Sitting down? Already eaten a little something today? I want to make sure you've got the stomach to witness what you might later describe as the most horrific display of racism you've ever seen:
Like you, I was shocked into silence. I opened my mouth to respond to the horror I'd just witnessed, yet no words sprang forth.
Likewise, I'm sure you sat there, jaw agape, thinking, Huh? WTF? I don' get it!!"
But that's perfectly understandable.
After all, your maiden name isn't Chinese.
CNBC Reporter's Use Of "Chink In The Armor" Condemned By Asian American Journalists
A CNBC reporter is under fire for using the phrase "chink in the armor" during a Tuesday discussion of Wendi Deng's pending divorce from News Corp and 21st Century Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch.
The comments by CNBC's Robert Frank drew a critical response from the Asian American Journalists Association, which condemned the statements as "offensive" and "inappropriate."
You'll notice they used the clumsy word 'inappropriate' instead of the time-honored 'insensitive', but they're new to this. They'll learn quickly enough.
As we noted a few days ago in Team Asia Drops The Ball, these are exciting times for Asians worldwide as they soar to new heights breaking new ground in uncharted waters.
As both the Asiatic Anti-Defamation League and the National Association for the Advancement of Yellow-Colored People swing into full gear, there'll be nothing but lucrative lawsuit settlements and the admiration of their peers — that is, the other victim groups — in the future for these groundbreaking pioneers using this previously untapped resource.
And, as 200 years of suppressed, rabid anti-Asianism comes boiling to the surface, you'd certainly expect to see the occasional "racist song!" headline, like we do now when some songwriter inadvertently uses the term "niggardly" or "Jew's harp".
But the most racist song in history? That's how far these up-and-comers have already advanced.
Quite Possibly The Most Racist Song Ever Written
Folks say it's quite possibly the most racist song ever written.
Yep, that's what folks say. He, in turn, leads us to the source of this unfolding horror:
Offensive "Asian Girlz" Video Sparks Talk Of Protest
The crap-tastic, Sugar Ray–esque L.A. band really performs a song, "Asian Girlz," with the following lyrics: Korean barbecue / Bitch I love you / I love your creamy yellow thighs / Ooh your slanted eyes.
We still think it's some kind of a joke. A very sick and tasteless joke.
This is, of course, what's so wrong with today's Political Correctness. Even mentioning the attributes of a people puts the stamp of Racist across one's forehead.
Having learned this valuable lesson, I dashed back to the first site and wrote:
So, let me see if I've got this straight.
If I write a song about an English girl and refer to her "creamy white thighs" and "beautiful blue eyes", it's quite possibly the most racist song ever written.
If I write a song about a black girl and refer to her "creamy dark thighs" and "deep brown eyes", it's quite possibly the most racist song ever written.
Likewise, if I write a song about an Asian girl and refer to her "creamy yellow thighs" and "exotic slanted eyes", then that, too, is quite possibly the most racist song ever written.
Just checking.
And, of course, we have the long-expected update:
Band Removing 'Asian Girlz' Song, Video After Racist Backlash
So we welcome our Asian brothers and sisters to the exciting, lucrative world of grievance and victimization, and wish them eminent success as they brave the waters of this new and bountiful course as they seize control of their shared destiny with other worldwide victims in bringing to light the New World Order where no one will ever feel offended again.