Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, June 11. 2013David Brooks, amateur shrinkDavid Brooks' Analysis of Edward Snowden Tells Us a Lot...About David Brooks Brooks is sort of a smarmy putz, isn't he?
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Tuesday morning linksWomen as sexual predators Psychedelic Academe - Research into mind-altering drugs is back. Retiring on $1 Million? Think Again Thomas Sowell from 1984 on ‘Why drugs should be legalized’ Why New Urbanism doesn't work: The latest trend in urban planning builds bureaucracy, not affordable living. Murphysboro & The Death of Small Town America Understanding the IRS scandal A Conservative Case for Prison Reform From a generation that fought the Nazis to a generation that fights hurt feelings. There are so many logical and factual errors in Bill Keller's Affirmative Reaction Last week, I solicited responses to the question, what is the dumbest thing ever said to you by a liberal... Armed Citizen Project Gives Firearms Training, Shotguns to Single Houston Women Why Social Security was the New Deal's biggest mistake @NYTimes: The Dog Ate My Global Warming. NSA personnel would trade clips of eavesdropped phone sex between US soldiers abroad and wives in US. President Obama’s welcome plot twist: Edward Snowden Monday, June 10. 2013Monday morning linksManliest Father's Day Pie TrackingPoint: Does Technology Take the Sport Out of Shooting? Once dying, Birmingham is suddenly hot Why Ray Harryhausen's stop-motion effects were more real than CGI More Crucial Education Research Is Big Pot on the way? Philly crane operator was stoned HHS Website For Girls, 10 to 16, Informs Youth About Birth Control, Gay Sex, Professors Are About to Get an Online Education Mailvox: writing back to a young female engineer (h/t Driscoll) Slut-Shaming Isn't Just a "Girl-On-Girl Crime" (h/t Insty) Offshore Wind: The Enormously Expensive Energy Alternative Lying liar Anthony Weiner’s underage girl problem You Won’t Believe What People Think is the Leading Cause of Poverty in America - See more at: You Won’t Believe What People Think is the Leading Cause of Poverty in America - See more at: You Won’t Believe What People Think is the Leading Cause of Poverty in America - See more at: Leno: ‘We Wanted a President That Listens to All Americans - Now We Have One’ Global Warming Alarmism In Twilight Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment Temp staffing jobs hit record as firms dodge ObamaCare costs Why Schumer-Rubio is a fraud — the nutshell version Few options for online users to avoid spying, experts say Here's a site: Obama in Palo Alto: Fundraising with the Rich Radicals Stealth Edit: The New York Times Has Now Lost all Credibility NSA Obtains Data from 50 Companies Pelosi on Obamacare: Hey now, I never said premiums wouldn’t go up China and Hong Kong Hold Edward Snowden's Fate Snooping Concerns Emerge Over Congressional Blackberries Serviced By Verizon Via Gateway:
Allah wants you to try it. Sunday, June 9. 2013When everything is a crime, government data mining matters
From Prof. Jacobson.
A "cognitive talent" gap?College grads are waiting on tables. Is that a bad thing? Is it a result of the terrible Obama economy? It's been decades since a college degree guaranteed a good career. BAs are commonplace now, and are not as elite as they used to be in the job market. Many graduate degrees aren't worth the cost in cash or time either. At the moment, talented people are begging for any kind of work. ‘Waiter and waitress nation’ might not be so bad if it means we’re becoming more of an ‘eating out at restaurants nation’ Americans are using restaurants and take-out more than ever. It's a cultural shift in which home cookin' becomes something special and in which diners, McDonalds, and Thai take-out becomes the American middle class routine. If it's not all about the Obama economy, some of it could be about what Cowen calls economic resets. Not enough work for the cognitively-talented, but I hear that a good chef can always find work. Cognitive talent is not rare, and probably never was. Social class and lack of opportunity kept a lot of it hidden and invisible. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't know Calc and Stats, if you don't know the Gas Laws and Avogadro's Number, if you don't know about mitochondrial RNA, if you can't discuss Haydn's role in Western music and can't write a brief but elegantly-structured essay on any cultural topic at the drop of a hat, you have a degree but you ain't "eddicated." That's why people like me, who have risen in new businesses to the point of interviewing new hires, ignore resumes and ask probing questions. We want people who know a lot about everything because we are a pioneering business with, as yet, no annoying HR Department.
