at Obama's DOJ and FBI Comey ‘Friend’ Who Leaked FBI Memos Now Claims To Be His Attorney - Daniel Richman, the law professor who leaked classified FBI records to the media at Comey's request, refused to disclose when exactly he became Comey's attorney. Sneaky SOB, that Comey NBC: Did McCabe Sandbag Flynn Into An Obstruction Charge? Andrew McCarthy Discusses Why Clinton Email Scandal Was Protected By President Obama The invention of Russian Collusion:
Germany Introduces Women’s Pants with Safety Alarms to Thwart Off Migrant Sex Attacks Life in multicultural paradise Wednesday, January 24. 2018Reviewing the Peterson v. Newman fight
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Lifting13 Benefits of Weightlifting That No One Tells You About. That mini- article omits many benefits that resistance exercise provides as a component of a fitness program. One is simply resisting the muscular deterioration of ageing, and another is posture. A reminder: With weights, go heavy or you're wasting your time. You get your high-rep exercise with your calisthenics, some of which use hand weights and kettlebells.
Deep thoughts from Saturday's Pussy Hat MarchSeems mostly like "I hate Trump" or "Vote for Democrats." Or something.
Posted by The Barrister
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Wednesday morning links
Beautiful woman 1.7-Billion-Year-Old Chunk of North America Found Sticking to Australia Finally! The UK establishes a Department to Prevent Loneliness Where do they all come from? What did the little chair say to you? Andrew Sullivan on the taboo topic of maleness Taboo? I don't think so Sharks, humans shared common ancestor 440 million years ago K-12: Patterns of Deception New Jersey's New Governor About To Get Mugged By Reality The Public Isn’t As Fond Of Boundless Immigration As The Democrats Are Betting They Are Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1 But not legal immigrants until they get citizenship Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI Roger Simon: What Do We Do About the FBI? Sessions announces DOJ probe of missing FBI text messages THE OBAMA GOVERNMENT’S SECRET SOCIETIES -- Exposing the anti-Trump conspiracy within the DOJ. Tuesday, January 23. 2018Michelangelo: "Il Divino"On Sunday we went to the Michelangelo show at the Met. It's been a must-see, especially for art scholars (which is not me - confirmed dilettante), because a show like this will not be assembled again in our lifetimes. It's a giant collection of "Il Divino's" drawings, sketches, and cartoons for his works in painting, architecture (Rome's St. Peter's), and military fortifications (for Florence - below). Few sculptures, because it's about drawings. However, his drawings are sculptural. Mrs. BD and I reflected that Michelangelo indeed was enchanted by male bodies, but that muscular male bodies also offer more sculptural opportunities than female curves. We have rambled over the remains of the fortifications he designed for Florence. You have to find them there, on your own. I can tell you where to look.
The Obama Administration's 'Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton' Starting To Seep OutConnecting the dots. If you haven't heard this, prosecutor Joe di Genova makes sense. FBI-DOJ conspiracy?
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Should We Really Be Encouraging the Master's Degree for All?
The advantage gained by having a college degree is rapidly diminishing.
Name the logical fallacy
Tuesday morning links
January doesn't bother me at all Virology and vaccine research Don Imus Will Retire from His Radio Show in March He is 77. I will miss him America’s Reluctant Septuagenarian Workforce Why reluctant? It feels good to be useful, terrible to be useless. Imus' ranch with its place for cancer kids will keep him useful Sex and Marriage: 6 Statistics That Might Surprise You Remembering Rorke's Drift Oxford Seems To Think Women Can’t Handle The Pressure Of Scholastic Tests Sexists Experts Declare That Adulthood Now Begins at Age 24 WHAT IT’S LIKE TO WORK AS A FEDERAL CONSULTANT FOR THE U.S. GOVERNMENT MSNBC on "Tucker's genealogical hypocrisy over his refusal to admit that his immigrant Swiss great-great-grandfather in 1860 justifies mass illegal immigration on an unprecedented scale 157 years later." " Yes, America — and the West in general — has been ruled by people who, at core, don’t very much like the countries they rule. But they do like ruling them, and will do anything they can to keep doing it. THAT “EXPLOSIVE” HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE DOCUMENT — AN UPDATE Wiped, Like With a Cloth? Now the FBI Claims It Also Destroyed Relevant, Subpeonaed Texts; Say They Can't Recover Biased Agent Peter Strzok's Texts Robert Mueller’s Coverup—How the FBI “Failed to Preserve” The Most Damning Peter Strzok Text Messages Unsealed FISA Court Ruling Shows 85% of Obama’s FBI and DOJ 704-5 FISA Searches Were Illegal and Illegally Provided to Government Outsiders Getting closer to a special prosecutor Claim: Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election What the heck is going on in Saudi? Monday, January 22. 2018Why Can't People Hear What Jordan Peterson Is Saying about men and women?
