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Tuesday, February 9. 2016Against Trump
A Progressive Statist Is Attempting a Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party Trump hijacked the Republican Party. Or should it be said that the primary voters are hijacking the Party? I think Trump is non-ideological, not very well-informed, and vulgar but he is one heck of a salesman.
Posted by The News Junkie
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I would say that the Republican party abandoned the plane.
The passengers decided that a new pilot was better than no pilot or the previous pilots who just went in circles. The new pilot may not get everybody to where they want to go, but at least he's flying in the right direction (mostly). Neither am I, but the repub party itself is clearly flying to hell and many, or most, repubs, would sooner not go there.
Trump is the classic "Any port in a storm". My guess is that Trump might make decisions every now and then that wouldn't drive me nuts. Hillary, never. I won't support Trump in the primary (I'm for Cruz), but I'd vote for him in the general election.
Trump is right at home in the Republican Party. It has long had a progessive wing. Think Teddy Roosevelt, Hoover, that guy who linked up with FDR, Nixon, Rockefeller, both Bushes. The Republicans are basically a center/left party with a dominate liberal wing. There is not a single New Deal or Great Society program that they oppose or would repeal: not even the 100 W incandescent light bulb ban.
Remember, it was founded as a radical abolitionist party The Democrats are a socialist party with a dominant communist wing. The Republican Party committed suicide by ignoring, deceiving and denigrating their base. Once they got in they showed they were just as corrupt and venal as the others they replaced. Folks got tired of it all and went to find someone else. Trump is only the result.
From New Hampshire ABC network exit polling just now:
"About half of GOP voters are looking for a political outsider vs., again, about a quarter of Democratic voters. Nine in 10 GOP voters are either dissatisfied or angry about the way the government is working. That includes four in 10 who are angry about it – vs. barely over one in 10 Democratic voters. Half of Republican voters say they feel “betrayed” by their own party – an unbalanced question, but still. Among Democrats, far fewer feel “betrayed,” about one in seven. " I agree. The Trump phenomenon is a result of the loss of faith in the Republican leadership after they ignored conservatives. Although they claimed to be the conservative party, it's clear they are not. They were against Reagan until they had no choice, they were dismissive of Gingrich's revolution in the House, and they were disdainful of the Tea Party movement. It's only now that the Republican rank and file has finally started to come to grips with this fact. This election is about the future of the Republican party as much as the nation.
You can say just a salesman, but you're afraid because he is also a leader.
I am really tired of the lousy reporting, which I used to think was on the Left side. It's not. The ones on the right are even worse. Someone in the audience called Cruz a pussy. Trump made fun of it. So we have reporters with the vapors over this.
The Republicans went from 'democrat light' to 'Democrat wannabe's'. More than half the Republicans in congress are Rinos. During the elections/campaigning these Republicans claim they are conservative and if you just elect them they will vote conservative. But once elected they abandon their base. I think as much as any other reason the voters are voting for Trump to signal to the GOPe what they should be saying and what positions they should adopt. The GOPe remains tone deaf and ensconced in their ivory tower. What's a conservative to do? The conservative voters are tired of playing Charlie Brown to the GOPe Lucy who keeps snatching victory away at the last second. Congress has passed a $4 trillion budget while we topped a $19 trillion debt. Does this sound conservative?
There are no other leaders as options. There are managers and political representative apparatchiks, both of which lack the vision and charisma to win election against a very charismatic communist populist. Trump is the only leader whether one agrees or likes his style or not. And he loves our country with a nationalist fervor that the NWO agenda seeks to squelch.
It ain't just the man, it's a movement. “people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world and would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.”
― Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements You think it's his "style" that people don't like? I think the opposite. I think it's his supporters who do like his style, and think no further. We're mad at the establishment and he's gonna shake things up! What else do we need to know?
As for loving this country, I don't think he means quite the same things by that that I do. The Republican Party "elites" generally hate actual Republican voters with a passion; that's why they promise one thing on the campaign trail and deliver the opposite in D.C. People like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner had no intention at all of actually SHRINKING the government, or cutting taxes or spending. That's why Eric Cantor, #2 guy in the House, lost his primary to a Tea Party challenger. And the last time McConnell was up, he promised the flipping MOON to fend off his likely Tea Party challenger - and then swerved hard left again. Boehner is out - but Ryan is now sold us out. (Anybody else think that Ryan with his new beard is like the Evil Spock?)
