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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, January 8. 2016Friday morning links Behind a Shopping Center in New Jersey, Signs of a Mass Extinction What Can the Rich Afford that Average Americans Can't? Consumption inequality is decreasing Fannie Mae Rolls Out Easy Mortgage, Catering To High-Risk Immigrants Regdata, a new database of the regulatory state The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare Washington Post admits that, no: electric cars were NOT worth it. Regdata, a new database of the regulatory state I hate to break it to feminists, but ‘white male privilege’ is a myth A website: The Life of Men Chicago’s problem isn’t guns; it’s gangs. 2016 Obamacare Outlook Hillary & Evita and their Respective Banana Republics Hillary's Watergate Looms 13 Hours Honors the Sacrifice of the Men on the Ground in Benghazi Deuce Four: B. General Erik Kurilla makes an Amazing Speech Who Actually Represents American Muslims? German Minister: Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric as Bad as Immigrants Committing Sexual Assault Austrian Police Also Covered Up Their Own Sex-Mob Attacks As the Mideast Descends into Chaos, Israel Must Have Defensible Borders:
Thursday, January 7. 2016The age-old problem with the ClintonsThe sleaze is endless. Can't the Dems find a better candidate? Like Biden or somebody? Related, Casual, callous brutality
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Thursday morning links 4 Health Fads That Still Won’t Work In 2016 Darkness at Noon: FDR and the Holocaust Canadian Children’s Choir Sings Welcome Song to Muslim Migrants About Slaughter of Jews When the Takers Make More than the Makers Trump v. Clinton: Hillary’s nightmare? Hillary Ad Is Treacly P.C. Self-Parody Mrs. Clinton Is Professor Click Ad Is Treacly P.C. Self-Parody Don’t look now, but Ted Cruz just caved on ethanol California immigrants claim 605,000 driver’s licenses in first year How Panama and Mexico Help Potential Terrorists Reach the U.S. Border ‘Military Age Men’ Crossing San Diego Border With Mexico From Arab Countries… Mayor of Cologne: Women should follow a “code of conduct” to stop themselves from being attacked by mobs of Middle Eastern men Eyewitness Account Of The "Monstrous" Migrant Attacks In Germany: "It's Like Civil War" The Saudis Are Rightly Concerned About Iran Iran State TV Shows Off Nuclear-Capable Missiles in Underground Depot Obama’s Middle East Balancing Act Tilts Toward Iran Wednesday, January 6. 2016Do not call
I watch caller ID closely and no longer answer calls with numbers I do not recognize, figuring that, if they are friends, they will leave a message on the answering machine and I can pick up, or return the call. This no longer is sufficient. I have therefore purchased a CPR Call Blocker through Amazon, and it allows me to blacklist frequent political and other calls. It has been very satisfactory to hear yet another call from Newt Gingrich be shut down after the first ring! It shows the most recent call, and then you push the big red octagonal button that says "BLOCK NOW" and that is that!. Even this device does not help with the anonymous calls with blocked caller ID, but it turns out the phone company can block anonymous calls and this also seems to have worked very well! A Maggie's Farm request
We want readers. We welcome commenters too, regardless of points of view. We don't only do politics - we do a perspective on Life in America. We are a good site for international readers too, to get some idea about what ordinary, every-day, middlebrow Americans are up to and thinking about. We are interested in almost everything. Readership growth is our only reward here, but that grows mainly by word of mouth (which includes others linking to us). If you wish to do us a favor, let your (blog) readers, friends, colleagues, relatives, neighbors, etc. know about our eclectic website. It might be an uplifting, interesting addition to their days. Cheaper than a newspaper and we have very few ads. Regarding comments - we do not require your emails, and you can use a fake name. Just follow the Three Unwritten Rules for Commenters: 1. - Thanks, from your intrepid Maggie's editor Wednesday morning links I am reaching towards 200, but my grip is now becoming a limiting factor. I can lift it, but can't hold on to the bar for very many reps. Need more forearm strength to reach my modest goals. A weakling - I admit it. Deadlifts are the best, though, for middle-aged people, because it uses your whole fizzicle and mental self. Man, it is so damn hard. Back flat, chest up, ass back. F- gravity. Pick it up. Grunt loud. Drop it with a big crash. Good hard fun. Good Trainers vs. Bad Trainers: How Can You Tell the Difference? Trannies might be oppressed by men wearing skirts Oppressed-feeling trannies is a major problem in the world today Report: Many Companies Now Offering Women Permanent, Unpaid Maternity Leave Airlines Think 15-Year-Olds Need Runway Escorts Public university could punish neck rubs as sexual battery under new policy You Know Less Than You Think About Guns - The misleading uses, flagrant abuses, and shoddy statistics of social science about gun violence Culturist Immigration Policy: It’s “Who We Are” I tend to agree with the general concept. Birds of a feather... Americans name government as top problem facing U.S. in 2015: Gallup
