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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, January 24. 2018Wednesday morning links
Beautiful woman 1.7-Billion-Year-Old Chunk of North America Found Sticking to Australia Finally! The UK establishes a Department to Prevent Loneliness Where do they all come from? What did the little chair say to you? Andrew Sullivan on the taboo topic of maleness Taboo? I don't think so Sharks, humans shared common ancestor 440 million years ago K-12: Patterns of Deception New Jersey's New Governor About To Get Mugged By Reality The Public Isn’t As Fond Of Boundless Immigration As The Democrats Are Betting They Are Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1 But not legal immigrants until they get citizenship Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI Roger Simon: What Do We Do About the FBI? Sessions announces DOJ probe of missing FBI text messages THE OBAMA GOVERNMENT’S SECRET SOCIETIES -- Exposing the anti-Trump conspiracy within the DOJ. Trackbacks
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What does this anti-loneliness department mean for British introverts?
They will be issued jars to keep their pleasant faces in near the door.
Good point. I got exposed to a lot of different nationalities when I worked in the oilfield in Latin America. The Brits were the most reserved/ introverted of the bunch. Some needed copious amounts of alcohol to loosen up. From my experience, a warm-hearted Brit is like an honest Chicago politician- an oxymoron.
Little chairs:
Watched this a few weeks ago http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0742611/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl If you can find this episode, watch the part where the radio guest talks about children. You just can't parody today's SJWs I remember first grade, and how excited I was that the chairs were MY size!
But this idiot was looking for her 30 seconds of fame, and got it. If I am understanding correctly, the children should be in the classroom for the empowerment of the teacher? That is everything wrong with the state of the pedagogy of education in a single sentence.
That does seem to be the takeaway. It ain't about the kids, it's about the TEACHER.
Ex CIA agents search for missing cocaine sub. We're all taking a great leap of faith that people who agree to being in positions of authority are doing it for the greater good. Does the oath to uphold the law stop when you are no longer an Employee of whatever organization?
How much faith can you have in a Social Security dept that closed for budget fight? Sure, they said the checks are still going out. But at some point there will be a "Closed. Sorry, the money isn't here. Sucks to be you." sign in the window. Part of NA in Australia? Sounds like "Don't put anymore troops on Guam, it will capsize." Just occurred to me that the corruption of the FBI/DOJ being exposed will probably lead to Mueller charging Trump with something, anything, within the next couple days or weeks. They need to change the narrative ASAP. The MSM will embargo the corruption and go whole hog with the phony obstruction charge, intoning how "explosive" and "unprecedented" it is.
Its the last card these corrupt SOBs have to play. Trump picked Rosenstein, don't forget that.
Trump interviewed Mueller, don't forget that. Rosenstein hired Mueller the NEXT DAY for the Special Counsel role. No, Mueller is not out to get Trump. Of that I am certain. Re: Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1
Remember, this is at the same time the AG of California said he would prosecute anybody who reported illegals to the Feds. Not reporting this to the Feds is a felony so the AG will prosecute people for not committing a felony. I'm starting to have a lot more sympathy for the secessionist movement in CA.
The state government doesn't seem to be paying any attention at all to anything but getting as many 'reliable' voters as possible. Ref Maleness
The logical problem with the 'patriarchy' claim: Where are the matriarchies? If it were REALLY A social construct, then there would be a significant number of societies that developed in the other direction*. This situation creates logical problems. possible explanations: 1) Matriarchies developed but failed to survive. 2) Matriarchies never developed because women were much less likely to dominate. Both this explanations REQUIRE that there be differences between men and women that explain this. But if there are differences, then a major core argument of current feminism is undercut... men and women ARE different. (This should not be a surprise. Look at our relatives, chimpanzees, bonobos**, gorillas.... their cultures are somewhat male dominated--for that matter look at ANY social mammal***). * PerIodically we hear about some 'matriarchal' society, always conveniently away in a jungle somewherE, which generally turn out to be nonexistent, or matrilinear (property and kinship is traced through the female line), not matriarchal (females dominating the social political structure). **Bonobos are considered the 'new age feminists' of the ape world, but in actual fact they are basically chimpanzees... as a whole less aggressive and more mellow, but not really that different. ***Evolutionary psychology with population dynamics easily explains the difference in male/female aggressiveness. It all boils down to genetic success. No mystery here. Social insects tend to be female-dominated, but that is largely due to the different genetic basis of their sex determinations, Rather than the human/primate XX-Xy system, they have an XX, Xy, X system, where the single X chromosome results in a worker-caste offspring with non-functional female reproductive parts. So in the species where it can be legitimately argued that there are more than two sexes, the determination is genetic and not cultural.
Immigration: The public is temporarily fond of sad stories - which IS a reasonable first response to another human being in difficulty. Our second responses are often different, not just on this topic, but on many. When we think things through, we start to notice other true things. Giving something to A requires having something to give in the first place. How did we acquire that? Is it really ours to give or do others get a say? Why not give it to B instead, or a million others? Is A typical of the recipient group, or an outlier? Are we putting any requirements on A?
These things matter. "1.7-Billion-Year-Old Chunk of North America Found Sticking to Australia"
Yeah. But 'climate change' during the last 100 years is going to KILL US ALL!!!!! Judging by the amount of screaming about it, I'm thinking they realize the scam's about run its course. The 'good ideas' they put forward (like solar, ethanol and wind) haven't gotten nearly the traction they hoped, and have turned out to be far more costly than expected for far less benefit.
If they'd gone with nuclear from the start, we'd probably be in pretty good shape now and be on the way to lowering CO2 output. But they had their green fantasies of solar panels and windmills, and a reflexive aversion to nuclear - so... there ya go. The wierd thing is that they think the species on this planet can't adapt. We've got humans from the poles to the equator, plants and animals likewise. And a 1-2c forecast rise over a century is supposed to cause a widespread die off? Don't think it works like that... But it's always been about forecasts with no way to connect them to reality, and the folks making the predictions now aren't going to be around in a hundred years to take either the blame or the credit depending on how it pans out... |