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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, August 13. 2011Political quote du jour: Big Lies"...in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying." Socialist politician Adolf Hitler, as quoted in American Thinker's The Democrats' Big Lie Insty's Tenth AnniversayWith some comments about fun with the internet: Saturday morning links
Mike Adams - This Year Keep Your Kids Home From College Can We Make Jurassic Park Yet? Rome police arrest Colosseum 'gladiator' gang Krauthammer: The system is not broken Anti-Semitism, Political Correctness and the New York Times—20 Years Later George Soros Sued for $50M by 28-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend; Says He Slapped, Choked Her While in Bed VDH: The President's Stale Sermons Surber: Double-down Democrats:
'Britain needs to ask itself why it is so hated' says New York Times The Left Owns the Election Law Industry Morning Jay: Obama Has No Clue What To Do With Himself Kling: The New Commanding Heights The Smithsonian Life List: 43 Places to See Before You Die Tyrrell: The Growing Bipartisan Consensus on Obama Via Michelle:
A taste of the California Sierra, yesterdayI am still up in the mountains, with marginal communications with civilization and rare internet service. A party line phone, and no cell service. I do have a rocking chair on the porch.
Friday, August 12. 2011Hey, you Obama- voting college studentsAfter Graduation, Get a Job Immediately, or Else:
There always were consequences. Adult life is not child's play unless you have a good-sized trust fund. Of course, you can always do liberal arts grad study in England: they are desperate for suckers. Afterwards, you can wait tables or join riots to burn down some entrepreneurial Paki's fruit stand or some struggling family's haberdashery. The academic bubble is not bursting, but it is a slow, steady leak which will leave many would-be paid scholars unemployed. My best advice, which is worth exactly what you pay for it, is to get a real productive job and to pursue your scholarly interests on your own, as most people have done in the past. It's going to be difficult to get paid for a hobby in the near future. No free ride unless you are a Talmud scholar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, married to a rich wife.
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Part II: Only The Names And The Dates ChangeA friend sent me this YouTuber, from 1952. As I said, only the names and the dates change. The YouTube notes are fascinating, below. Remember the ditty, Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight?
$97 per hour (US)Picked up my car from service today. They charged me $97/per hour for labor. I remember when auto repair was $17/hour, 20/hr if you watched, 25/hour if you helped. Well, my gunsmith charges $150/hr, and my local electronics repair joint charges $200 now. There definitely is an economic case for learning how to do something that people need.
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Best newspaper in the State of Maine
Here's a story: Let He Who Has Never Waved A Gun At A Stranger In A Dunkin’ Donuts Parking Lot Cast The First Stone And Resign Your Seat In The House or this: Elderly Maine Residents Always Seem To Be In The Last Place You Look For Them. or this: Cape Elizabeth Man Is Granted Wish, Will Receive 46 Blissful Months Without NPR It's the real Maine: warts, Welfare, meth labs, lobsters, and all.
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Pigeons on the boats, alas
Wellfleet Harbor. The owners are tough, muscular, hard-working SOBs with tats and sexy girlfriends. Survivors. They drink and smoke and try not to die by drowning. It is traditional that fishermen cannot swim: there is no point to it. Fishermen do not go to the beach.