Taxpayers stuck with huge tab for big insurers' Obamacare losses Bill gutting ObamaCare would save half-trillion over a decade, CBO finds Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998 That's old news The Clintons’ Cosby Meltdown What the cultural and political establishments can't grasp about Donald Trump:
Is Donald Trump a crude jerk from Queens? Not really. In his real life, he is quite the gentleman. But he has an NYC shtick for the stage. Police in Norway proclaim 'Oslo is lost' German mayor blames WOMEN for being assaulted by 1,000 immigrant men on NYE in Cologne They shooda worn burkhas Former Dept of State rep says stabbing of Jews ok under Islam law It is, isn't it? America Must Build More Icebreakers or We’ll Lose the Battle for the Arctic A Look Back at the 10 Worst Actions Taken by the UN in 2015 China’s Decisive War on the Status Quo The Russian Navy: Another Look 5 Big US National Security Questions for 2016 Iran’s Ballistic Missiles Are Actually a Huge Problem Former State Dept. Rep. Says Stabbing Jews OK Under Islamic Law
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/michigan-woman-stabbing-jews-animals-okay-islamic-law-lina-allan-state-department-154182/#jIwQdiebiyXXtWh7.99 Tuesday, January 5. 2016Ted Cruz on illegal immigration
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Comment on a Job Search
The "purple squirrel" comment made me laugh because it's perfectly descriptive. I've been involved in many job searches for "purple squirrels." Watching the evolution of the job listing, from purple to brown or gray, as different candidates are interviewed can be alternately frustrating and comical. It's mostly annoying and aggravating, though. On the other hand, as I pointed out to my friend, you can always have a purple squirrel if you have enough dye and the willingness to hold down the squirrel while you change its colors. It's not a good way to run an organization, but I've seen that happen, too. Happens every day in politics, which is probably why the process of electing a leader is about as enjoyable as the job search for that "purple squirrel." Not only are we trying to find one, but after we elect one, the leader usually becomes the one trying to inflict the dye job on the population.
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Tuesday morning links The Butterflies' Great Migration - Each year, a new generation of Monarchs flies south for the winter—but habitat loss is making the journey harder. The three-generation thing is remarkable. I did not know that. We have tons of Milkweed at the farm Dear Media: Stop Trying To Teach Christians Theology Quit trying to teach science too Clemson Football Coach on Orange Bowl Win: ‘God Is Good. All the Glory to God.’ Let's also keep football coaches away from theology Atheists believe in all sorts of things An oldie: Frank Bruni goes "hunting" The Community Cost of Reading ‘Huck Finn’ Should ‘Gone with the Wind’ be Banned? Would it not be simpler just to tell us what is permitted? Time to Take Back State U Roger: Why I Like Antonin Scalia Gray Lady Weeps as 2016 Off to Ugly Start Thomas Chatterton Williams: My black privilege Zakaria: Sucks to be you Real-life Benghazi Heroes Open Up about ’13 Hours’ the Movie The GOP still baffled by the revolt of the peasants Chicago sings blue-model blues Another look at how America’s middle class is disappearing into higher income households Sanders's and Clinton's Fake Middle Class The Middle Class Fared Better Than You Think $8 million of Bill Clinton speaking cash speaks for itself Grifters, always The Jeffrey Epstein Case is What the Media Thought the Duke Lacrosse and UVA Frat Cases Were, So Why Aren't They Covering it? Because dog bites man Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8 60,000 pages of fed regs, and mounting. Nobody knows them, so everybody breaks them. Thus is everybody a crim so they can nail you whenever they feel like it Canadian Health Care: Patients Waiting Longer Than Ever For Treatment 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve Nice country ya got there... Monday, January 4. 2016Monday morning links Free markets and morals From NYC to Harvard: the war on Asian success The 13 Most Ridiculously PC Moments on College Campuses in 2015 Star Wars Is Making Zillions of Dollars. Here's How. The 7 smallest microaggressions of 2015 Why colleges cave to the demands of student activists
Rahm Emanuel’s Cuban Vacation Escape From Chicago - Chicago: The mess that Democrats made. National Community Reinvestment Coalition president John Taylor points Sowell: 2015 was the year of the lie Who’s lying, Hillary or members of several Benghazi victims’ families?
