22 habits of unhappy people (h/t Insty)
Forgiving God?
Why There Is No Wage Growth: One In Five Jobs Added Was A Waiter Or A Bartender
The Pros and Cons of Stock Diversification
The Corporate Neighborhood
RC church still stuck on divorce.
Cities: Traditional Development Is a Municipal Gold Mine
People like human scale and they do not like retail deserts
The problem is that rapists don’t care that it’s wrong. Rapists aren’t ignorant; they’re bad. They’re evil. They’re rapists.
Gallup: Most Americans trust guns in the home
Sen. Tim Scott Calls for a 'Revolution': School Choice
Harsh Winter Outlook Made a Bit More Dire by Siberia Snow
Tech firms hire a lot of Asians, and the NBA hires a lot of blacks. What’s the big deal?
Maine: Stone Brain Rises - The press mocks him, political elites hate him, but the people
of Maine like Paul LePage even more than they did four years ago.
Hatch: No, the Senate GOP should not “unilaterally disarm” after Reid’s abuses
Outrageous 'John Doe' prosecution of Scott Walker supporters in Wisconsin ends
It's called lawfare, and it is disgusting
Dems need some new ideas with new faces:
Democrats see themselves as the party of the future. But their policies are antique. The federal minimum wage dates to 1938, equal pay for women to 1963, access to contraceptives to 1965. Raising these issues now is campaign gimmickry, not serious policymaking.
I can’t live in Tijuana Norte.
Women still fighting the abortion wars. It's over, and has been for a long time.
Did The "War on Women" Campaign Actually Kinda Work?
Works on low-info voters
Election Advice To Dems That They Will Never Ever Take
Obama to send 1,500 more troops to Iraq as campaign expand
Why is the US involved in these ancient tribal disputes? There is no winning.
Hamas attacks Fatah with bombs
Top US general: Israel protected civilian lives in Gaza
Palestinians' "Car Intifada" and Obama's Peace Process
Tracked: Nov 09, 08:50