Friday morning links
...once you’re in the world of work, nobody cares about college pedigrees. It's about results. Sipp: Housing Delenda Est Simon: The Mystery of the Forty Percent. It's the cigarettes. Will: Britain tackles the welfare state
Condell: "You are like rats who shit in their own nest.... You pathetic pampered human vermin." Wonderful rant about Britain's pond scum. Obama: Something is wrong with country's politics Or with the country's policies? Rove: What Obama should do...but won't Driscoll: ‘The Sun Never Sets On The British Welfare System’ ‘Made in the USA’ Requirement Pushed As Job-Creator for California Brilliant! Mayor Nutter: Uncle Tom. A quote from his speech:
Insty: ON THIS WEEK’S INSTAVISION, I celebrate 10 years of blogging and talk about where the blogosphere has been, and where it’s going. Via Carpe: Thursday, August 11. 2011The seals of New England, with a free ad for The Wellfleet Beachcomber
We have two species, the Harbor Seal and the Grey Seal. The Grey Seals are not uncommon along the Cape Cod ocean beaches. Last summer, they were swimming around 15-20 feet from us, perhaps thinking we were some new sort of seal. They are big, curious, and harmless. On a drizzly day last week, Mrs. BD and I hiked the beach from Newcomb's Hollow to Cahoon's Hollow (and back). We saw quite a few Greys in the water, looking almost like swimming black Labs. Signs advise people that it is a crime to harass the seals, but there are no signs telling the seals not to harass the people. One effect of the growing seal populations is that they attract the big sharks, Great Whites, Hammerheads, and others. Big sharks, of course, cannot distinguish a seal from a swimmer, but shark attacks are not really a problem, despite Jaws. When you see fins ("she's getting four stars from the road"), just get out of the water and read Moby Dick on the beach until they go away. Photo above is a Grey Seal, resting on a beach. Photo below is the crowded Cahoon's Hollow beach last week, in Wellfleet. Yes, we did have lunch at The Beachcomber. Duh. Sipp told me he used to pretend to play bass guitar in his band there. They specialize in blues and reggae, nightly during the summer. It feels like a Key West bar - quite cheerful and relaxed - and the seafood is pretty good. If you are under 50, be there or be square... but the music is too late at night for me. A few pics of the Wellfleet Beachcomber below the fold, for Sipp's amusement - Continue reading "The seals of New England, with a free ad for The Wellfleet Beachcomber" Wicked desiresA Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire. I have heard them all. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Brit degeneracyImage below via Englishman: Theodore Dalrymple - British Degeneracy on Parade:
From EU Ref: A nation scared of its own children? In Britain, crime is easy Q&O: It’s the collectivist that are the problem, not the individualists Horrid Leftist Erica Payne Defends Rioters, Looters and Thieves in London Don't Mention The WarI did once, in front of Mann's Chinese, but I think I got away with it. Name Three Germans! Thursday morning links
The Etiology and Treatment of Childhood Video: Islam's greatest invention Markets in Everything: Union Strike Services San Francisco hosted its first SlutWalk on Saturday, August 6, and I -- along with two fellow sluts -- simply had to go check out this latest protest fad. Another round of questions for polar bear researcher Exposing the failures of the New Elite I think Bookworm is right: It really does seem to be pointless, done for the thrill of it English Riots, Moral Relativism, Gun Control, and the Welfare State NYM: The Dem Party Left looks exactly like a coyote just now Mike Huckabee Doubles Down: Obama Has A “Different Worldview” From The Rest Of Us A small pond, WellfleetPond at the South Wellfleet Audubon, last week. This is really a dammed-up small stream, dammed by dirt farmers a century or two ago and not a natural pond. Wellfleet's natural ponds, large enough for sailing Sunfishes, are deep, clear kettle ponds which are eminently swimmable: Wednesday, August 10. 2011Apparently we, the people, failed ObamaHarsanyi: Sorry, Guys, There Are No More Kings. Oftentimes, like Harsanyi, I cannot fathom the crap I read from the MSM.
As in the case of the pitiful Maureen Dowd. What asteroid does she live on? I don't have the time or the patience to point out every error of logic and fact in her piece. It is just mind-boggling. She needs to get out in the world a little.
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"The breakdown of the family lies behind all other urban dysfunction."From Heather: Back to the Future on Poverty Policy - Mayor Bloomberg’s latest program is a greatest-hits package of failed ideas. One quote:
Bloomberg, Soros, et al are insane. That's not a diagnosis: it means that they are not in reality. I doubt that either of them have ever sat down and talked to a 16 year-old single high school drop-out mother of three who happily and willingly consigned herself and her kids to a life of dependency and dysfunction. Have a kid? Get your own apartment! And a check from the city! And free medical care and food stamps! Why not? Their moms did the same thing. Normalization of dysfunction and dependency. The government incentives are perverse, and it's on our nickel.
