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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, January 9. 2018Tuesday morning links
Photo is from a buddy who took a newbie skiing in CT on the weekend. Cold winter sports are great fun. Skiing is almost equal to sex, but it's (skiing) more of a hassle. Outdoor skating and pick-up hockey is a blast. Paddle is also, if you don't have a bum shoulder like I do. Our local paddle courts have been packed every night for the past week. Best thing about 5 degree (F) outdoor sports? Beers later. Winter is for outdoor fun. Scientists Make Coldest Liquid Water Ever, And It's Weirder Than They Imagined Silicon Valley Moonbats Pay Through the Nose to Poison Themselves with Raw Water Water out of the pond, no vaccines - brilliant Psychologist: Having best friends should be banned because it’s ‘exclusionary’ Marijuana Should Be Legal, Even If We Don't Like It I agree with that. Bruce doesn't Beijing bets on facial recognition in a big drive for total surveillance Why? Tough SOB: SAS soldier 'chopped off ISIS thug's head with SHOVEL and used his gun to kill more militants' - The British sergeant was said to have run out of ammunition during a bloody battle in Afghanistan How Zombie Theories come to be In happier days for the company, when Sears, Roebuck introduced its first catalogue, it generated as much disruption to the retail industry of the time as Amazon has today. How Activists Took Control of a University: The Case Study of Evergreen State Canada's Carbon Taxes, Other Boondoggles Add Pain to Record Cold Winter In Climate Science, Predictions Are Hard, Especially About The Future Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Freeze’ Why established businesses love government regulation Mattis on War, Tyranny, Revolution and Body Counts The 3.1% gap between the jobless rate for blacks (6.8%) and whites (3.7%) in December was also the narrowest black-white jobless rate gap going back to January 1972 Why do 'Temporary Protected Status' refugees need 18 months to leave America? Trump Shocks World by Insisting “Temporary” Means Temporary LEAKED MEMO: DACA Recipients Are ‘Critical’ to Democrats’ ‘Future Electoral Success’ It's just that simple: If you don't like your voters, get new ones With D.C. Distracted, Immigration Debate Reaches Critical Point New Department Of Labor Report Reveals Rampant Embezzlement By Union Employees Around U.S. How the federal tax overhaul could reshape state budgets NYT: The decline of anti-Trumpism Economy: Trump crazy like a fox Surprise: When The Government Goes To War Against The Economy, The Economy Fails To Grow Why 2018 Will Be a Banner Year for Worker Wages Jobs are going begging out there - they will hire anybody Trump the politician:
Frau Merkel gets a lesson in free speech GERMAN ENERGY POLICY ON THE ROCKS What We Get For the Hundreds of Millions We Give To Terrorists Monday, January 8. 2018A Women's Studies Survivor Speaks OutWe've All Been HereHow to get out of super-tight parking spaces. When you've got someplace to be, and other cars have boxed you in...there's a way out! Is normalizing Autism a good idea?A history of a concept: How an autism diagnosis became both a clinical label and an identity; a stigma to be challenged and a status to be embraced. "Autism" is not a unitary thing. That's part of the issue.
Monday morning links Watch this dog go sledding - by himself Amusement park rides in China MALE sex robots will be “the next big thing” in 2018, a world leading AI cyborg maker has revealed. John Young, 'most experienced' US astronaut, dies at 87 Mount Washington: Winds on this mountain in the US will make it feel like -67C Pot is dangerous, not funny -- a doctor tells us why BLUE STATES SEARCH FOR WAYS TO PRESERVE SUBSIDIES In one big week, Trump delivers for conservatives DC Press Corps KNEW For a FULL YEAR Hillary Clinton Was Behind Russia Dossier – HID IT FROM PUBLIC Oh, by the way: That Republican senator who met with shrink about Trump’s mental health? Totally accidental That Yale shrink made it up. Now she's in hiding from the press. Wolff: I don't know how much of my book is true Doesn't seem to care either. Another victim of TDS. See Don’t Let ‘Fire And Fury’ Normalize ‘Fake But Accurate’ NYTimes: Boycott Drive Put Israel on a Blacklist. Now Israel Has One of Its Own. Czech President: The Culture Of These Migrants Is Basically Incompatible With Europe "Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity." Sunday, January 7. 2018Rus in Urbe: Central Park in the snowFrom our annual winter NYC weekend of theater and museum shows on our list. Also hiked 3 miles in a windy 5 degrees, briskly, after an early hour in the hotel's gym. One of the better sledding hills in the park. Better than it looks from my iphone pic. More Central Park pics below the fold - Continue reading "Rus in Urbe: Central Park in the snow" Innovation, regulation, and illegal shipping containersHow an Illegal Shipping Container Reshaped the World Economy - The shipping container is the unappreciated contemporary hero.
