Thursday, March 12. 2020
From Most Important Coronavirus Question: Will I Get Sick And Die?, this is Dr. Fauci:
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively."
Wednesday, March 11. 2020
Billionaire Elon Musk: 'You don't need can learn everything for free'
Widow of Steve Jobs preaches it's 'wrong' to accumulate wealth
CA Gov. Newsom has Praise for Trump Over Handling of Coronavirus
Dr. Drew Pinsky Slams Media For Inciting Coronavirus ‘Panic’
'No Copays, No Surprise Charges': Pence Declares Insurers Have Agreed To Cover Coronavirus Costs
Crushing the Coronavirus Curve
Dr. Oz Argues Coronavirus Numbers from Korea Show Lower Death Rate – May Be No Worse than Common Flu
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Falsely Claims Credit for Defeating SARS Epidemic
She wasn't even there
The progressive narrative on homelessness has always been wrong—and new data undermine it further.
Inside the FBI's 218 days that changed Trump's political world
Choosing Not to Vote
“President Obama, in his messianic period, declared that choosing between security and liberty was a false choice,” Krauthammer wrote. “On the contrary. It is the eternal dilemma of every free society. Politics is the very process of finding some equilibrium between these two competing values.”
" Democrats such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aren’t opposed to school choice. They’re opposed to school choice for other people’s children."
Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden
Three reasons Joe Biden will never be president
WaPo, MSNBC Give Biden New Instructions on How to Address Burisma
On the team
GOP approval rises, Democrats fall post-impeachment in Gallup poll
Italy Suspends Mortgage Payments, Businesses Dying As Panicked Residents Hoard Food
Europe Under Siege - Barbarians are storming the gates, but Europeans still won’t pull in the welcome mat.
Monday, March 9. 2020
This is not the first time. I miss Charles Krauthammer.
Sunday, March 8. 2020
Have you noticed people avoiding public spaces this week? I have noticed fewer people on the subways (Which is great. Probably Ubering, or, God forbid, "working from home".)
Word is that the theater/movie biz is having a drop in attendance. Restaurants and pubs as busy as ever. People vary in their vulnerability to fearfulness. I refuse to be among the fearful. It's just not my way.
My church this morning was packed, as always. No more sipping the wine from the same cup, though. I never liked that idea anyway.
My gym is as busy as usual. They claim they do a special cleaning every three days. Whatever.
What about travel plans? Cruise lines are dead for a while, and northern Italy is shut down. I feel bad for their businesses. It's a Black Swan event. If you plan for Black Swans, you go nuts.
Saturday, March 7. 2020
New study shows sea level rise has been slow and a constant, pre-dating industrialization
That's what happens during interglaciations. The reverse happens during glaciations. People once lived where the English Channel is now.
Note to readers: The CDC has certified that Maggie's Farm has installed effective protections against sending COVID-19 through the internet. It's a very high-tech filter made of baling wire, duct tape, and organic, non-GMO fresh, damp cow manure which is stuffed into our internet access portal (we use a PVC pipe). We do it to keep you safe here.
'Rosie the Riveter' dies at 95: New York woman who first inspired the iconic character while working on a fighter plane assembly line during WWII passes away
Girl Scouts are tough salespeople
She inherited millions, and nobody knows
Smart girl
Quillette: A Closer Look at ‘White Fragility’ Theory
Historian: I Warned The 1619 Project’s Author She Was Wrong About The Revolutionary War
LI: Look for the Union Label Week in Higher Education
California's Government Has Turned Homelessness Into Big Business
Blockbuster Jobs Report: Feb Payrolls Soar By 273,000, Smashing Expectations, As Unemployment Rate Drops... But Does Anyone Care?
Anyone Notice That Trump’s Economy Keeps Beating Expectations?
MSM will not mention
Schumer’s SCOTUS threat was truly unprecedented, then he made it worse
Maddow Tells Warren Her Exit From Race Was ‘Death Knell’ For ‘Woman President In Our Lifetimes’
I doubt it, but is that really so important? Dem women preferred Biden.
