Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, November 8. 2014Polls overwhelmingly against Obama on mass amnestyFrom the report:
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Oktober Brew for November - repostedEarlier this year, my son came home from school and asked me how hard it was to brew beer. This was not a surprising question from a boy who is 17. I still asked him why he wanted to know. His response was related to school (shocking). He said his Chemistry teacher brewed beer. I thought for a moment, and pointed out that cooking was a form of chemistry, so brewing seemed a natural extension. At that point I mentioned a brew kit my brother had purchased for my birthday many years ago. It languished in an apartment closet until we moved to our house, and I never utilized it It was gone, but I asked would he be interested in learning to brew? The answer was robustly affirmative, and we began to look into the purchase of a brew kit. If you have the desire, you can build your own brew kit for about $35. Two 6 gallon Home Depot buckets, a siphon, an airlock, some washers and a small plastic spigot and you're all set to build the kit on your own. The spigot, washers and airlock can all be purchased online. You'll need lids for the Home Depot buckets. You'll need drills to attach the spigot and the airlock. It will take a little time and effort, but would save a little cash. The alternative is to spend about $100, buy the kit ready made along with all the ingredients for your first batch of brew. I opted for the expensive, easier, route. You'll also want to read up on brewing first, too.
Continue reading "Oktober Brew for November - reposted" Asian applicants to American B-SchoolsNot Asian-Americans, but Asians from Asia:
Saturday morning links
22 habits of unhappy people (h/t Insty) Why There Is No Wage Growth: One In Five Jobs Added Was A Waiter Or A Bartender The Pros and Cons of Stock Diversification RC church still stuck on divorce. Cities: Traditional Development Is a Municipal Gold Mine People like human scale and they do not like retail deserts The problem is that rapists don’t care that it’s wrong. Rapists aren’t ignorant; they’re bad. They’re evil. They’re rapists. Gallup: Most Americans trust guns in the home Sen. Tim Scott Calls for a 'Revolution': School Choice Harsh Winter Outlook Made a Bit More Dire by Siberia Snow Tech firms hire a lot of Asians, and the NBA hires a lot of blacks. What’s the big deal? Maine: Stone Brain Rises - The press mocks him, political elites hate him, but the people Hatch: No, the Senate GOP should not “unilaterally disarm” after Reid’s abuses Outrageous 'John Doe' prosecution of Scott Walker supporters in Wisconsin ends It's called lawfare, and it is disgusting Dems need some new ideas with new faces:
I can’t live in Tijuana Norte. Women still fighting the abortion wars. It's over, and has been for a long time. Did The "War on Women" Campaign Actually Kinda Work? Works on low-info voters Election Advice To Dems That They Will Never Ever Take Obama to send 1,500 more troops to Iraq as campaign expand Why is the US involved in these ancient tribal disputes? There is no winning. Hamas attacks Fatah with bombs Top US general: Israel protected civilian lives in Gaza Palestinians' "Car Intifada" and Obama's Peace Process Saturday Verse: Percy Bysshe ShelleyOzymandiasI met a traveller from an antique land Shelley (1792-1822) led one heck of a rebellious life - a classic poet's life full of tragedy, Friday, November 7. 2014The Decline of Western Man (and Woman)
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Repub plansKrauthammer: GOP, Show That You Can Govern - Seize the day and control the agenda Will: The first steps Republicans should take and Coulter's view (video on Hannity) A half millionPerhaps up to a half million new illegals into the US thus far in 2014. I doubt this is what Americans want.
A summary of alarming climate predictions over the years
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Friday morning links 'Trojan Horse' Bug Lurking in Vital US Computers Since 2011 BOOK REVIEW: ‘The Seven Deadly Virtues’ Competitive Eating - video New ICE Website Advises Deported Illegal Aliens On How To Get Back Into The US… Don't Reform The Malpractice System To Reduce Healthcare Costs -- Eliminate It Hooray for the Wave: Now Forget It Dear Republicans: No One Elected You to Work with Democrats TNR: The Democrats Lost Big Tonight. Why Obama Should Double Down Nobody Can Govern America from the Left: The Real Midterm-Elections Lesson Rx for ObamaCare: Republicans must perform radical surgery From here:
How Ted Cruz Exposed the Free-Speech Haters Issa: Document dump shows Holder ‘at the heart’ of Fast and Furious debate Promoting "British Values" by Curbing Free Speech British Police Failing to Arrest Muslim Sex Offenders Caliphate In Europe: Sweden Cedes Control Of Muslim Areas Marine commanders reflect on 13 years of war in Afghanistan Erdogan's Book of Defeat The Hollow Coalition - Washington's Timid European Allies Thursday, November 6. 2014Political quote du JourPeople voted "for an agenda very different from what they want and need." Sen. Bernie Sanders Quite different, perhaps, from what his poor Vermonters "need and want" which seems mostly to be free stuff, no jobs, single mothers on welfare, and plentiful meth and heroin. Thank God for our moral and intellectual superiors. We would be lost without them, just like the Pilgrims and the American pioneers were.
