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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, January 21. 2018From today's LectionaryPsalm 62:5-12 62:5 For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him. 62:6 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. 62:7 On God rests my deliverance and my honor; my mighty rock, my refuge is in God. 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah 62:9 Those of low estate are but a breath, those of high estate are a delusion; in the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath. 62:10 Put no confidence in extortion, and set no vain hopes on robbery; if riches increase, do not set your heart on them. 62:11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God, 62:12 and steadfast love belongs to you, O Lord. For you repay to all according to their work. Saturday, January 20. 2018LibertyBook: The OperatorThe Operator: Firing the Shots that Killed Osama bin Laden and My Years as a SEAL Team Warrior
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A NYC tourist in 1899Saturday morning links
Colorized historical photos The 8 best car videos of 2017 - Top speed runs, Gymkhana and more made car videos in 2017 awesome New York City owns a creepy island that almost no one is allowed to visit — here's what it's like Riz Virk Explains Why Quantum Physics, AI, & Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are Living In A Video Game This new blood test can detect early signs of 8 kinds of cancer Sponsored Poetry: The Latest UN Initiative to Make Us Act on Climate Change Trump Takes to Twitter Like Clockwork - An hourly look at the president’s tweets shows an early-morning appetite for taking on opponents Dianne Feinstein flips her position on shutdown for second time in one day: 'People will die' Democrats shut government down, but they're still struggling to explain why
With Illegal Immigration Again Surging, Why Is Congress Doing Nothing? The Evidence Inside The “House Intel Committee Four Page FISA Memo”… Reposted: While Trump's critics keep talking, our president is fulfilling his promises New York Times readers who like Trump's admin Are they allowed to print that? Saturday Verse: Robert Frost
All out of doors looked darkly in at him Friday, January 19. 2018Exercise nutrition while overweight: The scale is your guide You have competing goals, fat loss and strength-building, which makes it complicated. So what sort of nutritional plan do you need for our programs of weights, calisthenics, HIIT, etc? As readers know, fat loss is 90% nutritional under ordinary conditions. For sedentary people (less than 5-8 hrs/wk of strenuous physical activity), we recommend a low carb diet - lots of filler vegetables and greens, meat and fat. But if you are committing to an arduous daily exercise program too, you will need some amount of daily carbs and extra protein to sustain your exercise and to build/repair muscles happily damaged by exertion. Nobody writes about this, but I have the correct advice. For overweight serious exercisers only, use the scale as your guide. If you lose 2-4 lbs/month in your program, that's fine. If you lose much more than that, up your carbs and dietary volume a bit. If you lose less, lower your carbs and volume. The reason is that too-rapid weight loss will interfere with your fitness and strength-building goals. If you want both, you have to balance these goals. You have to consider that, if you are doing weight training (which everybody ought to do), a male can actually gain 1/4 lb/month in muscle in the beginning months while losing fat at the same time. I'd recommend as a starting point for overweight daily hard-exercisers a carb intake of mostly one fruit and a bowl of oatmeal daily, and allow for one or two light beers too, or a glass of wine, for sanity. No dessert, bread, potato, pasta, rice, etc. Then get on the scale after one month of the program and feed yourself accordingly. Never get on the scale more often than twice a month - preferably once monthly. And always at the same time of day. nb: For relatively in-shape exercisers, the recommendations would be entirely different.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Yes, the Hillary-Russia-FBI story is really that bad
Had Hillary! won, this would never have been uncovered.
