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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, January 15. 2018Monday morning links MacDonald: Policing Sexual Desire - The #MeToo movement’s impossible premise About a dozen people arrested for feeding the homeless in El Cajon park Bill Clinton Says Haiti Relief Funds Didn’t Pay for Chelsea’s Wedding… Then Wikileaks Drops This Bomb Fiat Chrysler Bringing Back Jobs And Giving Bonuses, Too Don't Look Now, But Minority Unemployment Is At Record Lows Under Trump MLK Jr would be delighted, I think The "wretched refuse of your teeming shores"? Who ‘Dreamers’ Really Are and Why They Cost $26B Over 10 Years Lindsey Graham to Americans: Your Country Belongs to the World Lindsay Graham, 2013: "Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in the world who lives in a hellhole come to America.” Why Tyler Cowan wants lots of immigration Chain Migration Expected to Add 8M Potential Foreign-Born Voters to U.S. Electorate over Next Two Decades A reader asks a good question: “Would it make a difference if he’d said ‘hellholes’? How else would liberals describe these God-forsaken places?” Related, See this
Italy: Muslims demand church bells be silenced in Genoa Migrants fleeing to Canada: Go home
Sunday, January 14. 2018There is hope for this worldA book
On the morning of February 29, 1704, a French and Indian force invaded Deerfield, MA, the northwesternmost outpost of the colonial frontier. During the raid, 47 residents of Deerfield were killed and 112 were taken captive by Indian raiders who forced their captives to March north in grueling conditions to Canada... First World Problems: The CDC exercise health recommendations for adults
Sedentary is generally defined as less than 5-7 hours of strenuous physical activity per week. That's a low bar, since many or most adults that I know seem to have a sport they play either seasonally or year-round at least once weekly. What is "strenuous" naturally depends on the level of fitness, so it is easier to define what is not a strenuous hour, like walking. Basketball is strenuous, Baseball and golf are not. Heavy sweat is one measure of "strenuous", as is heart rate or deadlift weight. For example, many "cardio" exercises can be done strenuously or non-strenuously. Swimming, running, biking/spinning, and rowing can be done one of three ways: semi-comfortably, energetically, and full-out anaerobic sprints. The only way to make them "strenuous" is to do them for time x distance so you can compete with yourself. When it comes to weights and calisthenics, "strenuous" is fairly obvious: if you can't do any more weight reps or pushups or jumping jacks, and your sweat is dripping on the floor, it was strenuous. "Strenuous" implies "strain," ie going beyond comfort to serious mental and physical effort despite discomfort and stress. The CDC offers two levels of recommendations for adults, one for "Benefit" and one for "More Benefit". Their "More Benefit" recommendations turn out to be very similar to the sorts of programs discussed on our website: combinations of weights, HIIT cardio + endurance cardio, and calisthenics. Many people are rightly distrustful of government advice, but since it happens to roughly correspond to ours it might give their experts some credibility. (They have separate recommendations for older than 65-70, but I see no reason for that. There is no necessary or observable correlation between age and fitness in adults). Ship graveyard in NYC
Posted by Bird Dog
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From today's Lectionary: "intricately woven..."Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 139:1 O LORD, you have searched me and known me. 139:2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. 139:3 You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. 139:4 Even before a word is on my tongue, O LORD, you know it completely. 139:5 You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. 139:6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is so high that I cannot attain it. 139:13 For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 139:14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. 139:15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 139:16 Your eyes beheld my unformed substance. In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet existed. 139:17 How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 139:18 I try to count them -- they are more than the sand; I come to the end -- I am still with you. Saturday, January 13. 2018Norway vs. Sh-tholes
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A Z-man podcastZ-man covers a lot of ground in an interesting way. Trump, immigration, ghetto life, patriarchy, etc. What's your opinion of this Baltimore guy?
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Of Crudeness and Truth
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Saturday morning links
In my view, always order soup in a good French restaurant The People Who I Imagine Live in the New High-Rise in My Neighborhood Amusing Cheops' pyramid: Is there an iron throne in the newly discovered chamber? Academics Proclaim Numbers, Math, and Statistics to Be Racist, Propose Alternative Mike Rowe Destroys Woman Who Wants Him Fired For Being ‘Ultra-Right Wing Conservative’ Nancy Pelosi Scoffs At ‘Crumb’ Bonuses By U.S. Companies As A Result Of Tax Cuts "But if the anti-Trump movement has a crippling defect, it’s smugness, and Wolff’s book reflects and richly feeds it." Trump has his enemies dancing to his tune with 's-hole countries' comments Maybe, but Slurring nations with vulgar language crosses a line Switzerland Rejects Citizenship Bids of Residents Who Have Been on Welfare Friday, January 12. 2018Wonderful photos and images of olde ManhattanAt Business Insider, which has lots more pics. Here's the intersection of Broadway and 8th Ave, 1861.
