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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, December 5. 2015Saturday morning links How Loneliness Wears on the Body The Endangered Species Act Didn't Save the Alligator, Commerce (and the States) Did Noonan: The First Amendment Needs Your Prayers - Jumping on anyone who publicly expressed a religious feeling after the San Bernardino massacre. Where are we heading? Good stuff Dalrymple on climate: Indignation (Righteous or Otherwise)
When “Diversity and Inclusion” Become Exclusion
New Yorker Mag’s Next Cover: Blame American Gun Owners For Islamic Terrorism 7 Reasons You Should Buy a Gun After San Bernardino Liberals who believe that jihadist attacks in the homeland will persuade Americans to disarm are very likely deluding themselves. Obama Admin VOWS to Prosecute Those Who Use Extreme “Anti-Muslim” Speech 680,000 Green Cards Issued to Migrants of Muslim Countries in Last 5 Years San Bernardino: Another Jihad Attack, Another Cover-Up - Mainstream media reporters don’t even need to show up for work. They can file their stories beforehand. The facts shoot holes in Obama's claim that US is only host to mass killings Congress Moves to Sabotage the Paris Climate Summit They are upset The Cruz-Rubio rivalry is a battle conservatives can be proud of Trump represents a Revolt Against the Fourth Estate Friday, December 4. 2015Friday morning links God forbid! Around here, Santa always says "Merry Holidays." Men and Women Alter a Home's Bacteria Differently How Mark Zuckerberg’s Altruism Helps Himself Mizzou's 'Safe-Space Enforcers' Face Backlash Amherst College Students Make Demands on Campus Speech ‘New York Times’ Uses Gender-Neutral ‘Mx.’ Is that short for "mixed up"? Obama Spells Out Immediate Purpose of Global Warming Hoax: Massive Taxes The Worst Environmental Calamity Is The Absence of Capitalism In Iowa, Jeb Bush thinks we need more mandatory ethanol blending Jackass. I used to sort-of like the guy Most polls suggest that voters care little about taxes. Or about debt Can We Learn From Europe? The madness of multiculturalism. Fatah Knives and ISIS Knives: Palestinian Child-Sacrifice A Turkish court appointed five ‘Lord of the Rings’ experts to figure out whether this Gollum meme is offensive EuroParliament Prez: Christians ‘Not Safe In Our Continent’ Asian pivot needs oil Jewish refugees from Arab lands seek justice at United Nations Where? ISIS in Libya training to fly planes They have a Dreamliner system How Corruption Undermines NATO Operations The New Cuba Policy: Fallacies and Implications Obama
Spells Out Immediate Purpose of Global Warming Hoax: Massive Taxes - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65933#sthash.D7DTANbH.dpuf Thursday, December 3. 2015Choose Your Own Gun Statistics
There's no law that can keep us safe. After all, there are laws against bombs. Still, the Bath School Massacre, Oklahoma City, Boston Marathon and a host of others, are all examples of how mass death can take place without guns. When deranged people have a goal, they will usually achieve that goal regardless of the laws in place. Misguided folk, who believe laws can keep us safe, feel there are ways to keep guns out of the hands of 'deranged' people. Unfortunately, the definition of 'deranged' is likely to be open to political maneuvering. I know, because of my deep distrust and dislike of government, that I could easily land up on a politicized list of 'deranged' people. I don't want to invoke Godwin's Law, but it suits this discussion...the Nazis classified political opponents as 'mentally unstable'. Is it so hard to conceive of a future where people like climate skeptics (who are already hearing calls for their views to be criminalized) would be classified as 'mentally unstable' and have their guns taken? Even more misguided is the belief that banning guns will make us safe. Because strict gun laws always make us perfectly safe. Like in Chicago. Or California. Or France. To make a case compelling, you have to make it seem like science, so you'll call up data and misuse it. Which is what WaPo did on this blog. Alternatively, you can pick and choose your data to suit your meme. It doesn't have to be scientific. It just has to look scientific. Question answered