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How To Lie With Statistics - CPI StyleHow to Lie With Statistics was the first book I was required to read when I was studying for my Master's in Economics. The book wasn't designed to show us how to lie, but to make a point. It's easy to lie with statistics. 100% of the time. 60% of the time, lying works all the time. It's all about positioning. Al Franken cut his teeth by showing how Republicans lied using tricky graphing techniques, then started using his own special brand of lying to continue to hoodwink his constituents. The book was really designed to get students to think about context. When I present data, I never present just data, I present context. It's not enough to say that Man-Made Global Warming correlates with the reduction in pirate activity. We all know correlation is not causation, the context of why the lack of piracy is causing Global Warming is critical. I recently posted about why interest rates won't rise. Part of that discussion continued on in the comments section, regarding inflation and savings. Normally, interest rates are slightly higher than inflation (positive real interest rates), and typically fall below the rate of inflation when the economy is in a rut (negative real interest rates, when people spend more than they save, driving up inflation but eventually causing interest rates to rise in order to attract savings). Yet we have not seen a general rise in inflation or interest rates in the last few years. There are many reasons for this, and those reasons are helping to keep real interest rates negative and low. If we knew the truth, we'd probably see more consumers behave differently, and it's likely the Fed couldn't continue engaging its policy of printing more money. But hiding inflation is exceedingly easy to do. Especially if you utilize hedonic adjustments, which is one of many methods used to delude the populace. Hedonic adjustments can be justifiable. For example, if a regular banana costs $1, but a banana that keeps you full all day and meets your minimum daily health needs is only $5, it would appear the 'cost' of a banana is 400% higher than it should be, if you want to live. However, if it takes 10 regular bananas to match what you can get from 1 $5 banana, then you've actually realized a 50% decrease in price! Hedonics DO make sense,when in the realm of productivity gains for the consumer. However, as the linked article from Zero Hedge points out, you can use 'enjoyment quality' to make a 400% increase actually appear to be a 7.1% decrease. You get no real additional value out of a 42 inch plasma TV that you didn't get from a 27 inch LCD. But the government can quantify and justify that the price you paid was actually LESS for the big screen plasma, even if it wasn't. Voila! You've saved money by spending more! Looking at the list of areas where hedonic adjustments are applied show a variety of useless of price decreases, simply so the government can imply regularly that you are spending less than you really are. It helps our politicians maintain "the money illusion." This benefits them, allowing them to engage Keynes' famous quote, “Lenin (the founder of the former communist Soviet Union) was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose”. So yes, technically our inflation rate has been far higher than you realize, and the Fed has been making your savings worth less and less each year. No, it probably won't end well, so enjoy it while you can, and remember to try and find the contextual support for any government data. There usually isn't any.
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Real Progress: "Now let's work together to get things done" on a bipartisan basisAt Neoneo:
Bipartisanship to get what "jobs done"? Oh, it's about "progress." Althouse:
When progress means more Federal money, power, control, and force, it's not progress: it's regression towards feudalism. I have some ideas about "jobs to be done" on the federal level which would mean progress to me: Fix tort law, install a universal flat tax with no deductions and maybe a negative tax for the very poor and hopeless and helpless (or should that be left to the states?), secure the US border, deport illegals and be more welcoming of valuable legals, revise Obamacare to voluntary with a meaningful mix of options, eliminate the useless Federal Dept of Education, eliminate Death Taxes, make unionizing federal employees illegal, get rid of the failed war on drugs, eliminate the Dept of Homeland Security, shrink the EPA back to its original purpose, eliminate all farm subsidies including the ethanol scam and the sugar scam, eliminate all federal subsidies for flood insurance, eliminate the Dept of Commerce (except for NOAA), eliminate the ATF, tighten oversight for Disability, quit funding the UN, put a tight leash on the NSA, ban all government drones domestically along with banning the militarization of police, put NASA back in space - or privatize it, find a way to felonize crony capitalism, eliminate the Dept of HUD, restructure Social Security, get our military out of Europe and Japan and let them fend for themselves, get the federal government out of the mortgage market entirely, eliminate corporate taxes and make the US a corporate tax haven for the world (economic effects would be amazing), shut down the Fed and let markets work freely for better or worse without central efforts at control...and that's just for starters. Let's get all those jobs done in a nice bipartisan way, ok? If there was ever a time to reach fearlessly, it's now. It might be a narrow window for real progress. Scott Ott: No, Sen. Reid, Americans Don’t Want Washington to ‘Work Together’, ‘Get Things Done’? What progress is on your wish list, my fellow Americans?
