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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, December 22. 2015Tuesday morning links Amazon, Microsoft Gobbling Up Workloads, Says RBC, as Cloud Grows Fast Something to do in NYC: Girolamo dai Libri and Veronese Art of the Sixteenth Century Art from the Veneto wrongly overshadowed by Florence It’s practically impossible to define “GMOs” Luckily for us, everything grown is modified. Look at a real wild apple. It's a mountain berry from China. After 2,000 years, Christians disappearing from Gaza California Has Plenty of Water—And Too Much Politics Star Wars Proves Feminists Are Clueless about Science Fiction The American Papers that Praised Hitler Miss Puerto Rico Destiny Velez Suspended Indefinitely for Associating Islamic Terrorism With Islam There go my chances for Mr. Universe Purdue University Pushes Back against Free-Speech Suppression Budget bill leaves no boondoggle behind: Column Miss Puerto Rico Destiny Velez Suspended Indefinitely for Associating Islamic Terrorism With Islam - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=66679#sthash.W5AlpDWd.dpuf AZ Sheriff Babeu: We’ve Had 10,000 Unaccompanied Juveniles In Two Months, Obama Admin Says ‘Border Is Wide Open’ Saturday Night Leftist Lunacy - Islam is our friend, gun owners and the rich are our enemies. Germans Scramble To Buy Weapons Amid Nationwide Spike In Migrant-Driven Crime China Tests New ICBM from Railroad Car Kenyan Muslims shield Christians in Mandera bus attack How Our Overly Restrictive Rules of Engagement Keep Us from Winning Wars Monday, December 21. 2015Monday morning links What Are Quantum Gravity's Alternatives To String Theory? This is over my head Winter Outlook Update: January - March 2016 to Feel Influence of Strong El Niño It is passing strange how little jubilation the rescue of the planet has stirred. I blame Star Wars. What’s Really Going On With the Earth’s Climate "Most Liberal" US College Unleashes Demands For "Deconstructing The White Supremacist, Capitalist System" Bad Dining Hall Food Becomes Racial Grievance Yale Students Sign Petition to Abolish First Amendment The Democrats’ Theme for 2016 Is Totalitarianism
Bipartisan Achievements: Bigger Government, Worse Schools Paul Ryan Budget Admits More Syrian Refugees Than There Are Republican Voters In Iowa… The Cruzade, starring Ted Cruz Regarding Its 'Migrant' Policies, Denmark Tells World to Drop Dead How wrong of Danes to wish to be Danish Has Europe Reached the Breaking Point? Sunday, December 20. 2015Life in America: Abundance for allMcInnes amuses:
Related: Colonial New Englanders did not celebrate Christmas. In fact, it was illegal to do so in Boston. However, down South in New Amsterdam they had no such Puritanical tendencies. It is easy for us Yankees to forget that New York was already a substantial, rowdy town when those Pilgrims accidentally landed in cold, damp, and God-forsaken Cape Cod in November. Of course, the Catholic Spanish were in America first. The Brits chased out the Spanish and the Dutch, and then we Brits chased out the French, and then Britain itself for foolish reasons, but it worked out pretty well anyway despite our having, over time, created a far more oppressive and burdensome State than Britain could have dreamed of. A commercial powerhouse, however. Related: The Gift of the WalMagi
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Saturday, December 19. 2015Democrat Leaders Dance, Gloat
Thus Ryan's reward for civil cooperation and compromise.
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Sustainable seafoodSaturday morning links Kirsten Powers: Becoming a Christian Ruined My Love of Christmas - But then I learned to see the beauty of Christ’s coming like never before. Wow There's No Miracle Cure for Health-Care Costs The New Preschool Is Crushing Kids WHY ACADEMIC FREEDOM TRUMPS SOCIAL JUSTICE - The fight for the soul of the American university. From The Adults? Harvard’s ‘Holiday Talking Points For The Politically Correct’ Facing Investigations, DOJ Claims the Right to Avoid Investigations Speaker Ryan Builds Border Fence Around Wisconsin Property Fear and Loathing Across Party Lines Voters are furious because Washington ignores them Military Strategist Explains Why Donald Trump Leads—And How He Will Fail HOW ROGUE TECHIES ARMED THE PREDATOR, ALMOST STOPPED 9/11, AND ACCIDENTALLY INVENTED REMOTE WAR A warning to America from a Cuban dissident The Baltic States' Vital Step Toward Energy Independence Friday, December 18. 2015Friday morning links
'Freak' ocean waves hit without warning, new research shows The Clinton defense Greenland is not worried about climate "You might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots." Harsanyi: The 'Isolationist' Smear Budget deal increases federal deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars Congress’s $12 billion giveaway to health insurers House GOP Leadership: Foreign Worker Increase Needed Because of “Labor Shortage” Related, Donald Trump: The Indispensable Man Trump’s ‘Nazi’ Rally: 5 Times the Media Was Caught Lying About GOP Crowds Survey: under Obama, race relations in the US reach 20 year low Dan Gelernter: Obama does the military
Preserving American Power After Obama Iran says it will not accept any restrictions on missile programme Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal Back from the 'Caliphate': Returnee Says IS Recruiting for Terror Attacks in Germany Thursday, December 17. 2015Daniel Greenfield
aka Sultan Knish, on "Muslim Migration into Europe: Eurabia come True?"
