Tuesday, July 30. 2019
As you may be aware thanks to my merciless flogging of it, I have a new book out called The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics. It is about the way in which social media brings out the worst of the tribalism and idiocy in our contemporary politics by displacing almost all of the substantive discussion with a lobotomized — and, ultimately, useless — politics of white hats and black hats, good guys and bad guys, cowboys and Indians, Us and Them...
Monday, July 29. 2019
Focusing on Happiness doesn't work
Vanderleun: A Wife for My Next Life
Program under fire for saying kids need to ‘consent’ to grandma kisses
When tree planting actually damages ecosystems
Why you probably won’t actually get $125 from the Equifax settlement - The more people sign up, the less money there is
The real reason you see so many Chick-fil-A restaurants
Despite calls to start over, US health system covers 90%
MC: Should We Be Optimistic About The Future Of The United States?
"Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you’ve lost me. And I’ve got some bad news for you about 2020."
Cotton Blasts Dem Nominees Over Death Penalty Criticism - Dems have lost their mind since the 1990s'
KLAVAN: Clueless Chuck Todd And The Democrats
Trump is right about Baltimore — and the Democrats know it
Baltimore Resident ‘Trump is Not Racist … Cummings Has Done Nothing For Us’
'Rat Film' highlights Baltimore's rat warfare, urban planning failures
Democrat Baltimore Mayor Caught On Camera Complaining About ‘Rats, Dead Animals’ Last Year
From Why the Left So Despises Donald Trump
This president is often gratuitously uncouth in public, and almost unrecognizable to those who know him as a congenial, courteous, and charming man and a fine raconteur. These traits are less frequently in evidence than in earlier days.
Like all of us, the President gets better at his job the longer he holds it. But this would be an easy problem to correct, and that would leave the intense disparagement of Mr. Trump exclusively to the extremists and the decayed servitors he has served the country admirably by driving from office.
Sacred Cows Die As Marine Commandant Changes Course On Amphibs
Foreign Policy: Democracy is the Enemy of Climate Action
Saturday, July 27. 2019
Mueller’s testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees was a watershed moment. At this point, it is up to Congress to act on the evidence of multiple counts of obstruction of justice committed by the president, and to continue our investigation into whether he has committed other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Friday, July 26. 2019
The horrific consequences of rubber's toxic past
“Zombie Eating’: 88% Of Adults Dine While Staring At A Screen, Survey Finds
Snow is now just a thing of the past...
... where can you get actual information on world energy consumption of each type, and of how it is changing over time?
Bummer: We Now Only Have 18 Months To Save The Planet From Hotcoldwetdry
Sony is crowdfunding a project called the Reon Pocket, a wearable AC/heater unit compatible with both iPhones and Android devices.
Why Is a Top Australian University Supporting Indigenous Creationism?
The condescension is stunning
Facebook co-founder working with government officials to build anti-trust case against site: report
Meet The Former Epstein 'Sex Slave' Who Helped Recruit Underage Girls For The 'Lolita Express'
Not slaves, really. More like courtesans. Rich and powerful people sometimes like to live out their fantasies.
Yale Psychiatrist Bandy Lee Returns to Diagnose Trump as a Racist
Wow. An expert mind-reader
Trump lashes out at Sweden: 'Give A$AP Rocky his freedom'
Proof he's a racist Hitler
In the long run, thinking about politics is a deflection from living life.
A fine rant but, as a commenter observes, You might not be interested in politics but politics is interested in you.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib Wants a $20 Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers. That Would Likely Destroy the Restaurant Industry. The Democratic congresswoman said that people cannot live off tips. People who live off tips beg to differ.
Mr. Mueller surreally responded: “As I said earlier, with regard to Steele, that is beyond my purview.” What a farce.
Mueller: Russians Also Tried to Help Hillary
Meddlers will meddle. I am more worried about Google's meddling than the silly Russians
Thursday, July 25. 2019
He discusses the terrible waste of time and attention about the Trump-Russia hoax.
He also wonders why the Clinton-Russia was ignored. Also wonders what now happens to people with TDS.
"The British elected Boris Johnson as their new prime minister, meaning both the United States and the United Kingdom will be led by blond natives of New York City."
