Saturday, January 27. 2024
Friday, January 26. 2024
It's been a long road, with many changes over the years (but with no changes to our antique graphic presentation).
We (and "we") has changed plenty over the years. I spose our vision - if there was one - has been to be an eclectic site. Yes, we try to have a daily bulletin board of interesting and/or timely items, but we don't aim to "cover the news," whatever that means.
It can look like a conservative site, but it's intended to be more contrarian. Traditionalist. Skeptical for sure - always because the world is full of BS and propaganda and always was. When the MSM is riding some ideologically-motivated, politically-biased hobby horse, we like to offer other views. Sometimes rightly, sometimes in error, but I still think our perspectives are mostly rational and skeptical.
I do appreciate all of the people who send me links to use. That's good, but it would be fun to have more voluntary writers. People do get worn out by it over time and, if it's no longer fun, why bother? Simpler just to email links to the Editor - little ol' me.
As best I can tell, several millions of people look at our site each year from all over the world (blocked in China I think but not in Norway). That is cool, but there is no vision of what we want to be or become - if anything. Never made one penny from this hobby, and some think that is stupid. Maybe, but I never made a penny from playing tennis either but when I played well, Mrs. BD noticed...
If you have plenty of good content, Substack seems like a place to offer it these days. Getting crowded though. Lots of competition in the arena of public affairs but not many sites love Farmall tractors.
Yeah, always loved our old Farmall except on steeps. Little scary on steeps - not built for our New England hills.
This Lancet paper on ‘dangers of undervaccination’ should never have been published
Why We Went Crazy During the COVID Lockdowns
I didn't
Last year, for Black History Month, Franck Sylvestre was canceled for racial stereotypes even though he’s black
EU Looks To Accelerate Development Of Small Nuclear Reactors
Great News! The Climate Is Much Better Than Predicted. Now We Can Calm Down!
The US Has The Biggest Govt In The History Of The World... By A Very Wide Margin
“The administrative state,” Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts declared in front of the annual gathering of the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, “is the greatest threat to democracy in the United States, and we need to end it.”
The Top 1% Richest Of the Country Feel That Normal Americans Have Too Much Freedom, and That Meat, Fuel, and Electricity Should Be Strictly Rationed to the Lower Orders
Red States Declaring 'I Am Texacus'
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza - but not in Chicago
Trump’s Insults and Rants Mask a Ruthlessly Efficient Campaign
‘Europeans Will Succumb to Islam,’ Says Former Intelligence Chief
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet As the Long Knives REALLY Come Out for Trump
Who Is Winning the War in Gaza?
The October 7 'genocide' video evidence in full
Thursday, January 25. 2024
Police states always install political officers in organizations. Nazis, communists, etc. I am always reminded of the Political Officer in the Hunt for Red October movie.
Yeah, DEI administrators are political officers. It makes sense for employees to fear them.
Roger Kimball discusses Bill Ackman's "touching naivete" and related issues.
It's about 140 square miles - the size of many US towns. Maybe 6 million people packed in it.
Wednesday, January 24. 2024
Tuesday, January 23. 2024
Saturday, January 20. 2024
Green bell peppers are just unripe red bell peppers.
American Dependence: The Rise of Single Parenthood. There’s a strong circumstantial case that welfare benefits increased single parenthood to some extent, but to what extent is difficult to nail down using scientifically rigorous methods.
What Do College Administrators Do?
Why can't Americans make chips?
Biden finally admits border isn’t secure, believes ‘massive changes’ needed: ‘I’m ready to act’
Journalist Uncovers "Shadowy Network" Of NGOs Facilitating US Border Invasion
Infamous ‘Zuckbucks’ Group Tries To Election-Meddle Again — This Time With Federal Tax Dollars
Heritage Foundation President Dishes Truth to Davos Elites
'Someone Is Going To Die Today': Did Daniel Penny Act in Self-Defense?
Cuba's communists blame tiny private sector for their economic mismanagement, hike their taxes 20%
Friday, January 19. 2024
Adding impact to exercise can keep aging bones strong, research indicates
California's attempt at forcing gig workers to become traditional employees backfired by driving many of those workers out of their jobs.
A professor, vice president, and Chief Diversity Officer at Johns Hopkins Medicine created a list of groups she claimed are “privileged.”
