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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, April 5. 2020Covid-19: What to do when you have no meaningful data yetAll of the experts, including Dr. Fauci - are bullshitting (pardon my annoyance). Not this guy, because he admits what is unknown. What is known is that this virus can be lethal and it can be completely harmless, and anything inbetween. We know who are most likely to become seriously ill, but what is completely unknown is how often it creates serious illness. Via Powerline, which says:
Here it is:
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Saturday, April 4. 2020Death ratesWe do not know the virus death rates. I'll say it again. We do not know death rates because we do not know infection rates in the US. We would have to do a mass involuntary screening of people on the street to know that. That will not happen. The only numbers we have is positive tests (on people already symptomatic and seeking tests) and deaths. We do know death numbers (not accurately, because if you had terminal cancer but a corona pneumonia was the final thing, you're a corona death). One easy piece of information might be interesting, though: number of deaths in, say, Boston for the week beginning April 4 in 2019, and the numbers for the same week in 2020.
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Losing friends over politics
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Saturday morning links
Colleges nationwide suspend ACT/SAT admissions requirements Online Learning Finds Its Moment. Covid-19 could force an overdue revolution in higher education. "Unanticipated Shock" - Under Armour Lays Off 6,700 Workers, Stores Shuttered "Indefinitely" Department Of Transportation Will Make Airlines Offer Refunds For Cancelled Flights I am a New York food courier. Right now, it's worse than you think What Everyone’s Getting Wrong About The Toilet Paper Shortage After mocking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine, journalists acknowledge it might treat coronavirus Is the coronavirus airborne? Experts can’t agree Our Super Smart Elite Shines During This Pandemic!
The Free Press Is Now a Propaganda Organ Do the Media Hate Trump More Than They Hate the Virus? A Sick Media - They use the coronavirus crisis to play propagandistic arbiters. How About Another $2 Trillion For "Infrastructure"? The Coronavirus: What Would Joe Biden Do? Thanks to Trump's Emergency Order to Seal the Border, Illegal Border Crossers Are Being Deported Back to Mexico in an Average of 96 Minutes from Apprehension Mueller’s hidden evidence: Translator exonerated Don Jr. in Trump Tower meeting. Infamous meeting did not focus on Clinton dirt but on Magnitsky Act, newly released FBI memos show. Friday, April 3. 2020Friday morning links
About DC's cherry blossoms Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family—A Review Polyamory In A Pandemic: Who Do You Quarantine With When You’re Not Monogamous? Tips From Someone With Nearly 50 Years Of Social Distancing Experience MORE BAD WUHAN CORONAVIRUS NUMBERS New York Data Confirms Once Again – 99% of Coronavirus Fatalities Have Pre-Existing Conditions – 94% of Fatalities Over Age 45 Hydroxychloroquine Rated ‘Most Effective Therapy’ By Doctors For Coronavirus: Global Survey That look on Jake Tapper’s face when CA Gov. Gavin Newsom insists Trump’s been “responsive to our needs” Gavin Newsom: Virus Is “Opportunity for Reimagining a Progressive Era As It Pertains To Capitalism” Cuomo Helped Get New York Into This Mess. The governor’s position on health care spending looked starkly different a couple of months ago. The FBI Can’t Be Trusted With the Surveillance of Americans. Trump slams ‘partisan' probes after Pelosi announces coronavirus committee: ‘Here we go again’ Powerline: THE CHINA SYNDROME Chinese Doctor Who Attempted To Warn Others About Coronavirus Has Disappeared Putin Extends Shutdown For A Month, Moscow Residents Tracked By Mandatory Cell Phone App Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, What Daily Life Is Like in Italy Now Thursday, April 2. 