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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, January 23. 2016Saturday morning links
Do animals EXERCISE to keep fit? Scientist suggest they may work out just like humans Soldiers Continue To Guard Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier During Snowstorm… Of course. Weenies and metrosexuals need not apply. The coming avalanche of autistic adults Avalanche? I wonder how these people were looked after in the past. By their families, I assume, same as Down Syndrome kids. Difficult. McArdle: Americans don't trust the government to take over their health care. Traditional Americans trust nothing to the government except national security Five Ways We Know Al Gore’s Been Running A Global Warming Racket The House Divided - On the 25th anniversary of Arthur Schlesinger’s The Disuniting of America, the liberal historian’s worst fears are coming to pass:
Democrats Stumble Toward 50 Shades of Socialism Moody’s model gives Dem candidate advantage in 2016 Germany Admits It Lost Track of Over 600,000 Unvetted Migrants Comments
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Sadly, in our current climate,actually putting up snowmen like that would trigger raids by law enforcement with talk of 'hate crimes' or 'terroristic threats.' We've become a cowardly nation. Do animals EXERCISE to keep fit? My cat sure does. Every 30 min. or so during her several long naps each day, she uncurls, gets up, stretches mightily, turns around, then lays down curled up the other way to sleep another 30 minutes or so.
" But what Schlesinger saw on the horizon seems to have arrived, with no sign of abating: we are in the midst of a soft civil war."
If Bernie, Hitlery and their ilk take control, its likely to "harden up" considerably! Lexington and Concord happened when the British Crown reached out to seize Patriot arms. The elites now seek to do the same. Molon Labe! I'll give you mine: Bullets first! Do animals EXERCISE to keep fit? Scientist suggest they may work out just like humans
All I know is that dogs love to go on walks, which for dachshunds, turns into a walk for me and a trot to a run for them. Our cats have always gotten the evening "crazies," where they will just start running at top speed all around the house for no discernible reason.
An excellent letter
"An Open Letter To Mark Levin" http://laurenstephens.com This is a perfect example of the insanity and lost in the wilderness qualities of many on the right during this cycle. I remember paranoid ravings from Birchers in the Sixties, nowadays it is just these pathetic Trump-obsessed clowns who think they are the only true Americans. They can all bite me. The original American idea will rise again, maybe not in this cycle, but these people will be on the outside looking in, as usual.
Sorry Rondo. I mean no offense.
I bit on the link. It is a poorly written letter by a penny ante political operative with lots of opinion. Then there are the allegations and no citations to back them up. Don't waste your time trying to plow through this letter. The American idea doesn't need to rise again. It didn't go anywhere.
It's been ignored by the selfish bastards in both political parties, as they gorge their way to financial riches on the backs of all of us for decades. Most, if not all of them, would be absolutely unemployable in the private sector, and are terrified of ever having to return to it. And that is exactly why it's so important for them to keep the ball rolling for themselves, their consultants, their lobbyists, their hangers on, and the other worthless pieces of shit that help keep their world immune from the one that the rest of us live in every day. Day in and day out. Harry Ried, Paul Ryan, McConnell, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, McCain, Cruz, Sanders, everyone one of these shmucks who've turned a "public service to my beloved nation" into a career of greed and power. "Fuck You", and the horse you rode in on! Trump is by far the biggest and scariest "fuck-you" they have ever faced in their careers. They Are Terrified Of What He Represents. And I join him along with hundreds of thousands of others, with our middle fingers, through him, right in their faces. Fuck You! Can't wait till November! Agree completely. The GOP had its last chance when it took over Congress, and then demonstrated they were as entrenched and corrupt as the Democrats. So Trump is a reaction to both parties; I suspect you are going to see at least as much support for him from Democrats as from Republicans if he gets the nomination. Especially if Hillary is the Democrat--you would have to look far and wide to find anyone who has been as corrupt, venal and destructive to our country as the Clintons. Trump will rip her into little pieces.
You've left off the other bit of that old saying.
F**k you... and hurrah for me. Trump in a nutshell. Beginner. qui bono?
We sure are getting a look at the Cloward - Piven Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. The Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. We won't shed much blood in this next civil war, least not 'til the end; first all the money will go away. Then the food will vanish. The petroleum will be sloshing around all over and none of the refineries can afford to stay open. I will be able to buy just about anything with a hundred rounds of .22LR. McArdle: What seems to be missing from Bershidsky's opening statement of 85/15% coverage is anybody who isn't working or collecting a paycheck. Those people are either carried by the system, or they don't have the same "access to healthcare" that a contributing member would.
