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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, May 18. 2020Monday morning links Zoom is Now Worth More Than the World’s 7 Biggest Airlines Bailed-Out Colleges Should Be Forced to Cut Administrative Bloat How Concerning Are the Trump Administration’s New Title IX Regulations? How the FBI's intelligence experiment went wrong Plagues and Saints in history MC: Everything Important In Life Involves Tradeoffs COVID-19 Prevalence: John Ioannidis Responds to His Critics Why is a Social Worker Dictating COVID-19 Policy for the Country’s Largest County? Antibody Tests In Washington State Indicate The Coronavirus Was In The U.S. Much Earlier Than Thought Andrew Cuomo: Older People Are Going To Die From The Virus, No Matter What You Do Barstool Sports Founder: ‘When Did Flattening The Curve Turn Into Finding The Cure?’ Maher On OCD Pandemic Overreaction: ‘What’s The Point Of Life If You Can’t Live It?’ Colorado amends coronavirus death count - says fewer have died of COVID-19 than previously reported YouTube locked out an epidemiologist who disagreed with the WHO China's State Media Declares It Will Meddle in the US Election Against Trump Trackbacks
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“You know something is very wrong when the Director of Public Health looks about as healthy as something that crept out of a crypt” - https://moonbattery.com on, Los Angeles County Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer.
My thoughts exactly. Either she is in the process of departing this earth or she is a vegan/vegetarian. Most vegan I come across have that same deathly pallor.
Likely also avoids the outdoors and when she does venture out applies a liberal amount of sunblock.
Social worker? Hey, Liches need employment and validation also! Being undead's VERY hard on your social and business life!
"How the FBI's intelligence experiment went wrong". And isn't that a nice, modest way to characterize criminal activity performed by legally-sanctioned actors holding themselves above the law they were sworn to uphold. I'm not sure the American public is quite ready to describe 'sedition' as 'intelligence' however.
Regarding the irony of a social worker running All Things Plague in LA (and being paid over a half-million in salary to do it), well this is the curse of our age, self-endorsement & advancement through better credentialing. It's almost as ironic as having your State Health Director trotting around with his politically-protected mental illness on display, for everyone to avoid noticing. Title IX Regulations.
It was not accidental or an error that the regulations as originally written were discriminatory towards men. They were written by and at the behest of radical feminist who hate men. Now that there is an effort to create fair and legal regulations it is not surprising that the left and the haters, but I digress, cannot accept that. The purpose of government in their eyes is to punish those in society that the haters hate. To give power to their constituency and to tilt the playing field in their favor. Isn't it interesting too that the ACLU is opposed to the new regulations exactly because they are more constitutional and fair. What is the agenda of the ACLU??? It does not seem to be protecting civil liberties. Hillsdale college refused to abide by title IX and as a result they could no longer have federal student loans used at their college. Considering the quality of a Hillsdale education, I would require that title IX institutions be banned from using the student loan program as their primary purpose seems to be turning out "studies" majors. I find it unfortunate that too many education institutions and medical facilities are and have been getting money thrown at them for decades. And it shows. Too many have become bungling bureaucratic nightmares with ever declining results.
How the FBI's intelligence experiment went wrong: Too many dems.
YouTube locked out an epidemiologist who disagreed with the WHO: Rather like FaceBook... Users be damned! Re: Elk to the Rescue!
This has got to be one of the most preposterous stories that I have ever read. The author must have been paid very well to claim that elk are going to restore the Kentucky economy. I grew up in Louisville, and went to college at Eastern Kentucky University. So I know this area. What devastated Kentucky, and continues to devastate it, is the fact that nothing is grown there, or manufactured there. We import everything from other countries, including tobacco. The communities in Appalachia have no control over the actions of that dirtbag Mitch McConnell. He could care less what happens to Kentucky. Huge cartels control everything. And as a result, entrepreneurship is impossible. You can't compete with the forces of Washington D.C. If Kentucky wants to thrive, it doesn't need any pathetic handouts. It needs to get rid of its wretched political parasites, and start farming again. There are hundreds of union grocery stores in Kentucky who won't buy a thing from Kentucky farmers, because Mitch Inc. has produce contracts with California, and Brazil, and China, and Australia and everywhere. Kentucky is banned from selling in Kentucky. Forget About Seeing Any Justice For Obamagate
Kurt Schlichter tells us what we already know. QUOTE: You do understand that to the establishment, this dual track system where they ignore the law and we get the law dropped on us – including through active framing, as with LTG Flynn, to keep us in line – is how they want it, right? This is not an unintended consequence. They are for this. They are actively for the abuse of the legal system to persecute their political enemies. You adorable naïfs come to me thinking that I, as a lawyer, will assuage your gnawing fear that something is rotten in the state of America. “Kurt, but this…this isn’t right? How can some people be prosecuted but other people with connections get away with crimes?” Well, the answer is simple: that is how many of the people with their grubby paws on the levers of power want it. They want to use the government to stifle dissent, as the IRS did to Tea Party groups. They want to make people afraid to oppose them by threatening them with crushing legal fees and maybe jail if they dare join the opposition – look at the trail of bankrupt Trumpworld folks after Obamagate. They want to frame people working for their enemies and ruin them and put them in prison, a la LTG Flynn. . . . I’d love to be wrong. Maybe I am. Maybe the unbroken track record of injustice we’ve seen over the last decade will suddenly break. And maybe my pet unicorn Chet will be the foreman of the jury when one of these slugs somehow gets called to account. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2020/05/18/forget-about-seeing-any-justice-for-obamagate-n2568924? We are all Venetians now, . . . .
Able to appreciate the beauty and power to inspire of the art, yes. Convinced these saints had any effect on, or power to affect, the plagues, no. The NFL fresh off their disastrous kneeling problem have decided to give special treatment to any team that hires blacks into coaching and management positions. Their logic was that these positions should better represent their constituency. Putting aside the point that this is blatant racism why doesn't the NFL apply the same logic to their players. I'll go out on a limb and say that probably 90% or so of the people who attend NFL games and view it on TV are white. Yet 90% of the players are black. So come on NFL offer teams special treatment if they bring those black player numbers down to 10-13%. This at least would make more sense than what they are proposing. I'm thinking of not ever watching football again. I'm tired of being preached to by people who disrespect our country and our citizens. Screw them.
I haven't watched one minute of the NFL since they started the kneeling BS in 2016. That includes the Super Bowl.
In return, I realized just how much time I spent watching it and how easy it was to find other things to do. Eff them. Bailed out colleges must cut administrative bloat:
Please dear Lord, make this happen! I have taught at my little community college for 25 years. In that time, the number of empty suits in administration has increased yearly, while those of us in the classroom have stayed about the same. And students pay about twice what I did when I was in college 30 years ago. For a while, I was a midlevel supervisor when I wasn't teaching (about half the time). I had to put in budget requests every semester to BEG to be able to hire a new professor to replace someone who had retired or moved to a different school. I was told no more often than I was allowed to replace someone. At the same time, our college hired lawyers like there was some kind of sale on lawyers. For money we paid each of those lawyers who didn't teach a single student, I could have hired at least 4 and probably 5 full time professors. I did a study and found that the college made about $30,000 profit on each full time professor who worked for us. Now the number of students who wanted to come to our school was finite, so it wasn't like I could generate infinite $ for our school by hiring all the faculty I could get in the door. But still, it speaks to how little most administrators care about what happens in the classroom and how much they care about surrounding themselves with expensive yes-men. If our colleges and universities go bankrupt, administrative bloat will be one of the biggest reasons. |