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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, January 18. 2018Thursday morning links Toon via Situational Ethics Gorgeous Images of the Planet Jupiter Did America Get Fat by Listening to Government Experts? How much disease has been caused by the Food Pyramid? In the coldest village on Earth, eyelashes freeze and thermometers break UMass Amherst restricts free speech to 1 hour during lunch. New lawsuit aims to change that. Feminist Enraged That Chip and Joanna Gaines Are Having Another Child Claim: People with Big Families Should be Ashamed, We Need More Migrants "Haiti is a shithole. Perhaps he was somewhat vulgar and less than presidential in his delivery, but here’s the important question: is he wrong?" Kimball: Of home truths and shitholes You think Democrats want to fix immigration? Dream on! No, Jaylen Brown, Racism Is Not Why Blacks Underperform in School Apple To Contribute $350 Billion To US Economy Over Next 5 Years, Create 20,000 New Jobs Silicon Valley Will Pay the Price for Its Lefty Leanings. A lawsuit alleges that Google discriminated against conservatives. It won't end well for Google. Blain: "Joke About His Weight And Porn Stars, But You've Got To Admit: Trump Is Changing Stuff" Health Truthers: Media Pushing Conspiracy Theories to Prove Trump Is Deathly Ill and Also Insane Trackbacks
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The images of jupiter were beautiful, reminds me of the skies in certain Van Ghogh paintings. Starry starry night comes to mind as well as, Wheat Field with cypresses.
America got fat because everybody quit smoking. (Well, almost everybody)
Why are the elites so stupid? I believe that Orwell pointed out that you have to be fairly intelligent to believe nonsense such as scientific socialism and history as a metaphysical force. Nothing has changed and the elites still believe nonsense.
It does not require a great deal of intelligence, only a firm and convicted belief that you are more intelligent than those who have tried the ideas in the past and failed at it.
Thus the response to the empirical conclusion that socialism doesn't work is usually given as "It has never really been tried." It's due to the leftist bubble they all inhabit, and the party line they must obey.
Part of it is having the verbal fluency to convince yourself and others that the reality staring you in the face isn't really the reality.
An SJW FB acquaintance was recently opining that the reason schools were being canceled for snow (a great inconvenience to working mothers like her. Gotta have that state-provided daycare, I mean, education) was because the city didn't allocate enough resources to plow all the roads in the poorer areas of town so the buses couldn't get through, therefore requiring school to be canceled citywide. Of course it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Louisville averages only around a foot of snow a year, rarely sees more than a few inches of snow in any one event, and usually sees any accumulated snow melt in about a week so obtaining the amount of equipment needed to plow the streets in a few hours is unreasonable use of public funds. They can't help it. They are educated that way.
QUOTE: The fading of the critical sense is a serious menace to the preservation of our civilization. It makes it easy for quacks to fool the people. It is remarkable that the educated strata are more gullible than the less educated. The most enthusiastic supporters of Marxism, Nazism, and Fascism were the intellectuals, not the boors. The intellectuals were never keen enough to see the manifest contradictions of their creeds. It did not in the least impair the popularity of Fascism that Mussolini in the same speech praised the Italians as the representatives of the oldest Western civilization and as the youngest among the civilized nations. No German nationalist minded it when dark-haired Hitler, corpulent Goering, and lame Goebbels were praised as the shining representatives of the tall, slim, fair-haired, heroic Aryan master race. Is it not amazing that many millions of non-Russians are firmly convinced that the Soviet regime is democratic, even more democratic than America? von Mises, Ludwig (1945). Bureaucracy And they've no objective measures to reveal their self deception in their poorly thought out chatterings. QUOTE: The reason of this is that, being automatic, they [the prevailing methods of education] lead neither to the discovery of truth nor to the detection of error. It is easy to juggle with words, to argue in a circle, to make the worse appear the better reason, and to reach false conclusions which wear a plausible aspect. But it is not so with things. If a cylinder is not tight the steam engine is a lifeless mass of iron of no value whatsoever. A flaw in the wheel of the locomotive wrecks the train. Through a defective flue in the chimney the house is set on fire. A lie in the concreted is always hideous; like murder, it will out. Hence it is that the mind is liable to fall into grave errors until it is fortified by the wise counsel of the practical hand. —Charles H. Ham, Mind and Hand: manual training, the chief factor in education (1900) You think after marrying the absolutely stunning Melania Trump would want to cheat with a sleazy porn star? Um, no.
Miss T, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you regarding men if you think having a delicious piece of chocolate curbs the appetite for the whole box. And perhaps some worse news regarding the sexual dynamics of power/power dynamics of sex. Men are pigs. Even the ones who aren't pigs are pigs.
I will repeat: "with a porn star? No." I stand by this comment.