Trump is breaking all the rules, and burning the playbook. I'm actually a Cruz supporter, but if Cruz doesn't win I hope that Trump does - because he'll pull the entire GOP "establishment" down. Sometimes you can't start to rebuild until you demolish whatever is on the site now. I see Trump as the establishment candidate. He campaigns on the notion that he will work with everybody to get things done. I want less done with less money and less government control.
Trump is a buffoon with no philosophy except self and power.
A real problem is that the democrats have pushed out all American Tradition, leaving only hard line, anti-American socialists. People like Kasich, Christie, and Fiorina should be democrats. They could lift that party up to the level of a safe, but liberal, alternative when the republicans run a dangerous progressive like Nixon, Bush, or Bush. As it stands, I feel cornered into voting for the R because the alternative is letting a hard socialist get elected. This happens over and over again. And the division gets wider with each cycle. 'American Progressivism: A Reader' by Pestritto shows just how frightening progressive thought is. Read their speeches and platforms. I would like to see all progressive thought purged from the GOP. My GOP. Let them form a third party again. I don't know how to make this happen. The problem, of course, is that the "establishment" GOP IS the Democrat party that you want; the actual "Republicans" are the Tea Party.
Last cycle, I was not really joking when I wrote that there was a communist (Obama), a Democrat (Romney), and a Republican (Gary Johnson) running - each mislabeled, because they claimed to be a Democrat, and Republican and a Libertarian. 60% of Dems in NH voted for Sanders. 65% of NH Repubs did NOT vote for Trump. I think there is a lesson here and that Republicans could coalesce around a better candidate. I'm not sure I could pull the lever for Trump, but any one of the others would do fine.
Trump is a very smart and accomplished man, albeit with a somewhat off-putting style. So what?
Because he has taken an axe to some of the left's sacred cows, you now have an opportunity to re-claim your freedom of speech and to air and address some of the festering problems everyone was too petrified to mention. You can thank Trump for that. Thank you, Mr. Trump. I find it refreshing that someone other than a stale political hack or unscrupulous personal injury attorney is running for President. Business is the backbone of our country; entrepreneurship is the life-blood of a free society. Why should political power be limited to attorneys? We should avail ourselves of the talents that are developed in the business world. Business gets a bad rap because of crimes of the relative few; it is not all about exploitation. At its finest, it's about solving problems to the satisfaction of all parties, and it manifests all sorts of human accomplishment and creates some incredible leaders in the process. Trump may not be a 'conservative' in the sense you imagine he should be, but I think he has vast crossover appeal with non-Leftist Dem voters that no other Republican has, the kind of Dems who voted for JFK back in the day when Democrats believed in American exceptionalism, the free market, patriotism and pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps. Trump may represent an opportunity to unite citizens from across the political spectrum, who cherish America and want to return her to her former glory, so that we can start moving forward together as one. Trump is a successful deal-maker with a long history of success, and you've got to remember that there's never any deal at all---never--unless both sides come to an agreement. That's Trump's particular talent. And he loves America. We need to be united for the turbulence to come. And Trump, in his odd way, may be just the guy to effect it. The Jews of 2,000 years ago believed that the Messiah would manifest as a powerful soldier/king to lead them to victory. When he appeared in the form of a humble carpenter, they were unable to recognize him. Wow. I feel like the outsider here. I have read Trump's books and I don't think he is a "progressive statist." I think first and foremost he is a proud American who has been very successful and loves his country.
I am not sure why Trump is any less trustworthy than most of the candidates out there. At least he is not a politician, nor a lawyer, nor receiving money from outside interests. Why should I trust his words any less than I trust Kasich, Bush or Rubio? We were burned by Bush. He was not conservative in many regards. Especially when it came to government spending, reducing the size of government, reforming social security, etc. That still sticks in my craw. So to look at the 'regular' old candidates...the senators, the governors and 'trust' that they will do what they say...? Well, hard for me to swallow. Trump is as believable to me as any of them. And I agree with almost every position he has about immigration, trade, Obamacare, etc. Trump sees problems in America that Ned fixin'.
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Tracked: Feb 10, 08:36