I'll Miss The Polar Ice Caps “Climate Change” Expert Jailed for Conning EPA out of $900K Cruz/Sessions bill would stop sneaky Obama sabotage of skilled U.S. workers DHS doesn’t even know how many visa violators there are. HILLARY Says Guns “Will Not Keep Americans Safe” – DONALD TRUMP Responds Rex Murphy: Should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun Can Hillary Go Out In Public? Re Bill's wife: Are you going to avoid speaking the painfully, utterly obvious truth: Puerto Rico etc: NOW WE have The PRICKs (Puerto Rico, Illinois, Connecticut, Kentucky) The Many Things That Could Go Badly Wrong for Europe in 2016 The Middle East Couldn’t Possibly Get Worse. Could It? European Court: Ireland Can't Deport Suspected ISIS Recruiter Overwhelmed by 'Migrants,' Sweden Throws in the Towel as Europe Faces 'General, Permanent Terror Threat'
Saturday, January 2. 2016Saturday morning links
Toon via Game Show Climate Lake Superior State University's 41st Annual List of Banished Words Here’s Why New York Celebrates New Year’s Eve by Dropping a Ball That little baby lying so cutely in the manger is the biggest trouble maker in world history Did You Know that Jesus Was a Radical Leftist? I've long had a theory about why prayers are answered... In Review: The Force Awakens Vegas Mexican Restaurant Releases Hilarious Video Of Burglars Breaking Into Their Store Tell me, are there museum pieces that make fun of non-traditional families? The term, AVI, is "interrogate" Why Western Civilization Has Lost Its Self-Confidence Harvard vandalism likely hate-crime hoax, but school’s ‘racist’ seal on chopping block, anyway The Biggest, Dumbest Race Hoaxes And Fake Hate Crimes On Campus In 2015 A New Job for College Career Services: Tell Students to Quit UNC: The Attempted Intimidation of Margaret Spellings Another look at how America’s middle class is disappearing into higher income households How 2015 debunked the ‘war on women’ Bill Clinton Made $8 Million From Speeches To Companies With Matters Pending Before Hillary's State Dept Friday, January 1. 2016Bad Lip Reading - the first debateSwallow your coffee (or beer) first
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An Unbelievable Story of RapeFriday morning links Harvard-affiliated hospital dumps Christian doctor because he won’t celebrate gay sex Last night was Hogmanay This Boat Can Dock Itself vs Tiger Mom's kids Why Americans dress so casually Is $250,000 a year in household income “middle class”? Women may make own choices and not stick to 'traditional three-date rule' when it comes to sex Traditional? Drinking into an early grave: Alcohol-related deaths hit a 35-year high in America A Peer-Reviewed Survey of Geoscientists Finds There's Actually a Consensus Against the Claimed "Consensus" on Global Warming My 10 Favorite College Insurrection Posts of 2015 Rape Allegations: Media Hunts Bill Cosby, Celebrates Bill Clinton The ten least tax-friendly places for retirees Washington Judges Congress by the Number of Laws It Passes I judge it by the number of laws and rules it gets rid of Government Propagandist-In-Chief Condemns Political Incorrectness As "The Furthest Thing From Brave" A taste of Maine life, with Unorganized Hancock too: Thursday, December 31. 2015Thursday morning linksPhoto: It's a dumb holiday, meaningless. Drinking until midnight with a silly hat on no longer appeals to me. Never did, really. Furthermore, I am meeting my trainer at our little gym at 5 tomorrow am to get the year started on the right foot. And champagne gives me heartburn. I’m not convinced women who are on Tinder who say “no hookups” actually mean that. Girls just want to have fun Just 14 Percent of Families in the U.S. Structured Like the ‘Traditional’ Cleaver Family I'm in the elite 14% Yes, I Want My Son to Play Football How Three Professors Banded Together to Beat Back a Free Speech Threat at Clemson A film: Suffragette reminds us why it's a lie that feminists need men's approval Why are guys the enemy? ‘We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing’ That's Lincoln The Return of the 1920s - America is again caught between nationalists longing for the glories of an imagined VDH: California, Leading from Behind 2015 was record year for federal regulation More, please. Federal regulations are so much fun I’m not convinced women who are on Tinder who say “no hookups” actually mean that. - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2015/12/ninjaeconomics-on-tinder-from-the-comments.html#sthash.D8NZrvy2.dpuf Big City Machines Losing Control of the Monster They Created In Germany: Government Has Ordered Cover-Up Of Migrant Crime, Taken In 1.1 Million Migrants… Sweden: Even Europe’s humanitarian superpower is turning its back on refugees How ISIS Actually Lost Ramadi Wednesday, December 30. 2015Wednesday morning links