Are you suffering from Elizabeth Warren Denial Syndrome? Symptoms include seeing sexism everywhere and forgetting Tulsi is still in the race
Biden Keeps Forgetting Obama’s Name While Campaigning
MSM will not discuss
'It's pandemonium': virus panic-buying hits Los Angeles
The Age of Mass Hysteria
All of Italy’s Regions Infected with Coronavirus
Insty's Corona update
Friday, March 6. 2020
U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households
Is that at least part of why women here tend to vote for parental governments? For security, or a fantasy of security? Is that a female thing? If so, it doesn't seem very feminist to me.
Let's face it: Most of us have fairly humdrum, routine, comfortable lives aside from work annoyances, bill-paying, and kids' various problems.
But humans are wired for excitement, threat responses, etc. Survival instincts. Most of us crave some degree of excitment, and will even pay money for it because life is so relatively easy. Some more than others, of course. Roller coasters, climbing Mt. Everest, etc.
There's probably a Bell curve spectrum of various responses to real, perceived, or imagined threat. Some cower and hide, some rise up and resist, even irrationally, and everything in between. I like to think I am in the calm, rational, middle but I will kill you if you threaten me or my home. No regrets if that were to occur.
I love blizzards. Tornadoes? No.
Viking skeleton’s DNA test proves she was a woman warrior
Felony Arrest of 10-Year-Old for Playing With Toy Gun
University of Texas orders faculty to undergo training on law that criminalizes sex jokes
California’s ethnic studies proposal is incomplete and offensive
Less than 2 percent of Harvard faculty are conservative, survey finds
The Nigerian prince scam is still fooling people. Here’s why. A classic grift has evolved over time.
Williams College suspended male student for not dating girl after kissing her: lawsuit
I Went to a Socialism Conference Last Year. Consider Me Scared.
328 Chinese Nationals Caught Trying To Illegally Enter U.S. At Southern Border
We’re Accumulating More Critical Information About The Coronavirus Every Day
Schumer to Gorsuch and Kavanaugh: Nice Little Court Ya Got There, Hate to See Anything Happen to It …
Warren Blames ‘Sexism’ For Her Failed Campaign…
MSNBC’s Brian Williams reads a tweet: "Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. U.S. Population, 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million"
MSNBC’s Brian Williams, NY Times editor marvel at tweet that got Bloomberg math really wrong
With Biden ascendant, it's useful to remember just how awful he is
North Korea’s Ballistic Bluster May Mask Major Epidemic
Thursday, March 5. 2020
Paranoids love to have a teensy bit of fact to appear to justify their habitual fearfulness, and preppers love having a reason to justify their prepping. I feel those people just find it exciting, but most people I talk to just joke about the hysteria.
The Rich Are Preparing for Coronavirus Differently. Concierge doctors, yachts, chartered planes and germ-free hideaways.
What a crazy world! If you ask me, a 6-month supply of peanut butter and jelly, and a bag of flour, ought to take care of it. Maybe 50 bags of chips, and how many cases of beer? Store Shelves Across The Country Are Emptying Fast
When Should You Let Your Kids Start Lifting?
10,000 steps: Not quite magical when it comes to weight
Of course not. Still, better to move around a lot than to sit
Female Guardian Writer: My Lack of Attraction to My Dress-Wearing Boyfriend Made Me Doubt My Liberation from the Patriarchy's Mind Control
Court Considers Whether Men-Only Draft Is Constitutional
The University of California-Santa Cruz has fired 54 graduate workers after they refused to turn in fall semester grades in an ongoing dispute over pay.
Time to grow up, kids
NY Times Knows What The Best Treatment For Coronavirus Is
Sen. Mike Lee: It's time for Congress to bring accountability to intelligence community's surveillance poweR
I thought they did that decades ago
Former Obama-Era Cuban Prisoner Says Sanders Told Him, 'I Don't Know What's So Wrong' With Cuba
NYM on politicians:
They are doing it for the money and their livings depend on it. They are not theorists or philosophers. They are pros, and they’re not fooling around.
Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, “You Will Pay the Price! You Won’t Know What Hit You!”