2020A View From the SidelineNot too long ago, I shared my views on Covid-19 and the lockdown. I still stand by my (often misunderstood) position and I feel that after this is over, I'll still stand as having a well-developed viewpoint. Meanwhile, as we sit in the midst of all this, I am now officially 3 weeks working-from-home. The Covid numbers have continued to rise, the deaths have risen as well, and the newsmedia has...ratcheted up the fear factor as high as possible. Even my sister, down in Florida (where even she admits nothing is happening of any note) is freaking out and running scared. Well, today I chatted by phone with her and shared with her something I'll share with all of you. I am Covid-19 positive. I found out yesterday. Let me share some of my own personal thoughts and some of my doctors' comments. First, I was told "this is a high-powered flu". By 3 different doctors who checked me or spoke with me. Second, "No, there's nothing we can do unless you have respiratory distress, so please monitor yourself carefully." Yup. I do that anyway. Third, there were no lines at the station where I got checked. Called first, drove up, got out, they checked me in a field tent, sent me to another field tent, and did the swab (annoying, but not horrible...a Q-Tip WAY UP into your sinuses). Doesn't hurt. You do sneeze a little. I am in good general health. I work out regularly, good BP, good pulse rate, not an ox by any standard, but I'll keep up with most people my age, and probably surpass them (55+, in case you're wondering). My first hints of the virus were on Tuesday 3/24. A little coughing, lots of mucous, etc. Not a dry cough. By Thursday, Mrs. Bulldog was saying "You're coughing too much, I don't want people on our walks to think you have it, so stay home." Fine...I stopped taking walks. I had started having headaches (sinus) anyway. The headaches got worse. By Friday, my head was pounding, the cough was persistent, and it was dry. No fever. No rash. 3 days of (sorry) diarrhea began. Over the weekend, the headaches intensified, the coughing got worse. I was more or less stuck on the couch watching movies, in a very annoyed frame of mind. By Sunday, it was suggested I get tested. So we arranged it, and yesterday at 3pm the results were back. Positive. Of course, by now the headache is starting to fade. It's still there, but Tylenol keeps it reduced. The coughing is still there, but laying down helps it stop (don't lay down too much...no need to promote pneumonia). I've been sleeping 10 hours a night. The really weird things, and there are 2 of them, are the general haziness of frame of mind - I can't concentrate very long - and what I'd call "fever dreams without the fever." I don't know how to describe these, but I have the strangest dreams all night. Then I wake up in the morning very dehydrated and have to drink a pint or two of water. My doctor voiced concern over the number of cases, but also pointed out that "it's just a flu that is worse for at-risk people, you're not at risk. Just stay vigilant, take care of yourself and you should be fine." So if this were the normal world - I'd take 2-3 weeks off from work, and get better. Instead, I've had 3 weeks off, and based on current protocol I will have AT LEAST (if my symptoms play out normally) 3 more weeks off (because my office says 2 weeks after cessation). For what it's worth - most people in the US, after 6 weeks off from work, will be broke. If it goes longer, who knows. At this point, the "cure" is worse than the disease. Trump is right to consider opening some counties as soon as possible - like any other pandemic, this has areas of concentration. We can limit exposure to those regions, and keep the rest of the nation working well. Stay healthy. Stay vigilant. I do believe there is much more, politically, to play out. At this point I no longer believe it's mainly a health crisis (if it ever was). It's a political one.
ps - I had to inform my HR Department - just a public safety thing. Naturally, I got a call back today...all pre-arranged, and about exactly what I supposed. They were trying to determine if I could have caught it anywhere else but at the office. "AVOID LAWSUITS AT ANY COST" must be their view. Can't blame them, I suppose. Not that it would stop me if I was litigious. Thing is, nobody can EVER prove where they got it from. I commute, via train, every day. I went to the bank. I was playing poker one night with 50 people at a bar the week before being sent home (won $650 and the tournament WITH A ROYAL FLUSH - not a joke, totally telling the truth, I have pictures...it's the poker players' Hole-in-One). So I could have gotten it anywhere...and I admitted that. Because it doesn't matter where I got it from. I KNEW I was going to get it. That was the point of my original article. If you believe you can avoid it, you're fooling yourself. I DO NOT believe social distancing works. But don't worry - they politicians and other liars will convince you it's working.
