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Friday, January 19. 2018Yes, the Hillary-Russia-FBI story is really that bad
Had Hillary! won, this would never have been uncovered.
I find all of this deeply depressing. Corruption is what comes of having a government too big and powerful. And this sounds devastating:
Posted by The News Junkie
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“If that f..king bastard wins, ...we all hang from nooses!” – Hillary Clinton.
More and more I think we really dodged a massive mess when Hillary lost. I get how there's an attractive side to deep corruption, especially when it advantages you or 'family' - to call back to the Peace Corps' member's article on Senegal a few days back - but are people so twisted and jaded at this point that they DON'T see the problems coming from enabling such corruption in the US?
Was a Hillary win so important to them they'd toss aside ALL of the rules? Because when you toss aside the rule of law, you don't have much left at all to run a country competently on. I know there's partisans who'll vote Dem no matter what. But FFS, people, take a good look at what you're enabling there. They're long past caring about the 'people' - they're in it for the power. They handed out immunities in the fake Clinton investigation to aid in teh cover-up. there's no other explanation. Why would they grant immunity to the IT guys who destroyed records if they weren't going to use their testimony against higher-ups? To compound that corruption, they then gave immunity to some of the higher-ups and then prosecuted nobody. Doesnt apss the sniff test whatsoever, but the corrupt news media didn't say boo and stuck with the Fusion GPS talking points they'd been given.
And we also need to see the Fusion GPS bank records to find out which journalists were being paid and find out what they were being paid for. And all of that is small potatoes compared to using the fake Fusion GPS oppo research to obtain FISA warrants, and then unmask those who weren't even named in the illegal warrants. People need to go to prison for a very long time for that. "Worse than Watergate" is an understatement. I've been hearing about this memo since yesterday afternoon. I'm not ready to get excited yet. Given the press and the Demoncrap's skill at obfuscation, anything less than somebody told somebody to do something to somebody else could require a lot of explaining and then the impact is watered down. I'm hoping it will be so unambiguous that some Demoncraps will have to join the ranks of Pubbies who are outraged. I realize that's a very high bar.
We'll see what's in this document sooner rather than later, I hope. This might, however, turn out to be another instance when Pubbies show themselves to be inept in taking advantage of a situation. After all, Pubbies don't seem to understand that all you need is a cold to be able to release whatever you want to release even though it was just recently demonstrated about a week ago. I'd like to know why, all of a sudden, it's dropped off Fox's radar and never appears to have been on Drudge at all.
Were the shoe on the other foot this would have been leaked to CNN by now. I agree. This hype probably will not lead anywhere. Look at it this way, if the information is so incriminating, why not take action? Why not hand it to Sessions?
What is so all fired important about the American public accessing that memo? We don’t have power to fire or arrest anyone. This is sort of ridiculous. The Dems have gotten away with so much already - HRC not charged with mishandling classified data Comey leaking info HRC’s people granted immunity to testify WJC and Loretta Lynch clandestinely meeting Corruption among Mueller’s staff - people not fired, just reassigned (oh, please!) Then there are the larger examples of corruption - fast &furious, IRS, Holder on voter intimidation. And on and on and on. Heck, the incriminating findings from the crazy Congressional hearings on Benghazi didn’t hurt HRC from running for President. We have to face facts, the BHO administration is under some kind of bewitched protection and exposing the corruption at the heart of it always goes n o w h e r e. Jayne: This hype probably will not lead anywhere.
Don't lose heart. Hillary Clinton will probably be indicted after she is released from prison for Benghazi™. “If that f..king bastard wins, ...we all hang from nooses!” – Hillary Clinton.
The interesting thing here is that much of the 'knowledge' of "Russian collusion" has centered on the meeting with the Russian lawyer and Trump's son and other members of his staff.
But that lawyer was a lawyer for Fusion GPS' Simpson - the founder. He claims that even though he met her just hours before and shortly after the Trump Tower meeting, that he knew NOTHING about that meeting. If that's not fishy, then I'm not sure what is. So, it's not hard to figure out what happened. Fusion GPS set up a contact with promises of something which was never delivered (after all, the attendees at Trump Tower said nothing about the Hillary campaign was mentioned - as it most certainly wouldn't have been in a set-up since that would damn Fusion GPS in a big way), and it creates enough 'question of intent' to pursue an investigation and create a trail of innuendo that leads nowhere - or everywhere, if you're inclined to believe it as anti-Trumpers are. This, therefore, opens the doors to the FISA courts, and political manipulation within the security apparatus....and so on. And we're paying millions to investigate this? Thank God, I suppose, because maybe now the Clintons can be jailed, since the whole ruse is slowly unwinding. Fusion GPS is at the center of it all. The smears, the set-ups, the coordination with corrupt news media, and the money laundering.
Loving the information on this site, you have done outstanding job on the content .
My suggestion, which I will admit I read elsewhere months ago: make the WHOLE of intelligence under MILITARY direction. Why?