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Thursday morning linksImage above stolen from House of Eratosthenes A 1999 book: Jefferson in Love: The Love Letters Between Thomas Jefferson and Maria Cosway Should You Really Be Drinking All That Water? Sultan: The Unbearable Lightness of Feminism The Real Election Winner: Weed California Voters Make Possession of Most Drugs a Misdemeanor Offense Cheer up, Dems: Chicken soup for the Democratic soul Walker’s Win - Why it was the most important GOP victory in the country Why no one can beat Scott Walker. 28 senators who voted for Obamacare and won't be part of new Senate Teachers unions spend, lose big on midterm elections Ben Shapiro: Post-Election, Conservatives Must Stop Amnesty How Do Hispanics Really View Immigration Reform?
Mia Love, the Obama of the Republican Party? No, Sen. Reid, Americans Don’t Want Washington to ‘Work Together’, ‘Get Things Done’? Current congressional map below via Other McCain
Wednesday, November 5. 2014Are your sexual fantasies normal?
As a Psychiatrist, I can tell you that quite normal people commonly contain all sorts of aberrant and "abnormal" fantasies which they would never act on or tell even their spouses about. For what it's worth, Sexual fantasies: Are you normal? Addendum, There Are Very Few 'Uncommon' Sexual Fantasies:
Our fireWe were fortunate not to have sustained any property damage to our family's summer place in the Sierras. Here's a story about September's King Fire: 1600 YARDS TO FREEDOM
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Hawaii volcano picsThe Political CoresLike some of you, I've been reading about the election from all corners of the web: Left, Conservative, MSM, etc. One take-home I get from it all is that the Dem core, on which they rely for votes and/or money, consists of single women, billionaires and multi-millionaires, "old money", crony capitalists, Wall St. millionaires, unionistas, Hollywood and its allies and sycophants, black Americans, government-dependent Americans, and urban white Liberals (including nice gentry Liberals, and academics, students, and college townspeople). That's not news, but I just find it interesting. I can't really relate to any of those bloc-voting components. The other take-home I get is that those people have an incomprehensible hatred and contempt for ordinary hard-working and entrepreneurial people like me. Why? I do not hate them, and it is unlikely that they would hate me if they met me. I happily work 14-hour days to build our business and to employ and supervise the new people we need. Our major challenges to continuing growth are competition (good) and government (bad).