A Profile of Boris (Alexander Boris de Pfeffer Johnson).
A question for our readers: Is the UK an important country anymore?
(Somewhat related, It's not the size of the Royal Navy, it's the size of Britain's balls that's the problem.)
Amazon Has 'Destroyed' US Retail Industry: Mnuchin
In a first, China has more companies on Fortune Global 500 list than the US
Want to Know How Complicated Our Tax System Is? Check Out the IRS's "Taxpayer Roadmap"
How 2 Women Used Sex, Activism, and Title IX To Scam a Harvard Professor Out of His House, Job, and Money
Dumbest law prof ever?
A Federal Court Takes on Title IX
New Baltimore deputy police commissioner robbed at gunpoint near Patterson Park
Schiff: Mueller investigation showed Trump's 'disloyalty to country'
What??? Muerller asserted there was no Trump-Russia collusion. The Clinton-Russia angle was never explored.
Rep. Ratcliffe to Mueller: You Didn't Follow Special Counsel Rules, You Wrote About Decisions That Weren't Reached
Wednesday, July 24. 2019
Why is airport food so expensive? The reasons you pay a massive markup on a water bottle are more complex than you might think.
Amazon Plows Into Real Estate Market With Realogy Pact To Transform Homebuying Process
Alibaba brings e-commerce platform to US businesses
We’re Saved: S. Korea Cuts Down 2 Million Trees, Replaces Them With Solar Panels
Disabled students proliferate
When Trans Activism Empowers Sexual Harassment
Title IX policies have ‘anti-male bias’ and treat students accused of sexual assault unfairly, lawsuit alleges
The Minimum Wage Is Not About Helping the Poor - A boon to organized labor.
THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS STRIKES AGAIN - The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has issued a report on school discipline.The report claims that students of all races misbehave in school at the same rate...
Chicago Mayor Delusional About City’s Violence
Bernie Sanders’s Campaign Hit With … Federal Labor Complaint
NAACP Delegates Call for Trump Impeachment
Byron York: Democrats think they've got a slam dunk obstruction case against Trump. They don't.
Robert Mueller soon may be exposed as the 'magician of omission' on Russia
Welcoming Boris Johnson
European Union: A Massive Expansion Of Top-Down Powers
Tuesday, July 23. 2019
Supposedly Trump knows how to make deals.
If you want it too much, you lose.
I hate The Catcher in the Rye
Me too
Lead Ammo, the Top Threat to Condors, Is Now Outlawed in California
The “Blood” In The Impossible Burger Is A Horror Show
The Yaniv scandal is the end-product of trans activism - Does inclusivity mean the Canadian state should compel women to handle a penis?
" She’s expending mental energy on grocery lists. Someone bring medals, big ones."
Returning Due Process to Campus - The latest federal court decision in a campus sexual assault case is a reminder that accused students deserve a fair hearing.
Turning the tide against campus kangaroo ‘rape’ courts
Wealthy New Yorkers are ditching city’s high taxes for Miami
David Warren: I have no objection to anyone who would send astronauts to distant orbs, so long as his recruits know what they’re doing, and the entrepreneur has the means to pay.
The disability culture
Wendy Davis: I’m Running for Congress Again So ‘Our Children . . . Can Live’
Excuse me?
Sen. Warren: ‘These Are Hard Times for Our Country’ At Peak Of Booming Economy
"Me telling you to 'Go back where you came from. Did I say that? Is it on video?.... I called you a lazy b-i-t-c-h. That's the worst thing I said."
Is Erica Thomas a Hate Crime Hoaxer?
Um, obviously. I feel sorry for that Cuban immigrant
Democrat Presidential Candidates Push Erica Thomas 'Hate Hoax'
CBP: Over 1,000 African migrants arrested near Mexican border
Congo Invades Buffalo
The Democrats are The Party Of The Wealthy!
Report: Comey Was Secretly Trying To Build Case Against Trump, IG Investigation Found
Did the Brits Collude on Trump-Russia?
The Right’s Demographic Challenge Is Real - The future is being written today.