Fossil hunters flock to Jurassic coast after cliff fall Training The Immune System To Fight Cancer Has 19th-Century Roots San Francisco's Self-Defeating Housing Activists EPA Sends 185 to Prison for "Environmental Crimes" as its Own Toxic Spills Go Unpunished Good riddance to 2015 — the year of hysteria From NYC to Harvard: the war on Asian success Silencing Students: The 8 Most Loathsome Campus Censors of 2015 Professor: Trying to Make Me Like the Beatles Is a Microaggression Professor Calls White Americans Racist in the NY Times Misleading and Using Blacks - The victims of affirmative action. The Riot Ideology, Reborn - Baltimore, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and the new racial politics Bloomberg Business: Executive Gun Control Coming ‘Soon After New Year’s Day’ Climate change will cause mass mental illness Drone Owners Overwhelm Federal Government’s Registration System The UK: Thousands of spy cameras watch drivers’ every move Why the Rahm Story Matters The Bill Clinton Effect: Why Liberals Treat Women Worse 40% of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump – 45% of Hispanics Containing the middle east UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Says He’s Spent Most ‘Time and Energy’ on Climate Change ISIS Terrorists Say They Fear Only Israel, Not Britain or America Tuesday, December 29. 2015Cultural pathologies of 2015Mr. Thompson goes through them, month by month. For example,
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Michael Burry, Real-Life Market Genius From The Big Short, Thinks Another Financial Crisis Is Looming
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Tuesday morning links
Harrison Ford Demos His Star Wars Injury Using a Han Solo Doll Gerard turns 70 Never trust anybody over 70 Sipp: 2015 Delenda Est The ‘I’m Not Ready to Get Married’ Trap Why guys think it’s OK for them to sleep around but not women Duh Dr. Krauthammer: Be Wary of Dietary Guidelines The tax sleuth who figured out Silk Road The High but Hidden Cost of College Sports “Not everyone at Oberlin is a lunatic” There Is No Climate Change Disaster Except The One Governments Created EPA Warning: Holiday Leftovers Contribute to Climate Change But we ate them. Is that ok with the EPA? Seeing the West as worse Media Bias Has Hollywood Rewriting History Duh "I’ve noticed a trend: The more that white people apologize, the more they get mocked." Michael Bloomberg has an armed protective detail and Bob Owens at Bearing Arms reports that Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America also has armed protection. They are specialer than me My Crackpot Theory: Americans Hate Politics Show biz for unattractive people What Dinesh D'Souza has been through Hotline’s 2016 Senate Rankings - The Senate seats most likely to flip. Czech President's Charge Of Orchestrated Migrant Invasion Holds Water Monday, December 28. 2015Monday morning links In NYC, Using Biological Pronouns for Transgenders is Now Illegal… Stations of Home Alone: Where the Wilderness Meets Civilization The Most Notable Medical Findings of 2015 Are Most Published Scientific Research Findings False? Do You Believe in Stereotypes? Victims and Microaggressions: Why 2015 Was The Year Students Lost Their Minds College president says inclusivity more important than diversity, tuition costs Anglican Priest Smears the Virgin Mary Three Global Warming Stories The Media Don't Want You To See The New Left: New York Magazine Makes Light Of Female Genital Mutilation Residents are fleeing New York — yet Albany won’t fix the problems There's what the NYT calls an "ethnic divide" between white and Asian-Americans What's Marriage Got to Do With Poverty? Power Line’s Chart of the Week: The Achievement of Capitalism Sorry, Socialists, But Capitalism Is Killing Absolute Poverty Get Ready: Why 2016 Politics Will Be Totally Nuts Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters "My Basic Income" — just giving every German 1,000 euros a month. Berlin, Germany: “I Am Muslim What Are You?” Muslims Beat Christians for Christmas Fun Czech President: Wave of Migrants Entering Europe Is “Organized Invasion” French see their children add to ISIS ranks in Syria On the rampage in Calais: Shocking footage shows hundreds of migrants stealing from lorries and threatening motorists as Why Do They Join the Jihad? Sunday, December 27. 2015The Big Short
