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Saturday, January 30. 2016Saturday morning links
Dentists Are Removing Too Many Wisdom Teeth They took mine at 25, and took my wisdom with them. Claimed they didn't fit in my mouth. Party Political Broadcast (Choreographed) - Monty Python The Disastrous New Urban Agenda - Unable to spend their way into a progressive future, Democratic mayors have turned to regulation as a panacea Still seeking utopia on the backs on the people How Bad Incentives Undermine the Scientific Process 300 scientists send letter to Congress accusing NOAA of cooking the books on climate change Should Charter Schools Be Allowed to Push Out Difficult Kids? Catholic Guilt? The Lying, Scheming Altar Boy Behind a Lurid Rape Case Otherkin Rights Now!
I am a Bird Dog New Mandatory Diversity Training For Students At Mizzou Focuses On Taco Costumes "First they came for our tacos..." But I hate tacos Britain Is A Free Country — Thanks To The Queen Students: Liberate Yourself from ‘Safe Spaces’ Feminists go medieval "Why do feminists, on the one hand, claim that there are no natural Public Spaces Then and Now - After a generation of improvement, New Yorkers sense something changing— and not for the better. Beware: Wal-Mart's Raises Are Not a Victory Liberal Distortions of Welfare Reform Statistically, single motherhood is as dumb as dropping out of high school. There is no cure for stupid and, shockingly, outside Lake Wobegon a full half of Americans have below-average IQs. Union membership in Wisconsin plummets in wake of GOP measures Given the choice, many quit the unions Obamacare’s Cost per Beneficiary Explodes with Shrinking Enrollment It was designed to fail, a feature not a bug Great moments in government: HHS handed children to human traffickers Is there still hope for Conservatism? Why I’m Supporting Hillary Clinton, With Joy and Without Apologies - I’ve come to feel passion for Clinton herself, and for the movement that supports her. "Passion"? "Movement"? MSNBC: FBI’s Hillary Investigation ‘Far More Advanced’ Than Public Knows Trump at heart is an outer borough man Yep, the real thing. Queens. Amusingly, Bernie an outer borough guy too - Brooklyn. Hillary: “I just can’t tell you how it feels to be in a room with so many people I Donald Trump Is Shocking, Vulgar and Right - And, my dear fellow Republicans, he's all your fault. Good stuff It's Not the Debate. It's the Focus Group The Insiders: The failed Obama presidency is what fuels Trump and sinks Clinton GOP Debate Showed What the Republican Primary Looks Like Without Donald Trump - It’s not more libertarian, but it is lot more substantive. Veiling Statues to Please the Mullahs: What the covering up of Roman art in deference to President Rouhani really means. They don't like pretty girls? Did they cover up the naked guy statues too? Europe’s Near Future Summed Up in One Picture European far-right, nationalist parties meet in Milan Why "far right"?By American standards, they seem fairly normal. German woman prefers rapists Europe’s Near Future Summed Up in One Picture
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The Disastrous New Urban Agenda -
This isn't just local municipalities doing it, it's the entire state/fed and the bureaucracy that preys on the productive that are destroying the very revenue that funds them. Go on any website for a regulatory agency and they doing somersaults over closing businesses that were "dangerous" or "noncompliant". Not mentioned is that they weren't compliant because regulations are contradictory and more dangerous as they aren't written by anyone who works in that field, they're written by paper-pushers who's only goal is to profit. It's impossible to remain compliant and actually get anything done. A customer of ours was just hit with over $50,000 in fines for this type of nonsense. Since the coal industry is dead the mine regulators have no live prey so they have moved onto stone quarries, landfills, construction and anything else that moves dirt. What happens when those industries are dead or struggling for life? For those who excuse this becuase "they were criminals" just remember, when there's no one left to speak up for you. First your means of self sufficiency, then your actual life. "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
C. S. Lewis These "do-gooders" are merely tyrannical criminals, not unlike the apparatchiks who ran the NAZI and Soviet bureaucracies. Evil is so banal at that level its really hard to comprehend.