I find all of this deeply depressing. Corruption is what comes of having a government too big and powerful. And this sounds devastating:
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Friday morning links
No fine dining, I'd assume We found out why all the actors from Hollywood’s Golden Age have such a distinct and strange accent (h/t SDA) It's the old New England blue-blood accent. It was only natural to Katherine Hepburn. Alligator fights python in front of shocked golfers Make golf exciting again. My money's on the gator. Should babies sleep on their backs? I don't care if they sleep upside-down like bats, as long as they friggin sleep NYT: Is this the golden age of drag? Americans are clueless when it comes to personal finance Compensation for the heads of some elite private K-12 schools in New York City is nearing $1 million. Williamson: Smoke weed, snort cocaine, watch porn, but don’t kill a living human organism, for any reason, ever. NY Gov. Cuomo Targets Hedge Fund Managers With 17% "Fairness Fix" Tax Brilliant. Chase the $ away to CT or TX Colleges dropping 'Fat Studies' courses in 2018 What’s So Dangerous About Jordan Peterson? Not long ago, he was an obscure psychology professor. Now he leads a flock of disciples. New Study Just Threw Cold Water On Worst-Case Global Warming Scenarios Ansari is lucky he’s not facing ‘college justice’ and other comments THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER SCAM - John Stossel exposes a leftist hate group -- and a money-grabbing slander machine. Cost overruns threaten to bankrupt CA bullet train boondoggle Quelle surprise Jerry Brown Heads Toward the Sunset - The iconic governor misses myriad opportunities, as he releases final budget and plows ahead with his train to nowhere. Amazon Shortlists 20 Metro Areas for Second Headquarters Suddenly, all the lefty cities are in love with big business U.S. Jobless Claims Plunge to Lowest Weekly Tally Since 1973 Trump Effect While Trump's critics keep talking, our president is fulfilling his promises This sort of thing almost never happens in government Immigration vs. the welfare state
Rep DeSantis: Classified Intel Memo Compiled by House “Deeply Troubling” and Raises “Serious Questions” About the Russia Investigation Now it's the Hillary-Russia thing Scott Adams gives Trump an A+ for his fake news awards More Outstanding News from the Continent of Free Health Care: unprecedented cuts to cancer care because of a chronic shortage of specialist nurses at one of Britain's leading hospitals That's an excuse. Real reason: Too expensive to try to treat cancer Thursday, January 18. 2018People that vote, #3
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Peterson on the pay gap
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Things not to wash with soapLet's make a list. I'll give it a start: - Cast iron pans - Wax-coated jackets - Computer screens, phone screens, camera lenses - Things with duck/goose down in them What else?
Posted by The Barrister
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Why Aren’t There More Apprentices in America?
Is it because our secondary education is so lousy? Or other reasons.
Thursday morning links Toon via Situational Ethics Gorgeous Images of the Planet Jupiter Did America Get Fat by Listening to Government Experts? How much disease has been caused by the Food Pyramid? In the coldest village on Earth, eyelashes freeze and thermometers break UMass Amherst restricts free speech to 1 hour during lunch. New lawsuit aims to change that. Feminist Enraged That Chip and Joanna Gaines Are Having Another Child Claim: People with Big Families Should be Ashamed, We Need More Migrants "Haiti is a shithole. Perhaps he was somewhat vulgar and less than presidential in his delivery, but here’s the important question: is he wrong?" Kimball: Of home truths and shitholes You think Democrats want to fix immigration? Dream on! No, Jaylen Brown, Racism Is Not Why Blacks Underperform in School Apple To Contribute $350 Billion To US Economy Over Next 5 Years, Create 20,000 New Jobs Silicon Valley Will Pay the Price for Its Lefty Leanings. A lawsuit alleges that Google discriminated against conservatives. It won't end well for Google. Blain: "Joke About His Weight And Porn Stars, But You've Got To Admit: Trump Is Changing Stuff" Health Truthers: Media Pushing Conspiracy Theories to Prove Trump Is Deathly Ill and Also Insane Wednesday, January 17. 2018I almost weep for these kids40 Percent Of Kids Now Born To Single Moms—Up 700 Percent Since 1960 The psychological and societal consequences, I believe, are terrible. How weathly California became the poverty capitol of the USCalifornia, Poverty Capital. Why are so many people poor in the Golden State? It's a state with patches of great wealth, so it is a cautionary tale.