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Thursday morning links
Ready for a picture of Little Bear Schwarz? Ready for a picture of Little Bear Schwarz? Social Justice warfare at Yale Harvard: House Masters ‘Unanimously’ Agree To Change Title I suggest "slaves" Hamilton College Students’ List of Demands Doesn’t Go Nearly Far Enough Why Do People Keep Falling for Campus Race Hoaxes? College Student Says You’re Just Not Smart Enough to Understand Safe Spaces Congratulations, Student Protesters, You Just Got Used The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time -- Part IX The Paris Conference is about income redistribution, not the health of the planet Glenn Reynolds: The climate change jet set Feds Push More Ethanol Into Gasoline, But Can Your Car Take It? Why ObamaCare Deductibles Are Indefensible Left Spends Day In Coordinated Attacks on Saying "Thoughts and Prayers" For the Victims What Americans Need to Know About the Encryption Debate We’re the government, and we’re here to screw you. Chicago and Rahm Emanuel: Partners in Corruption Trump 100% Vindicated: CBS Reports ‘Swarm’ On Rooftops Celebrating 9/11 As Hillary Runs, Marine Will Be Ousted for Emailing Classified Documents Canada Awaits a Pair of Impending Catastrophes American WWII vet becomes first soldier honored for saving Jews All Glory is Fleeting – The Demise of the Warrior Ethos Where are the Muslim Voices Against Islamist Terror? Thousands commemorate Jews expelled from Arab countries Wednesday, December 2. 2015Wednesday morning links Last owner razed it because he was so annoyed with his property taxes Why do so many people hate US airports? $410,000 higher ed loans Made mistakes "The American Dream? I thought so, until I had a baby and no maternity leave.." Work & Employment Down, Sleep & Socializing Up: Obamacare’s “Slacker Mandate” Pope Francis Says Fundamentalism Is a Disease of ‘All Religions’ Yahoo Board to Weigh Sale of Internet Business I think that means they will sell it “Climate change” is about the money. It’s always about the money- and look who’s going to profit. Developing Countries: We want a Trillion Dollars to Sign your Climate Agreement Liberalism’s Imaginary Enemies - In Paris, it’s easier to battle a climate crisis than confront jihadists on the streets. Collapse of NY’s largest Obamacare co-op has doctors refusing new patients A second prominent WaPo liberal columnist bails on Obama Obama Claims Mass Shootings Only Occur in USA — While in Paris 46 Times President Obama Told Americans ‘That’s Not Who We Are’ Obama Claims Mass Shootings Only Occur in USA — While in Paris - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65891#sthash.WYfDqk5J.dpuf The blindingly obvious political attack that every 2016 candidate should use against Hillary Senator Rand Paul: CNN ‘Has Taken Their Clinton Sycophancy to a New Low’ Paradigms Lost: The EU - What are Europeans willing to fight for? They will fight for pensions and freebies Walter E. Williams: Europe's Existence In Doubt As Muslim No-Go Zones Spread How Israel became a water superpower - Seth M. Siegel, author of ‘Let There Be Water,’ hopes Israel’s world-class water practices create a ripple effect of peace Anonymous publishes details of 'ISIS recruiters' and takes down 5,500 Twitter accounts Tuesday, December 1. 2015The kids are revolting
There is something wrong with the general state of education in the US today, and part of it seems to be some lack of grown-ups with integrity and maturity. What do adults do when kids stage tantrums? Grade-fixing might be Farina’s idea of ‘renewal’ at failing schools The Upside Down Campus Protester The Contradiction at the Heart of Speech Limitations Sought by Campus Progressives North Korea Has Taken Over Academe The Pathology of the Professors CAVED: These 10 college presidents surrendered to campus protestors’ diversity demands Academic Freedom, Conformity of Opinion, and the Student Demands
Politically Correct Holy Rollers: The New Campus Revival Hysterical Yalies protest a free-speech panel. Ivy Leaguers need to stop with the PC obsession
No, Nissy Aya, Columbia’s Core Curriculum Is Not ‘Traumatizing’ The Pea of Victimization Under Twenty Campus Mattresses Duke students who hate Duke A quote from the eminently sane and adult Dr. Everett Piper:
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Tuesday morning links ‘I was tossed out of the tribe’: climate scientist Judith Curry interviewed Twelve Reasons Why The Paris Climate Talks Are A Total Waste Jerry Brown’s Insufferable Green Piety Climate Change: Last Year's Fad Goes to Paris Pope: World Is “Near Suicide” on Climate Change – West Is to Blame for African Poverty Sheesh. Talk about God and Jesus for a change, if those topics matter to you. The bees are doing fine All honeybees in the US are feral anyway Bacteria on the Brain - A brilliant surgeon offered an untested treatment to dying patients. Was it innovation or overreach? Anti-ageing drug could let you live to 120 in good health There Is No Bigger Threat to Millennials Than Liberalism WaPo: Let’s hold free speech guilty for the acts of a lunatic, shall we? “What are we going to ban today?” From the economy to Syria, Britain lacks real leadership Syrian Expert Who Shielded Palmyra Antiquities Meets a Grisly Death at ISIS’ Hands EU Leftists Move to Welcome Jihadis After Border Controls Deemed RACIST West Germany’s Former Chancellor Predicted Europe Would Have an Assimilation Problem German officials warn of homegrown Islamists trying to radicalize refugees Obama's Love for Jihadis and Hate for Christians Sweden: "No Apartments, No Jobs, No Shopping Without A Gun" Swedistan, a tolerant place if you are not a Swede Montagnards: “America has forgotten about us”: Former allies in Vietnam flee persecution The Big China Story Nobody’s Really Covering The Chinese are seeing the world Report Lays Out Options for Overworked US Navy US ‘Steadily Retreating’ In South China Sea Dispute The Campus Uprisings, Israel, and the Downfall of Larry Summers by Edward Alexander Monday, November 30. 2015EuropeansA few stereotype observations from our recent trip: - They all smoke too much, and everywhere. Strange to see everybody smoking in bars and restaurants. Sort of fun, too. - They drink too much - Except for Germans, they tend to be thin. Germans seem to think they look good as overweight people. They do not, and they should not wear thongs or take their clothes off at the beach. Stop that, you Germans. - Europeans do not work out. Only Americans use gyms. Europeans think going to the spa, stretching, taking a steam bath or a sauna is a work-out. - Italians do not travel much. But why would they? - Brits and Germans like to go to sunny climates, get drunk and fall asleep in the sun and burn their pasty skin. - It is true that Germans do not feel the cold - There seem to be no Muslims in Portugal Monday morning links
Above via 18,000 Years of Climate and Civilization (where it is legible) Decade long ice age predicted as sun 'hibernates' Climatistas: We’ll Always Have Paris Surviving an imminent ice age Guns, paperbacks and cigarettes: vintage spy cameras – in pictures Rules of life for the ambitious Bernie Sanders Attacks WalMart on Black Friday Department Stores Need a Christmas Miracle - But this year, it’s not just Macy’s. Fancy chains like Nordstrom and Saks are ailing too. Columbia University has called in the emergency diversity squad after a sorority hosted an Olympics-themed costume party featuring students dressed as members of various nations. You can guess what happened next. Students Referred to Counseling Services to Deal With Trauma After Seeing Confederate Flag Closed Minds on Campus - Today’s student protesters start with valuable observations, writes John H. McWhorter, How A New President Could Reduce The Poverty Rate By 90% In A First Term Hillary Clinton’s million little lies Students Referred to Counseling Services to Deal With Trauma After Seeing Confederate Flag - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65769#sthash.my6lkdz2.dpuf You'll Never Guess The Most Charitable Nation In The World A Europe Without God or Mothers Saturday, November 28. 