Posted by The Barrister
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Is antipathy towards Christianity all about sex?From THE ZEALOUS FAITH OF SECULARISM - HOW THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION BECAME A DOGMA:
From the LectionaryMatthew 2:1-12 2:1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2:2 asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." 2:3 When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; 2:4 and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. 2:5 They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: 2:6 'And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.'" 2:7 Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. 2:8 Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." 2:9 When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 2:10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 2:11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 2:12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. Saturday, January 6. 2018The 1640s in the Caribbean She gave me this 1640 book to go along with it: A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados. The author, Robert Ligon, was a gentleman, highly educated and literate but a third son so given nothing but education. After losing what little he had on a bad real estate investment in London, he headed to the Caribbean to seek his fortune. He found no fortune, but his book remains the best first-hand report of the Caribbean of the time. An elegant writer too with interest in the geology, the soils, the fish, the trees and lumber, the birds, the architecture, the cuisine, the booze (French brandy for the planters, rum for everybody else including the slaves), etc. And in the people. The Brit planters (sugar cane, thanks to Columbus) were mostly drunken whoremongers but some were not. Ligon befriended many of the slaves. He even taught them music. Ligon was a talented lutist, and felt the slaves could benefit from learning how to make tunes instead of just their African drumming for their Sunday dance and rum parties. He also defended their wishes to become Christian. The slaves believed that Christianity seemed to impart wisdom. This was illegal at the time: you could not have a Christian as a slave. Continue reading "The 1640s in the Caribbean" A humble genius
Posted by Bird Dog
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LifemanshipIt's a cool term. It refers to the ability to master all aspects of living so as to have the chance for a fulfilling and successful life: Bunky Mortimer’s Guide to Lifemanship Sad to say, many people do not get As in that course. I'd give myself a B if I compare myself with others I know for whom mastery of most of life's challenges appears to come effortlessly.
Posted by The Barrister
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Saturday morning links The Church of the Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookie The other Queen mother: She spent two years in an asylum, then became a nun. A new documentary explores the unconventional life of the Queen’s mother-in-law, Princess Alice Blockchain technology behind bitcoin is worth it Canadians Shocked When Minimum Wage Hike Negatively Impacts Workers Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’ Met Museum changes 50 year-old policy: Non-New Yorkers must pay I'm going there today. NY in winter is almost as much fun as NY in summer. Is the hunt for bad men looking like the inquisition? Support for Anti-Israel BDS Movement 'Virtually Nonexistent' Among College Students Muslims to become second-largest religious group in US, says report - The Muslim population in the US is growing at a rate of around 100,000 per year A Libertarian Quandary on Pot, Federalism, and the Rule of Law Follow the UK Model for Entitlement Reform Makes some sense. Almost everybody can do something useful. As I said before, we have a Down's gal bagging at my grocery 8 hrs/day, every day. A cheerful presence who clearly loves feeling useful. What should we do with the people whose work is unwanted or unneeded? On the other hand, Filling America's 6 Million Job Vacancies ONE MILLION Americans (and counting) will receive tax reform bonuses Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican African-American unemployment hits lowest rate in history Co-head of the DNC. That tells you something. Persecutors or prosecutors? Cliven Bundy-FBI debacle: Another example of why the feds need to be leashed The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true But the Gorilla Channel part is definitely true The Wolff Book Proves It: Our Journalists Stink Yes it does. Nevertheless, Trump sells! He might even help rescue the news business by being so colorful and outspoken. Trump boasts that he’s ‘like, really smart’ and a ‘very stable genius’ amid questions over his mental fitness RAILROADED: The Real Reasons Al Franken Is No Longer A Senator Senators make criminal referral of dossier author to DOJ FBI Knew The ‘Bleach Bit’ Computer Guy Lied In Clinton Email Testimony, Gave Him Immunity Just how political is the FBI? Now We Know: FBI Ignored Lawbreaking To Exonerate Hillary Clinton Israel Is Offering Illegal Immigrants $3,500 And A Plane Ticket To Leave Middle East's dull response to US's Jerusalem decision shouldn't come as a surprise Finland at 100—Frozen by Fear, Dragged to a Multicultural Grave Saturday Verse: Robert Frost
You know Orion always comes up sideways. Continue reading "Saturday Verse: Robert Frost" Friday, January 5. 2018Hell Has Officially Frozen Over![]() Todd Webb's New York
Posted by Bird Dog
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Planning Ahead - BrooklynMaggie's has run an "Urban Hike" for each of the last 3 years. We've gone north from the Battery and Delancey Street, in NYC, all the way up to as far as Grant's Tomb. We even have traveled south from Lincoln Center to Washington Square Park. All along the way, we checked out interesting historical, literary, and geographic sites as we got to know each other just a little better. Maggie's audience is a fun and interesting group of people, and we get together because we enjoy learning and having a good time. To that end, Bird Dog and I have loosely planned our Urban Hike for 2018 in late April. It should be warm and sunny enough. No date yet, we'll have that in a month or two. Meantime - remember - BROOKLYN. If you have any fun facts or trivia that you'd like to share, post them below in comments. We'll start by hiking over Roebling's wonder, the Brooklyn Bridge, and after that? Who knows (yet)? I know if I can get the Red Hook or Brooklyn Breweries tacked on, as well as maybe Widow Jane's Distillery, I'll be in good shape to let Mrs. Bulldog drive home. “Why Honorable People Avoid Politics” - Candidate for best essay of 2018Mostly lazy glib people who want to feel important in jobs with no heavy lifting. The real non-career pols (Trump is an example) are the ones I admire. Give a few years of public service and go back to the farm.
