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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, January 23. 2018Tuesday morning links
January doesn't bother me at all Virology and vaccine research Don Imus Will Retire from His Radio Show in March He is 77. I will miss him America’s Reluctant Septuagenarian Workforce Why reluctant? It feels good to be useful, terrible to be useless. Imus' ranch with its place for cancer kids will keep him useful Sex and Marriage: 6 Statistics That Might Surprise You Remembering Rorke's Drift Oxford Seems To Think Women Can’t Handle The Pressure Of Scholastic Tests Sexists Experts Declare That Adulthood Now Begins at Age 24 WHAT IT’S LIKE TO WORK AS A FEDERAL CONSULTANT FOR THE U.S. GOVERNMENT MSNBC on "Tucker's genealogical hypocrisy over his refusal to admit that his immigrant Swiss great-great-grandfather in 1860 justifies mass illegal immigration on an unprecedented scale 157 years later." " Yes, America — and the West in general — has been ruled by people who, at core, don’t very much like the countries they rule. But they do like ruling them, and will do anything they can to keep doing it. THAT “EXPLOSIVE” HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE DOCUMENT — AN UPDATE Wiped, Like With a Cloth? Now the FBI Claims It Also Destroyed Relevant, Subpeonaed Texts; Say They Can't Recover Biased Agent Peter Strzok's Texts Robert Mueller’s Coverup—How the FBI “Failed to Preserve” The Most Damning Peter Strzok Text Messages Unsealed FISA Court Ruling Shows 85% of Obama’s FBI and DOJ 704-5 FISA Searches Were Illegal and Illegally Provided to Government Outsiders Getting closer to a special prosecutor Claim: Page and Strzok Referenced FBI 'Secret Society' that Met the Day After the Election What the heck is going on in Saudi? Trackbacks
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Try being busy. Not enough time to lament January. To be fair, being south of M-D line helps. Amen, brother. South Texans don't want to get anywhere near that dang Manson-Nixon Line.
I don't understand, and am frankly a little annoyed by, the people that live in places that have shorter days and extreme(ish) weather that bitch about it so much. Why don't you freakin' move already?!? Sheesh!
I love this time of year (I live on Boston's Northshore) and the variety of the seasons we get to experience year round. Used to live in Nova Scarcity (Nova Scotia).
Moved to Australia Best thing in life I ever did. I would move to Adelaide or Melbourne in a minute! Love those people and that country. Try to help them understand they do NOT have to follow in the American footsteps every step of the way! Our union mob bosses have been down there for years pushing our social agenda. Wish they would leave McLachlan alone. IMHO he is just a high energy great performer that some people have been waiting for years to take down for no other reason than sheer jealousy! There are many many people here in the US who love the Dr. Blake series because it reminds us of who we used to be before the pc thought machine took over and destroyed our churches and schools. Enjoy!
There is more danger of us (I say us because I have my ticket and we've been here since the early '80's) succumbing to a watered down Brit version of the PC malaise than slavishly following the US brand. There is a small cadre of us who wish we had a leader, somewhere, with Trump's abilities. It seems that the progressive's long march through the institutions has been successful here as in the US.
Confused Old Misfit
2018-01-23 19:25
And I agree completely with you on McLachlan. I worked in theatre for over 40 years and have several young ladies who would happily give it away to get what they thought they wanted/needed.
Confused Old Misfit
2018-01-23 19:36
Every day now, I notice the sun is rising a bit earlier, and setting a bit later. We're up to almost 9 hours between sunrise and sunset now. Come summer, we get a LOT of sunlight. I do like our seasons, even if the short days do make one think longingly of hibernation. At least here on the Prairies we have mostly sun during our short days, unlike the coastal areas where the days can be longer but where there is often far too much cloud and precipitation for said days to be appreciated.
I spent seven winters in Winnipeg and a couple of summers. Got down to -40C in the winter and up to +40C in the summer. Not for long in either case. Just long enough for you to know it was damned cold/hot!
My favorite day of winter is the second day because I know that from there on the daylight hours are increasing. I hate winter, but January is too soon to start thinking about it. Sometime in the middle of Feb. I begin to get anxious and long for 90 degree summer sunshine.
Saudi: Who would vacation in Saudi Arabia? Probably more than would go to North Korea?
I don't think even most conservatives are treating the corruption of the FBI and the IC with the urgency it deserves. Someone like Obama or HRC will be president again within a handful of years. They will re-weaponize the IRS, FBI, IC etc against conservatives. Except this time, millions of people won't be surprised, and they'll be disinclined to recognize the legitimacy of those agencies. The results could be explosive.
The problem we've learned about is that it does not take a corrupt administration to weaponize the bureaucracy if the bureaucracy itself is corrupted. That should have been the lesson of Lois Learner: there didn't need to be a smoking gun telling her to treat conservative groups differently if she came into the job believing that this was a legitimate and even necessary function of the position.
The biggest problem with a large government is that the government itself becomes a special interest, agglomerating power, influence, and funding to itself. Civil Service protections and compulsory unionization act to entrench that interest in opposition to the public at large. Trump has not disappointed me yet. Everything he said he would do, he is doing. Trust him. I don't believe it will be possible to 'weaponize' the FBI/DOJ and other agencies again after Trump gets through with them.