When Your Child Is a PsychopathThe condition has long been considered untreatable. Experts can spot it in a child as young as 3 or 4, or so they claim. But a new clinical approach offers hope. Not much hope, but a little bit. A strong sadistic streak is not equivalent to sociopathy, and there is some evil in everybody. ShitholesNow it appears that the ugly term was attributed to Trump but not spoken by Trump. Regardless, it is accurate. Why not say so?
Friday morning links
Finding Faith at Folsom Prison - Johnny Cash saw his famous concert as an opportunity for redemption. Huge black hole blasts out 'double burp' I blame climate change Pfizer Ends Research for New Alzheimer's Drugs There is no path for anything effective Weather: Who Is More Insane, Trump Or His Critics? New York City, Which Uses A Lot Of Fossil Fuels, Decides To Sue Fossil Fuels Companies Over Climate Change Scam If they really cared, they would just ban all fossil fuel use. It would be interesting. Would DeBlasio have to walk to his unheated gym? WSJ – a tale of climate cash, collusion, and apparently, corruption Is monetary value the right way to think about higher ed? Jay Leno Opens Up About the "Depressing" Nature of Late-Night Today Walmart boosts minimum wage to $11, hands out bonuses up to $1,000 for hourly workers Heartland Democrats to Washington: You’re Killing Us. New report blames elitist national party for alienating voters, and threatening the party's chances in 2020. Pew: US media bias ranks most biased in the world Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning,” Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions Google’s New ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Partisan Garbage - The tech giant is dishonestly manipulating perceptions about conservative sites before people even read them. California in revolt: how the progressive state plans to foil the Trump agenda - From immigration to the environment and recreational cannabis, state leaders and activists are finding paths to circumvent the administration. Will it work? BREAKING: Obama’s Deep State FBI and DOJ Caught Synchronizing Anti-Trump Classified Leaks to Liberal Media Carr: Clinton’s dodgy dossier is way worse than Watergate UH OH: Yale Psychiatry Professor Who Wants Trump Examined Has No License American Psychiatric Association calls for end to ‘arm chair’ psychiatry amid Trump speculation Of Trump, Holes, and Our Real Immigration Scandals Trump goes Archie Bunker. Both from Queens... Trump: “Why Are We Having All These People From Sh*Thole Countries Come Here?” That's what everybody wonders. Guy trolls the press like a very stable genius Ted Kennedy had promised no immigrants from shithole countries “Iran, Cuba, North Korea and Russia have a friend in Brussels.” No, The EU Is Not Militarizing Africa To Halt Migration, But Simply To Organize It VIENNA POLICE CHARGE 3 MEN FOR WAVING ISRAELI FLAG AT RALLY Sweden: Not Everyone Can Say #MeToo Thursday, January 11. 2018CapricePaganini Caprice #17, with gatti
Pray not to wish to be popular?From the need to be popular, deliver us, O Lord! I get the idea of that, but don't most of us wish to be admired, valued, appreciated, loved, or at least wanted? Isolation and loneliness are the saddest things to see. Heart-breaking. As an ex-nerdy science and sports gal who did not sit at the Cool Kids' Table, I am happy to be a relatively sought-after and popular figure in adulthood. People enjoy my company! Yay! Thursday morning links Sounds Roman. Might be good fun. Toga! Toga! A Peek Behind the Scenes at Google Here's What Happens When Three Professional Soccer Players Go Against 100 Kids Middle class neighborhoods are the lifeblood of cities I agree with Vanderleun that Woodpile Report is always interesting Why James Rosen was fired from FOX Catherine Deneuve on #MeToo Anchor babies: Birth tourism brings Russian baby boom to Miami Anchor babies: Chinese flock to USA to give birth to U.S. citizens Feds Raid California ‘Maternity Hotels’ for Birth Tourists Bad people working the system. Unworthy of citizenship, same as illegals Why Is There So Much Government Hostility to Private Charity? Slacking For Social Justice Obama non-library ‘presidential center’ in Chicago devolving into a fiasco Chicago profs blast 'socially regressive' Obama Center plan VDH: The Clintons — At the End of All Things Sad people, those Clintons HOW HILLARY’S FBI ALLIES UNDERMINED TRUMP BEFORE THE ELECTION - The swamp’s secrets, lies and media leaks. 10 Takeaways From Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS Senate Testimony BOMBSHELL: Phony Hillary-Funded Russia Dossier Was Used to Obtain Trump FISA Warrant – More to be Revealed Soon MSNBC's Matthews Compares Trump's Family To Child Rapists, Murderers, Drug Users Rush on The President’s Extraordinary Televised Immigration Meeting After a week of Fire and Fury, Trump is a very stable genius Donald Trump—the Grownup in the Room on Immigration Utilities Cutting Rates, Cite Benefits Of Trump Tax Reform United States To Leapfrog Russia In 2018 As The World's Top Oil Producer After DACA Comments, Tucker Asks Trump: ‘What Was The Point Of Running For President?’ Wednesday, January 10. 2018How dolphins train their trainersCold weather hiking
