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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, January 4. 2018Thursday morning links
Image via Am. Digest's Let’s Review 25: Baby It’s Cold Outside Edition A lovely winter nor'easter today. Dark skies. Got in my hour with trainer anyway this morning. A mainly bench press and deadlift day. Haven't lost electric power so it's a normal work day for me. Kids love our winter nor'easters - "Snow Day!" Dads go to work. Rap overtakes Rock as most popular pop music Are Canadian Pharmacies the Solution to America's High Prescription Drug Prices? I use them THE ZEALOUS FAITH OF SECULARISM - HOW THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION BECAME A DOGMA “OH MY GOD, THIS IS SO F---ED UP”: INSIDE SILICON VALLEY’S SECRETIVE, ORGIASTIC DARK SIDE Nerds trying to catch up with fun The Earth Could Become A Desert Without The Paris Climate Agreement Or Something The Nonexistent ‘Right’ to Disrupt Free Speech on Campus
Metrics and Their Unintended Consequences - The best intentions combine with imprecise data for perverse effects in health care and education. The problem with metrics is that the docs and hospitals that take on the toughest cases come out looking the worst Poll: Voters Show Massive Support for Trump Immigration Policies DACA illegals can’t speak English, study shows New York & Co. are paying the price for being Deep Blue Fusion GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion Steyn objects to the Pope's messaging The Arab World Abandons Palestine The Arab world never gave a damn about Palestine, except as a pawn 5 Things to Know About the Iran Protests and How Badly the Liberal Media Botched the Story Former Afghanistan captive Joshua Boyle charged with sex assault, forcible confinement He was no hostage Germany Cracks Down on Social Media Thought Crime " The European Union is ignoring this trend and soldiering on with what Brussels calls “more Europe”, which often means more interventionism and central planning. And citizens are not happy with this." Wednesday, January 3. 201865 year-old heart patient goes for it
But can he run (not jog) a mile? Readers know we favor a balance of HIIT Cardio (total 1/2 hr/wk), Endurance "cardio" (1 hr/wk), serious weights (2 sessions/wk), and calisthenics (2 sessions/wk) for full functional fitness. I doubt that Rippetoe would argue with that, but he is mostly a weights guy. I don't know about our readers, but I find a one-hour calisthenics class to be more challenging - and more satisfying at the end - than anything else I do. They get you jumping and moving like a 16 year-old. The endorphins make you feel like you can take on the world, but you can hardly walk or talk. That tells you that you have done something hard. Age is no barrier to any fitness pursuit. The body is made to adapt to demands. The discipline to make those stress and dietary demands is the hardest part, but it builds character. No pain, no gain. Best not to wait until you are scared into it by a nasty problem. How does it feel?QQQThere are sins I have entirely given up. Not, however, because I am so holy, but because I got sick of committing them; and tired of the associated self-loathing. David Warren's post titled Protomartyr QQQDiplomacy, Borough of Queens-styleButton Wars! It's juvenile, but Trump just punches back. That's why he was elected. And the experts say "Don't get Kim mad." What? A better plan might be to not piss off Trump. As a natural bully himself, Trump knows how to deal with bullies like the Palis, the Pakis, the UN, and Iran. It's New York diplomacy: "F- you."
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Wednesday morning links
Life of a High-End Mover The guy gets no respect 2018 Will Be the Year Feminists Target Little Boys Nobody's Ready for the Killer Robot - A Q&A with General Robert Latiff on the ethics of warfare in the autonomous future. Alarmists Trumpet ‘Global Warming’ amid Record Cold Temperatures The Total Futility Of The Climate Campaign New York City to install 1,500 barriers to prevent vehicle ramming attacks I hate what loony Moslems have done to American life Fed employees GET “MINIMUM WAGE” OF $100K - The bureaucracy that rules over us keeps getting richer and richer. 'Mapping the Swamp' report finds 30,000 feds earn more than any governor American and Southwest are Bonusing All Employees $1000 Because of Tax Reform The Russian Collusion Narrative Was, As FBI Agent Peter Strzok Explained: “An Insurance Policy”… Congressional investigators find irregularities in FBI's handling of Clinton email case Duh 2017 has Only Been the Apocalypse for Democrats The Left’s 2017 Trump Predictions: An Array of Calamities That Never Happened Re Trump: “The Word They All Used Was: ‘This Guy Is Insane’” US to Withhold Funding from Palestinians Until They Agree to Join Peace Negotiations Why does the US give them our money in the first place? AfD politician 'censored' under new German hate speech law for anti-Muslim tweet Is there a German totalitarian gene? Moslem ASSAULTS ON POLICE OFFICERS HORRIFY FRANCE “Yet those who threatened to KILL Fawstin are not banned.” Steyn reviews the Muslim problem in Europe DEFYING THE HIJAB IS THE SYMBOL OF IRAN'S FREEDOM MOVEMENT The uprising in Iran: ‘This is what revolution looks like’ Diplomacy or Driving a Hard Bargain? Lessons from the Negotiation that Led to the Iran Nuclear Deal Iranians Shatter a New York Times Myth - The people haven't closed ranks behind the regime. Tuesday, January 2. 2018Many hobbies are the necessities of the past
Consider these. You might think of more examples: Hunting, fishing, weaponry, and gardening used to be necessary for survival. Dog-raising and training used to be very helpful for survival Weaving, knitting and sewing used to be the only ways to be clothed. Music-making used to be for story-telling (still is, to some extent) We used to have to create our own amusements: make plays, have sing-alongs, invent or play games. Now it's the TV and the computer. We used to write elegant letters to communicate or to stay in contact. Very few do that any more. Fine writing is now a hobby (mostly) Painting and sculpting (image-making) used to be special ways to worship God or gods Golf used to be necessary to prevent deadly boredom for shepherds Most sports are refined variants of physical combat Cooking of all sorts used to be the only way to have food. Now it's become a hobby. Hiking, running, horse-riding, boating, etc used to be the only ways to go places. Now hobbies. Physical fitness used to be what you got from your daily labor. Now it's the gym in your spare time.
