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Friday, January 26. 2018Friday morning links
The Top-Earning Hedge Fund Firms of All Time “Breaking Bad” and the Five-Act Structure Why Toys R Us Can’t Win Anymore The sex lives of conductors - Norman Lebrecht examines the sordid underbelly of conducting where sex is considered a perk of the job Get Ready for a Meat Tax Push Is the humble sandwich a climate change culprit? Half the Grads at Highly Lauded D.C. School Had Three Months of Unexcused Absences The White House asked to borrow a van Gogh. The Guggenheim offered a gold toilet instead. Kimball: Populism and its critics Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s America First: European CEOs Go One By One To Tell Trump They Are Investing Billions Back In The US Why Democrats Won't Get Their Way on Immigration In Immigration Debate, Senators Must Put Americans and Their Dreams First NY Dem Gov. Cuomo Proposes Giving Free tuition to illegals Mexico Enrages Moonbats by Sending Needy Refugees Home Don’t Answer His Questions, Mr. President As walls close in on FBI, the bureau lashes out at its antagonists White House gave Robert Mueller nearly 8,000 pages of documents related to James Comey Germany: Return Of The Stasi Police State? Trump to Palestinian Authority: No More Aid, No More Talking, No More Anything Until You Commit to Peace Kerry coaches Abbas: ‘Stay strong, Trump will soon be out of office’ Palestinians buy $50 million private jet for Abbas Lester Holt Missed Something in His North Korea Report The Islamization of Oslo - In Groruddalen, a large neighborhood of the Norwegian capital, heavy Muslim immigration is testing multiculturalism’s limits. Disputing China's Spurious Territorial Claims in the South China Sea Comments
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"Meat Tax"........
Maybe a tax on vegetables, that are gaseous would be in order. As a former vegetarian, I can personally attest to the dangers of eating to many vegetables.............. Double the tax on sprouts.......... "Toys R Us is not who we are anymore."
Went Xmas shopping for the nephew at Toys 'R' Us a few months back. What a bunch of unimaginative cheap plastic crap. Most of the toys are nothing more than spinoffs from the latest brain-damaging cartoon series or superhero move, and will hold a kid's interest for about 5 minutes, or until it (soon) breaks. I don't ever want my nephew to become a Toys 'R' Us Kid. But is that Toys R' Us's fault? These are the toys being offered by the big toy companies. Are the NOT supposed to carry them? Go talk to Hasbro, Mattel, and Lego if you don't like what's out there.
Toys R' Us is like any other big box retailer with a 90s mentality....too many stores, not enough sales, not competing well with online. It's not the toys...it's the business. Modern humans left Africa much earlier
'Modern humans', lol, what does that say about the ones who stayed behind? I'm thinking first case of white flight. Arty: I'm thinking first case of white flight.
Leaving aside the obvious racism, the person represented by the fossil would in almost all likelihood have been dark in color. Pale skin is an adaptation to life at higher latitudes. Pale skin was an adaptation to life away from shitholes.
Oh, gee, drowningpuppies, LOL. I wish we had a way to upvote your comment.
2018-01-26 12:40
Arty, don’t know if you’re a racist or not. I’ve never met you, so I am not going to judge. I doubt you are. I know I’m not. What you wrote was just plain funny.
The Zach bot is programmed with racist first code. Step one, call them racist. Step two link to massaged graphs, zoomed in, or out, to show Soros, lefty approved talking points. Step three, deflect with more useless links. B. Hammer: Step one, call them racist.
No. Only when a statement is racist do we say the statement is racist. B. Hammer: Step two link to massaged graphs, zoomed in, or out, to show Soros, lefty approved talking points. Not sure why you would say that anthropological facts are "lefty approved talking points". The fact is that skin pigment in humans is largely a function of the latitude of the indigenous population. At high latitudes, humans cover their skin. This protects them from excessive ultraviolet radiation, but also reduces their exposure to the levels of ultraviolet radiation that produces vitamin D. Skin pigmentation is an evolutionary adaptation to these countervailing influences. QUOTE: “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” https://www.enotes.com/topics/guns-germs-steel Not fighting a war, perhaps?
Sam L.
2018-01-26 13:32
Meat Tax
Which would be the final nail in the coffin for small producers. It's bad enough corporatism and government regs align to make it impossible to farm on a small scale. They'll make it impossible to grow even one or two animals for your own consumption. QUOTE: America First: European CEOs Go One By One To Tell Trump They Are Investing Billions Back In The US Butter with your toast? QUOTE: As walls close in on FBI, the bureau lashes out at its antagonists Secret society {wink}. And, yet another right-wing paranoid fantasy turns out to be true.
http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2018/01/the-irs-scandal-day-1722-irs-apologizes-for-targeting-tea-party-group.html Always remember Alger Hiss did turn out to be guilty; there were soviet agents in the State Department; Mao actually killed even more people than even the paranoids thought. In the 20th C, the American and European left got the big questions consistently wrong. You think you can push off current accusations with nothing but a sneer in the 21st. How's that Hillary email and Clinton Foundation stuff you repeatedly dismissed holding up? Assistant Village Idiot: And, yet another right-wing paranoid fantasy turns out to be true.