Still, I had a friend who hiked/climbed Mt. Washington in January because it was the most macho thing to do that he could think of. Kudos to him, because I do not think I could do that. Wish I could. (He had also enjoyed clearing tunnels and caves of Viet Cong back in the day, so he is a different sort of person.) A few tips for cold weather (below 15 F) long (over 4 hr) hikes: Cold-Weather Hiking Tips
The Myth of the Rule of LawThanks to a reader for forwarding the link to this brilliant 1995 article from the Wisconsin Law Review by John Hasnas. It's not just about "how to think like a lawyer." It's about how political law is, and about how much doublethink is required to understand American law. He makes the case that good laws must be squishy. He offers excellent examples too. From The Myth of the Rule of Law:
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Wednesday morning links Good grief A NEW CAMPUS AILMENT–WHITE CIVILITY HOW TO BEAT THE CIS-CULTURE BY MAKING UP PROGRESSIVE WORDS - The more new identities you take on, the less likely you will miss the one you have lost. Shrinks vs. Trump It's crazy Why Liberals Need to Look Down on Conservatives Obama at odds with community organizers over plans for presidential library - Ex-president is ‘indulging himself’ by building ‘monument along the lakefront,’ Univ. of Chicago political scientist says The whole thing about presidential libraries is revolting David Brooks: Anti-Trump Movement Is Getting 'Dumber,' Becoming a 'Smug Fairy Tale' CNN's Wolf Blitzer showers praise on Trump for opening up immigration meeting to press Joe Scarborough: Democrats Tell Me They Think Bill Clinton Raped Juanita Broaddrick Proof the Dems no longer need the Clintons Fusion GPS Admits Under Oath They Collude with Liberal Media WOLFF ADMITS: DIDN’T INTERVIEW ANY WH CABINET OFFICIALS FOR ANTI-TRUMP BOOK - ‘Fire & Fury’ claims quotes from multiple Cabinet members Confirmed: The Democrats Want The Dreamers Because They Need The Votes Rep. Dave Brat on DACA: I Don’t Think Dems Want to Shut Down the Gov’t ‘In Exchange for Giving Illegals Citizenship’ GOP ‘Bill of Love’ Immigration Bill To End Chain Migration, Visa Lottery, Catch-and-Release MUELLER LAYS A TRAP Hamas explosives chief accidentally blows himself up Karma It’s Time to Bomb North Korea - Destroying Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal is still in America’s national interest. I'd favor regime change instead. China could easily do that Remembering the Tet Offensive Tuesday, January 9. 2018Exercise and heart disease In civilized cultures, generally your odds are almost 50/50 heart disease or cancer unless you are one of those who just dies from decrepitude, feebleness, and general body rot. What's your preference? Mine is to go via a quick cardiac arrythmia or a stroke while doing something fun, and too far from any medical help that might force me to survive with a nasty disability which would damage my dignity and make me a burden on others. Everybody in western cultures has some degree of arterial disease after age 40 or 50 whether it is diagnosable or not. It's part of ageing, especially in an affluent society with plenty of good antibiotics available to make sure you don't die of pneumonia. If you care, this study suggests that stressful aerobic cardio exercise 5 days/week is beneficial for cardiac health. That means keeping your heart rate at around 65-70% of your max for an hour. That is neither easy not comfortable because it means to stay intensely aerobic, ie huffing and puffing and sweating - but at a rate to be able to keep it up. In fact, it's a bitch to do. That's why few do it. More efficient to do anaerobic HIIT in my opinion. They didn't study that. A bit more below the fold -
Continue reading "Exercise and heart disease" Higher ed todayFrom The Dead Letter of Modern Education. He begins:
Help with some good quotesI am looking for some good pithy quotes related to the topic of how a world ruled by logic and pure reason would be a terrible nightmare of a world for humanity. Give me a hand, gentle readers, if you can. Legal fun and gamesDamore et al vs. Google: At Powerline, Up From Google I did find the document. It makes for fun reading.
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