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Thursday morning links
"When politicians try to tax corporations to death, the corporations are likely to take rational action" A book: Klemen on Riebling, 'Church of Spies: The Pope’s Secret War against Hitler' Ugly New Budget Deal Shows Why Americans Hate Washington Was Marco Rubio Overrated All Along? Trump’s Commanding Performance - Front-runner projects a kind of strength his opponents can't quite match Congressman: Refusing Syrian Refugees Hurts National Security No evidence California attackers were part of terrorist cell: FBI head Pentagon's Move Against Bowe Bergdahl Was About Its Own Integrity The military's real problem: Fewer Americans are joining By keeping its distance from the escalating efforts to rid the region of Islamic State, Israel has strengthened its hand. How Saddam’s men help Islamic State rule Why Saudi Arabia's coalition against terrorists might not be all it appears Women Suicide Bombers On The Rise Don’t Have Much Use For 72 Virgins. Here’s What They Get Instead Obama's Middle East Delusions Is Iran taking over Latin America? Wednesday, December 16. 2015ViolenceWednesday morning links Health myths that refuse to die, eg cholesterol and ulcers “The problem of living in New York” explained Whatever Happened to Little Richard? 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' Broke the ‘Veronica Mars’ Kickstarter Record Emory Students Want Professors Evaluated On Number Of Microaggressions They Commit The spreading virus: Oberlin edition: UPDATE (Is this for real?) In Maryland, the state challenges view that new programs at historically black colleges will attract white students. Five Favorite Moonbat Stats Debunked WaPo: The biggest Pinocchios of 2015 First Truth, Now Chappaquiddick The San Bernardino Terrorists Weren’t Radicals -- They Were Mainstream - A huge tiny minority of extremists. Gleeful ISIS Gloats About Los Angeles Bomb Scare Five Favorite Moonbat Stats Debunked Rand Paul Is Virtually the Only Candidate Who Doesn’t Want to Start World War III in Syria I'm with Rand on that issue We’re All Being Pretty Quiet About Obama’s Failures, Aren’t We? The media are really going out of their way to avoid talking about President Obama's track record. Conrad Black: Trump Is the Good Guy Buchanan: Will Elites Blow Up the GOP? Republican Billionaires Just Can’t Seem to Buy This Election Merkel throws in the towel on multiculturalism ISIS Sends Out Threatening “Convert or Die” Letters in SWEDEN – Join Islam or Lose Head! Palestinian Rams Car Into Crowd of Israelis at Jerusalem Bus Stop Tuesday, December 15. 2015Tuesday morning links Kids are expensive and inconvenient Why finding a better ISP is harder than it should be NYC's Schwab Mansion Post-Docs: Academia's Miserable Waiting Room ‘Chappaquiddick’ Producer: Viewers Will See What Ted Kennedy ‘Had To Go Through’ More on American Arrogance Pushing Aside 401(k)’s for Mandatory Savings Plans Run by the government Roger Scruton, on the Heart of Conservatism Jerry Brown Touts 'Coercive Power of the State' on Climate Change - Tells an audience in Paris to never underestimate that power being used "in the service of good." "Common good" vs. Freedom Being a Member of the ‘Hollowed Out’ Middle-Class Never Felt So Good Melissa Harris-Perry Brings Parody to Life, Calls 'Star Wars' Racist Democratic candidates build ‘safe spaces’ from tough questions Trump Is Going To Break Your Heart Is Trump a Democrat? No - he is a Trumpocrat Hispanic activists vow to flood voter rolls with 1 million immigrants, punish Trump, GOP at polls Soros is funding it There’s simply no reason for America to have troops in Europe and there no reason for NATO to exist. Monday, December 14. 2015Monday morning links Christmas: Men are so lazy Julius Caesar battlefield unearthed in southern Netherlands Global Warning: Paris Climate Change Accord is a bureaucratic boondoggle SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY… Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years A Manufactured “Success” in Paris Firearms: NY Times Editors Continued War on Reality Twenty-Five Years of Helping Foreigners Take American Jobs Belmont: The Narrative Can Never Be Wrong Trump is Tossing Thoughtcrimes through the Overton Window PJ O'Rourke: Garish Tastes, Awful Hair: Donald Trump Is America Dems Turn to Mocking Terror Fears ISIS: No, It Is Not 1938 It is disappointing that today history books are teaching a dhimmified version of history Report by international High Level Military Group blasts UN commission, says Israel set a standard no other army could match Saturday, December 12. 2015Santa in the middle