"Food Deserts" Rise In Democrat Run Cities As Grocers Leave In Droves
"People are saying it feels like we’re sleepwalking off a cliff... The left is kind of despairing and divided and exhausted...."
TGIF: TimHouthi Chalamet - Trump sweeps Iowa. Americans riot over a cup. Milei is the talk of Davos. Plus: A lost city, flying cars, and much more.
VDH: The Hysterical Style In American Politics
... the progressive movement cannot enact its unpopular agendas. So it must scare the people silly and gin up chaos to destroy its perceived enemies—any crisis it can.
If You Say Men Give Birth, We Know Your Position on Hamas
A Conservative Executive Bought the Baltimore Sun Newspaper and the Left is Freaking Out
Delusional in Davos
Why the Davos Smart Set Sounds Dumb
Davos Man had the honor of hearing Jamie Dimon, the CEO of America’s major bank, tell them to cut out the trash talk about Donald Trump.
Javier Milei Tells World Leaders: 'The State Is Not the Solution'. Speaking at the Davos conference, the Argentine president said the key to prosperity lies in free market ideals and capitalism.
Israel Destroys Hamas’s Main Weapons Manufacturing Site, Uncovers New Vast Tunnel Network. The IDF: Destroyed Hamas weapons factories were “connected to a tunnel route hundreds of kilometers long.”
Netanyahu In Blistering Rebuke Of US Post-War Plans: "Israel Will Control Entire Area From The River To The Sea"
Thursday, January 18. 2024
Climate change anxiety: A hidden contributor to prenatal distress in expectant mothers
Largest Ape Ever Went Extinct Because of... Climate Change?
The Most Ridiculous 75 Seconds Of Bullshit From Davos Yet On "Ecocide"
Elections Will Soon Be a Quaint Relic of the Past, Says Globalist Klaus Schwab
What Books Are Really Getting Banned?
Doctors protest proposed DEI emphasis in Canadian medical school training
The Most Florida Man Story Ever
DEI’s Attack Dog - The Southern Poverty Law Center is assisting the Biden administration’s sham campaign against “domestic terrorism.”
Build the Wall - an Interview
EU President Says Number One Challenge for Global Control Systems in Next Two Years is to Control Information and Speech
John Kerry Goes Full Davos Totalitarian: No Politician Can Reverse Climate Change Policy
WEF creeps descend on Davos to ‘rebuild trust’... and subsequently book all the local prostitutes
A Canadian court ruled against Jordan Peterson on mandated re-education classes
Federal gummint gets a snow day
Courts, The New Campaign Trail
Why Trump bewilders psychiatrists
What’s really working for Trump
Rachel Maddow announced that MSNBC would not be covering Trump’s victory speech, and CNN cut away after just a few minutes of it. Why was that?
Dems Spend on Pregnant Boys and Worldwide LGBTism
America Works. DEI Doesn’t.
The Supreme Court could put an end to urban squalor
JPMorgan CEO and Dem Donor Jamie Dimon Defends Trump and MAGA — Calls Out Democrats for Demonizing Millions of Americans: ‘Democrats Need to Grow Up’
Will the Supreme Court Finish Trump’s War Against Regulation? The former president made little headway while in office against the administrative state, but the Roberts court is ready to step in.
" Technocrats have long told us what we can and can’t do, what we’re allowed to own, what our kids must learn in school, and so on. For the most part, we never voted for any of that, yet we have gone along docilely, not noticing or not caring or, at best, unwilling to make waves."
Wednesday, January 17. 2024
Ultra-Large Structure Discovered in Distant Space Defies Our Current Understanding of the Universe
Leonard Bernstein Deserved Better Than ‘Maestro’
Doctor Does Actual Biology, Gets Suspended
Why Gen Z Is Ditching The Girlboss For The Tradwife
UMich now has more than 500 jobs dedicated to DEI, payroll costs exceed $30 million
Basically, the average European suffers from high taxes, high prices, tiny homes and cars, and, increasingly, less freedom. But tourists sipping tea in London or shopping in Paris rarely, if ever, see this, or understand it if they do.
Free Press Investigations Get Results. DEI in retreat. A captured imam is freed. An anti-Israel map is taken down. Plus, Carole Hooven on leaving Harvard, a hostage speaks, and more.
