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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, January 4. 2018Thursday morning links
Image via Am. Digest's Let’s Review 25: Baby It’s Cold Outside Edition A lovely winter nor'easter today. Dark skies. Got in my hour with trainer anyway this morning. A mainly bench press and deadlift day. Haven't lost electric power so it's a normal work day for me. Kids love our winter nor'easters - "Snow Day!" Dads go to work. Rap overtakes Rock as most popular pop music Are Canadian Pharmacies the Solution to America's High Prescription Drug Prices? I use them THE ZEALOUS FAITH OF SECULARISM - HOW THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION BECAME A DOGMA “OH MY GOD, THIS IS SO F---ED UP”: INSIDE SILICON VALLEY’S SECRETIVE, ORGIASTIC DARK SIDE Nerds trying to catch up with fun The Earth Could Become A Desert Without The Paris Climate Agreement Or Something The Nonexistent ‘Right’ to Disrupt Free Speech on Campus
Metrics and Their Unintended Consequences - The best intentions combine with imprecise data for perverse effects in health care and education. The problem with metrics is that the docs and hospitals that take on the toughest cases come out looking the worst Poll: Voters Show Massive Support for Trump Immigration Policies DACA illegals can’t speak English, study shows New York & Co. are paying the price for being Deep Blue Fusion GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion Steyn objects to the Pope's messaging The Arab World Abandons Palestine The Arab world never gave a damn about Palestine, except as a pawn 5 Things to Know About the Iran Protests and How Badly the Liberal Media Botched the Story Former Afghanistan captive Joshua Boyle charged with sex assault, forcible confinement He was no hostage Germany Cracks Down on Social Media Thought Crime " The European Union is ignoring this trend and soldiering on with what Brussels calls “more Europe”, which often means more interventionism and central planning. And citizens are not happy with this." Trackbacks
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Sexual Revolution: Mary Eberstadt's thought that a heightened, frenetic defensiveness about ethnicity, race, gender, and orientation are a result of the destruction of other identities is a fascinating one. Family, extended family, church, village, region, and nation have been successfully undermined as points of definition. The kids need something, because they've got nothing, and so adopt these politics they way urban youth gravitate to gangs as a substitute family. A rival creed, founded around secular sexual values, is indeed an accurate portrayal of the culture war. Eberstadt's argument is a bit clichéd, fighting the last war in places, and I think her focus on the Catholic angle is a little defensive in itself. Still, it is an excellent essay, and I recommend it to readers who skipped that link.
Re: The Arab World Abandons Palestine
I don't think "the Arab world" ever cared about Palestine. They used them for political purposes and now that the political dynamics are changing and their usefulness is declining, their interest in Palestine is declining as well. Despite considerable reservations, Jewish Palestinians seized upon the opportunity to establish their own state when the UN partition plan for Mandatory Palestine was proposed in 1947.
Arab Palestinians rejected it, in great part because other Arab states encouraged them to and they believed they'd see the Jews pushed into the Mediterranean Sea. But the Arabs hadn't quite appreciated they'd be up against the determined and bloody-minded survivors of a vastly more efficient ethnic-cleansing programme who had nothing to lose and nowhere else to go. The Palestinians have been paying for not seizing that 1947 opportunity ever since. Agree with both the above. The Palestinians were a handy stick for beating the Israelis, and the US. Nothing more. The Palestinians are now likely to become even more resentful, as it dawns on them how little the other Arabs care. Their history is flawed, as they are convinced their ancestors had many rich groves which were stolen from them. In fact, they are recently-arrived (1860-1930) tenants of Lebanese, Jordanian, and Turkish landlords, dirt poor.
There are very interesting things happening in the Middle East even before the recent unrest in Iran. In addition to the Palestinians becoming more isolated, some of the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia are becoming closer to Israel, partly because they are against Iran and they are beginning to believe that Israel can be trusted. Saudi Arabia's crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is said to admire Trump.
This could portend a significant re-alignment that could drastically change the trajectory of the region for the better. RE meme:
As my dad always said: "Your mother doesn't believe there's such a thing as women's work, but she still believes in men's work" This usually came up when we were fixing a toilet, mixing concrete, or cleaning gutters. This kind of score-keeping always has made me reluctant to accept help from guys. I don't mind a bargain, but I want to have some say in what my half of the performance is going to be before I decide whether I'd be better off with a job and an ability to hire people to clean my gutters. My husband, bless him, never gives me this kind of trouble. Each of us naturally does what he does best and needs doing, a sort of perfect socialism under a single roof.
Who picks a fight w/ Steyn? That's just foolish (ok, I answered my own question).
So the letter writer is more likely either a plant or a troll, but I have no problem seeing the Pope get batted around. While I agree Blue States are 'paying the price' of being blue with the tax law (and a number of other items), what about those of us in the Blue States who didn't support Hillary (whether we voted Trump or not)?
This is a part of the problem of politics and rule of the majority. A lack of respect for minority views. I admit, not only am I going to probably get hurt a little by the tax law (well, probably not too much, really), I get hurt more by the Progressive policies in place in NY/NJ that tax me at higher than normal rates and redistribute my income to people who don't deserve it (why is it the worst school districts in the US are in NJ, but the most spent per student is in those districts?). Hopefully the tax law will finally force these Progressive idiots to reform our taxes and spending to be more beneficial. But that's a longshot. A very long shot. Meanwhile, I sit here in a Blue State, realizing the worm is turning, and begin to think "it's time to move and change my career to avoid all these morons". Hopefully in 3 or so years....if I get lucky. The danger is that the tax law will encourage people to leave those blue states and move to red states turning them purple and leaving their previous state blue.
From Steyn's site. This has to be the QOD:
QUOTE: "Diversity" is where once functioning societies go to die. https://www.steynonline.com/8364/welcome-to-the-new-year-same-as-the-old"The Earth Could Become A Desert Without The Paris Climate Agreement Or Something"
Son was quite upset in grade school after one of their 'science' units, claimed I was 'wasting water' and soon we'd be completely out and the planet would dry up. Found a good diagram of the Water Cycle on-line, pointed out to him that water was continuously recycled, pointed out clouds in the sky, told him that was water vapor and it was going to rain eventually. (It did, later that afternoon.) The week afterward, the unit was on the water cycle. Go figure. Someone down there isn't connecting the dots.