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Saturday morning links Holiday disaster looms as UPS, FedEx overloaded after online shopping soars Santa will take care of it Sinatra the monster Why you can’t call nuts, avocados, olives, or salmon “healthy” Still preoccupied with fat. Government stupidity combined with overreach. How Arne Duncan Lost The Common Core And His Legacy Government overreach Click here to make sure your kid doesn’t become a liberal jackass at college How I was vaporised by the BBC's Green Gestapo after daring to mock the Met Office and global warming Poor Countries Demand $3.5 Trillion in Climate Finance at Paris Conference IKEA Considers Removing Meatballs From Menu Due To ‘Climate Change’ If you're not oppressed, you're not special Almost Immediately Upon Hearing Word of the San Bernadino Shootings, Obama Ordered FBI To Downplay "Terror" Angle, Convened Meeting of NSC to Plot "PR" Response America's Immigration Challenge - Coming to the United States would benefit millions—but policymakers seldom ask whether Why Are We Taking in Refugees? There are no jobs for them 'Washington Post': Republicans are Totally Racist, We've Got Studies! Hillary is just like Jesus Trump’s hysterical critics display an ignorance of their own Treasury Department delays decision on which woman to put on $10 bill:
Friday, December 11. 2015Life in America: The 80's
I spent last weekend with my family celebrating my father's 80th birthday. My sister and one of her sons flew in from their home in Vienna, Austria as a surprise. My other sisters picked her up to join us, as did my brother, his wife and one of his sons. We all traveled to Connecticut to see my niece play in her first two high school hockey games. She played well, picking up 2 assists and her team won both games, beating one of their rivals for only the second time in history. She is a freshman, excellent on defense, and has the Olympics in her future. My father loves watching her games, so we turned it into a celebration. As my wife and I traveled home, I reflected on the conversations that weekend, as well as the many I've had with my father over the course of my life. Obviously, my personal points of view were influenced by my parents. But rather than simply adopting their views, both taught me (and my brother and sisters) to think critically. Like most families, our views on life, politics, and economics vary greatly not only from our parents', but from each other. Growing up, heated discussions took place during meals. We covered all kinds of topics from art, history, literature to politics and music. On Maggie's there is plenty to remind me of those conversations, even some of the heated comments down below. My father's birthday, realizing his parents didn't even reach the age of 80, caused me to think long and hard about the positions I take in these discussions. After some reflection, I began to realize most of the opinions I fight against are related to envy and desire...
Continue reading "Life in America: The 80's" Mark Steyn testifies to the US Senate
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The Mile High Club
This isn't the kind of thing I normally spend time thinking about, but this morning I saw this article. In addition, my best friend is, at the moment I'm writing, somewhere over the North Pole on his way back from Hong Kong. As a result, the concept piqued my interest. Aside from my wife, I can't say I've ever been remotely interested in any of my seatmates. I've had plenty of good (and bad) interactions with women on a plane. I had a woman yell at me for wearing a Fox News shirt (I used to work there). I calmly explained to her that it's based in New York, so it's chock full of Democrats, which got a smattering of applause. I helped a girl returning from college, who'd never flown before, find her luggage and reunite with her family. I also had a very cute woman grab my arm, to the point of pain, as she chanted something in Spanish and grasped her Bible during takeoff. I'm guessing she was saying the Hail Mary, but I'll never know. I didn't feel like I should pry her loose, her fear was palpable and the flight was a red-eye. I just wanted her to calm down so I could go to sleep.