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VaccineDoctors At University of Pittsburgh Medical Center: We’ve Developed a Vaccine Against Coronavirus And they can scale it easily. Pitt is one of the great American medical centers. If they say it, they mean it. Quite remarkable speed, but most people in urban and suburban areas have been exposed now anyway, naturally vaccinated.
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Thursday morning links
Answering the coronavirus: exponential American innovation Developing Covid-19 Vaccines at Pandemic Speed "This is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic" - Dr. Stephen Smith Announces Hydroxy-Choloroquine Study that is "Game Changer" in Battle Against Coronavirus If that holds up, great Coronavirus Death Rate Is Lower Than Previously Reported, Study Says Very likely. The stats are dubious Powerline: "Regular readers will not be surprised to know that I am one of the 32% who are Very Concerned." (about shutdown and economy) If The Virus Hadn’t Caused The Crash, Something Else Would Have Hmmm. Maybe a correction, but not this The mysterious case of the people who ate fish tank cleaner Trump Destroys Connecticut Governor's Claim the Strategic National Stockpile Has Been Emptied Someone ought to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the coronavirus outbreak, because her laser focus on pushing her political agenda suggests she’s unaware of it. MSNBC saw the virus coming before anyone else. But didn't mention it Trump isn't 'finally' relying on experts. He often does He's skeptical of experts, as we all should be. But he is persuadable. Tucker: WHO chief praises, covers for China DEEP ROT AT THE FBI (AND THE TIMES) Jim Jordan and Lindsey Graham seek DOJ watchdog testimony on new FISA abuse report Milestone: 600+ Title IX/Due Process Lawsuits in Behalf of Accused Students General Milley Drops Hammer On Mexican Cartels: ‘We Will Defend Our Country Regardless Of The Cost’ Why Winning the War In Afghanistan Meant Losing to the Taliban. The Taliban will seek to run Afghanistan in line with their values and. America will have to stand back and watch. Not my job Wednesday, April 1. 2020The good news
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Wednesday morning links
A new book from author John Ellis examines the real reasons why most college graduates are woefully undereducated when they leave college after four or more years. Mom who ‘gloated’ with daughter after SAT cheating in college scam gets prison Joe diGenova to Newsmax TV: Not Worried Virus Will Delay Durham Probe Almost forgot about that. How long does it take? Justice Department audit finds widespread flaws in FBI surveillance applications DoJ IG: FBI Problems On FISA Warrants “Far Beyond” Crossfire Hurricane — And FBI Leadership Was Well Aware Of It Remember the Young Woman Who Died While Waiting for a Coronavirus Test in New Orleans? ...Yeah, Well Now the Truth Is Out GOP seeks to claw back Kennedy Center's $25M stimulus payout, as opera house continues layoffs
Tucker Carlson: Chinese Researchers Confirm Coronavirus Linked to Horseshoe Bat Studies at One of Two Wuhan Research Institutes If true, sheesh Rare footage of Wuhan Market and people eating bats Chinese Markets Reopen — And They Still Sell Bats, Dogs And Cats No pangolins? In Midst of DC's Coronavirus Shutdown, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Meets Trainer for Workouts at Supreme Court Gym My gyms are closed The Great Face Mask Debate: To Wear Or Not To Wear? Nancy Pelosi blaming Trump for the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus is staggering when you consider that just a month ago, she was encouraging crowds to congregate in Chinatown. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Demand Racial Quotas for Coronavirus Testing Hindus fight virus with cow piss The Week: Biden can win Coronavirus is killing the Biden campaign — and making him look like a fool Playing Pandemic Politics Harvard Professor Struggles To Explain Why More Stupid Americans Are Supporting Trump Dulce bellum inexpertis – “War is Sweet to Those Who Have Never Experienced It” Tuesday, March 31. 2020Forget the politics
That is when it matters. Petty politics and sniping are for the good times, not the challenging and sacrificial times. Nobody is worrying about pronouns or the weather now, thank goodness. Unfortunately, there are more important issues.