2015Saturday morning linksWhy do you never see gasoline taxes itemized on your receipt? Walsh: Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance People having sex with horses is on the rise in Switzerland Who’s really protesting Walmart? Barone: Be Thankful for Work Taxation As A Severe Insult Imagination Land and crime stats Western Cattlemen Square Off Against 60,000 Mustangs Feral horses, actually Mead: Getting to the Next American Dream - Forward-thinking politicians need How we raised the ‘grievance generation’ now rampaging on campus Climate Change Will Not Be Dangerous for a Long Time - Slower warming than predicted gives the world time to develop better energy technologies Harsanyi: Why Can’t We Talk About Islam Honestly? Goldberg - Should We Allow Syrian Refugees into America? Should We Allow Syrian Refugees into America?- See more at: http://bernardgoldberg.com/should-we-allow-syrian-refugees-into-america/#sthash.llAg8nqM.dpufEurope Learning to Live with Islamist Terror Paris Attacks Have Many in France Eager to Join the Fight 'I gave birth to a monster': Russian mother of ISIS poster girl chained her daughter up to try to stop her marrying jihadi China Unveils Biggest Army Overhaul in Decades to Project Power Friday, November 27. 2015Friday morning links The Miracle of Squanto’s Path to Plymouth Why Black Friday is a Complete Scam - Retailers rise prices in months beforehand to make discounts look good Dale Franks used to be a policeman Your Leftover Turkey Is Making The World Burn To A Cinder Democrats rise in opposition to Obama's climate change agenda The ultimate ‘Godwin effect’ – Science In 1941: ‘Global Warming Caused Hitler’ The New Yorker Becomes The Onion We have reached Peak ‘Guardian’. I repeat: Peak ‘Guardian’… School study finds racial gap in salad bar use Will: America’s higher education brought low I Should Not Write this Op-Ed: Confessions of a Non-Leftist Professor Ponnuru: Who’s to blame for PC culture Hillary Clinton is very sorry for saying “illegal immigrant” CNN "Journalist" Caught Red-Handed Doing Media Favors for Hillary Too Late for Carson to Catch up on Homework Obama’s HUD Launches Civil Rights Investigation on IL Town for Not Building Public Housing Top 5 Things Westerners Need to Embrace About Islamic Culture Obama Scolds Americans for Not Welcoming Syrians with Open Arms Kimball: Islam: 'The Strongest Retrograde Force in the World' German Leftist Politician OPENLY Brags About Migrants Replacing German People Thursday, November 26. 2015Thursday morning links When In Rome - Historian Mary Beard on her new book, old cultures, and whether we are doing as the Romans do Three Old Men Having Fun English is not normal - No, English isn’t uniquely vibrant or mighty or adaptable. But it really is weirder than pretty much every other language Our evil planet kills countless humans every year – why bother to save it? Thanksgiving: How does it happen that everything has become politics? Those Zany Colonists and the Nation They Built:
Wednesday, November 25. 2015Not the Dos Equis Guy, But I'd Share a Beer With Him
It takes a special breed to be a rough and tumble sort. I recently stumbled on the story of Carl Akeley, who brought taxidermy into the modern age. His adventures seem like dime novels. He crossed a crocodile infested river on a carcass, and beat a leopard to death with his hands. I doubt that could be repeated today, but maybe these stories are fairly common for men who wind up dead. What made Carl unusual was his survival. His stories live on, much like his taxidermy and dioramas. In that survival, I believe, comes the official stamp of 'badass'. His career path didn't start out as one which put him on the path as a most interesting guy. He had been fired from his taxidermy jobs for napping. It wasn't until he met P.T. Barnum and stuffed the elephant "Jumbo" that his life changed and he began taking an intense interest in making his creations more life-like. It's doubtful you could get away with living a life like his today, given the current political environment surrounding animals and hunting, in general. In fact, Akeley himself shifted his views later in life and began to promote conservation and nature preserves. I guess anyone's life can change at any point and take a turn for the exciting and adventurous.
The King takes a bathWhen I studied French in high school, the teacher told us that Louis XlV had two baths in his life - the first when he was born, and the second one killed him. Like spices for food, perfume had a practical purpose.