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Saturday, June 8. 2013NSA criminality?
This administration looks lawless. Dems are beginning to see it too. Petraeus was inconvenient. Most of us are inconvenient. Officials: NSA mistakenly intercepted emails, phone calls of innocent Americans Cleta Mitchell: How to Investigate the IRS - Cleta Mitchell, the attorney who helped expose Justice Department Fights Release of Secret Court Opinion Finding Unconstitutional Surveillance - Government lawyers are trying to keep buried a classified court finding that a domestic spying program went too far. Whose government is this?
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Saturday links How the Robots Lost: High-Frequency Trading's Rise and Fall Google is the new GE and Amazon is the new Sears Roebuck. Unemployment Rate Jumps to 7.6% Big Brother also collecting your credit-card transactions I bought a crock pot on Amazon a few months ago, not a pressure-cooker. Government Storing Vast Phone, Email Data at NSA Data Center in Utah The Asymmetric Outrage of Big Government Scandals - Spare us the talk of bipartisan disgust with the IRS. Analysis: Obama's agenda scorched in firestorm U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program Mounting concern over NSA in Congress Nice distraction from the hideous IRS Is Obama Lying About Big Brother? Breaking: NSA Eavesdropped on People With Whom They Had Personal Grudges Max Boot defends the NSA Obama tells donors: Democrats favor ‘light touch’ on regulation As in Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, IRS... Shoot The PRISM-Gate Messenger: Obama To Launch Criminal Probe Into NSA Leaks But Woodward and Bernstein are heroes? Republicans Focus Fire on IRS Involvement in Obamacare Wehner: Obama Can’t Be Trusted with Power This administration is in deep manure Internet Companies Deny They're Helping the NSA Collect User Data. Should We Believe Them? Friday, June 7. 2013Big government, out of control and intoxicated with power and moneyDemocratic Senator: I Wasn't Briefed on PRISM and In Fact Had Never Heard of It Until Yesterday "It can't happen here," right? Never, ever try to tell me that big government is benign. The road to hell is paved with the best of intentions; power corrupts; etc etc. Everybody knows this even if they hope government could be a benevolent parent to them. Our Dr. Bliss considers that notion to be a naive, infantile fantasy. George Washington said that. He was a big-enough man to reject power and a truly reluctant public servant. Most of our so-called "leaders" are arrogant and ignorant. "Don't follow leaders, watch your parkin' meters..." I was taught that even Karl Marx planned for the eventual dissolution of The State. How Obama Scandals Threaten to Kill 'Good Government' - Emerging narrative supports claims that Washington is intrusive, incompetent, untrustworthy and heartless. Duh. That's been mostly true since Woodrow Wilson. There is no "trust in government" crisis. Old-time Americans have always viewed government as a necessary evil and always subject to distrust. Tom Jefferson said that. Well, our government seems to be suspicious of us (eg IRS, etc) so maybe this is some sort of liberty. Breaking, via Drudge: Feds: Postal Service photographs every piece of mail it processes 1984 was not meant to be a governance manual.
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Nocera on big-time college sportsEverybody understands that big-time college sports are a big business which has little to do with a university's mission. Indeed, they can corrupt the university's mission. Like so many things in life, it's about money and status. Big Division 1 athletics brings in big bucks from contracts and from alumni which is why the coaches are paid so well. Everybody working at a sports university gratefully feeds from that trough and are rightly grateful to the coaches and teams. Status, too. It's called "marketing." How often do you hear kids say that they only want to go to a Big Ten School, or a Southern Conference school? I hear that often. Sports powerhouses attract students. UConn is a perfect example with its booming athletic program (aka sports franchise) in recent years. TV college sports put humble UConn on the national map. Education is an industry, and Higher Ed is a big industry with crony relationships with TV and government. Joe Nocera suggests disconnecting the NCAA Division 1 sports from the universities, and paying the players. I wonder what our readers think.
