What is worth preserving? A Preservationist's Dilemma
...once you’re in the world of work, nobody cares about college pedigrees.
It's about results.
Sipp: Housing Delenda Est
Simon: The Mystery of the Forty Percent. It's the cigarettes.
Will: Britain tackles the welfare state
The shrinkage of government is supposed to be more severe here than in America, where the supposedly “savage,” “draconian,” etc., cuts recently agreed to mean that for a decade Washington must scrape by on $43.7 trillion rather than $46.1 trillion. Really.
The British state is morbidly obese. For a third consecutive year, government will spend more than half the gross domestic product — partly because half of all jobs created during the 13 years of Labor Party governance that ended in May 2010 were in the public sector.
Britain’s debt, now 62 percent of GDP, is scheduled to rise to 71 percent in 2013-14 before declining. Government devours 47 percent of national income.
Condell: "You are like rats who shit in their own nest.... You pathetic pampered human vermin."
Wonderful rant about Britain's pond scum.
Obama: Something is wrong with country's politics
Or with the country's policies?
Rove: What Obama should do...but won't
Driscoll: ‘The Sun Never Sets On The British Welfare System’
‘Made in the USA’ Requirement Pushed As Job-Creator for California
Mayor Nutter: Uncle Tom. A quote from his speech:
Let me speak plain. That’s part of the problem in the black community. And many other communities. But a particular problem in the black communities, we have too many men making too many babies that they don’t want to take care of and then we end up dealing with your children. We’re not running a big babysitting service. We’re running a big government and a great city. Take care of your children. All of them. All of them.
Insty: ON THIS WEEK’S INSTAVISION, I celebrate 10 years of blogging and talk about where the blogosphere has been, and where it’s going.
Via Carpe:
Tracked: Aug 12, 07:03