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Reporting Rioting and LootingI'm not an expert about the rioting and looting in England, but I take the reporting from there with a grain of salt. Why? Editors usually have a theme they impose upon stories. The scale of England's will require careful and honest examination. Meanwhile, a New York Times reporter who covered the riot, violence and looting in Brooklyn's Crown Heights in 1991 just finally broke silence about the shoddy and misleading theme imposed by the NYT editors. It's worth reading: Telling It Like It Wasn't. A free ad for Bob, on my birthday: "The Devil's in the alley, mule's in the stall..."One of his best, I think. 1997, such a short time ago. Song brings tears to my eyes. Even if you aren't a fan, give this a try - do it for me, your Editor Dog in Chief:
A free ad for Aunt Sukie'sSue and Dan gave me permission to post this free ad for Aunt Sukie's, which is the extended BD family's favorite B&B in Wellfleet - or on the entire Cape, for that matter. My parents have stayed there, as have my son and his bride. When the kids were young, we'd always rent a house (which permitted dogs) for a week or ten days - often large enough to accommodate friends and relatives too. Now, Mrs. BD and I often travel alone and, happily, we like to do exactly the same things (mostly). We don't need a whole house, and 4-5 days suffice for our annual doses of cold salt water swimming, fresh Wellfleet oysters, and touching base with our old haunts plus always adding one or two new ones. (Last year, we went twice to bracket our trip to Austria and Germany - and to drag Gwynnie and spouse up to the Cape). Anyway, we love to stay at Aunt Sukie's. Why bother owning a place, when you can go where you want anytime and leave the worry and maintenance to others? (And I am always cognizant of Thoreau's admonition about the dangers of one's possessions owning you.) Besides the setting and their antique house with Sue's beautiful cottage gardens, Sue and Dan are truly gracious and enjoyable hosts. They have to be gracious to put up with a neanderthal right-wing nut like me. One of the best things about Aunt Sukie's (named after Sue's great-great something aunt who once owned the house in 1830) are the guests you meet there at breakfast. I don't know how they get the guests they get, but they are blessed. Interesting, accomplished people from all over the world who aren't looking for a pretentious Four Seasons Resort with a heated swimming pool. The atmosphere is such that, after a breakfast or two together at the big table, you all tend to become instant temporary pals and are exchanging tips about how to spend the day energetically and fruitfully. It's not fancy (small rooms, no Jacuzzis, etc); it's simple New England-style in the best sense. For those for whom it matters, they do have a Dartmouth College room available too in the old part of the place. View from our bedroom deck towards your private beach, with Great Island in the background:
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Weds. morning links2011 Perseid meteor shower is best seen tonight After Attack, Reclusive Amazon Tribe Feared Missing Our reader's pastor is spending his sabbatical riding rails Budget cuts and loss of revenues don’t necessarily mean worse education. Small-business owners say that they have jobs but can't find qualified people. Federal Reserve to Markets: You’re On Your Own Now Wisconsin GOP Holds Off Democrats in Recall Elections. At PJ, What the GOP Victory in Wisconsin Means Mossad's Miracle Weapon - Stuxnet Virus Opens New Era of Cyber War Obama fundraises while markets slide. And, of course, At Fundraiser Obama Blames Bush and Europe For the Country’s Problems Frank Luntz: “I think his re-election is in jeopardy” Barack Obama has led a singularly low-impact life. There are good reasons Psychiatrists should think twice before making sweeping comments about those with whom they disagree politically.. Interview: Mark Steyn on After America (Transcript Added) Obama Gets a Blank Check for Endless War - Record numbers of U.S. troops are dying under Obama, but the anti-war movement is nowhere to be found. On Palin: It ain’t Harvard. But then it ain’t arrogant, condescending, and flat-out wrong, either. Tuesday, August 9. 2011Looting In England Now Entirely Out Of Control
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Wasted And Useful LivesIsn't it time for the New York Times to run another 10,000 word essay about how any minute everyone is going to flee the suburbs and flock to the cities, because we all know the quality of life is so low out there in the sticks? The (Insert name of city) riots.
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Tuesday morning links
Deaf man complains nudist festival would not provide interpreter Until this week, I didn't know that Israel was once a paradise. Joe Bastardi Calls Manmade CO2 Global Warming “An Obvious Fraud”:
Dino: Two and a half years wasted 30,000 college students kicked out of food aid program in Michigan How Much Should Teachers Make? Who Cares!
A taste of Romney: Obama’s Horrible, No Good Day: Romney Speaks on S&P Downgrade
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