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Tuesday morning links
This is not the plague Mr. Coburn Went to Washington and Left a Remarkable Example Mainstream Media Gave Kavanaugh’s Accuser Substantial Coverage, Ignore Biden’s Accuser Trump Is Right: Suicides Do Increase During Economic Hardship UVA Students Issue List of Coronavirus-Related Demands to Administration Students always try to find excuses to avoid exams. The Stress! Surreal: Samaritan's Purse Sets Up Coronavirus Field Hospital... in Central Park Yikes, This Is What The Swab Test Looks Like For The Virus Fauci: Health Experts Pushed Trump to Extend Restrictions MINOR CORRECTION: Dr. Fauci Went from a Possible 1.7 Million US Deaths Due to Coronavirus to a Possible 200,000 US Deaths in 14 Days! Open where possible, closed where necessary – that’s how the economy survives coronavirus National coronavirus response: A road map to reopening An Epidemic of Media Partisanship Trump's Approval Rating Soars As Media Seeks Blackout PBS Reporter: Covering Trump Is A ‘Team Sport’ For Press: We ‘Have Each Other’s Back’ In Opposition To President… The media’s war on President Trump has escalated with coronavirus CBS News Caught Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe Conditions in New York City Who's Funding the Coronavirus Political Trolls?
Monday, March 30. 2020ComfortThe USNS Comfort arrives in NYC to take some of the pressure off. Why so few hospital beds in the USA? Because government limits them.
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Who dies from this virus?From First minor with coronavirus in New York City dies:
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Monday morning links Mia Farrow has finally succeeded in destroying Woody Allen NYC Idiots Attend “Corona Potluck Parties "Here's the thing. It's Not Just corona virus victims that are having to plan funerals that no one can attend... it's Everyone." RICH EUROPEANS FLEE CITIES, NEW YORK TIMES DISAPPROVES. For quite a few centuries, cities have been unhealthy places in times of contagion Rich Americans too, bringing germs to their second and third homes. We're All Germophobes Now Can coronavirus spread through food or packaging? Calif. was ready for virus, then it wasn’t. State had plenty of emergency supplies, then got rid of them USING CHLOROQUINE TO TREAT COVID-19: Q&A WITH RAGHU CHIVUKULA, MD, PHD Coronavirus Patients Taken Off Ventilators and Out of ICU After Receiving Experimental Drug Leronlimab FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization Of Trump-Touted Drug To Treat Coronavirus Kennedy Center Tells Musicians It Will Stop Paying Them Hours After $25 Million Bailout Is Signed From the always annoying and sanctimonious David Brooks The only "meaning" in disease is that nature is a bitch. That's not news. The Media's Top Lies and Spins About COVID-19 As usual, lies upon lies for 3 years Pelosi calls for probe into Trump’s handling of virus: ‘What did he know and when did he know it?’ Graham Torches Pelosi: 'Most Shameful, Disgusting Statement By Any Politician In Modern History' Hillary Clinton's toxic coronavirus commentary uses dead Americans as a political weapon Crenshaw Promotes Unity After Hillary Clinton Mocks Trump’s Coronavirus Response People ARE united. Politicians are not Bernie and the Democrats - Sanders’s revolution may have stalled, but his platform lives on. Biden Says We Must ‘Believe All Women’ – Except The Woman Who Accused Him China Makes Itself A Laughingstock 1984 COMES TO BRITAIN Urns In Wuhan Far Exceed Death Toll, Raising More Questions About China’s Tally Does anyone ever believe anything out of China? French Official Says Quarantine Should Not Be Enforced In Migrant Areas To Avoid Riots Sunday, March 29. 2020Numerators and denominators
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Saturday, March 28. 2020Saturday morning links