You can pretend 'all men are pigs,' but I happened to be married to one who is not, and have 3 adult boys who are not either. No, they would not be interested in sex with a sleazy porn star. Just because YOU would, please don't denigrate the rest of men because of your values. Some men is, some men ain't.We are still just animals of broad variety.
Women included also,almost forgot.Ha,,
2018-01-18 23:30
Not all of us males are pigs, especially those of us who were cheated on in a past relationship. I would never be unfaithful to my wife, because I still remember how painful it was to be on the receiving end even though it's now almost 40 years ago. If I get placed in a temptation situation where someone is sending signals in my direction, almost immediately that pain comes back up inside me as to what cheating means and it stops me cold from responding to the temptation.
"men are pigs"
I suppose. I suppose all humans are pigs. I think what was intended to be conveyed in that statement was that men will sometimes pick unlikely or unsuitable romantic partners. And yet when it comes to women's choice of a romantic partner we are often left to ponder, "what the hell was she thinking?" But then too we in our society are willing and eager to point out a man's expression of his sexuality but it is considered impolite to do so for a woman. You have seen those videos of spring break I assume or some of the worse stuff I would probably get censored for saying here. The point is that both men and women are pigs AND they are simply human. You can call them names for what they do or clutch your pearls etc. but it's just the nature of the variabilities of human's sexual desire. I was searching for a book yesterday in St. Vinny's. It's all shelved by author's last name. So I came across "50 Shades of Gray" and picked it up to see what's in it. Sure enough things you cannot write or say in polite company and left me wondering "who does these things". I assume it is fiction but I doubt anything in it hasn't been tried and perhaps commonly tried by both genders. It's called the Coolidge Effect.
Of course Dems want to fix immigration. Fix, as in "fixed in place", "permanent"; not "repaired" or "improved".
Black Educational Underperformance: I've read that West Indies blacks do better in school than American blacks. Lends some credibility to the possibility that culture is part of the problem. Link from the Jaylen Brown article: Editor's Review of John U. Ogbu's Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement.
Colin Powell is a good example. (Family immigrated from the West Indies.)
I still wish he had run for president on the GOP ticket against Clinton. I think our history would be different today if he had become the first black president. After Reagan, he was the last candidate I got excited about. I would definitely have volunteered on his campaign, and he would have smashed Bill Clinton. Haven't thought much positive about anyone since then. Too bad he withdrew, I think he was very qualified for the office. Sadly, he went on to be a good camper during the Bush II administration, and ended up ruining his reputation, which is sad. And now he's understandably a bitter guy. The Gaines are having another child (for SHAME!!), and Shame on Big Families, We Need more Migrants. I see cognitive dissonance here.
Re black educational performance. Blacks believe they are victims. In 2000 the NAACP had a celebration on 50 years of Brown vs. Board of Education and Bill Cosby was keynote speaker. Cosby didn't do a comedy act but rather the riot act. He got on them about the high crime rate, the high illegitimacy rate, the high school drop out rate, etc. When Cosby finished, the head of the NAACP went to the podium and said these problems were not the fault of the black community. In other words, the blacks are victims, presumably of the evil white man. Cosby was severely criticized for his speech, but he didn't back down. In a later radio interview he said that if you keep blaming other people for you problems, nothing will get better.
Which goes to show that not only can a reprobate be right about something (that is really obvious, especially if you listen to Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams), but that the NAACP is not really interested in helping "people of color" because if they believe they actually can make it, their status of Democratic pet would go away.
Academic/American University's BS
Finally, it gives me hope to see that this article can finally be published in the elite academic journal (Chronicle of Higher Education. Finally--the question is is it too late? Do we have any young people under 35 years of age who will even care or understand the difference between a quality education and what they are paying $200k for today? I personally think we have tipped the fulcrum too far -- but, maybe. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Higher-Education-Is-Drowning/242195?cid=trend_right_a Man Who Offered Reward For Information On The Murder Of Seth Rich Violently Attacked.
QUOTE: A well-known conservative lobbyist was sprayed with a “caustic substance” by a masked attacker outside his Arlington home Tuesday, according to local police. Jack Burkman, who made headlines in 2016 by offering a $130,000 reward for information on the mysterious murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, was reportedly attacked Tuesday. Local police told The Washington Post they have not yet determined the perpetrator’s identity. Burkman told WaPo he was returning from the grocery store when a man wearing a ski mask jumped out of a black SUV, sprayed him in the face with what appeared to be pepper spray, and hit him the head before speeding away. He added that he thought “the end is coming,” when he spotted the man coming up his driveway, and said the attack “seemed professional,” though he had trouble pinning down who exactly might have cause to attack him. If there were no nefarious political motives behind the murder of Seth Rich, then why was Burkman attacked? |