Because Military members are not permanent. Military members rotate out of a job every 2-3 years. Military has a whole separate court martial system to punish lawbreakers. Who was the one who revealed this plot to Trump in November 2016? ADM Mike Rogers at NSA. The DOJ/FBI should not have the keys to intel collected by NSA without MILITARY oversight. Sure, put in your query with a warrant, but MILITARY folks should be looking at the intel, disseminating the intel, holding the keys to the intel. NOT contractors. NOT FBI/DOJ government hacks. Just a thought... I'm of a similar mind, but a slightly different implementation. Following along the lines of the posse comitatus, NSA et. al surveillance is military weapons-grade spying, and not to be used on people subject to the jurisdiction of the United States: citizens and permanent legal residents. You wanna collect intel on citizens/plr's, get a * warrant. Never the twain shall meet: national security weapons-grade and ordinary law enforcement intel data. And the cheat of parallel construction is explicitly outlawed. IF you give them any leeway at all, they will cheat. The FISA courts were/are a fig leaf against cheating. They have proven they can't be trusted. They fooled us twice now, shame on us.
Agree. The swamp can't be trusted to run it. Doesn't get much worse than the FBI, FISA Courts and the IC being turned against US citizens for political purposes.
Good news guys! Russia is on your side!
Bill Buckner just texted me saying, "Watching Zach flail away in regard to Russians working on behalf of Democrats/Hillary, I can finally feel good about myself again!"
Bill Buckner: "Watching Zach flail away in regard to Russians working on behalf of Democrats/Hillary, I can finally feel good about myself again!"
Good for you! Glad to know Putin has your back. Then the kiddiez shouldn't have any problems with public disclosure, right?
#ReleaseTheMemo Big deal! Let's try not to be stupid.
Would you say the same thing about Bernie since he honeymooned in the USSR during the Cold War? What about Ted Kennedy who tried to work with the KGB to derail Reagan's re-election? It is well known that Putin hates Hillary. And why wouldn't he? She's a loathsome individual. Hillary didn't object to a Russian criminal enterprise buying control of 20% of the US's uranium and he still hated her! Now, that's real hatred! The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend - especially when dealing with other friends or enemies. mudbug: Would you say the same thing about Bernie since he honeymooned in the USSR during the Cold War?
Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, which was a sister city to Yaroslavl, Russia, part of a common type of cultural exchange. mudbug: What about Ted Kennedy who tried to work with the KGB to derail Reagan's re-election? The evidence of such contacts is highly tenuous. mudbug: Hillary didn't object to a Russian criminal enterprise buying control of 20% of the US's uranium and he still hated her! The decision was made by others across several U.S. agencies. But, in any case, you seem to approve of Putin's interference in U.S. politics. As for the underlying story, it appears to be based on a memo written by Republican partisans. It's doubtful it will amount to much, probably on the order of other pseudo-scandals, but there's no reason an unclassified version couldn't be released. Z: Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, which was a sister city to Yaroslavl, Russia, part of a common type of cultural exchange.
That says a lot about how he viewed his honeymoon or the sister city. Neither, in my mind is very flattering. Z: The decision was made by others across several U.S. agencies. You keep saying that so I'll keep saying, "Let's try not to be stupid." That's like telling your mother, after she catches you doing something stupid, "Everybody else is doing it!" The fact that Hillary joined the other Obama administration officials of such high repute like Eric Holder, to allow a Russian criminal enterprise to control a substantial portion of our uranium production is explained as either she blindly follows that herd, she is truly as stupid (or corrupt) as that herd, or she didn't take the time to investigate the situation and so didn't care. Hillary could have declined to approve the sale and it would have been up to Obama to overrule her. Z: But, in any case, you seem to approve of Putin's interference in U.S. politics. I didn't even suggest that. Read my post again. Z: As for the underlying story, it appears to be based on a memo written by Republican partisans. It's doubtful it will amount to much, probably on the order of other pseudo-scandals, but there's no reason an unclassified version couldn't be released. Neither of us know the content of the memo or the source or veracity of the information in the memo. Republicans may be hyperventilating over nothing (sort of like Pelosi when she said the Trump tax bill was Armageddon and that people would die because of it) or they may be understating it. It would make sense to have some information before you conclude anything. I have concluded nothing (see post #4). I think it's worth noting that no Democrats voted to declassify it or even let other members of the House see it. In fact according to Congressman Gaetz, Democrats haven't even taken the opportunity to view the memo - reminds me of the Democrats who refused to review the evidence in Clinton's impeachment. It seems that if it were so embarrassingly banal and inconsequential, they wouldn't care who saw it. They certainly feel justified in releasing private testimony without authorization when they want to. Z: But, in any case, you seem to approve of Putin's interference in U.S. politics.
I didn't even suggest that. Read my post again. ---------------- The kiddiez do that when they've lost the argument. mudbug: That says a lot about how he viewed his honeymoon or the sister city.