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A 'family blog' update Pic: Exhibit A I've received a handful of complimentary comments and emails since then, but this one kind of stood out. It's cutely done in something of an over-the-top manner, which I like. It also reminds me of a friend of mine who claims to have the most dysfunctional family in the country. Or did until this arrived.
And you're mighty welcome, big guy. And he's right about the value of communication amongst family members. My middle brother and I went through about a decade of estrangement ages ago, but then we took a canoe out at a family reunion about ten years ago, spent the whole day talking and got it all hashed out. I thought of that a few weeks ago when we had a great chat on the phone. There's just something about getting family problems out in the open that's wonderfully cathartic. My how-to site is here. If you're going to give it a spin, it's important to do the five steps in order. The link to the web hosting service I use pops up when you get to that part of the setup routine. There's a specific page on setting up a family blog and a Quick Reference Guide for the newbies. When it comes to getting a blog or web site going, nothing beats WordPress, although how much you get out of it depends on how involved with the settings, plugins and widgets you get, hence the value of an in-depth how-to site. At 50,000 words spread over 81 pages, this monster is probably the biggest how-to WordPress site on the 'Net. It takes twice as long to get through the setup routine as the next site, but you'll learn four times as much. Any questions, give a holler in the comments.
Friday morning linksFYI: Drowning people do not splash They usually just slip under, quietly Top Science Journal Rebukes Harvard's Top Nutritionist More junk science. I never believe anything nutrition experts say. Now they tell us that broccoli causes cancer. Sheesh. U.K. Had the Coldest Spring Since 1962 Inside The New Marble-Filled World Trade Center Subway Station The Left wages war on Father's Day The War on Pot Is Both Insanely Racist and Insanely Expensive, New Report Says It should not be illegal. If you want to be a stoner, then be one. Or be a drunk. It's a free country. Good luck finding a job, though. Argentina: A Textbook Case Of Government Gone Mad The people don't care. They ignore the government and the laws. They're Italians. The IRS Can’t Locate It’s Own Receipts Criminal Unions: The Perfect ‘Government Union Fat Cat’ Storyi Sultan: The Apotheosis of Chris Christie
The Hidden Jobless Disaster - At the present slow pace of job growth, it will Meet one of the people Joe Biden says lives ‘in fear and in the shadows’ Fixing California: Is the dream becoming a nightmare? Kimball on Richwine: The assault on truth continues NYT: President Obama’s Dragnet Meet PRISM / US-984XN - The US Government's Internet Espionage Super Operation Makes people feel paranoid US Mainstream Media Fail to Break Even One of Four Obama Scandals
Is Big Data turning government into 'Big Brother?' Reagan's Normandy speech Sen. Marco Rubio zeroes in on cutting the 'heart' out of ObamaCare From Mead:
Thursday, June 6. 2013I'm with Rand Paul on this
And I am with Rep. Gowdy here. But Mrs. Gowdy needs to discuss his haircut with him. I think the Federal government is out of control in many ways, and I think Andy McCarthy is wrong, for once. See this: America's surveillance state: anger swells after data revelations
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The Twerking Crisis
At the same time, Twerking is sexual harassment of some sort. How a Twerk dance harasses anybody is beyond me. It's meant to be silly fun. As Instapundit says cleverly "Welcome to the neo-Victorian era — bringing back the censoriousness, but not the virtues..." Thursday morning linksPhoto is a Worksman Bicycle, made in NYC since 1899. Their original factory was at the site of the World Trade Center:
Emirates Air now offering private cabins Do Not Disturb Texas farmer is pursued across field and stung to DEATH by 40,000 killer Insty doesn't dare wonder whether Viagra sales are due to the rise in fat American women Idolizing Hannah Arendt Sarah Murnaghan lung transplant case: Sebelius ordered to make exception on transplant The politicization of medical care begins The Insiders: As trust in government erodes, Obama’s plans evaporate Do Human Beings Only Matter To the Extent They Serve as Cogs in a Government Plan? Just when did political consultants start passing for journalists? Google Hires Obama's Reelection Campaign E-Team DNC, Press Share Talking Points on GOP's Reaction to White House Scandals CNN Solves Problem of Piers Morgan’s ‘Liberal’ Overreach… Why Does the American Media Get Big Stories Wrong? Stephanie Cutter Attended WH NSA collecting phone records of millions daily, court order reveals From this report:
UCLA Study: There is No Recovery Except in DC Wednesday, June 5. 2013Image dumpFrom 1st World Problems: Talking To Your Kids About “Climate Change”: From Moonbattery:
From Eratosthenes' A Giant Scam? Also from Eratosthenes, Skinny Calves and Hairy Philtrums:
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Flight 447: The final leg The most puzzling airline disaster in history has the most befuddling answer in the history of airline disaster solutions. In brief: In 2009, in one of the most modern airliners ever built, Air France 447 took off from Rio in Brazil and was safely on its way to Paris, last contacting land while partway over the Atlantic. And then it disappeared. A few months later, the PBS show 'Nova' put together a team of experts to figure out what most likely happened. They had some serious heavyweights on board, like a guy who took part in the investigation of the tragic, final flight of the SST, and a guy who worked on what was considered the 'most puzzling crash in history' of its day, Flight 800 out of New York, which inexplicably blew up just off the coast, later traced to faulty wiring in a fuel tank. But at least the Flight 800 team had little clues to work, like "where it went down". As referred to, say, if it went down. Because of the curvature of the earth, cross-Atlantic flights always go off radar at some point, and it was only hours later when it didn't show up on African radar that the alarm was even sounded. If a small electronic monitor box hadn't automatically sent a quick 'update' to headquarters via satellite link somewhere between 1 and 15 minutes before the crash, they would have been totally clueless where it ended up, and even then they just had its last known location and were forced to consider where the wreckage could be spread over hundreds of square miles of open ocean. And in 15,000 feet of water. And they eventually did find it. Black boxes, befuddlement, and all. Continue reading "Flight 447: The final leg" Weds. morning linksPhoto: That looks delicious Moses Finally Vindicated by Israeli Oil He takes no insurance, no Medicare or Medicaid, gives discounts to the needy, and posts his charges. Congress is getting closer to passing the $1 trillion farm bill, and it is a piece of work It's pure vote buying. Maggie's Farm takes nothing. Virginia's Tax Reform: A Model For The Nation? Woodrow Wilson was as important as FDR or LBJ. Why aren't we celebrating his 100th anniversary? Insty: Fighting education fanatics Report: How GOP lost young voters A one-woman death panel: Sebelius to Dying 10 Year-Old Girl: “Someone Lives, Someone Dies” Why Chris Christie Might Be a Political Genius BLIND TO TERROR: THE U.S. GOVERNMENT’S DISASTROUS MUSLIM OUTREACH EFFORTS AND Austria: Teachers told not to cover Turkish jihad invasions of Europe, to avoid offending Muslims Random terrorism seems to work. But why would Muslims be offended by their great historic invasions of Europe? They conquered Spain, they reached the outskirts of Paris and the gates of Vienna, but their current invasion is far more successful and likely permanent. Tuesday, June 4. 2013Here's Becky Gerritson
I am not sure whether 501 (c) 4 exemptions should exist, but as long as they do, they should be available to all who qualify. I'm not sure the IRS should exist either. Too much power. I'm open to other ideas about federal tax collection.
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Tribal politicsFrom Kling's Tribal Politics - Progressives, conservatives, and libertarians each have a mythology in which they are the heroes and the
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Political quote of the day
Tuesday morning linksPic: The stove in a friend's cabin in Vermont The decline of NASA and the senseless priorities of our government What My Father Taught Me: Mike Rowe I Am Starting To Believe Most Studies Are Crap Welcome to the club! Everything you thought you knew about the risks of nuclear energy is wrong
Spain wisely eliminates minimum wage The Decline of the Obama Presidency - His second term is coming undone not because of scandal but because of decisions made in the previous four years. Al Sharpton’s Long Bill of Goods, From Tawana Brawley to Primetime Michael Barone: Tragedy of Detroit shows 'Big Unit' America is out of gas Why most new laws should not be passed Obamacare To Double Cost Of Insurance For Average Californian Court: Police can take DNA swabs from arrestees Princeton University Declares Gun Violence ‘Public Health Epidemic’ Hey, All You Warmists Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Being Complete Hypocrites Abolish Corporate Income Tax! Average US household far from regaining its Treasury IG Compares IRS Scandal to Nixon Only Worse – “This Is Unprecedented”
Monday, June 3. 2013To the Class of 2013
A Message for the Class of 2013 - Dear Graduates: You're pampered, privileged and oversexed—but at least your employment prospects are dim.