Posted by The Barrister
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Tuesday morning linksTrader Joe's just released shelf-stable French fries to satisfy all your snacking needs In Pursuit of Liquid Gold - There is big money in drug testing. That means urine, and bills that can top a quarter-million dollars for a few months of tests for a single patient. Autonomous vehicles are about to collide with the American way. Why Tax Hospitals? It’s a Medicaid Shell Game - Providers pay the state. The state pays providers, then collects matching funds from Uncle Sam. D ata: Trump Admin Reduces Refugee Admissions by 70 Percent in First Year Baltimore Pastor On The City’s Homicide Rate: We Need Police To Come Back New York City’s Crime Rate Is Way Down, So Let’s All Fight About Why It Happened! After Saving Many From NYC Fire, Soldier Died Trying To Rescue One More Z-man's 2018 predictions What Trump DIDN'T do in 2017: President's hysteria-prone critics must be sorely disappointed CONGRESS HAS A BLACK CAUCUS RACISM PROBLEM - The vicious cycle of racism and thievery in the CBC must be broken. Fractured West - In Oregon and elsewhere, rural residents increasingly balk at Democrats’ progressive governance. Not So Fast With That Trillion For Infrastructure Was A Drunken Conversation Really All The Probable Cause The FBI Needed To Investigate A Presidential Campaign? Transparent DOJ and FBI Desperation: New York Times Attempts “Trump Operation” Justification… As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy Trump Really Is Draining The Swamp Althouse: "And the NYT runs the story on New Year's Eve Sunday." Bret Stephens: Why I’m Still A NeverTrumper The Trump Effect: Business, Anticipating Less Regulation, Loosens Purse Strings White House Press Secretary Triggers Haters With Shotgun Photo Tax Reform’s Warning Shot for Universities - The GOP puts liberal academia on notice. One of President Macron’s Climate Defectors Speaks Out The Islamization of Britain in 2017 - "I think we are heading towards disaster." Deadly Protests Continue In Iran Iran cuts off internet access in several cities as mass protests continue Jihadist Group Blows Up Oil Pipeline In Iran, In Midst Of Protests Pence Promises U.S. Support for Iranian Protestors Iranian Protests Resonating In Russia, Caucasus And Central Asia – OpEd Migrant slavery in Libya: Nigerians tell of being used as slaves German Jewish Leader Warns That Jews May Require Police Protection As Anti-Semitism Escalates Monday, January 1. 2018An Interview with John McWhorter about Politics and ProtestNot a bad interview, but even McWhorter can be naive sometimes. These people are not earnest: they are engaged in a power play and if you give them an inch they will go for the next mile.
A new year. Time for some changes?Your path to destiny? The call for adventure and the courage to be stupid. "You have to be a fool before you can be a master." Prof. Peterson uses Exodus as a metaphor for life change. He rightly emphasizes the difficulties of change, and the wandering in the desert. He also rightly praises taking life risks to develop oneself, risks of abandoning stale and stupid axioms, risks to fail, and risks to start out stupid. Two quotes from Ace:
Aussie has been enjoying Mexican weather reportsNew Year tip: Beware of Dunning-Kruger
Posted by The Barrister
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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Our feathered predatorsOur local Sharp- Shinned Hawks have been daily visitors at our bird feeder. They are picking off innocent sparrows daily. It's a circus out there. Sparrows smash against our windows trying to escape. That's why Mrs. BD terms it a Sharpie-feeder. That's fine me with me because I am a carnivore too, and I like meat rare. And each morning around 3 AM I hear our neighborhood hoot-owl - a Great Horned - establishing a nesting territory. They have already mated, will lay their eggs in January in the snow and frigid weather in an old crow's nest. That's how they roll, and it works. The Żabiński’s were recognised by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.The film The Zookeeper’s Wife tells the real-life story of Antonina and Jan Żabiński, a Polish couple who were the directors of the Warsaw Zoo, one of the largest in 1930s Europe. The Żabińskis risked their lives during World War II to save over 300 Jews and underground resistance fighters by providing them with shelter in the zoo’s bombed-out animal enclosures, and in the basement of their villa home. The Zookeeper's Wife: Interview with Teresa Żabiński below. Proof to me that ordinary people can make life better for others if they decide to. Not through politics - that never works because the game of politics is just about power. Mercy and care is through personal action and it doesn't need to be heroic.
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