Building cultural exchanges was one way to reduce tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Notably, the Cold War ended without a global conflagration. Burlington and Yaroslavl are still sister cities, a program initiated by President Eisenhower. Bernie Sanders said, in his inimitable 'style', they had "set their wedding date to coincide with that trip because they didn't want to take more time off." mudbug: That's like telling your mother, after she catches you doing something stupid, "Everybody else is doing it!" No. It's a decision that was made by career employees of the various agencies. Clinton was not involved. As the U.S. is a net importer of uranium, and the quantity involved was small and not for export, it was of little strategic consequence. mudbug: I didn't even suggest that. Read my post again. mudbug: The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend - especially when dealing with other friends or enemies. It reads as maybe yes, maybe no, but if Democrats are the enemy, then maybe yes. Your shifting alliances apparently may include siding with Russia against a major U.S. political party. mudbug: Neither of us know the content of the memo or the source or veracity of the information in the memo. That's right. From the track record so far, it may be up with Benghazi™. Or Lewinskygate®. Keep flailing away and spewing nonsense, kiddiez.
#ReleaseTheMemo Z: No. It's a decision that was made by career employees of the various agencies. Clinton was not involved. As the U.S. is a net importer of uranium, and the quantity involved was small and not for export, it was of little strategic consequence.
That's a great excuse: "Clinton was not involved." There's leadership for you! Since uranium is required for a significant portion of our energy needs and armaments as well as scientific purposes, it is a strategic resource. And as you pointed out, the US is a net importer of uranium, 20% of production is not a small amount. Let's put this another way. If you have to borrow money to make ends meet, would you consider it significant if somebody took 20% of your cash out of your control? Of course, we have already seen that even though it is not supposed to leave the US, some of it already has - and who should be surprised since we are dealing with a Russian criminal enterprise. I've seen lots of people be asked why this deal with Uranium One was good for the country and nobody has been able to answer that question. Maybe you can tell us why this deal that benefits Putin allies is a good deal? Z: It reads as maybe yes, maybe no, but if Democrats are the enemy, then maybe yes. Your shifting alliances apparently may include siding with Russia against a major U.S. political party. Groan... Let me spell this out for you. Read slowly: Hillary is Putin's "enemy" because he hates her because she is loathsome. Hillary is also the Republican's "enemy" because she wants to impose stupid ideas of Obama's and her own on the people of the US. That doesn't mean that Putin and the Republicans are friends. Now if the Republicans implemented policies that were friendly to Putin such as withdrawing a promise to install missile defense systems in Poland or implemented a weak response to Russian aggression in Ukraine, but those are things Obama and Clinton were involved with. My comment was an alteration of the Arab saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", designed to make it more accurate because it depends on the enemy and the potential friend. Sheesh... Z: That's right. From the track record so far, it may be up with Benghazi™. Or Lewinskygate®. You're right. So far, there is no evidence that anybody was involved in those minor matters of people getting killed over inept or criminal mismanagement and then lying about it by blaming it on a youtube video and there's no evidence that anybody just goofed and lied to a Grand Jury or tampered with witnesses, but there's still plenty of time for that and more to happen. mudbug: "Clinton was not involved." There's leadership for you!
It's typical for such decisions to be made by experienced career professionals. mudbug: And as you pointed out, the US is a net importer of uranium, 20% of production is not a small amount. The deal represented about 20% of U.S. production capacity. The U.S. produces about 11% of consumption. Do the math. The U.S. imports nearly all its uranium, and the U.S. mine at issue has poor grade ore, and produces very little. mudbug: Of course, we have already seen that even though it is not supposed to leave the US, some of it already has - and who should be surprised since we are dealing with a Russian criminal enterprise. It's processed in Canada and brought back to the U.S. for consumption. The reason the Russians wanted the deal was to acquire associated mines in Kazakhstan. mudbug: Hillary is Putin's "enemy" because he hates her because she is loathsome. Hillary is also the Republican's "enemy" because she wants to impose stupid ideas of Obama's and her own on the people of the US. That doesn't mean that Putin and the Republicans are friends.
No. But if you consider Hillary an "enemy" (rather than a political opponent who is nevertheless on the same team), then it means that Republican interests align with Russians. mudbug: Now if the Republicans implemented policies that were friendly to Putin ... The Trump Administration HAS tilted towards autocratic Russia while sowing chaos among long-time democratic alliances. mudbug: So far, there is no evidence that anybody was involved in those minor matters of people getting killed over inept or criminal mismanagement
There's no evidence of criminal mismanagement, but rather simple bureaucratic bungling, along with an ambassador who was taking inordinate chances in an effort to help the Libyan people. mudbug: there's no evidence that anybody just goofed and lied to a Grand Jury or tampered with witnesses
Yes, Bill Clinton was found in civil contempt for lying about sex. mudbug: You're right. We're in agreement then. There's no evidence of significance at this point. |
Tracked: Jan 19, 19:31