Already FISA 702 was changed. More will happen. This is why 2018 is so important. MAGA must get a supermajority in Congress in order to make real, fundamental & deep changes to laws and how the government is run. But, we have yet to see the results of the many investigations going on within the DOJ. When those roll out expect a huge earthquake to occur in D.C. The likes of which we can't even imagine at this point. I'm thinking of the following: 1) DOJ/FBI/CIA complete clean-out. 2) Leakers exposed and charged - some even within Congress itself. 3) Illegal foreign money laundering which gets into the hands of lobbyists and political people, exposed and gone. 4) HRC and Clinton Crime Family taken down to include email scandal, uranium one scandal, unmasking scandal, dossier scandal, Clinton Foundation crimes, etc. 5) Obama and many in his administration at the highest levels charged and many jailed for long sentences. 6) Blackmailing of Congress & Supreme Court gone. (this has been alluded to with the 4-page memo, IMHO, they weren't just spying on Trump) 7) RINOs outed as criminals and indicted. Etc., etc., etc. The whole bloody thing is going to be torn down. Go back and listen to Trump's Inauguration speech. He said it all right there for the whole world to hear. It's OVER. The Joseph diGenova interview is a must see. http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/20/obama-administration-plot-exonerate-hillary/
America’s Reluctant Septuagenarian Workforce
Those septies made bad choices their entire lives and continue to do so! Had to have the shiny new toys right away and chow down on rich, sugary take-out or restaurant foods to ruin their health. Speaking of which they never cared about their health except again to follow the most recent hot trends! Anyway, what is "retirement" but unemployment with a pension or SS check? Better to keep active working at something until they call the morgue! Those shi**y second-rate European or SE Asian tours aren't worth it anyway! Just see the USA on long weekends between work! That's a very uncharitable comment. People do the best they can; circumstances can defeat the best of us. We are okay, but that's because we dodged a fair few lay-off "bullets" en route to retirement; not all our colleagues were so fortunate. And accident, ill-health, or sudden family responsibilities can derail the best-planned future.
Agreed, some have not planned well or been profligate with what they did have; a lot hardworking an financially responsible peoplemore find themselves derailed by circumstances. A secret society! 85% of Obama’s FBI and DOJ were illegal. Text messages and god knows what else scrubbed from servers. This is the biggest, most corrupt, criminal, unconstitutional, anti-government conspiracy in our history. And something tells me we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Because these conspirators are in fact experts in spying and covering up, experts in the law and evidence so we are only seeing the crumbs. This begs for a full scale multi-level, multi-front investigation, not just a special prosecutor. The rot runs deep and must be rooted out before the party responsible gains power and further destroys the evidence. This was/is a palace coup. And make no mistake Mueller is part of the rot and is conducting a coverup and diversion.
It is time now to start using the "T" word. Treason! These are modern day Benedict Arnold's.
I've always said Obama's lawlessness makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout, but the breadth of what is now coming out about how Obama's administration was functioning (Article II of the Nixon impeachment articles and further) is beyond breathtaking. This is far beyond what was already apparent (e.g., issuance of illegal executive orders and knowing refusal to obey the laws; illegally purporting to enter into "treaties" with foreign nations (e.g., Iran, Paris Climate) without any constitutional authority or Senate approval); and other things like illegal transfer of funds to Iran and illegal release of terrorists from Guantanamo. Much of this activity has been nullified by President Trump as contrary to law, although much damage was done--we can't get the Iran funds back or keep the released terrorists from again attacking us, for example. But now we're into illegal activities the Obama administration was engaged in that no one from the outside could see. For example, we absolutely now know Why Obama issued that executive order in his last days authorizing security agencies to freely share info with each other that had previously been considered impermissible.
How many actually attended last Saturday's marches?
mmm . . . I am just wondering: were there REALLY more participants in last Saturday's march for women then in the first anti Trump protest march last year? From the photos I have seen it looks as if there were far fewer marchers! Yes, somehow I am still seeing folks who believe that the numbers increased this year. Do we have "legitimate info" on the numbers? This CORRUPTION does not begin once a new employee arrives with heart in hand for her first new DC Job in government. NO! This corruption that we are facing now began when she was in 4th grade in California, New york, Chicago, Seattle. Attending schools in these states meant that you grew up only knowing, only believing in the doctrine of socialism. These individuals were never taught to stand up alone for what is true. These individuals were never taught to be loyal to our nation by insuring every day that their jobs were done with an ethic we all shared. That ethic disappeared from US Schools nearly 50 years ago. The first hippy group coming through their first college degree were a clear and visible indication of a failure of ethics inherent in an entire generation. A failure that would be passed down from one generation to the next, with each generation becoming farther and farther removed from anything that looks like a loyalty to fact or an understanding of the ideals that made this country great. Once upon a time a third grade history book had several pages telling about George Washington the founder of our country. Today he is mentioned in one or two paragraphs and the focus is on the fact that he owned slaved. Go ahead and build your pedagogy on that foundation and see what kind of "citizens" you create.