British Climate Activists: “Corona is the cure. Humans are the disease” Tomb of the Unknown Soldier sentinels won't abandon post for virus: 'We are always here' Don’t Even Think About Leaving New York City The End of New York - Will the pandemic push America’s greatest city over the edge? Nope. NYC has been through far worse things like wars, diptheria, cholera, polio, 9-11, HIV, etc etc All We Have to Fear Is the MSM Itself Panic sells Obama Admin Repeatedly Sought Millions In CDC Funding Cuts, Despite Biden’s Attacks On Trump Preparedness The NIH had 13 years to prepare for coronavirus but still didn't ‘Big Pharma and Its Well-Heeled Swamp Creatures’ Should Stop Being Divisive, Navarro Says Which Is Worse, The Virus Or The Response To It? (2) Dr. Birx: Coronavirus Data Doesn't Match The Doomsday Media Predictions COVID-19 is NOT going to overwhelm our healthcare system Trump chips away at Congress' role in coronavirus relief oversight. The $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill establishes a "special inspector general" to review and investigate loan decisions made by the treasury secretary. End the lockdown, save the economy: Is there method in Trump’s madness? What madness? Trump understands what his critics don’t: The current lockdown is unsustainable NIH failed to test coronavirus drugs, studied drunk monkeys, soap operas, and tailgating instead. Expert warned agency as much as 87.5 percent of biomedical research was wasteful. President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act To Force GM To Produce Ventilators Kathy Griffin sticks to COVID-19 angle despite being sent home from hospital with abdominal infection Obama Official Busted for Spreading False Story About Hospital Lacking Ventilators, Deciding Not to Treat People Donald Trump signs TAIPEI Act to support Taiwan’s international relations If the PA Lacks Funds to Combat the Coronavirus, It Should Stop Paying Salaries to Terrorists Friday, March 27. 2020Explosion of leftist hate aimed at Dr BirxExplosion of leftist hate aimed at Dr Birx after she demolishes media’s panic narrative. Panic serves all sorts of political and psychological needs. It takes common sense to avoid the bug. Simple.
Friday morning links Before the virus, we cared about crazy stuff like that MeToo Legal Fund Refused To Help Biden Accuser, Claiming It Couldn’t Risk Nonprofit Status Since He’s Running For President Joe Biden Said He Believes All Women. Does He Believe Tara Reade? A former staffer says he sexually assaulted her in 1993. In Campus Sex Cases, Cross-Examination Is Now on the Table Lindsey Graham Begins Probe Into Origins Of FBI’s Russia Operation Williamson on markets: Be thankful for the opportunists Unemployment benefit claims skyrocket to 3.283 million This is a war': NYC doctors describe fight against coronavirus Lessons on enduring coronavirus crisis from these heroes of Vietnam Trump campaign threatens to sue networks airing ad claiming he called coronavirus a 'hoax' He never said it Media Push to Censor President Trump's Coronavirus Briefings Trump Press Conferences a massive ratings hit, now you know why liberals want network broadcasts stopped In the Same Poll Where Trump Triumphs on COVID-19 Response, the Media Come In Dead Last Coronavirus Response: Hospitals Rated Best, News Media Worst HHS IG Now Investigating Trump Administration Response To Coronavirus Outbreak After Dem Request Glad they have their priorities straight Trump tells governors he is setting new coronavirus guidelines At Taki: That's when pols are challenged - when all options suck. This thing is loose on the planet, and will never go away entirely. Like flu never goes away, despite vaccines. In the midst of coronavirus crisis, Pelosi goes for woke Radical Environmentalists Welcome Wuhan Virus “We’re F***Ed”: Aircraft Carrier Outbreak Sends Troops Scrambling US Overtakes China As The Country With The Most COVID-19 Cases If anybody believes China FORECAST OF BRITISH CORONAVIRUS DEATHS REVISED, UM, DOWNWARD Russia (Finally) Admits Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic Within Its Borders: “A serious situation is unfolding” 80% of coronavirus test kits 'gifted' to Czechs by China faulty - China charged Czech government millions of crowns for defective coronavirus test kits Spain, Europe's worst-hit country after Italy, says coronavirus tests it bought from China are failing to detect positive cases Thursday, March 26. 2020The panic, the hysteria, the mob mentality that has swept over the country is an amazing and disheartening thing to witness.Roger Kimball: COVID-19, the Elephant, and the House Cat: The really scary thing about this latest health scare is not the disease but the unexpected depths of passivity it revealed. Kimball is a smart guy. What's your view? You are smart too.
