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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, August 10. 2013Saturday morning links
Chart above via Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations By Time Period How adults became able to drink milk Study disputes link between combat and suicide Don't believe what you read about happiness. It's all lies. Maybe You Should Have Gone to Trade School The Childless City - It's hip, it's entertaining—but where are the families? Barred versus Spotted Owls: Humans in No Position to Contradict Nature Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2013/08/06/3010705/study-disputes-link-between-combat.html#storylink=cpy Comments
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Since the last ice age we have had 33 warm periods seperated by cold periods. These last periods last a couple hundred years or so give or take a couple hundred years. We are in a warming period that began about 1850. Given what history has shown us it seems obvious that a cooling period will begin soon (soon being anything from next year to next century). This isn't controlled by CO2 or by humans. All of the factors are external to the earth itself. The AGW theory is bizarre and only persists because it fits a political agenda.
That CO2 chart proves what we've been saying all along. Look at the damage done by the Cambrian explosion to a previously balanced Gaia.
"Now 67% More Fact-Free!"
Excellent! To tell the truth, Zach 1.0 was getting just a little too close to the truth at times for us to trust him, like that fateful day when he actually dared to claim, "Climate science is an active field of study." Actually admitting that the science isn't settled was, well, quite unsettling. But with the new Z-Meister Rebooted, I expect to see a brave new resurgence in the Maggie's comments as reason and common sense get thrown to the wayside as the CO2 presence in the mid-upper-lower band of the troposphere increases 0.0000034% and ZMR makes the case that we should all immediately abandon our cars in order to keep the planet from ever warming again. With a guarantee of 67%, we can't go wrong! No sign of Zach today... I would have thought he would have some quintessential Zach rebuttal to the truth... I guess he's busy somewhere...
Childless City All you had to do was live in Army or Air Force base housing in the '50s or '60s to appreciate the joys of a kid infested community. We didn't need TV, or other kinds of hip/entertaining crutches. You could simply sit or stroll around outdoors and see new and marvelous sights virtually every minute.
Sure but now all those kids are starting to draw Social Security ruining the welfare state.
There's nothing like seeing a 50-something-old guy in a 3-piece with wing tips and a Gucci briefcase suddenly start hopscotching on the game chalked out on the sidewalk by his 4-year-old neighbor. Gotcha!
AGW & CO2: Obvious conclusion, We're All Gonna DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE! Certainly within the next 120 years. Well, most of us. Grandchildren, not so much. (I exhale deeply, to add my CO2.)
Little Ice Age? Man, I want BIG ICE in my tea/soda/whatever! All Lies: Snark can be fun. I'm guessing it was for him. Me, not hardly at all. Owls: As the man said, "You can't do just ONE thing." The Law Of Unexpected Consequences...also applies. Severely so. QUOTE: But alas, every campus -- from the illustrious Ivies, to the bucolic liberal arts colleges, to the big states schools -- has a pervasive party culture wherein recklessly skipping class, hooking up, and cheating are tolerated (if not entirely accepted), widespread phenomena. This struck me from the vocational school link. Think about the above while you read the Instapudit visitor comment Barrister linked to a couple post earlier. I suspect many will see a similarity between the two descriptions of schools. Of course, one is a school for children and the other is...no that's not true anymore. Twenty-six is the new 18. In one the students are passed on simply for showing up, while at the other....no that's not different anymore either. The CO2 story was also reported here, in more detail: http://tiny.cc/c43l1w
To view a very good perspective on past CO2 levels, this chart is excellent: http://tiny.cc/063l1w As we see, CO2 is extremely low by geological standards. The entire "carbon" scare is a politician's dream, paving the way for government to get what it has always craved: the ability to tax the air we breathe. But the "carbon" scare is a complete false alarm. CO2 is every bit as harmless as H2O. Life on earth could not exist without both of them. Just don't call him any bad names or he'll stomp his foot and threaten to cry.
I take it you're referring to that insane rant he left in the Beatles post? Scott, you need help, and lots of it.
Jim Jetson
2013-08-11 05:36
Um... "Jim Jetson":
I left no comment on the Beatles post, as you allege. Maybe you could explain your unusual fixation on my always polite, no-name-calling comments. Do I know you? Or have you just had a bad hair day? If so, you have my sympathy. John, my old MF stalker! Howya doin'?
I have a helpful suggestion for you: while I enjoy knowing you're reading all of my comments — and hopefully, learning something — if they really bother you... just skip them. Easy-peasy! [And the noun is spelled "effect", not "affect". ☺] H2O harmless! What about the water vapor and its ability to amplify the CO2 greenhouse effect? We cannot rest until the EPA declares H2O a more potent pollutant than even CO2.
You H2O denialists have no idea of the harm you do. O[sub]2[/sub] is nasty stuff too. Largely responsible for the terrible condition of our roads and bridges.
If this is going to be a science site, we need to know how to do subscripts, superscripts and other scientific notation. How about a tutorial, Doc.
ZBorg: you are so right. The EPA must be given unfettered control of the air...
...oh, wait. They already have that. Nevermind. And I see I now have a following. An entourage! I wonder where that came from [after maybe 5 comments on this subject, in as many years]. Sockpuppets, anyone? ["Jetson"? Really? ☺ http://tiny.cc/532n1w ] Anyway, my unemotional and fact-based comment was entirely normal, and no different from the very first post in this thread. Hm-m-m... BillH and Tom Francis are correct to be sarcastic in their comments below. The entire "carbon" scare is a false alarm, riding the federal grant gravy train. I for one do not appreciate seeing $Billions of tax dollars wasted on political pseudo-science. And I think lots of folks beside Bill and Tom [and several commenters above this] think the same way: "carbon" is the taxpayer scam of the century. Anyone disagree? It's all going to be moot in a couple of months when the Sun flips magnetic poles. The geomagnetic consequences are going to be huge.
It's the end of the world as we know it!!! Run for your lives!!! Ok, not really, but the geomagnetic storms should produce some really kinky RF propagation and do some weird things to the weather. Which of course will all be blamed on Wlobal Garming. |
Tracked: Aug 11, 09:40
Tracked: Sep 02, 20:00