The only solution they are leaving to WE the people is: Rope+ tree (or lamp post), some assembly required. "It was a great advantage when tyranny had one head and one neck; but what axe will relieve us from the tyranny of the majority? Foreign conquest was an evil; but it commonly took only our flocks and herds and left ourselves in liberty."
--The Ethics of Democracy by F.J. Stimson. Scribner's Magazine (1887) More to the point: what happens when those busy regulating all these industries out of existence begin to lament the absence of the products of said industries? Where will the fingers point?
Veiling Statues to Please the Mullahs link does not work for me
"Why "far right"?By American standards, they seem fairly normal."
By European standards, Obama is "far right"... Bird Dog: Why "far right"?By American standards, they seem fairly normal.
60% of National Front voters said that a single politician should be entrusted with authoritarian power. http://www.ifop.fr/media/poll/3185-1-study_file.pdf (page 7) "First they came for our tacos..." But I hate tacos
Is that racist, regionalist, or ethnic originist? Or maybe, you just don't like tacos. From the linked article:
QUOTE: That’s not even a Mexican taco!...It has lettuce in it! That sounds like a fine Tex-Mex recipe... Don't trample my Tex-mex taco with your elitist assumptions. p.s. Every mariachi band I've seen in Dallas wears similar sombreros. Dentists Are Removing Too Many Wisdom Teeth. At 24 I was assigned to an aviation medicine school, living in base housing next-door to one of the dentists. When he found out I still had my wisdom teeth, he badgered me to let him extract them every time we had a beer. Said they would give me a lot of trouble later on. I always told him when they started giving me trouble he could have them. Sixty-one years later and I still have them, as well as all the others. That dentist is probably dead by now.
It was recommended to me that I have mine removed before they erupted. I figured it for a scam. Wish I had followed their advice. They ( the wisdom teeth)screwed up years of orthodontics. Sorry. Sometimes ones mouth simply is too small for wisdom teeth.
I don't think orthodontics had been invented yet back then, except maybe for rich people.
QUOTE: Union membership in Wisconsin plummets in wake of GOP measures Given the choice, many quit the unions Something similar happened when the FBI broke the back of the Klan. Many Southerners quit the Democratic party since it was no longer supported by threats of government and paramilitary violence. QUOTE: 300 scientists send letter to Congress accusing NOAA of cooking the books on climate change How many are named "Steve"? Admittedly, I only skimmed the list but I only found one. Maybe I missed a couple. Is that significant?
It's a well-known parody of pseudoscience. Creationists like to compile lists of scientists who disputed evolution. See Project Steve:
http://ncse.com/taking-action/project-steve It seems the deniers like making their own lists. Climate scientists generally publish findings about climate in scientific journals.
2016-01-30 11:55
Re: Warmists making lists of deniers
Z: Climate scientists generally publish findings about climate in scientific journals. Like here? http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Climate_Change_Deniers or here? https://denierlist.wordpress.com/ But that's when they're not fudging the data: http://reason.com/blog/2014/06/23/did-nasanoaa-dramatically-alter-us-tempe Or hiding it: http://www.thegwpf.com/whistleblowers-claim-noaa-rushed-contentious-climate-paper-despite-reservations/ Another favorite tactic of warmist "scientists" is asking that those who disagree be prosecuted as racketeers: [/url]http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/9/20/1423309/-Scientists-ask-for-prosecution-of-climate-deniers-under-RICO-law[/url] To be fair, skeptics will make their own lists: http://www.aapsonline.org/newsoftheday/0026
2016-01-30 15:02
mudbug: Climate scientists generally publish findings about climate in scientific journals.