She doesn't want to learn. She wants a gotcha for her own career, but he gets the gotchas. Unfortunately, she acts foolish to try to be provocative. Not a good approach for a woman because it makes a woman seem foolish. As the father of two entrepreneurial-minded daughters, they would be entirely on Peterson's side. Life is highly competitive and tests your grit, moxie, brains, adaptability, and determination. And yes, they want strong powerful partners. Who would not? Men want and need strong, energetic partners too. Thus selective breeding. Fun stuff. (Yes, reposted for educational purposes for women). A Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Like a rolling music videoBob Dylan In a log cabin in the middle of nowhere a long long time ago. He sings his Dream as his second tune. A lot to said for presenting oneself with confidence and authority. Cool detail: rhyming table with table 3 times. Towards the end, the masterpiece Restless Farewell. Hey -where's the mike?
Trump's tweetFor Saturday's Pussy Hat March
Even The Hill
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Monday morning links
Healthy detachment in relationships School Assembly: Sex Changes Are “Perfectly Normal” TV Review: ‘Planet Earth: Blue Planet II’ on BBC America Weather Channel Co-Founder Who Slammed Climate Change Dies New York Times Forwards Climate Propaganda Pentagon erases “climate change” from the National Defense threat list Sanity is refreshing Belgium: "Why do we need palliative care when we have euthanasia?" The embodiment of Utilitarianism A patient in Canada is told by a hospital administrator that there will be a five-year wait for an appointment with a neurologist. The patient asks “Will that be in the morning or the afternoon.” On shutdown, Democrats have a lot of explaining to do Trump encourages the pussy marches...cleverly The media just can’t stop making themselves look worse than Trump The visceral hatred is blinding them Adam Schiff: Keep the #Releasethememo secret because Americans wouldn't understand Did the Obama admin actually engage in treason to prevent Trump? "Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton" And Frame Trump Unraveling, Says Former Fed Prosecutor The Democrats' Unforced Errors WATCH: ‘Why is the US the only one that bails out everyone?’ Haley asks Scenes from the NY Pussy MarchBesides being filled with hatred for Trump's personality, Mrs. BD could not figure out what they actually want. All I could tell was that they dislike fascism (who doesn't?) and love abortions ("love" abortions?). Many of them brought their kids with them... Also, lots of "Impeach Trump." Why I do not know. In any event, their silly pussy hat march almost made us late for the Sat. matinee of Farinelli at the Belasco so we were pissed off as were all other theater-goers. Police were re-routing everybody around the closed streets for their "parade." Also highly annoying: they were routed from 6th Ave down 44th St towards Times Square so you could hear their drums and bullhorns from inside the theater. That was a shame because the singing of the counter-tenor in the play was delicious. Also, the first time I have heard live counter-tenor singing. These pics from the end of the parade, after the play, as we began our urban hike from 44th St. down to Bleeker for a little cozy supper. Walking in the city is always highly entertaining. Couple more pics below the fold - Continue reading "Scenes from the NY Pussy March" Sunday, January 21. 2018Don't WorryA tune of comfort for the Trump-discomforted. Really, things will be ok. In fact, things are pretty good now. Jobs for everybody, no big wars, lower taxes. "Don't bring everybody down."
The colors of birds Learn to Play: The Beatles' "Michelle" and "Taxman" Solo
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