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Friday morning links
The Moroccan Berber were more isolated from the Arab and French No, Suicides Don't Rise During the Holidays The importance of John Keats' Christmas Letter
Middle-Aged Paul Wolscht Identifies as a 6-Year-Old Girl And I am a ham sandwich. Bite me. Fired for Refusing to Call a Biological Girl a Boy, This Teacher Is Claiming Religious Discrimination Fired for sanity Dumping Money on Fire Stupid. Let the fires burn. Fire is natural and healthy for forests. Gamechanger: Celebrities join Obama in reminding America that they oppose gun violence A relief to know that The Middle Class Is Shrinking! Because They’re Getting Rich! The good news
Middle-Aged Paul Wolscht Identifies as a 6-Year-Old Girl - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=66265#sthash.t8DLImRo.dpuf Obama’s blind faith in ‘clean’ energy will cost plenty Obamacare Is Now on Life Support Trump's proposal for a pause in Muslim immigration "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on" strikes this columnist as entirely reasonable. That's not to say it's necessarily a good idea. Are Japan and Israel fascistic for not allowing Muslim immigration? Dem Rep. Loretta Sanchez: I’d say, oh, 5-20% of Muslims support terrorism to bring about a caliphate Glenn Reynolds: Liberals have chosen The Donald as their 'Destructor' Why do Democrats insist on Clinton? Sultan: Can the Left Learn to Love ISIS? Are Democrats Trying to Establish a Right To Immigrate to US? Yes Little girl demonstrates art of stabbing: “Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!” Stab the Jews. And if she gets seriously ill, she'll be treated by a Jewish doctor in a hospital in Israel Obama's Middle East Delusions Why Detroit Cannot Be Rebuilt
Thursday, December 10. 2015Thursday morning linksFlorida burglary suspect eaten by alligator after fleeing police Mark Steyn rebukes democrats in climate hearing: ‘You’re effectively enforcing a state ideology’ No Child Left Behind Has Finally Been Left Behind FBI: 57% of Anti-Religious Hate Crimes Targeted Jews; 16% Targeted Muslims “One Person, One Vote” Heads To Supreme Court Nat Hentoff Excoriates ACLU’s Failure to Defend Free Speech Supreme Court Justices’ Comments Don’t Bode Well for Affirmative Action SHOCKER: US Govt Spent $4.34 Billion on Outside PR in Last Seven Years Hillary Clinton’s most repugnant lie While we fight over Trump, France closes 3 mosques, finds hundreds of weapons VDH: If Donald Trump Did Not Exist, the Public Would Have Had to Invent Him LA TIMES: Say, Trump Could Be Right ‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation FLASHBACK: Jimmy Carter Banned Iranians from US, Deported Iranian Students During Hostage Crisis "Come To Us, We'll Show You Paradise" Salafist 'Aid Workers' Recruit Refugees In Germany In Germany, nearly 2/3 of Syrian refugees are 'functionally illiterate' In US, Emergency measures imposed as border surge surprises, overwhelms immigration officials ISIS Can’t Be Destroyed from the Air Wednesday, December 9. 2015Wednesday morning linksPhoto: Where not to put a Christmas tree Yale Lecturer Resigns After Email on Halloween Costumes Another scalp This betrayal of Yale’s supposed ideals is a clear warning to the next thought criminal who dares speak up. Jimmy Carter Saved By Israeli Cancer Treatment The US and Israel are the overwhelming leaders in medical innovation. Switzerland to a lesser extent. The rest of the world depends on that. Obama healthcare law will cost U.S. 2 million jobs by '25, government agency says Congress Must Stop the Flow of Corporate Welfare to Insurers Along with all other corporate and agricultural welfare Is Racism 'Embedded in Our Psyche'? No. "Tribal" cultural affinities are. Obama Wants to Ban 'Assault Weapons' but Does Not Know What They Are
Rush: How Donald Trump Plays the Media Welcome To Barack Obama’s America - Barack Obama's political legacy is the rise of Donald Trump. Fighting Terror by Self-Reproach - How did we become a country more afraid of causing offense than playing defense? New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Department “Forces that Could Move to Benghazi” Immediately – Specifics Blacked Out in New Document Sergeant Major Speaks Out On Women In Combat
The Palestinians' Window of Opportunity Is Closing ISIS takes flight: Terror group training pilots at airbase in Libya They are not a terror group. They are a religio-political armed movement which sometimes uses terror tactics for intimidation Tuesday, December 8. 2015Terror
Jihadists pose no threat to the US as a nation. To some unfortunate randomly-selected innocent people, yes. That is evil at work in this dangerous world. I have little doubt that their efforts are designed to produce hysterical overreactions to add fuel to their bluster and threats and to magnify their importance in the name of Allah. This is neither WW 2 or WW 3. Jihadists, whether Taliban. Al Quaida, ISIS - they are all basically the same thing and their only significant threat is to their fellow Middle Easterners, and perhaps secondarily to Europe to some extent. Israel, rightly, fears no one. In their delusions, they are at war with everybody, but I do not see them as America's problem. Beating war drums and ginning up popular emotion is cheap politics, but perhaps effective politics. I've left a lot out to keep it short. My final point is that the Middle East is a tar baby, and takes up far more American bandwidth than it deserves. There are no real nations there, just tribal and religious warfare. It is a pre-national, semi-civilized part of the world. There will be no end to that in our lifetimes. And it's not our job. The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was a disaster. Go ahead and argue, please. It's a topic worthy of thoughtful disputation. I am sympathetic to this piece: FEAR of Terrorism Is Much More Dangerous than Actual Terrorism and to this: If We Want To Stop Terrorism, We Should Stop SUPPORTING Terrorists and re Trump's idea re Muslims, I am in favor of a moratorium on all immigration to the US, legal or illegal, until the nation as a whole can debate and decide what makes sense in today's world.