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Wednesday morning links
Does ‘Downton Abbey’ Have a Problem with Christians? How wily wild turkeys struck it lucky in America Majority of Americans Feel Alienated by What Is Presented to Them as Their Country Yep. “Straight guys just can’t get over you having the male parts." “Straight guys just can’t get over you having the male parts. - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=57959#sthash.GhqvspTt.dpuf “Straight guys just can’t get over you having the male parts. - See more at: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=57959#sthash.GhqvspTt.dpuf Not Even a Criminal Referral to the Dept. of Justice Can Get You Fired From the V.A. - Two Dept. of Veterans Affairs officials to return to work after scamming the agency for personal gain. We Need To Scare People About ‘Climate Change’ To Make Them Care It Was All a Lie! German Scientist Confirms NASA Fiddled with Climate Data Princeton Students Fight Back - A group Western Washington University Cancels Classes Due to ‘Hate Speech’ Occidental Professors Voting to Give Students Power to Report Them for Microaggressions - Would also mandate diversity training Via Insty:
Global refugees take long detours through Latin America to reach the US Obama = Merkel Amanpour demonstrated exactly how Islamic radicals have learned to take advantage of those bearing her viewpoint. If Westerners can't do yoga and Cinco de Mayo parties, can we have our polio vaccines back? Brussels Still Locked Down, as Belgium Hunts for Paris Attack Fugitive Prince Charles: Climate Change is to blame for War in Syria I blame Charles for it Sultan: Everything's Fine Until the Bombs Go Off He is right. ISIS is not the problem. Europe is the problem. A proposal to help the Syrian refugees stay within Sunni Arab countries
of Americans Feel Alienated by What Is Presented to Them as Their Country - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65609#sthash.rTiqYt1l.dpuf Tuesday, November 24. 2015This guy needs a show on MSNBC: MiloMilo Yiannopoulos. He is quick and amusing:
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Tuesday morning links
Book review: Heavy Lifting – Grow up, get a job, start a family, and other manly advice Watch the EcoLog 590 work Today’s whiny feminism is killing sex The Limitations of Healthcare Science University bans yoga for promoting Western colonialism Columbia Student in Anguish Because She Has to Read Books by White People Hysterical Yalies protest a free-speech panel. Alan Dershowitz told The Daily Signal in a phone interview. “After 50 years of teaching at Harvard, I have never met a less courageous group of people than tenured faculty.” Why college protestors are telling the media to stay away Cruel to pets — and death on free speech Mead: The NYT editorial board has come as close as it can to the devastating realization that blue model governance is breaking down.:
McArdle: It’s not Obamacare’s fault that it didn’t manage to do the impossible: provide cheap, nearly comprehensive health-care coverage without The tri-state war on business: killing jobs in the Northeast Rotten Elites Give a Bad Name to Elitism
"Hillary Clinton’s push for a 'politics of meaning' culminated in a New York Times Magazine story Michael Kelly wrote, 'Saint Hillary.'" Clinton campaign promotes ´Bill and Hillary´s love story´ State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Alert "Due To Increased Terrorist Threats" Scottish Town Reworks Welcome Sign for ISIS: “You Tw@ts Can F*ck Off” Why Does the Left Continue to Insist that Islamic Terrorism Has Nothing to Do with Islam? Hillary: ´Muslims Have Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Terrorism´ Dick Morris: Dems 'Committing Suicide' on ISIS, Refugees Brussels is in some ways a satire of the European project It’s a sad day when the President of the United States makes a French socialist leader sound like George S. Patton. Why did America lose the Vietnam War? Monday, November 23. 2015Linguistic degeneration
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Thanks, Roger
For the past two weeks, Maggie's readers have been treated to the morning links and morning reflections of Roger de Hauteville. Roger was pinch hitting for me while I was sailing the ocean blue. I am grateful to him for doing that, and for approaching the job with daily dedication and with his gifts on full display. If I owned the Wall St. Journal, I would hire him to replace Taranto. Taranto has fine wit but more cleverness than wisdom, I feel, in his observations of the passing scene. Plus Taranto needs staff. Sheesh. I'll tell you a little bit about Roger. Roger ll was of course the first King of Sicily - the Viking who conquered Sicily from the Moslems but who wisely kept most of the Moslem viziers and bureaucrats in place because of their skills and education. Roger ll did another fine thing: he grandfathered Frederick ll, King of Sicily, later Holy Roman Emperor, a remarkable man who is often considered the first "true European". So thanks again, Roger. And, as always, feel free to contribute at will because you are a master of this medium and I will never be one. I am a plodder. Photo is of the big schooner (5 masts, 5 Marconi rigs and 1 jib) that we've been traveling on in the eastern Atlantic. Can make 12.5 knots under those huge sails. When I get organized, I'll do my usual travel posts with pics, food, etc., but what I will get around to first will be a few posts about some of the people we met. Corny as it sounds, if you travel enough it's the experiences and the people that make an impression. New foods are somewhat fun, but sights are just pictures, old churches and buildings are a dime a dozen and can be seen on the internets and in books, and history can be read in books at home by the fire. I can say, now, that hanging out in the souk and in the medina in Marrakesh for a few hours is something worth experiencing once. Just once is enough, for me, tho. I am all souked out and there is nothing I wish to buy anyway. Feel the Balm of the Oil of Palm
Well, another Monday has rolled around. Time to leave the old rack and earn the spondulac. Exit your cribs to get the dibs. Act the noble savage to get the happy cabbage. Brave the debris to get the dough-re-mi. Feel the balm of the oil of palm. I hope by close of business that you pile the oof up to the roof. Alarming News: Just a bunch of links to writing done elsewhere Well, you see what I mean. I can assure you that the percentage of live blogs to festering pixel corpses doesn't improve as you continue down the blogroll. I guess it's true what Sir Walter Scott said about blogging:
I'm not picking on Ace, of course. He doesn't have time to read his blog. If he's like most bloggers, he leaves his blogroll as it was eight years ago, as a kind of shrine to his friends, many of whom are his commenters, I'm sure.