'You could attribute a Mother Teresa quote' to Trump and students would say it's hateful
Ivanka Trump Buys Daughter A White Dog, Internet Calls Her Racist
And if a black dog, she'd be a slave-owner
Cory Booker: Donald Trump Is ‘Worse Than A Racist’…
Saturday, July 20. 2019
Good fun: The Week in Pictures
He works in an Amazon warehouse
Sounds like a good job for fitness
This little-known inventor has probably saved your life
Hospital staff blamed for not realizing “man” was pregnant
Psychiatric diagnoses are 'useless,' experts say
Related, How scientific is psychiatric diagnosis?
Related, Yale Prof says Trump's brain rapidly deteriorating
It's Un-American To Be Anti-Free Speech: Protect The Right To Criticize The Government
Portland and the Evolution of Mob Rule
Even Mexicans Are Sick Of Illegal Aliens Invading Their Country
Re Bernie, irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
AP’s tweet on the 50th anniversary of Ted Kennedy leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die gets a BRUTALLY honest rewrite
Related, the famous Volkswagen photo
Why The Democratic Debates Are Starting To Feel Like A Reality Show
" The dot coms and academics of San Francisco and Boston, the financial firms of New York and the lobbyists of Washington D.C. will pick the Democrat nominee. But will they pick the president?"
At this point, Google has the power to elect a president
Thursday, July 18. 2019
In Defense of Houses - Single-family homes are the backbone of American aspiration—so why do so many people oppose them?
Titiana McGrath remains amusing and diabolically clever
Climate Despair Is Making (Crazy People) Give Up On Life
Prince Charles once again changes his global warming doom deadline
Big Government Is Always The Biggest Threat To Liberty
Compassionate Christian Votes For Government To Steal Money From His Neighbor And Give It To The Poor
Cornell DROPS standardized test requirement: 'Can be biased against' women, minorities
But life effectiveness is the real test, and unavoidable
Educators work to combat racism, whiteness in math
Facebook Bans St. Augustine Quote as 'Hate Speech'
Let the book burning begin. Almost forgot - there are no "books" anymore. Let's now term it "book deleting"
Attacks On "White, Male" Moon Landing Prove No US Achievement Is Beyond Liberals' Virtue-Signaling Rage
Tucker: Pete Buttigieg Claiming He’s a Victim of Racism Is ‘Greatest Story of the Year’
In Face Of Massive Border Crisis, Democrats Tell Americans Citizenship Means Nothing
Honduras: Inside ground zero of the Central American migrant crisis
Former Bill Clinton Press Secretary Joe Lockhart Calls Trump Supporters ‘Resentful, uneducated people screaming for blood from people of color’
Serious case of TDS
TRUMP: ‘IF WE DIDN’T HAVE ALL OF THE BULLSH*T,’ WE’D BE MUCH FURTHER ALONG - ‘Could you imagine if we didn’t have the time wasted’
As Trump piles up successes (and gaffes), the Democrats implode
By all means, keep criticizing Trump -- his rhetoric, his style, his long ties, his hair, ya-da-ya-da, but step back to appreciate the full picture.
It's the best of times - minimal war, great economy, very little to grouse about
Even Tom Friedman is worried about the Dems
Majority Of Mexicans Want Central Americans Deported, Survey Finds
Dystopia Comes to Sweden; Swedes Shrug
Not your grandfather's Vikings
Wednesday, July 17. 2019
Reflecting on humanity’s first steps on the lunar surface, fifty years after the epochal event.
Moon landing: John Glenn, and planets?
From the NY Daily News!
Don't Scoff at Influencers. They're Taking Over the World.
Reverend Amy Butler Outliberals Her NYC Church
A magnificent building, but politics replaced God there decades ago. Whitened sepulchre.
We All Wanted to Love the Women’s Soccer Team
Few soccer fans care about womens' soccer
The ‘Lady of the House’ Who Was Long Entangled With Jeffrey Epstein
She is now in hiding in England
What Do You Do When Mental Health Professionals Treating Trump Derangement Syndrome Have TDS Themselves?
Then it's called a folie a deux. Like some marriages.
