Besides being filled with hatred for Trump's personality, Mrs. BD could not figure out what they actually want. All I could tell was that they dislike fascism (who doesn't?) and love abortions ("love" abortions?). Many of them brought their kids with them... Also, lots of "Impeach Trump." Why I do not know. In any event, their silly pussy hat march almost made us late for the Sat. matinee of Farinelli at the Belasco so we were pissed off as were all other theater-goers. Police were re-routing everybody around the closed streets for their "parade."
Also highly annoying: they were routed from 6th Ave down 44th St towards Times Square so you could hear their drums and bullhorns from inside the theater. That was a shame because the singing of the counter-tenor in the play was delicious. Also, the first time I have heard live counter-tenor singing.
These pics from the end of the parade, after the play, as we began our urban hike from 44th St. down to Bleeker for a little cozy supper. Walking in the city is always highly entertaining.

Couple more pics below the fold -