Obama is barely smart enough to order the most expensive thing on the menu at a Sizzler, and the press corps thinks he's a polymath. Bosch's Giant Robot Can Punch Weeds to Death
If this works better than the current eco-friendly method, which is having illegal aliens crapping on the weeds, then Chipotle and I are all for it. How to Baffle Web Trackers by Obfuscating Your Movements Online
Living in a cave is the alternative, huh? You could, you know, shut the goddamned thing off. Top 10 Ways Wood Pellets Beat Firewood
I say the old ways are the best ways, so I'm going to stick with burning peat in a brazier in the middle of my great hall, thanks.
In order to test my personal reaction to ingesting a cookie, a banana, and seven scotch and sodas, you're going to have to give me a banana and a cookie. The strange case of 77 blue-collar Chinese migrants that Kenya is calling “cyber-hackers”
Help, I'm a Chinese businessman being held in a Kenyan jail, and I'll transfer one million dollars to your account if you'll just pay my bail. Please enter your bank account information... Independent Music Is Big. Really, Really Big.
After reading the article, I realize I have no idea how anything works anymore, but neither does anyone else, so I don't feel bad. Why has Italian cinema lost its appeal abroad?
Why has Italian cinema lost its appeal? Sophia Loren's bustline finally dipped below the horizon. It's really that simple. And stop calling her abroad. What I’ve learned from sitting next to a pro salesman
The author talks in wonderment when the salesman asks about the health of a customer's family members before trying to sell them things. The concept of using good manners, or any manners at all, doesn't even register as "a thing" with the author. Honestly, iPhones have utterly destroyed an entire generation of human beings. Coming soon: chicken meat without slaughter
I've raised chickens. Chicken breast grown in a petri dish will be 10 percent smarter than any chicken I've ever met. OK, everybody, time to get after that spondulac!
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Sunday, November 22. 2015WWJAD?Well, it's Sunday. That means Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes in the morning, and Sunday-go-to-hell clothes in the afternoon. You know, for puttering around the house. Vatican to try five, including reporters, over leaks scandal
Let's borderline blaspheme and ask, WWJAD? (What would Joan of Arc do?) I'm no expert, and think it presumptuous to speak for her, but I have an inkling whatever she'd do, she'd do it to Frankie, not the reporters, and it would leave a mark. New Orleans Medical Student Shot While Trying to Stop Attack on Woman
Speaking of Orleans, WWJAD? It's not for me to say, but I imagine she would kneel down and tenderly kiss that brave man on his furrowed brow, nurse his wounds, and then go off to see if it was possible to fit the second man into a tuna can. Exclusive: In Paris attack, nurse discovers the man he tried to save was bomber
WWJAD? I am a sinner, not a saint, so don't trust me, but I figure she would commend that nurse for showing simple Christian charity to all. Then if the bomber recovered from his wounds, she'd give him a 12" haircut. More than 1,000 attend funeral for veteran with no family
WWJAD? This one is easier. She would weep, as did I. Amish man runs marathon in traditional slacks and suspenders
WWJAD? She'd run next to him, clanking all the way. Then they'd stop five yards shy of the finish line and pray for the other runners to catch up. Green campaigner readies to swim the Pacific
WWJAD? Mention she needed fewer people to save France. Sword-wielding psycho freaks out at Apple Store
WWJAD? Trick question. She's not an Apple person. That was William Tell. Joan wore armor, so I imagine she was more of a Chrome user. Treasure trove: Farmer discovers 4,000 Roman coins in Swiss orchard
WWJAD? She'd probably remind you to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. Then she'd point out that Caesar has been dead for two thousand years, and split the dough with you. Well, I hope you all have a nice Sunday, and if you think it might be fun or enlightening, you can wonder WWJAD about everything in your life today. I know for a dead cert she wouldn't take the points and bet on the Cleveland Rams. Obvious Saints fan.