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Wednesday morning linksElection results, race by race and county by county WaPo: Battle for the Senate: How the GOP did it Scott Walker: "In America, we take a day off to celebrate the 4th of July, and not the 15th of April, because in America, we celebrate our independence from the government, not our dependence on it." And Mia Love won too. Brokaw: Once Republicans Win the Senate, What Are They Willing to Surrender to Democrats On? A Step-By-Step Approach To Congress' 2015 ObamaCare Strategy String Theory: Now Circling the Drain 'Best whisky in the world' prize won by Japanese single malt for first time as Scottish distilleries lose out Why support erodes for GMO labeling (Hint: It’s not because of spending by Big Ag) The Art of Not Working at Work The #StreetHarassment Meme and #Feminism’s Kafkatrapping Tactics What We’ve Learned From Our Open Border VDH: Sizing America Up - In today’s foreign-relations climate, even a Jimmy Carter would seem like a godsend. The Pentagon's Greatest Challenge (And It's Not ISIS or China) Europe’s Moment of Blinding Strategic Clarity The Immigrant Traffickers’ Club Med Extremism Disruption Orders: The End of Britain as a Free Nation The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel Arizona instructor claims U.S. military 'greater threat' to peace than ISIS The Islamic State is raising an army of child soldiers, and the West could be fighting them for generations to come A Sad State of Affairs: The Kerry Record The Jew of Nations: The Global Demonization of Israel Tuesday, November 4. 2014Why Interest Rates Can't Rise
It's not uncommon to hear Fed officials and politicians deny that we are monetizing debt. Technically, we are not. We issue debt, the debt gets purchased, and the Fed (which is essentially a private institution, though it's really a quasi-governmental institution) buys it back. Normally government debt is held by the public, which is why economic analysis of the old "crowding out" problem was so prevalent. By keeping interest rates low, and repurchasing debt, the appearance of private ownership is maintained, but it is a roundabout method of monetizing debt. Allowing rates to rise to any meaningful degree will have severe negative impacts, in the short term. Since we are in a politically driven economy, this cannot be allowed to occur, so interest rates must remain artificially low. Of course, the long term ramifications of monetizing debt are inflation (followed by deflation) and severe misallocation of economic resources. In other words, bankruptcies, unemployment and a financial morass. Not to mention the end of an expectation of comfortable retirement (how can you retire on a fixed income if interest rates are below 1%?). Don't expect interest rates to move up any time soon, and don't expect any reporting of realistic inflation. Just vote for the guy/gal who will shovel the most tax money toward you. Evolution confusion
No, I am not talking about intelligent design and all that. Also, I understand that evolutionary theories (of which there are several) say nothing about "progress," just adaptation to current conditions. It's just that I find the science and the logic of it all puzzling. So did the fine essayist Stephen Jay Gould. I enjoyed this, but had to read it twice: Challenges to Neo- Darwinism and Their Meaning for a Revised View of Human Consciousness Guy goes to make his pointless vote
surrounded, at the polls, by busloads of Aztecs and Mayans.
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Tuesday morning linksAbout a book: Your God is Too Small From Salon, The sad, twisted truth about conservative Christianity’s effect on the mind - "Some religious beliefs may alter brain function, making us more prone to anxiety and depression" Good grief 22 Vintage Adverts That Would Be Banned Today (h/t SDA) What A 1951 Photo Tells Us About Modern Women’s Loss Of Power It’s the greatest achievement in human history, and one you probably never heard about Harvard University To Teach Students How To Have Anal Sex… Yes, Really… I thought that was taught in grade school nowadays Shocking Report: Colleges Want more Government Money What It’s Like To Face The LGBT Inquisition - Dare to question the new moral majority, and you will face an LGBT Inquisition. A bisexual son of lesbian parents speaks up. Broadcast networks cover Kochs 22 times more than election’s top funder Steyer Why If It Damages America, It's Good for Democrats A new young batch of Conservative women House Republicans could see their first black, gay members in years
Rand Paul courts the black vote I like Rand. For political figurehead purposes, it's too bad he's a little dude who looks like Harpo From Race and Reaction
That's a wow. I have never seen any racial discrimination in my personal life, or any racial tension either so I suspect politicians and media gin it up to keep an old narrative looking alive. Obama Calls Republicans ‘Un-American’ In Late Election Appeal to Black Voters Does the president really want black people to hate me? That is sick. Ben Stein: Obama ‘Is The Most Racist President There Has Ever Been’ Disparate Impact Rebuked By Federal Judge – Court Rebukes The Next AG Nominee, Tom Perez and The Social Engineering Construct He’s Pushing… Reflections on the Closing of the Russian Mind Italy’s in terminal decline, and no one has the guts to stop it - Everything that’s wrong with France is worse here Great place to visit, though - wonderful in every way Taliban trying to destabilize region beyond Afghanistan Below via WUWT: UN Climate Panel: Phase Out Fossil Fuels ‘Almost Entirely’ by 2100 They are insane. Most people pray for some global warming, but it never arrives. Leading Climate Scientist Bemoans Chicken Little Green Advocacy Monday, November 3. 2014Why This Election MattersDo not vote tomorrowDo not vote unless you understand the issues at hand. Too many low-info voters in the USA who should stay home. I will vote, although I know my small vote makes no difference. I enjoy seeing my neighbors at the polls at 6 am, with my Dunkin in one hand and my photo ID in the other. Related, the NYT wants to suppress your vote. In fact, they do not want a vote available at all. Related, Don't 'Vote for the Candidate' "Voting for the candidate" is plain ignorant Related: Surveys on playing the race card at election time Related, Political ignorance around the world
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