Like here? http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Climate_Change_Deniers or here? https://denierlist.wordpress.com/ Neither of those lists look like they were compiled by climate scientists. mudbug: But that's when they're not fudging the data: http://reason.com/blog/2014/06/23/did-nasanoaa-dramatically-alter-us-tempe Notably, the article is not published in a scientific journal, by someone outside his specialty. mudbug: Or hiding it: http://www.thegwpf.com/whistleblowers-claim-noaa-rushed-contentious-climate-paper-despite-reservations/ This one is a partisan attack based on unknown sources. mudbug: Another favorite tactic of warmist "scientists" is asking that those who disagree be prosecuted as racketeers The claim is that some corporations are knowingly lying about climate science. If so, they would be liable. mudbug: To be fair, skeptics will make their own lists: http://www.aapsonline.org/newsoftheday/0026 How many have expertise in climate science, and have published research in the field? How many are named "Steve"?
2016-01-31 09:49
Handwaving. And squid ink.
2016-01-31 13:39
Zach is quite the Renaissance man. Scientist, nutritionist, economist, philosopher, climate priest. I've never seen such a well fed internet troll.
Zach doesn't start many threads. Instead he subtly shifts focus from the topic to whomever is commenting. Oh, and he is a button-pusher. He should get to know Arthurstone from over at American Digest. wurzel zverge they call them in Germany, nicht wahr Herr Horst? Dwarves and trolls that live under the roots of large trees in the Black Forest. . Zach - read my lips: Climate change has happened, is happening and will happen in the future. The only question is: how much is due to human (anthropogenic) activity. My guess is "not that much". It's more a matter of the elites wanting to control the activities of we peons. My motto is, in these circumstances: "what do you not live, you have no right to require". Until I see Gore, Suzuki,and their buds seriously reducing their carbon footprints (and forget Al Gore's excuse that he was paying some form of carbon tax for his excess emissions as truth was he was paying said tax to a corporation he owned and from whose profits he was benefiting, which makes the transaction null and void), I will continue to live my life as I see fit, not being trampled by the various green virtuous-signalers and would-be tyrants who seek to diminish y standard of living while enhancing their own.
QUOTE: The Insiders: The failed Obama presidency is what fuels Trump and sinks Clinton Gee whiz. The right wing started organizing against Obama almost as soon as he became president. The seminal moment of the Tea Party Movement was less than a month after Obama's inauguration, when Santelli freaked out on CNBC. Even before the mid-terms, the Senate Republican leader said "the number one priority was," not the economy, not terrorism, not the overseas wars, but "making sure president Obama’s a one-term president." While Obama certainly didn't accomplish as much as his slogan of 'Hope and Change' implied, his administration will still be considered historically consequential. Historically or hysterically consequential? Yes, it's going to take us 50 years to get spending under control and another 50 to restore our Constitution after all his executive orders.
jma: it's going to take us 50 years to get spending under control
Federal deficits were about 10% of GDP when Obama took office. They are now around 3%. jma: and another 50 to restore our Constitution after all his executive orders. Executive orders are subject to judicial review or legislation. They can be changed by the President at any time. The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order. Santelli is one of the brightest guys on TV, and the only reason in my book to bother watching CNBC.
Texan99: Santelli is one of the brightest guys on TV, and the only reason in my book to bother watching CNBC.
Perhaps, but claiming the Obama Administration failed has been a pass time for the political right since he was inaugurated. It's vacuous. Hey Z, wake up and smell the coffee in the real world, would ya'?
The job of the Leadership in a political Party is to do everything in their power to ensure the newly elected opposition, especially a President, is limited to one term of office. Or maybe you think politics really is some kind of a Bean Bag game, after all. The only thing Obama did of any real consequence is to guarantee Donald Trump. Congratulations. Looking forward to your grey shaded correction. Scullman: The job of the Leadership in a political Party is to do everything in their power to ensure the newly elected opposition, especially a President, is limited to one term of office.
Um, no. The job is to pass legislation that helps the country. The tools include elections and compromises. Passing legislation that hurts the country but helps politically may be a pernicious side-effect, but is not part of the job Sure, "Z", sure.