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Saturday, November 21. 2015Don't Be a Slacker!
It's common for humans to personalize things that don't have anything to do with us in particular. For instance, many people looked at today's news and espied a massacre at the Radisson Hotel in Mali. It was perpetrated by Al Qaeda, or Alcoa, or Al Kaline, or Boko Loko, or Procul Harem, or whatever those pesky Mohammedans are printing on their bowling shirts these days. Some observers immediately wondered what it meant to them. Be honest. It's possible your first reaction to seeing the mayhem in Mali was, "I've been in worse Radissons than that! That one in Naperville didn't even have USA Todays in the lobby, and I couldn't tell the difference between the continental breakfast and the wet nap." That's hardly commendable, but it's understandable. It's no less sensible than rending your garments over it before changing the channel to The True Game of Downton Boardwalk Thrones. Bad things happen all day, every day. You're not the king of the world, as far as I know. Tragedy is when I stub my toe; comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die. It's not as heartless as it sounds. Our reactions to the things we encounter in the news must be tempered by proportionality. We are all charged to look after our selves, our family, our friends, our community, our country, and then mankind -- in that order. Making gigantic, pointless, histrionic demonstrations of how much you care about people so far away they might as well be an abstraction isn't of any use to anyone. I've also noticed that people that make a big deal out of loving humanity in general usually leave a 5 percent tip after a four-hour meal, then go home and beat their wives. Or start the Soviet Union. Talk is cheap. The level of moral preening abroad in the land grows daily. College students are demanding that Woodrow Wilson get airbrushed out of their textbooks to signal they're ready for three minutes hate. That way they can accuse anyone who stops after two minutes of being a kulak reactionary Goldstein fan. It puts me in mind of King Charles II. After he was restored to the British throne, he dug up the corpse of Oliver Cromwell, the man who had beheaded his father, and had Cromwell's festering corpse drawn, hung, and beheaded. His father must have looked down from heaven, or more likely up from the other place, and thought to himself, "That's swell and all, but it would have been handier nine years ago." On to the news: Pope Francis calls Christmas a ‘charade’ as the ‘world continues to wage war’
Christ, bring back the Borgias. What an invertebrate sits on that chair now. Baltic Dry Index Falls Below 500 for First Time Ever
I wouldn't worry too much about that. The Baltic is no big deal. Put all your hotels on Mediterranean.
By ignoring everything but precious metals, Spain ended up with runaway inflation. Digging metal out of the ground to increase the money supply is no different than printing greenbacks. In America's Little Syria, a divide on accepting refugees
Unlike all the little SJW twerps going to Ivy League, I have known lots of real, live Syrians. They're Christian. They came here years ago to get away from the murderous psychos you're inviting over now. But keep on caring deeply about Syrians to earn a sanctimony merit badge on your diploma, kids. Scientist claims to have detected a parallel universe
I used to live in a parallel universe where scientists could produce results twice in a row before they'd claim they'd outdone Newton. Why young American women are joining ISIS
I'm often surprised by what surprises people. Chicks dug Rudolph Valentino, too -- until he opened his mouth. LivingSocial Offers a Cautionary Tale to Today’s Unicorns
The iPhone economy is 99 percent Ponzi. A half dozen companies make money, everybody else borrows over and over again to cover their losses. LivingSocial lost $1.4 billion in 4 years. They simply convinced investors that the electronic equivalent of a flyer that falls out of the newspaper was General Motors. The Man Who Went From Harvard to Goldman to Colombian Jail
It's like the sun rising in the east, isn't it? If a Clinton offers to go halfsies on a gold mine, they'll get the gold, you'll get the shaft. In a remote corner of Romania, neighbours kill each other over tiny strips of land.
