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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, January 22. 2018Monday morning links
Healthy detachment in relationships School Assembly: Sex Changes Are “Perfectly Normal” TV Review: ‘Planet Earth: Blue Planet II’ on BBC America Weather Channel Co-Founder Who Slammed Climate Change Dies New York Times Forwards Climate Propaganda Pentagon erases “climate change” from the National Defense threat list Sanity is refreshing Belgium: "Why do we need palliative care when we have euthanasia?" The embodiment of Utilitarianism A patient in Canada is told by a hospital administrator that there will be a five-year wait for an appointment with a neurologist. The patient asks “Will that be in the morning or the afternoon.” On shutdown, Democrats have a lot of explaining to do Trump encourages the pussy marches...cleverly The media just can’t stop making themselves look worse than Trump The visceral hatred is blinding them Adam Schiff: Keep the #Releasethememo secret because Americans wouldn't understand Did the Obama admin actually engage in treason to prevent Trump? "Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton" And Frame Trump Unraveling, Says Former Fed Prosecutor The Democrats' Unforced Errors WATCH: ‘Why is the US the only one that bails out everyone?’ Haley asks Trackbacks
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File under You're Not Gonna Believe This But...
Or How Convenient Departments... ------------ The revelation that the FBI “failed to preserve” five months worth of anti-Trump agents’ text messages is evoking memories of Lois Lerner,... ------------- The text message gap spans the period between Dec. 14, 2016 and May 17, 2017, according to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of HSGAC. ------------ On the final day of the five-month gap, Robert Mueller was appointed to serve as special counsel on the Russia investigation. http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/21/fbi-agents-missing-texts-lois-lerner-email-scandal/ Nothing to see here folks. Move along. America could use more gentlemen?
Want more gentlemen? Return to being ladies, not p*ssy-hat wearing harpies. A patient in Canada is told by a hospital administrator that there will be a five-year wait for an appointment with a neurologist.
The patient asks “If somebody dies before then, Can I get their appointment?” The Democrats unforced error cites Obama care as being a huge mistake and it was so unpopular by the voters/tax payers that it is the cause of their loss of congressional seats and the presidency. It was that bad! But does anyone doubt for a second that once the Democrats get power back they will once again go for socialized medicine? I think we under estimate the Democrats and we under estimate the threat to our constitutional republic. The Democrats were taken over by the far left beginning over 50 years ago, slowly at first and recently in a wave. The Women's marches aren't about equality or equal pay or #metoo they are bought and paid for by the radical left to energize their base and enlist more useful idiots. The Democrats are controlled by communist organizations and other anti-American groups who want America and intend to have it. Schumer isn't trying to give the illegals amnesty out of the goodness of his heart he has been bought by anti-American groups who want to bring in their own people and take power. Before this is over I think we will have a civil war. And I don't mean street riots where one side wears masks and sets fire to cars and buildings I mean civil war where armed forces go door to door and city to city to root out the "rebels". That is what the Democrats duplicity will bring us.
re Did the Obama admin actually engage in treason to prevent Trump?
It's all too infuriating to read because all the conspirators and perpetrators will get away with it. OTOH, one wonders if by trying to delegitimize Trump, the Dems have delegitimized themselves in future elections as this shows how far they are willing to cheat to win. This can't be good for the Republic, if neither sides believes in or wants to live with election results, what comes next? I would guess, that, As Bugs Bunny and/or Daffy Duck say, "This...Means...WAR."
I was struck by how what we are willing to put up with from our governmentj, as a country, has changed since the '70s for the worse. I don't dispute that a major difference is whether the crook is a Republican or a Democrat, but the House did force Jim Wright to resign. If Pelosi had done today what Wright had done in '88, I doubt anything would happen to her.
I blame the media since they have been uniquely able to foment hysteria. Ironically, I think this was more the case when there were only three main networks who were largely trusted to tell the news honestly. But on the other hand, the press, as a group, are much more radical than they used to be. Nixon only had Rosemary Wood to destroy evidence while the Democrats have legions of bureaucrats. "America could use more gentlemen"
Maybe so, but what you see is no different than it was 50 years ago or 100 years ago or 1000 years ago. In fact it is probably much better for men, women and children here in this country than it has ever been anywhere. The cable news and the social media tends to emphasize some things and hide others. But it is important to point out that this "trend" isn't all men or even a majority of men. We do use crude language and earthy reporting of things that perhaps 50 years ago would only be said in private. But the facts and truths on the ground haven't changed much. I think what we are seeing, especially with the #metoo movement is pure politics. It may have gotten out of hand and brought down some of the wrong people but it did what they wanted from it too. I would expect that if the Democrats win the House that they will try to impeach Trump based on the claims of sexual harassment they have created. That is why we must keep talking it up. It is plan B. (Plan A was Hillary.) At its core, being a "gentleman" is the Christian ethos regarding how Christian men are to behave. When they threw Christianity out of the public square, they threw that out as well.
One instructional definition of behaving as a gentleman:
"Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity." (I Timothy 5:1-2) I feel the need to post this, but since I do not use FarceBook, which the losers at the National Review seem to require for commenting ... curious, that ... I figured I'd regale all y'all.
As regards euthanasia vs. palliative care (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/455627/belgian-palliative-care-mds-and-nurses-flee-euthanasia): When this page first loaded I thought the column was called The Coroner. Would have fit for this story. As far as euthanasia vs. palliative care is concerned, I support the former in this respect: The dying "state" of Europe should be denied all palliative care. One neutron bomb on Brussels when the EU is in full session (with, hopefully, Angie in da haus... yo) would be merciful, not to mention helpful for the citizens of all those poor, deluded countries. Just sayin'. I saw my father in law go through 3 months of palliative care and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am not suggesting euthanasia but simply saying that palliative care is not "good". pissing in bed, crapping in his underwear, needing help to move, constantly drugged due to the pain of his cancer, mind slowly deteriating due to the cancer eating up various parts of it. Until the cancer finally consumes some part of the brain necessary for continued life.
The "Trap-Bar" post shows up on my sidebar but not on your site.