A Sophomoric Look at Climate Change
The Plot against Kavanaugh
Farage: Von der Leyen Wants to Build ‘Updated Form of Communism’, Advance EU Army
Tuesday, July 16. 2019
Djokovic celebrated his Wimbledon win by eating a handful of grass. Here's why
Crunches won't give you abs and other fitness myths you need to stop buying into
Core work - planks, sit-ups, back lifts, "bicycles," leg lifts, mountain climbers, etc are for strengthening core, not for aesthetics. A strong core is darn important for everything in life
Why It's Probably Better for the Planet to Throw Plastic in the Trash
VD in the 18th Century
AI beats professionals in six-player poker
San Francisco's Top Economist Confirms Vape Ban Means More Smoking - The city is banning e-cigarettes while actual cigarettes remain legal.
‘Believe all women’ makes the ‘Pence rule’ just common sense
“State education is generally sub-optimal and often shockingly bad. Let’s make sure that’s all there is available.”
"... it’s so bizarre to watch the majority of NEA delegates eagerly dive into politically-fraught abortion and race debates, while voting down a clear commitment to prioritize student learning. So please, NEA: Can you explain?
Amazon workers in Europe join Prime Day strike
Average illegal has lived here 15 years: Pew
Angry Young Men Who Came Illegally to America Shout: 'No Shower, No Shower!'
Trump Admin Announces Major Crackdown On Asylum Abuse
When stereotyping is not just okay but mandatory
Red State, Blue Cities - Will the Texas model become a victim of its own success?
Trump is not a racist; he’s pushing the Overton window to normal
Trump Troll Level: Grand Master
Lawsuit Outs Reporter Ellen Ratner as Source for Seth Rich Information
Curiouser and curiouser
Trump’s Favorite Ambassador Makes a Very Trumpian Splash in Berlin
Sunday, July 14. 2019
Like all retail in the northern hemisphere, mid-July through Labor Day is slow season at Maggies. Luckily for us, we have devoted readers - friends - of our eclectic, boutique website. Do us a favor - let people know about us. Dunkin Donuts will pay us more for their (actually, multiples of zero) ads. We are all about money - those multiples of $0.
Yes, I think we will have less-frequent posting over the next several weeks when most of us intend to spend our lives outdoors in God's grandeur whether boating, hiking, fishing, gardening, exercising, sunburns and beaching, body -surfing with the sharks, playing sports, sweaty sex in the meadow, whatever. Or, in Roger de Hauteville's case, rebuilding his family outhouse. How many new seats? I'd go for an upscale 4-seater with varnished oak seats. Needs new tile walls too, Roger, and some fresh copies of the Sears catalog. (For the youth, that means tp.)
Our pal Gerard (thanks for the image) has linked a thing about famous pop tunes as pulp fiction novel covers.
Friday, July 12. 2019
Nobody has a clue. Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing
Seems like a sociopath to me, and apparently a charming one despite being a creep. But who knows? Maybe he was a CIA front.
An unusual traffic stop
Coasties attack a narco sub
US Fast-Food Drive-Thrus Will Soon Use License Plate And Facial Recognition Technology
To Delay Death, Lift Weights - Two new studies remind of us of what we already know but sometimes forget
American Psychological Association Pushes Polyamory
We Need A Green New Deal To Defeat Fascism
Ocasio-Cortez announces bill to make electoral college tuition-free
Catfight escalates: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hurls race card at Nancy Pelosi
Vanity Fair: You Know Who Should Be Worried About Epstein’s Photographs?
A question: This stuff is illegal, but is it really "pedophilia"?
House Judiciary Committee Continues Subpoena-fest Of Trump Officials
Why Do Democrats Hate Jobs So Much?
Lawrence Jones on disdain for Pledge of Allegiance: 'This starts on college campuses'
Joe Biden: ‘I Respect No Borders’
Get offa my lawn, Joe
Texas Reporter Watches 300 Migrants Cross Border in Six Hours
Hillary Posts Instructions IN SPANISH For Illegal Aliens to Evade ICE Agents
President Trump should set the refugee cap for 2020 at ZERO
Thursday, July 11. 2019
He is most valuable to me for finding phrases to express some of my thoughts for which I have no easy expression.
He is a great talker. Try this podcast. Yes, it's a hip thing to dislike America, so join the in-crowd moving to Canada...and China, and Mexico.