Would you like to find out more? Vote Sanders! Man called Phuc Dat Bich posts passport to Facebook after being repeatedly banned from site
My aunt, Carlotta Tendant, feels your pain, dude. Maggie's Farm readers are our friends. We care about our friends. Stay out of the Radisson!
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I'm supposed to read the papers and paste some of the more interesting items on this page for you to peruse. We're all supposed to have a few laughs, go tsk, tsk, or on the odd occasion, applaud what we see. Today I was brought up short, as they say. Like a baby midget in the circus. I'm still capable of being shocked, I guess. The papers are full of man's inhumanity to man these last few days, but nothing about a terrorist attack surprises me anymore. Doesn't even move the meter, I'm ashamed to say.
The Newspaper neglected to mention that the "fugitive Santeria priest" suspected of murder had raped a child. All the news that fits, I guess, and the fact that the rape victim was a child can't compete with everything else the headline has going on. I can't say I blame the news organization. They have a lot of ground to cover. I didn't even bother listing all the plain old murders I found on that page. There was a kind of monotony to them. The KTLA news page even tried to get me to pay attention to a car wreck. That doesn't even register as bad news to me anymore after reading the rest of the happenings from one little corner of our world. Well, don't worry, you can count on me to keep bringing you the news, but as soon as I'm done, I'm shaving my head, putting on flowing robes, and fashioning a placard that reads REPENT, THE WORLD WILL END TOMORROW. You'll find me out on the sidewalk, waving at passing cars, and apologizing to everyone for not making the sign 50 years ago when it would have been timely.
I see. He's terrified of producing a beneficial trace gas, or any "waste." He will, however, propose the mining of lots of manganese, a material that causes permanent neurological disorders, tremors, facial muscle spasms, difficulty walking, acute bronchitis, aggressiveness, and hallucinations. But he'll make enough juice to charge his phone, so it's all good. UnitedHealth may exit Obamacare individual exchanges
I don't have any questions about the viability of Obamacare, and never did, but thanks for playing. Cab medallion owners sue NYC, blame Uber for ruining business
Here's an errand for you, kind reader. Apply for a permit to do anything in New York City. Then tell the person behind the counter you don't need to fill out any forms, or pay any fees, because you wrote 200 lines of javascript, frosted it with a little html, and pasted it into your phone. I promise I'll drag the river to find you. Students want Woodrow Wilson's name removed from Princeton
Let's make a deal, college kids. I'll help you jackhammer his name off the building if you'll help me erase his signature from the Revenue Act of 1913. Help! My short position got crushed, and now I owe E-Trade $106,445.56
I have no sympathy -- none -- for a college graduate that can't pluralize "buddy." Doctors want ban on prescription drug, device advertisements
I have only one observation. If a man and a woman are in separate bathtubs, no amount of medication will initiate sexual activity between them. That's a cast iron fact. Forget paleo, go mid-Victorian: it’s the healthiest diet you’ve never heard of
Sounds great. I'm all for a return to mid-Victorian Napier-style foreign policy, too: "Come here instantly. Come here at once and make your submission, or I will in a week tear you from the midst of your village and hang you." Why the VW #DieselGate Is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, Part 2
I have another theory. The emissions rules to limit CO2 are stupid and unattainable, and Volkswagen workers had to choose between fibbing and mass ritual suicide in the parking lot. Half of New Yorkers Say They Are Barely or Not Getting By, Poll Shows
Half say they are barely getting by, and the other half didn't hear the question because their head is in the oven. My Home-Built TTL Computer Processor (CPU)
That is a nifty piece of work. After the zombie apocalypse, he'll be an emperor-god because he'll be the only man on Earth able to program an LED register to show the vague outlines of a naked woman. Well, that should tide you over until tomorrow. Remember, Maggies Farm loves you and wants you to be happy, so if by some twist of fate you accidentally enter the broadcast area for KTLA, roll up the windows, lock the doors, and keep driving.
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects
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