Trump Triggering the Lefties Never Ceases to Amuse and Entertain
What Really Happened to George Floyd?
World Power Politics
Seventeen-year-old Agam Goldstein-Almog saw Hamas murder her father and sister before her eyes. Then she was taken to Gaza.
Tuesday, January 16. 2024
Monday, January 15. 2024
 “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.: The best of America
How Failing To Butcher Your Child Became “Child Abuse”
Where Now for Nuclear Power? Despite some major setbacks, the technology remains vital to the nation’s energy future—but the U.S. needs to enact major regulatory and permitting reforms.
Updates On The March To The Great Green Energy Future
Massachusetts Officials Pleading with Private Homeowners to Take in Illegal Aliens
Democrat Jerry Nadler Slammed After Claiming ‘Many Illegal Immigrants’ Needed To Pick Vegetables
Biden: “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For”
Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas. Prosecutors are discovering that the more they seek to rush to judgment before the election and gag Trump from speaking publicly about these proceedings, the more he rises in the polls.
Is ‘Trump is Hitler’ the best Biden’s got? Three years into his presidency, Joe Biden has nothing to offer voters apart from anti-Trump hysteria.
Porch Pirates Are a Big Security Problem in Canada, so the Police Are Acting Swiftly… To Protect the Privacy of the Thieves!
Taiwan’s political future is uncertain. Voters can’t escape the psychodrama between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China
Taiwan will be China one day
Nathan: How could I not tell you about Be'eri's buried?
Finnish Politician Räsänen Again Facing Demands For Prosecution Over Quoting Bible
Sunday, January 14. 2024
Stuart quotes a bunch from Bret Stephens, a seemingly "moderate" who dislikes Donald Trump. Lots of people dislike Trump's adolescent, hyperbolic blowhard side. At the same time, he did a darn good job.
Ad hominem sets in when policy discussions fail to persuade. I am old enuf to remember Nixon/Hitler, Reagan/Hitler, and Bush/Hitler.
One quote:
Public services paid by taxes exist for people who live here, not just anyone who makes his way into the country by violating its laws. A job market is structured by rules and regulations, not just an endless supply of desperate laborers prepared to work longer for less. A national culture is sustained by common memories, ideals, laws and a language — which newcomers should honor, adopt and learn as a requirement of entry. It isn’t just a giant arrival gate for anyone and everyone who wants to take advantage of American abundance and generosity.
One more:
It said something about the self-deluded state of Western politics when Trump came on the scene that his assertion of the obvious was treated as a moral scandal, at least by the stratum of society that had the least to lose from mass migration. To millions of other Americans, his message, however crudely he may have expressed it, sounded like plain common sense.
Saturday, January 13. 2024
Thursday, January 11. 2024
Wednesday, January 10. 2024
Saturday, January 6. 2024
The Threat of Free Speech, Yesterday and Today
Free thought is mainly a threat to governments and the power-seeking
Human brain is superior and more efficient than artificial intelligence, scientists say
'To Make A Snowflake'
Bari Weiss: Going Pantsless? An Economic Boom? World War III? Our Predictions for 2024
The Free Press Goes to the Movies - Grab the popcorn and get ready for awards season, as our team gives you the score on Maestro, May December, Poor Things, Priscilla, Napoleon and more.
Sheesh - evil rebels
In The New York Times, "Colonialism" Explains Everything
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s New Enemy: Americans Who Accept Biology. A new SPLC propaganda document claims to ‘expose’ a vast ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Pseudoscience Network’ that’s supposedly targeting trans people.
Al Sharpton defense of Claudine Gay is pure race hustle
" Gay’s inexplicable rise and quite explicable fall illustrate, in a difficult-to-misinterpret fashion, the plain grift that is the DEI industry."
Unrepentant DEI at MIT - The diversity ideology marches on at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
WaPo Reporter Who Was Schooled by Ramaswamy Does Exactly What He Said She Would
Study Found No ‘Extremism’ Problem in the Military, Despite Biden Administration’s Narrative
Black Chicagoans Vowing to ‘Make Chicago Red’ as Migrant Crisis Roils Windy City
Eric Adams Suing Bus Companies Bringing Migrants From Texas to NYC. Boohoo. Cry me a river, Mayor. You wanted to be a sanctuary city. You face nothing compared to what Texas deals with on a daily basis.
Thursday, January 4. 2024