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Prof. Pinker on political correctnessPolitical Correctness Might Be Redpilling America. Pinker is a lefty Harvard prof, and utters his share of half-truths and flat out untruths, but still interesting. He has gotten a good deal of lefty flak for supporting free speech in academia. Smart guy, but he could never get a real job with that absurd hair-do.
Ball-less Soccer
I was sent this video by a friend who was lamenting the decline of education in the US, particularly physical education. I was, briefly, sucked in. As usual, you have to do 'extra' work before you believe anything these days, and it's work he didn't do. I only did the legwork because....this was just too stupid for words, but completely believable in today's world. Thankfully, it's just satire. Although it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually taking place somewhere.
Wednesday morning links
Paul McCartney talks about how he became a bass player Delightful interview 1994. Quote:
Why Leftists Hate Masculinity Ohio State course reprimands white heterosexual masculinity "Masculine" men do not assault women, bully people, or abuse their power. They do tend to feel horny often, however, and no rules can stop that. Soda Tax Sticker Shock Grips Seattle Mueller, McCabe & Rosenstein Involved in Cover-Up of FBI Probe Into Uranium-One Bribes DHS preparing to arrest leaders of sanctuary cities Those cities are declaring civil war Good News: Great Whites Will Soon Be Swimming Near The Top Of The Statue Of Liberty Is James Comey the least self-aware person in the US? He certainly has high self-regard, tho... like most people with minimal self-awareness Of Course Most Immigrants Come from Shithole Countries. So What? Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Shitholers of the World Are Making America Great What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right Trump’s right about the need to pick immigrants for skills New Jersey’s New Governor Aggressively Favors Illegal Immigrants Switzerland has followed New Zealand and a few other localities to outlaw boiling live lobsters. Putin Pals Panic Over US "Corrupt Oligarchs" List, Begin Liquidating Assets It’s official: US withholds $65 million in Palestinian aid, demands UN re-examination Tuesday, January 16. 2018VDH on Trump's presidency thus farVDH: But...
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Coastal flooding defensesLiving near sea-level or on flood plains have forever been risky propositions, calculated (or uncalculated) risks. All the same, people do it. This is interesting:
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Tuesday morning links Is it possible for humans to have a transcendent moral code if they no longer believe in an afterlife? Nope. You can have a code to live by, but not necessarily a transcendent one. Or can you? UW-Madison bias reporting system ‘clogged with pettiness and tattling,’ think tank finds It's like SWATting, isn't it? UNC-Charlotte, along with outside organizations like Planned Parenthood, is co-sponsoring the school's first-ever "Sex Week," featuring events like “f*** like your life depends on it” and “cookies and condoms.” The Humiliation of Aziz Ansari - Allegations against the comedian are proof that women are angry, temporarily powerful—and very, very dangerous. Would be better if men were gentlemen and women were ladies, but that train left the station a while ago. NAACP Says MLK’s Vision Can’t Be Achieved Without Fighting Global Warming Gupta: 'Competent' or 'crazy' misses the point of presidential mental health How Hard Is It To Comply With The Kentucky Medicaid Work Requirements? THE BIGGEST SECRET - My Life as a New York Times Reporter in the Shadow of the War on Terror Jesse Jackson praises and thanks Donald Trump for a lifetime of service to African Americans Love Him Or Hate Him, Trump Deserves Credit For Booming Economy Abbas Curses Trump: ‘May Your House Be Destroyed’ Is Facebook 'Championing' Blasphemy Laws Across Europe? Monday, January 15. 2018SublimeThe Flower Duet is probably the only piece of the 1882 opera Lakme that any of us have ever heard. Netrebko and Garanca:
Black America and todayAt Zero Hedge:
Good question. What have the lefties done to effect the lives of urban black Americans in 50 years other than enough free stuff to thrive? That is Trump's argument to them. Trump is no racist at all. He just expects a lot out of everybody. He's been an employer in private business, so he is tough. So are we all, regardless of skin tone. Just my perspective, of course. I hire and fire more frequently than I would like, of all colors. Please comment.
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Pinker on differences, men and women
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