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Thursday morning links ORCHESTRA PLAYS BEETHOVEN 9TH FROM THEIR HOMES Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful - We’ve known about SARS-CoV-2 for only three months, but scientists can make some educated guesses about where it came from and why it’s behaving in such an extreme way. US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study found Coronavirus: New York hospital admission rates for Covid-19 decreasing. 'Evidence suggests density control plan may be working,' Is coronavirus less fatal than early predictions suggested? Contra Andrew Cuomo, While A Grim Choice, We May Have To Restart The Economy An Easter rebirth for our economy? Hallelujah: Goodwin It's a goal Analysis: How South Korea Flattened The Curve Without Shutting Down Its Economy Harvard: Let them eat cake DEMOCRATIC NETWORKS TUNE TRUMP OUT They don't want people seeing him doing his job We will remember Dems’ stimulus holdup Nope. People forget. Democrats Have Misread the Moment Biden Super PAC Ad Attacks Trump For Coronavirus Response, Repeats Debunked Claim He Called It A ‘Hoax’… The Virus Is a Fire, and the Arsonist Is China ‘Cheap manufacturing be damned’: Sentiment builds for moving U.S. companies out of China In Spain You Can't Use Your Own Back Yard. Police Make Sure of It... Sheesh. Fresh air and sunshine kills bugs. Iran Expels 'Doctors Without Borders' Team Despite 1800 Virus Deaths No Biggie. Iran Just Stole A Billion Euros In Coronavirus Aid Wednesday, March 25. 2020Virus and the JacobinsVia Hot Air:
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Tuesday, March 24. 2020Why Your Parents Aren’t Idiots For Not Freaking Out About Coronavirus Like You AreSomewhat related: Moving Past the Quarantine, How to get Americans back to work safely It can't go on indefinitely. Lives are being destroyed. It's a balancing act, but whatever they do will be wrong. Reality's a bitch, but here's another problem:
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Tuesday morning links
Australia's biggest brewer says the country will run out of BEER within weeks unless the industry is classed 'essential' amid coronavirus lockdown Uh oh NYC Mayor: We're Out of Supplies Because of Trump, Didn't Order Supplies TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH How the Coronavirus Changed President Trump and America The NYT takes three tries to get the narrative right about Democrat obstruction Indiana, Massachusetts Prepare 'Stay At Home' Orders, South Africa Weighs '21-Day' Lockdown: Live Updates
Shameful media still slamming Donald Trump during coronavirus crisis Former Warren, Clinton aides leading 'coronavirus war room' targeting Trump's response to pandemic It's always too much, or not enough Biden claims he could attack virus better than Trump. History says otherwise Dr. Anthony Fauci: Trump Has ‘Never Overruled Me’ Or Contradicted The Science… Pelosi's coronavirus stimulus includes return of 'Obamaphones,' other unrelated items, GOP says 'What the Hell Do We Have to Lose?'—Trump Sent Malaria Meds to NY to Begin Trials on COVID-19 Patients Fauci cites Trump travel restrictions as possible key for U.S. not 'becoming another Italy' Former HHS official claims CDC leaders "lied" to Trump over coronavirus testing Coronavirus: Spanish army finds care home residents 'dead and abandoned' Germany Closes Border To Europeans, But Migrants Still Allowed In Monday, March 23. 2020Virus politics
This is not the time for these childish games.
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