Biden: “If I Win,” Beto O’Rourke, Who Wants Mandatory Gun Confiscation, Will “Change The Face” Of Gun Control
Trump's Super Tuesday results: Broad appeal beyond a united GOP
Israel picks its 2020 Eurovision entry, sung in four languages (with the music vid)
UN agency: Iran nearly triples stockpile of enriched uranium. The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog says Iran has nearly tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium since November in violation of its deal with world powers
Duh. They are permitted to lie to kaffirs
Tuesday, March 3. 2020
NYC is experiencing a virus panic. It must be in anticipation of a Wuhan-style 14-day lockdown. Supermarkets are running out of things like toilet paper, beer, coffee, etc. and there are empty shelves where the tomato sauces and spaghetti were. My Trader Joe's looks a little like Venezuela.
But why the run on water? People are buying all of the bottled water. Why? I can understand stocking up on beer and wine, but water?
Americans stockpiling
Why is there any matter in the universe at all? New Sussex study sheds light
The end of the Chevy Impala
Dogfight over endangered species looms over efforts to delist gray wolf
Will canceling unused credit cards hurt my credit score?
What the NYT’s 1619 Project aims to teach your kids
The Power of Liberal Peer Condemnation on Conservatives
Will Sen. Chris Murphy infect the entire US Senate with COVID-19?
Iraqi TV: Coronavirus Is An American, Jewish Plot To Reduce World Population
The Coronavirus Is Dramatic Enough As Is, Thank You
How News Coverage Changed For The Worse
Gregg Jarrett: Hillary Clinton will feign amnesia if forced to testify about her secret email server
What An Ally! Turkey’s Erdogan Sets Refugee Flood On NATO
Monday, March 2. 2020
3 ethnic jokes
US Flu Cases Climb to 15 Million With 54 Pediatric Deaths Recorded in 2019-20 Season
Hidden news about the epidemic sweeping across America!
Some students say colleges not doing enough to combat coronavirus-fueled racism. "In classes, people won't want to sit next to them. If they're coughing, everyone stares at them," a student said of his peers of Asian descent.
Coronavirus Context: You’ll Be Fine, Probably
One of my NYC daughters reports people walking around with masks. Sheesh.
If you think Democrats and the media are politicizing coronavirus, you’re right
I ain't askeered
Deer dies of cancer with odd stomach contents, prompting warning from Colorado Parks & Wildlife
NYC: Would anybody be putting billion dollar plus buildings in these locations if they thought there was anything to this sea level rise hype?
UCLA BANS all single-use plastics
Rush's medical update
Left purging Comrade Matthews
Republican Mega-donor Buys Stake In Twitter, Seeks To Oust Jack Dorsey – Report
Is Bernie Sanders the American Version of Jeremy Corbyn?
Tucker: Are we sure America won't elect a socialist? (youtube)
Political Correctness In Britain? This Orwellian Madness Has Reached New Levels Of Absurdity
U.S. Signs Peace Deal With Taliban After Nearly 2 Decades Of War In Afghanistan
Saturday, February 29. 2020
Friday, February 28. 2020
Scott's podcast today, with Scott stoned. He's a better talker stoned than 99.9% of people cold sober.
Virus panic is making a lot of adults act insane. The stock market, though, makes sense in its own crazy way because of supply chains, etc., and it always overreacts anyway. Good buying opportunity, as I see it.
With all the news hype, I wonder what our readers think about this phenomenon whether the news hype aspect, the medical aspect, or the panic.
Real Headline from The Crazy Years: "Doctors suspended for removing transgender man's vagina without consent"
New Jersey Public Schools To Teach LGBT Ideology In Every Subject
Criminalizing Dissent at UMass Amherst. 21-year-old Louis Shenker just wanted his MAGA hat back
College accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ after ‘mostly white’ choir sings black spirituals
Idaho students demand Starbucks offer 'free' vegan milk that 'doesn't support animal abuse'
It's not milk, dummies. It's just white gunk.
Related, Across the country, rural communities want to secede from their states. Here's why. Americans outside of urban centers feel as though they have no voice. They want to reclaim their agency.
In global terms the coronavirus epidemic has reduced trust in One World institutions even further than they have fallen already. The bat from Wuhan that trashed the tourism trade, sank the cruise ship industry, cancelled myriad events, crippled global supply chains and upended politics is the single most dramatic example of the Butterfly Effect in history.