For starters, everybody knew there was a US housing bubble and a mortgage bubble. Dr. Burry was not the only one, but the credit default swaps was a brilliant approach to shorting what was bound to fall sooner or later. Everybody knew that a large number of mortgages were junk. You could read about it on the internets every day. Everybody knew that, since Clinton, banks were required to expand mortgage availability to high credit risks. This was not voluntary. Naturally, banks did not want to keep that junk on their books. They packaged them and sold them to sophisticated willing institutional buyers around the world, same as any other asset a bank did not wish to hold. Can't blame the bankers for doing that. It's their job to sell stuff. It's common sense. One good thing was included: the slipperiness of the debt rating agencies. In Honor Of "The Big Short", Here Is Michael Burry's Historic Commencement Speech - it's a dynamite speech Everybody likes to find a scapegoat. Moral of the story, in my view: Bubbles happen, and always burst. Shorting bubbles makes sense. It just takes balls. Other morals: Abolish Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae - and the Fed. And the notion of "too big to fail." Thursday, December 24. 2015Thursday morning links
The gift: small acts of kindness change the world for the better ‘This Thing Which Is Come to Pass’ - A strange little family, and an even stranger one Guns topping Christmas lists thanks to terrorism concerns, fear over restrictions The Big Short: "Every American Should See This Movie & Be F##king Pissed Off" The latest in the war over what’s healthy to eat Reinventing Buffalo - The western New York city should focus on getting better—not bigger. A Historical Perspective On Homicide Inside Chipotle’s Contamination Crisis - Smugness and happy talk about sustainability aren’t working anymore. Top 5 Archaeology Discoveries in the American West of 2015 Indonesia plans prison with crocodile moat New Louisiana governor to undo welfare reform The Elite Who Are Destroying America How Overregulation Led to the Collapse of Obamacare’s Largest Co-Op US Landed Gentry demand Medieval Climate Tithes Is It Dangerous to Be a Police Officer? New York Housing - Markets Serve A Purpose Christmas 'Safe-Space' - Cornell Bans Menorahs, Crosses, & Mistletoe UC Irvine prof. wonders if 200,000 jobs lost to minimum wage increase is a good thing How the KKK seeks to keep black Americans down 'I Wouldn't Keep Any School Open That Wasn't Doing A Better Than Average Job' What???? There will always be a bottom half of anything. David Frum and “The Great Republican Revolt” Trump, Borders and Masculinity No one will ever mistake Donald Trump for a student of James Madison. Hillary Confused, Speaks With Her Southern Accent While Campaigning In Iowa… Good grief Wednesday, December 23. 2015The Donald is a real New Yorker
As I have said, he is a bit of a Honey Badger. This is not a political endorsement, but a cultural observation. Trump’s latest treatise deploys subliminally sinister attack on Clinton
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Wednesday morning links
Making Money, Getting Strong: Two Grownup Responsibilities Sir Tim Hunt 'to leave Britain for Japan' after sexism row Rape Culture: The Real Thing Life Is Better Here: Greenfield Village Chipotle’s stock keeps falling after analyst throws in the towel Michael Wolff: The end of Yahoo Even The Rich Are Cutting Back - Swiss Watch Exports Continue Collapse Despite Price Cuts Will Connecticut's High-Tax, Union-Friendly Policies Turn Out GE's Lights? The Age of Identity Wars - The dominant conflicts of the 20th century were ideological. In the 21st, they're identity-driven. The Fed has awakened the Force, but beware the Dark Side Americans Boycott Sam’s Club After CEO’s Racist Comments About White Males U. Louisville Prevents Asian and White Candidates from Applying for Physics Position Texas Formation’s Shale Gas Estimates Doubled Senator Sanders and the Average Workweek Admit It. You Just Want Your Own Dictator Habitual Liar Lies Habitually Let’s Elect Hillary Now - We want a president we can loathe all of the time—not support some of the time. A Deeply Unscientific Test of Your Political Bias (Trump Persuasion Series) Trump Spells Trouble for Clinton - He’s now in a position to weaken her well before the general. China surpasses Mexico in sending immigrants to California Tuesday, December 22. 2015It is trueHigher ed: Subsidies Increase Tuition. Of course they do. Institutions are greedy by definition. It is never enough. At 108 US Colleges, More Than Half Of Students Haven't Paid Even $1 On Their Student Loans Subsidies Increase Tuition
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