The greed of academiaDoes the Bennett Hypothesis Still Matter?
Friday morning links
Ohioans Are Going to Have a Hard Time Buying Their Favorite Vodka in 2018 Study: 27% of California Adolescents Identify as 'Nongender Conforming' What You Need to Do Because of Flaws in Computer Chips Sears is closing over 100 more stores People Freak Out After Oregon Strikes Law Banning Self-Service Gas Stations Return to Normal - As new city council speaker, traditional New York Democrat Corey Johnson may walk back from his predecessor’s leftist theatrics. To get over hippie-stoner image that holds down enrollment, UC-Santa Cruz lowers its standards ‘White Genocide’ prof takes role as ‘Visiting Scholar’ at NYU New England Was Warned ‘Pipeline Constraints’ Could Cause Problems This Winter. Now It’s Happening NY Times: It’s So Cold Because You Drove A Fossil Fueled Vehicle Drill, baby, drill: It’s terrible news for Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Apocalypse Now: Even More US Businesses Awarding Bonuses, Raising Wages, Expanding Due to Tax Reform Dow Hits 25,000 For First Time Ever as Employment Zooms U.S. Manufacturing Just Posted Best Year Since 2004 Liberals Go Ballistic After DOJ Reopens Hillary Email Investigation ‘Actions of a Banana Republic’ Walls Close In Around DOJ and FBI “Small Group” Participants… COMEY MEMO BOMBSHELL: Evidence Hillary Committed A Felony, Deleted Mentions Of Evidence Justice Dept Launches New Clinton Foundation Probe Should liberal media trust Michael Wolff’s explosive, anti-Trump book? Trump vs. Bannon: Have you ever met a billionaire? Based on experience, here's what to make of the spat as well as some advice to all of us in the peanut gallery There Is No 4-D Chess, or Unified Theory of Trump TRUMP ADMINISTRATION CRACKS DOWN ON PAKISTAN Thursday, January 4. 2018I know two Bitcoin millionairesIt's not fair. I know two guys from my local pub, both very unsophisticated about investing who took a drunken gamble and put all their (relatively-humble) savings into Bitcoin almost a year ago. They both sold out this week. They quit their dumb jobs and bought beers for the whole pub last night. Yes, both are single. Life in America. I dare you to short Bitcoin. Whatever it is. QQQ“Shame on feminist advocates who whine about a tampon tax in the United States, while remaining silent as a fellow woman in Iran fights for her right to speak at all.” Nicolle Russell, via Mark Perry A Sicilian Classic: Pasta con Sardi
Recipe here., but, better, a very good instructional video here. The guy claims tinned sardines work as well as fresh, but I dunno. I can buy fresh sardines (and fresh anchovies) here. Anyway, the video makes me hungry. Also, I eat sardine bones. Calcium! SleepIt remains a mystery why sleep is necessary: Why Do We Need to Sleep? At a shiny new lab in Japan, an international team of scientists is trying to figure out what puts us under.
Farinelli and the KingA theater buff pal tells me that Farinelli and the King is the best Broadway production he has seen in decades. The castrato Farinelli was the Elvis of the 18th Century. This review says the play is about identity and the terrors of fame. Mark Rylance stars (in his wife's play). It's at the Belasco until March 7.
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