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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, May 16. 2020Saturday morning links Samuel Pepys: The first pandemic blogger The ACLU’s Conversion to Wokeness How Dov Fischer learned to hate Sad story, but understandable. I do not hate yet, but I do get p-ed off often Transcripts: Clinton Aides Allied With Fusion GPS Pair After Election -- to Re-Push Anti-Trump Dossier Big Surprise! Nevada's vote-by-mail primary stirs fraud concerns, as unclaimed ballots pile up: 'Something stinks here' Duh CNBC: Get Ready For New Trump EO To Force Essential-Drug Production In US Good Florida Man Wonders: Why Does Cuomo Get Better COVID-19 Press Than DeSantis, When Florida Has Done So Much Better? Cuz "D" Coronavirus job losses are hitting these states the hardest What’s Next For Bat Soup Virus? A Massive Wave Of Bankruptcy Filings Head Of NYC Hospital System Urged De Blasio To Follow Herd Immunity Strategy DeB followed different experts. In hindsight, locking down NYC for 2 weeks might have been enough, and saved a lot of states a lot of trouble. Coronavirus Isn't Nearly as Deadly as We Thought. So Why Did the Lockdowns Happen in the First Place? Because of fear + lack of good data. Nobody's fault. Gov. Cuomo extends New York City’s stay-at-home order until June 13 Another Headline about ‘More New Virus Cases!’ That Ignores the Increasing Number of Tests Obviously - but not to reporters who know no stats "According to a CNN poll released this week, nearly three-quarters of Democrats said the worst of the crisis is still ahead of us..." Interesting... Related: The Lockdown Class War He tactfully does not include the comfortably retired among the paycheck population. Is this an optimist-pessimist thing, or a rich and poor thing? Or is it nothing? Comments
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The ACLU’s Conversion to Wokeness: They've always been lefties.
A Time to Hate: We can put up with a lot, but eventually our anger will be righteous and unforgiving. CNBC: Get ready for new Trump EO to force essential-drug production in US: Well, China is Asshole... Florida Man wonders: Why does Cuomo get better COVID-19 press than DeSantis, when Florida has done so much better? Weellllll, where are the NYT and WaPoo? Not in Florida. And the media? Also not in Florida. Sam, you don't actually believe that if the NYT and Washington Compost were in Florida, they would print what was actually happening under a REPUBLICAN governor, do you?
Silly mudbug! Of course not. They wouldn't LOWER themselves to do that!
Two Americas: I would seriously suggest that governors, legislators and other officials pushing the lockdown not get paid during the lockdown.
Not deferred payment. No salary for that time period. Let them demonstrate their sincerity. I'm on the paycheck/comfortably retired side of the divide, but right up against the line. Got the word that my university teaching job was switching from face-to-face to full online mid-March, and have been hustling, playing catch-up ever since. A goodly number of my students live on the uncomfortable side. I've had more student interaction this semester than I've had in years, and most of it was confidence boosting for kids who were discouraged and disorganized, who just needed to get grounded and work out a plan for the final month of the semester. Nothing like seeing the human faces of lockdown to understand how demoralizing it can be. And nothing beats the happy responses from my students who, with a little encouragement, did well, often much better than the thought they could do.
Thank goodness my college adopted a very humane policy statement for the mad rush to locked-down education: "I'll be flexible with you, if you'll be flexible with me." Maybe some of the higher up Powers That Be could take a lesson here. The two Americas. When the evil corrupt politicians and worthless reprobate porn watching government leeches get laid off this thing will be over.
Tucci's 20 and 18-yr old kids can't cook, help with the youngsters, or get up before noon? Poor guy.
"a bowl of cereal with a banana and almond milk" = Wank! especially when paired with lamb chops.