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Tuesday morning links Nun Bags 10-Point Buck and Posts Photo Online The life, death, and rebirth of Coney Island No, Monsanto Is Not Going On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity Rolling back welfare reform in New York VDH: Liberal Nihilism in a Nutshell The return of racism and violence: Thanks, Obama Rubio: “Where is there widespread evidence that we have a problem in America PC Response to Terror Is Reviving Democrats’ Weak 1980s Image In 2015 alone, France suffered more casualties from gun violence than the U.S. has suffered during Obama's entire presidency How Washington is holding Puerto Rico back - The territory is hamstrung by obscure regulations. It's time to loosen those cords. Finland Wants to Replace Welfare Programs With a Minimum Income for All Residents A Glimpse At Tomorrow’s Electromagnetic Spectrum Weapons Turkey’s human wave assault on the West Triumphant Venezuela opposition looks to boost economy, free prisoners The soul of the Vietnam nation (Video) Remembering Pearl Harbor - How Hitler lured a reluctant America into Europe’s war Obama's $5 Trillion Dollar Gift to China: The South China Sea?
Monday, December 7. 2015Guns and bombsGopnick makes the case that "we're all to blame" for the San Bernardino massacre. I am so tired of these sorts of arguments. Naturally, he blames the guns. I know that Bird Dog and his friends had good fun with firearms this weekend, and not one of their firearms went postal. Also, Gopnick neglected to mention that they had bombs too. Everything they did and had was illegal and had evil intent. How do you make something more illegal? San Bernardino Islamic Terrorists Set Up Bombs to Explode on First Responders Monday morning links It was "the tour from hell”: Inside the Grateful Dead’s last shows, and Jerry Garcia’s final days Can’t Put Down Your Device? That’s by Design MEET YOUR NEW PET, A DOMESTICATED FOX Coca-Cola Pulls Offensive Ad, but the Damage Is Already Done Damage? A free Coke? Firearms: The Most Pressing Issue in 95 Years Bad people: The most pressing issue in 50,000 years Top 10 Deadliest Snipers Of All Time (Video) Suddenly there were warning labels on everything. Emory: Faculty Thoughtcrime Tribunals Harvard Law School Untaped: The Inmates Demand Control of the Asylum Activists demand UN ‘revoke’ credentials of 'climate deniers’ in Paris – Claim ‘Climate Hustle’ film is ‘full of lies’ – without seeing it – Warn skeptics may ‘derail’ UN treaty Watch Live Stream from Paris #COP21 skeptic conference here – including new film, “Climate Hustle” Lefty Hatred Unleashed By San Bernardino Jihad "OK, lemme get this straight. Fear that people would say bad things about Muslims is legitimate, but fear that Muslims might kill people is a groundless form of “hatred.”" “It’s Mind-Boggling” – Obama and Liberal Media COMPLETELY BAFFLED as to Motive of San Bernardino Terrorists I blame climate change Chicago is not the most American of American cities. Chicago is the most Soviet of American cities. Donald Trump Forges New Blue-Collar Coalition Among Republicans - Celebrity businessman appeals to nonreligious voters who don’t believe politicians can get U.S. back on track Trump and the truth: Why his version resonates with voters... Portugal: The Socialists’ Big Reversal ISIS army of scientists set to wage chemical and biological war on West: Experts warn weapons of mass destruction 'have been carried undetected' into European Union The other migrant crisis: Cubans are streaming north in large numbers They should work to fix their own home The few, the foolish - women in combat Related, Something is rotten at Fort Benning
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