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Monday morning links Image stolen from Moonbattery Rise of the man-bag: British boys rush to copy Ryan Gosling's metrosexual style When I travel, I always have a shoulder bag for camera, maps, paper, phone, book, medicines, etc. Religious Fundamentalism: A Mental Illness That Might Be Curable' Is time a real thing? Why are liberals so rude to the right? How Halsey Minor Blew Tech Fortune on Way to Bankruptcy Marc Faber: "People With Financial Assets Are All Doomed" The new F-word: Father Bring Back the Ottoman Empire The End of Snow, 13 Years On Noonan: Why This Scandal Is Different Statism is inherently paranoid. Dissenters are the enemies of progress. When the government is the repository of all virtue, those who resist its expansion become villains. When the government is the primary agency of compassion, it can easily portray its critics as heartless. To those who depend on the State for their livelihood, dissenters who speak of economic liberty and diminished government are the enemy. If you won’t give politicians the resources and authority they need to “help” someone, then you must “hate” whoever they were trying to help. Socialist redistribution is among the most divisive political systems ever created, because the recipients must be made to see themselves entitled to what is given, while their class enemies can be allowed no moral claim to what is taken.
US judge orders Google to turn over data to FBI Take a bow, capitalism – nearly 1 billion people have been taken out of extreme poverty in 20 years, thanks to markets Funeral rites for a perfidious presidency George Will: government regulations The Importance of the Limited Government Brand Mitt Romney Inc.: The White House That Never Was Socialist Venezuela Raids Toilet Paper and Diaper Hoarders The American Consumer is Not Okay Bill Clinton’s Half-Million Dollar Speech Is Drawing Outrage in Israel City on fire: The Detroit Fire Department versus what's left of their city 5 year-old makes terror threat "Comparing Obama to Nixon is an insult . . . to Nixon." Saturday, June 1. 2013Saturday morning linksThe Anti-Bullying Movement is Completely Fake A book: The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce It's more difficult to get a stewardess job at Delta than to get into Harvard Can you sue for wrongful death of your dog? No. IT'S COME TO THIS: Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law Burton Malkiel explains why indexed funds are a ‘no-brainer’ and why the high fees for active managers can’t be justified Kindergartner Who Brought Cap Gun to School Interrogated for Two Hours and Suspended More toy gun hysteria Unemployment Hits Record High in Euro Zone After Woolwich: Status Quo, or UK Reconsidering Islamist Threat? - Since the attack, talk of the "tiny minority" and "true" Islam is in vogue again. Georgetown Alumni Petition Cardinal to Remove School's Catholic Status The Justice Department has allowed us to say AG Holder supports press freedom OBAMA IRS SCANDAL WIDENS – Conservative Activists and Businesses Targeted, Too Students Taught Terrorists Suffer From Low Self-Esteem I think it's the opposite Connecticut to allow illegal immigrants to get driving license Obama's Data Team Totally Schooled Gallup Fracking is Pitting OPEC Members Against Each Other. UK Cops Explain Why they Handcuffed 85-Year-Old British Woman for Offending Muslims Facebook posts: Suit filed over vet's detention Obama administration to blame for jailing of hero Bin Laden doctor, A tale of two Egyptian converts Friday, May 31. 2013Bush 43 updateRegardless of politics, you have to like this regular, red-blooded, common-sensical guy: George W. Bush Bikes With Injured Vets, Reflects On White House Decisions, Life After The Presidency. Where's the normal political narcissism? Seems absent in him.
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