The same way your ilk, represented by the Democrats in the Congress, did everything in their power to stunt President Bush every place they possibly could, including the Senate Majority Leader calling the President of The United States a liar from the floor of the Senate, and while U.S. forces were fighting for their lives in Iraq explaining from his desk that "the war was lost." If there was ever a bigger piece of shit in American political life other than Harry Reid, I'm sure you'd back him also. Scullman: The same way your ilk, represented by the Democrats in the Congress, did everything in their power to stunt President Bush every place they possibly could, including the Senate Majority Leader calling the President of The United States a liar from the floor of the Senate, and while U.S. forces were fighting for their lives in Iraq explaining from his desk that "the war was lost."
Congress approved expanded war powers, expanded domestic surveillance powers, large cuts in the marginal tax rate, the unfunded Medicare Part D program, and emergency legislation to stabilize the banking system in the aftermath of the financial meltdown. Republicans blocked immigration reform. The war was essentially lost. For every two bullets the U.S. provided Iraq, one ended up in the hands of the enemy. Buying more bullets doesn't solve this problem — it only makes it worse. If the U.S. ever had a chance to stabilize Iraq, a decades-long commitment for a large occupying army had to be made long before the invasion. Instead, they invaded on a shoestring, and then watched helplessly as the country came apart. Reid continues to assert that Bush did lie to him about radioactive waste in Nevada. He did apologize for calling Bush a loser.
2016-01-31 10:38
2016-01-31 15:17
Sam L: Get REAL, Zack! He's a DEMOCRAT. Of course they oppose him.
The claim was that was the number one priority, and they acted as if it was the number one priority, all the while fear-mongering about immigrants. It's to the point where commenters on this very forum openly advocate genocide, and are not immediately shouted down. I recall the pearl-clutching that evil Republicans had started trying to undermine Clinton the day he took office, too.
That's their job, knucklehead. Every party does it the moment an opposition party president is in. Or are the years 1981 and 2001 too far back in history for you? This isn't just my accusation. Read James Carville on how he started the 2002 mid term campaigns before Bush even took office. Your standards are dropping. I will note again: only fanatics cannot acknowledge 1% wrongness. Assistant Village Idiot: Every party does it the moment an opposition party president is in.
Did the Democratic leaders of the Congress work with Reagan to pass legislation where they could agree? Or did they say legislation took a backseat to defeating Reagan? In any case, the point was made about the "failed Obama presidency", when it's clear that this is no different than what was being propagated on the right in February 2009. The writer is a protégé of Atwater, and a political associate of Barbour. Can Catholic Priests and laymen claim racial and religious bias when they are unjustly tried and found guilty of crimes they didn't commit? Didn't think so.
And how does a judge continue to incarcerate someone after a superior court orders the individual's release? Dentists Are Removing Too Many Wisdom Teeth
Predatory practices are not only the domain of governments. As businesses have to pay for endless regulations, taxes and compliance, ways to pass those costs on to the consumers are created. Have to spend all day in diversity/sexual harrassment training and lose a day's work/pay? Pass that on. But some businesses can't just itemize that on some customer's bill as those fast food places saw with the obamacare tax. People bitched. Why should I pay for that? Because this is what businesses do. They stay in business to make a profit or at least a living. If they can't do that by passing the costs on directly, they will pass them on indirectly by forcing increased services. And most of us with children are aware of what happens when you refuse medical care--- especially for a minor child. You get the dogs sicced on you. I am constantly being sent reminders that my child is due for a well check visit or a dentist visit. Why does my kid have to see a doctor when they are (never) sick ? re German woman prefers rapists
What if they are racist rapists? http://stuartschneiderman.blogspot.com/2016/01/do-feminists-prefer-rapists.html
Original picture is shown in the comments. I just saw the Monty Python Castaway walking down the street this morning, and did a flashback on the TV program. And now to see him here! There are no coincidences.
"Why "far right"?By American standards, they seem fairly normal."
By European standards, the Democratic party is right-wing. |
Tracked: Jan 31, 09:17