Tucci has just vaulted to the top of my People I Most Want to See Queued Up at the Food Bank List. Re: The ACLU’s Conversion to Wokeness
Commentary Magazine is becoming more and more like The Onion. The ACLU gave up a long time ago. They no longer have any interest in civil rights. Look at how badly the criminal justice system abuses people; trumped-up charges, terrible legal representation, no right to a speedy trial, very high court costs; the list goes on and on. But the ACLU is working toward bigger things! It can no longer be bothered with the problems of the common man. When a government wishes to promote the legitimacy of an illegitimate concept, it does so by choosing an illegitimate opponent. It's sort of a false flag operation. Look at this quote: "This week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against Betsy DeVos and the U.S. Department of Education alleging that the new guidelines for Title IX enforcement would undermine students’ civil rights and “inflict significant harm” on students who file complaints of harassment or assault. (So "guidelines" are now "laws" which must be legally obeyed.) Specifically, the lawsuit argues that DeVos’ new rules violate the Administrative Procedure Act, which outlines the way federal agencies may create and issue regulations such as requirements for notices of proposed new rules and public comments). (Federal agencies are allowed to make regulations without public oversight.) For those who have been following the Title IX rule-making process, it is ironic to see the ACLU appeal to procedure. DeVos’ rules, which followed traditional rule-making guidelines, (Traditional rule making guidelines have been around for a long time; so they have historical authority) were a response to the Obama administration’s significant overreach in a 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter—a letter that deliberately subverted the rule-making procedures the ACLU is now accusing the Department of Education under DeVos of violating. (Subverting bureaucratic rule making is a crime!) "More recently, in 2018, former ACLU board member Wendy Kaminer wrote in the Wall Street Journal about the backlash the organization suffered for defending the rights of white supremacists to assemble for a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia after that rally led to the tragic death of a young woman who was run over by one of the white supremacists." (If the ACLU defended white people, it would be a disaster. White people don't deserve any civil rights.) Matt Taibbi has a pretty terrific piece on the abandonment of Civil Liberties by the Democratic Party. More and more, his occasional articles are turning into a diary of conversion:
https://taibbi.substack.com/p/democrats-have-abandoned-civil-liberties The Progressives embraced the tide of civil liberties and equal rights in the 60s and 70s because it was a winning gambit - but that's all it ever was to the Democrats. For them, it's 110% all about getting elected, winning whatever the cost. The ACLU and SPLC and other grievance industries spun off on those wins and became the corrupted money-makers they are today. And the miles on that Progressive messaging have been racking up until now it's become a smoking political clunker for Democrats. The good rabbi-lawyer-professor says that he's 'hating', but I think more accurately he's exhorting anyone who's as fed up as he is to nurture their cold rage, and make it count on election day. For a lot of us, it doesn't need any more stoking. Use it to help convince at least 5 other voters between now and then. I read that last night — Taibbi is such a great writer and since he is eager to criticize the left, from the left, he is one of the few lefties today with anything interesting to say.
Credibility all day long. Entertaining as hell. Top notch. The Guardian Luke Harding writes of Paul Garner 7 weeks story beginning in March with Covid. Nowhere does it mention "I got a test & confirmed Positive." No specific's of doctors visits, other than he is a doctor. Isn't that just speculation then?
AVI said his/her area went from 7 to 37 cases. Is that hospitalizations or just positives? I'll speculate just positives because mentioning some of them are in the hospital. The latest running stories are Rural areas expanding positives, Urban areas declining. Again, no mentions of the difference "OMG, the rural hospitals are overflowing with dying people" vs "Looks like Billy Bob has the covid. Better rest up. I guess Ethel is going to have to do the milking for the next couple days." Re: New Trump EO To Force Essential-Drug Production In US Most of us realize that, for our own survival, we need to bring the production of essential items back to America - or at least to friendly countries. The problem is how to do it. Are we going to nationalize entire industries by dictating what companies must produce and how much they can charge for their products? In my (alleged) mind, that would be a last resort because it would lead to full-blown fascism. Another option would be federal tax breaks. That might work, but I would much prefer import tariffs rather than a top-down industrial policy. That would leave American businesses alone to do what they think best. Sure, costs would rise for prescription drugs (and other items), but that would be the price we should pay for supply chain security. If you were dying of sepsis, would you be willing to pay 25% more for antibiotics or go without? Just about everybody - especially insurance companies - will oppose tariffs on prescription drugs and their components so we're probably doomed. Maybe when China cuts off our supply of antibiotics, people will wake up.
I agree completely with Dov Fischer. I am past being pi$$ed off, I am into the hate and want to see "them" pay for their evil actions that may bring down the United States.
I read the essay too. Rabbi Fischer made an excellent point about Nick Sandmann. His Catholic Priest, parish, and school threw him under the bus and all the others who stood with him on the steps of the Lincoln Monument that day in DC. I am just about to say it is time to hate, also.
I agree completely with Dov Fischer. I am past being pi..ed off, I am into the hate and want to see "them" pay for their evil actions that may bring down the United States.
Just saw the Uncommon Knowledge segment about the lock down. Good stuff
If you're not hating yet you're not paying attention. Nancy, Chuck, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine and the whole rest of the CBC. Obama (both of them), Holder, Stelter, Lemon, Maddow, they all hate you and yours. Time to return the favor.
That Sullivan piece went straight to the septic tank. Some interesting stuff on Pepys, but other than that a predictable rant on the "religious right", the moral narcissism of the mask wearing (all the time, everywhere) crowd, and his top-to-tail virtue signalling.
Blah! Dead from covid 19 that are either unclaimed or whos family can't afford a burial is being put in mass graves at Hart Island New York. They are being stacked three deep two rows in a trench. 100's of them. Where is the media reporting this?
not only that, some of the Dead have risen and are walking, pulling bulldozer drivers out of their machines and eating their brains, to assist their conversion into demoncraps.
and that's about a 40 or 50 foot trench, so get a grip. |
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