The IRS should have apologized. Notably, they didn't apologize for targeting right-wing groups because they were right-wing. Rather, there was a flood of tea party groups, often with partisan agendas, looking for tax exempt status. - "The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." — Carl Sagan http://humanevents.com/2013/05/15/left-wing-groups-sailed-past-the-politicized-irs/
Pretentious?Moi?: Left-wing groups sailed past the politicized IRS
The problem is that your claim doesn't include an analysis of the quality of applications. There was a flood of questionable applications by Tea Party groups. However, the IRS used improper criteria for determining whether a closer look was required.
2018-01-26 11:04
Yet, Lerner admitted and apologized for singling out The Tea Party.
Y'all's revision of what happened is bunk, kiddiez. Back to your sandbox.
2018-01-26 11:50
Please don't confuse Z with facts. That's a microagression, and makes you a naughty boy.
Nooses, nooses, nooses....for the 17 intelligence agencies, numerous contractors, and the Marxist globalist Obama-Hillary clan.
Early homo sapiens in Israel - they wait until the end to remind us that this line went extinct, and none of us are descended from them. There is a small amount of Neanderthal and Denisovan mix in many human tribes, but the 50-60,000y/a timeline remains the key item.
I sympathise with educators at chronically underperforming schools. They get increasing sanctions and blame for not bringing their schools up to par. They know the truth they cannot say out loud, but both liberals and conservatives refuse to admit: these students cannot be brought up to standard, and none of the clichéd solutions left and right will make much difference. Faced with this, it is unsurprising that the schools cheat and lie. In fact, it is surprising it isn't more common. But go ahead liberals, keep telling me it's about funding, hope, and opportunity: go ahead conservatives, keep telling me it's about dads, and holding kids and teachers accountable. Vocational education might make a dent, but we don't define that as success, because we are snobs. How is it possible the public schools in our Great Nation's capital have arrived at this result? Now that we have record levels of administrative coverage across our modern education system, what happened to the actual administration of educational standards - the mainstay of Standardized Testing, for example? Did these kids score highly on their testing? Or have these results been cooked as well?
Maybe this is just an example of the much-vaunted Equality of Outcome that the SJW's advocate. Means testing for higher education.....I can't wait to hear how their freshman year is going. Oh, it'll go about as you expect...
They won't be able to do what's expected, so there'll be remedial classes - which they won't attend and when their GPA is well below anything that'd allow them to stay in college they'll be offered even more chances to get their grade up to par. Because to not do so would be racist. But it'll come at a price. When they've reached about $40-50k worth of loans, with no improvement or real chance to graduate, they'll be 'reluctantly' urged to transfer to another college more 'suited' to their lack of skills. OR - they'll be given super-soft courses, get Cs all the way through, and graduate with a lot of debt and nothing they can use to pay it down. There MAY be one or two that'll flourish. But I wouldn't bet on it. Much of what you say is correct, but what I think you or have not been told, or cannot believe if you are told is this: the student loans for "those students", will be processed in such a way as to never hold the student accountable. THOSE loans "fall through the cracks"! Just saying: the biggest liberal scandal yet to hit the big screen is still not even under investigation--but, it is there and thousands of loan processors in hundreds of state universities know this to be true. White kids are carrying the burden of "those loans". Hey Barrister--got any attorneys ready to take this one on?
Thanks for the Toys R Us story. It is sad to see the decline of a store I used to love.
When I was growing up in the 70s we lived an hour from the nearest Toys R Us stores and my parents didn't have much interest in taking me there. But my favorite aunt would occasionally take me there for a shopping spree. Toys R Us just seemed like heaven to me as a kid in the 70s. When I became a parent, I wanted to take my kids to Toys R Us but the toys were limited, often sold out and far overpriced. The bloom was off the rose. I hadn't really thought much about the link between the middle class families and the toy market. Dead stores I miss:
The Nature Company (you could spend forever looking at cool stuff there) Sharper Image (ditto) Banana Republic (the original version) GH Bass Outlet (best source for preppy stuff and shoes at cheap prices) Borders Book Store (where else could you find a whole section devoted to Greek and Latin classics in the original languages?) Waterford Wedgwood (hundreds of cool tea cups--say no more) Sports Authority Dead stores I don't miss: Sears (diguised KMart) Penny's KMart Stores I wish would die: Walmart Ross Macy's (now cheap/fake goods at exorbitant prices) CVS Pharmacy (empty shelves, advertised "sales" items never stocked, ignorant/rude employees, stores all renovated to be user unfriendly/aisles too small for carts) Stores I don't know why they don't die: Neiman Marcus, aka Needless Markup Saks 5th Avenue (Neiman Marcus clone) Nordstroms (the revised Neiman Marcus clone--Nordstroms used to be good once upon a time, a better quality Macy's) Trump should accept the toilet from the Guggenheim, bolt a plate to the bottom to seal it off, use it, and send it back.
Of course the sandwich is a cause of global warming! What isn't?
Apparently not all the carbon produced when AlGore or Lenoardo DeCaprio jet all over the world to tell us not to use jets. If THAT caused global warming, surely they wouldn't do it, right?
RE: Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s.
Really, it is a no brainer to me that Trump's first year is better than Reagan's. Carter wasn't as bad president as Obama and Carter was only in office for 4 years. Obama was in for 8 awful years and left the nation in much worse shape than Carter; so, with Trump it could only get much better. |
Tracked: Jan 28, 08:56