I'd call it Selective Omission of the rest of the story. Re: The Al Gore scam, one of the knocks on the NOAA proclaiming "the pause" is really just a figment of everybody's imagination is that some of the critics demanding they show their work are being told by the NOAA that they're not obliged to provide the data if the only reason the critics want the data is so that they can poke holes in it. Which is of course how science is supposed to work - the burden of proof is on the claimant, not the critic. If you're going to make a claim but then refuse to show your proof, that's not even science. Just laughable to claim you're a scientist when you don't even hold to one of the most basic tenets of sciencing - that others must be able to replicate your work to verify your conclusions.
Or that's how it used to be - comes now the New England Journal of Medicine with an editorial arguing that the NOAA is correct. Scientists are under no obligation to show their work to critics only intending to disprove their claims, scientists should only show their work to those who are willing to support their claims. "Shocked" and "appalled" and "flabbergasted" are words of the weakest sort to describe one's reaction to the news that the New England Journal of Medicine has just announced their opposition to science, but the only other words I can think of are all composed of four letters and some of them you might have to remove the family filter on your search engine to find the meaning of. Jerryskids: The Al Gore scam, one of the knocks on the NOAA proclaiming "the pause" is really just a figment of everybody's imagination is that some of the critics demanding they show their work are being told by the NOAA that they're not obliged to provide the data if the only reason the critics want the data is so that they can poke holes in it.
The data is available, usually published in scientific journals. Actually, no. Some data is available, published in journals that are necessarily third-rate because the field only attracts third-rate scientists.
Others believe those interpretations because they fit their preconceived ideas that Americans and the west, just must, somehow be doing the wrong thing. Your touching faith in unearned authority remains dangerous. I suspect the closest that Z-Team members got to STEM courses was "Physics for Poets," which describes Al Gore's STEM background, give or take a course or two.
Assistant Village Idiot: Some data is available,
Virtually all data is available. Nowadays, much of it is posted on the Internet. Assistant Village Idiot: published in journals that are necessarily third-rate because the field only attracts third-rate scientists. Nature (impact 41) and Science (impact 33) are hardly third-rate. Nature frequently publishes on climate science, and they even have a dedicated sister journal Nature Climate Science. Science has dedicated entire issues to studies of climate change. That should be Nature Climate Change.
2016-01-24 10:17
The data is available, usually published in scientific journals.
Your phrasing of the data issue shows how little you know about the issue. What Jerry is talking about involves what is often called raw data- reams of data as found in spreadsheets and databases. AGW involves thousands to millions of data points, depending on the time and area involved. A scientific journal is not going to publish all that data. Scientific journals tend to publish SUMMARIES of data. The data issue in AGW also involves massaging of raw data: fudge factors, as it were. Gringo: What Jerry is talking about involves what is often called raw data- reams of data as found in spreadsheets and databases.
The raw data is generally available, though sometimes you have to dig a little. ("Science is hard.") Did you want access to the raw surface temperature data? Once again the Z-Team makes a statement that is total nonsense: "The data is available, usually published in scientific journals." Which is nonsense, as scientific journals publish only summaries of the data.
Once again, when the Z-Team is called on the total nonsense of one of its statements, Z-Team refuses to acknowledge its mistake, and replies with more verbiage. We are seeing a pattern. Ciao. Gringo: Which is nonsense, as scientific journals publish only summaries of the data.
Research papers often include the data in the paper itself. Other times, it is included in supplements. Sometimes, you have to request the raw data. Did you want access to the raw surface temperature data?
2016-01-24 15:02
No, I personally don't want the raw data, Congress does. And NOAA refuses. If the data is publically available then it should be simple enough for NOAA to send Congress an email with the pertinent links.
2016-01-24 21:39
XRay: No, I personally don't want the raw data, Congress does. And NOAA refuses.
What raw data is NOAA refusing to provide?
2016-01-25 08:42
Many autistic persons used to be called idiot-savants, and were thought of in different categories.
The first autistic person I knew was the child of two Harvard Ph.D.s, both brilliant. She could listen to any piece of music once and then play it brilliantly on the piano. I always figured that she inherited the intelligence of both of her parents, and was just on a different plane of cognition than we were.
Tracked: Jan 24, 09:20